Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 247: The mistake of not heeding the warning -side story 1

Chapter 247: The mistake of not heeding the warning -side story 1

As the lanky man overheard this, he came to a stop and his eyes flashed looking at the girl. Although the current immortals didn't have powers, this lanky man has dedicated his whole life to studying immortals power and he could say with confidence that, contrary to immortals beliefs, powers weren't manifested randomly. In cases like the council families, it was almost set in stone that their powers would be passed down from generation to generation.

In other words, it was always the same power, however, there existed some exceptions. What the lanky man found out about powers was that there was subconscious foundation for one's power. For normal immortals who weren't part of the families, the type of power that formed inside of them depended on one's desire. It was this desire that determined an immortal's abilities.

Although it wasn't always the exact powers they desired, it was always something similar to it or at least something in that direction.

However, if a person's desire for a certain power and ability was strong enough, that desired power and ability would manifest itself. This was applied to the families as well. If a successor's desire for another power was so great it topped everything else, then to 100% they'd attain that ability instead of their family's passed down one. The desire had to be stronger, greater and desperate enough to topple the tradition of a long generational family.

So, when the lanky man heard the type of power that girl wished for, he was brimming with joy. He wondered how deep that desire was and how he could bring it to its full maximum, so that this desire would manifest into a power.

It was him who had Elder Z propose to add this power question to the questionnaire. For his research and goal, the lanky man needed someone like this girl and after a long search, he finally found her. No matter what, he had to get his hands on her.

"Who are they?" the lanky man asked an attendant who looked at his notes and answered, "Timo and Lini from the Veil. Normal people."

"I see," this was even better. There was no doubt that Min would soon become the Ghost King, since that stupid Lia would do anything Min asked her of. The timing was perfect. He'd cultivate this Lini into his perfect tool. The lanky man went back to Elder Z to request his assistance.

"I've finished!" Lini handed Timo the form, "Look over it! What do you say?"

"Looks good," frankly Timo had not even an ounce of a clue about the Mortal World. He knew it was dangerous for them to go there but if they would go with others who were experienced, it should be fine, right?

Some of the immortals were talking about a club, maybe Timo and Lini could join after the request passed through.

The mass started to scatter as those that stayed and filled out the form handed it to the attendants. Elder Z and the lanky man were nowhere to be seen anymore.

"You handed it in?"

Lini skipped back and nodded happily, "They said they'd notify you via post if you pass!"

Then Lini turned shy, "C-Can we explore the capital a bit more?"

Timo wanted to disagree but seeing Lini's anticipating look, he couldn't refuse, "ALright, hold my hand."

"I'm not a kid!"

"We can leave if you want."

"No, no! Brother's hand's warm! I like it, hehe," Lini turned obedient.

It was already evening when they circled back to the now massively crowded plaza. Suddenly loud commotion spread. The crowd spilt in the middle and made a pathway.

"What's going on?" Lini could barely contain her excitement as they were squished in the middle of the crowd barely able to see the open space.

"Miss Lia! It's Miss Lia! Back from purging ghosts!"

Did they always create such an ordeal when the daughter of the K family appeared in public?

"Really? I want to see!" Lini jumped up while Timo stared at the slender figure of a woman.

When he finally got a glimpse of the rumoured Lia, his breath got stuck in his throat. Indeed the rumours were true, she really was undoubtedly ethereal and beautiful.

"Lini, what do you think?" Timo tore his gaze off the pleasantly smiling female and turned to his right yet-

Badump Badump Badump

Timo's heart felt like it was about to explode. His hand sweated and his throat became dry.


Left and right. Front and back. Lini was nowhere to be found.

Nowhere. Nowhere. Nowhere.

Timo's bad feeling increased. Did she get lost? But how? Wasn't she just right next to him? Didn't he tell her to hold his hand? No, why wasn't he holding onto hers?

What the hell was he doing? What the hell was he thinking? Ok, calm down.

"I said, calm down!" Timo cursed as his legs carried him to a stray alley.

Although Lini got easily distracted and was excited about everything, she wouldn't just leave him like this.

No. Then could it be Lini was kidnapped? But who would? Why? Well, it was true that Lini was cute, adorable, pretty and eye-catching, Timo could understand, but there was no reason to kidnap her, right?

As these thoughts settled into Timo, a sense of void, panic and incredible despair drowned him. Didn't she want to protect him? She couldn't even protect herself! He couldn't even protect her!

What should he do? What? Just what?

That was right! The families! The families would help him! Elder Z! Elder Z seemed kind, he definitely-

With that thought, Timo ran and ran and ran.

His mind was spinning, his body was burning and bit by bit his sanity was chipped away. Timo was in a frantic daze, everyone he saw, he asked, "Have you seen a girl? Have you seen Elder Z?"

But no one gave him any desirable answers! No one! No one! Fuck! Why were they all so useless?

Lini must be playing a prank, right? Lini must be suffering, right now, right? No, she must be waiting for him, she was smart, she wouldn't go around alone, she wouldn't-

"Please just be safe! Please! Please! Please!" Timo's eyes started to tear up, they mingled with the sweat on his face and ran down to fall onto the ground to leave nothing but helplessness behind.

He knew his sister, she wouldn't leave the core of the capital. So Timo circled the first layer painfully. He checked everywhere but Lini wasn't there. What should he do? He couldn't find her nor the elders. 

What was he supposed to do? Just what? What? Keep a calm mind? How? Timo didn't know why either but a suffocating force pressed down on his mind and lungs, it grabbed him by the throat and threatened to choke the life out of him. He wasn't used to this, he had no idea how to control himself. He was a failure as an older brother, he-

"Are you alright? Do you need help?" a kind and gentle voice pulled Timo from the verge of being broken. Timo instantly shot up and grabbed her by the shoulders.

In his daze, he couldn't see through his tears who she was and mumbled, "Have you seen a girl? She looks kinda like me. About this tall. She wears a light red robe and her hair's tied up with a bunny clip. She's still holding onto the cotton candy stick she bought this afternoon, she-"

"I'm sorry, I haven't," the female gently answered but Timo only grew more agitated. His fingernails dug into the woman's flesh as he shouted, "Then have you seen Elder Z? Have you-"

"No, but I can bring you to him," the woman smiled and didn't mind that Timo hurt her. Instead, she softly took his hand and led him. He was in a bad state, she could see that, so she was as patient and comforting as possible with him.

Timo felt the warmth of her hand and wanted to break down again but her firm grip urged him to hold on and follow her.

"Are you looking for someone?"

"My sister!"

"Did she get lost? It's quite crowded here."


"Why are you looking for Elder z?"

"He can help me."

"Really?" the woman sounded sceptical and hesitant.

"Yes," although Timo didn't know why either, he was confident in this. It was just a feeling.

"Ok, we're soon there," the whole time the woman comforted Timo as much as she could when they finally arrived at the Z family's mansion.

"Who are you? What do you want?" the guards unkindly asked.

"It's Maria from the H family, I wish to talk to Elder Z. Please tell him to come out."

The guards nodded and left while Maria and Timo waited.

Timo looked at Maria and under the bright moonlight finally could hee her clearly. She didn't have an exceptional beauty like Lia but why was she like a goddess in Timo's eyes?

Why was her touch burning his heart and soothed his pain?

Timo opened his mouth when Elder Z stepped out, "Maria?"

"Elder Z, this gentleman wishes to talk to you."

One look at Timo and Elder Z understood, "You can leave Maria."


"Elder H should be busy?"

Maria understood the threat but she didn't feel comfortable leaving Timo with this snake Elder Z alone.

However, Timo understood that as long as Maria was here, Elder Z wouldn't talk. For some reason, Timo didn't want her to leave, her presence calmed him but he still said, "Please. It's fine."

Since Maria had no choice, she reluctantly left. One last look at Timo and Elder Z and Maria disappeared.

"You're Timo, right? You're here for your request, right? About this, it's been rejected."

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