YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 60: Last Battle of Battle City

Chapter 60: Last Battle of Battle City

[3rd POV]

After waking up, Yuna's strength swiftly returned to her body, and in the evening, she had fully recovered. However, Seto still wasn't convinced and postponed the match for another day, much to her complaint.

With the free time, Yuna begins to prepare herself for the final battle, one that's possibly more difficult than the duel against Yami Marik...

A day later...

"Sano-san, are you sure you're alright?" Yugi asked worriedly.

Feeling her confidence surge from the exhilaration of the upcoming duel, Yuna smiled and nodded: "Thanks for your concern, but I'm okay now."

"I'm glad," Yugi replied, smiling with relief. As the two duellists smiled at each other, the spectators were fervently discussing the outcome of the upcoming battle.

"What do you guys think? Will Yugi win this time?" Joey curiously asked his friends.

Tristan shrugged: "Who knows? Sano-san is super strong, after all."

"Hmph, of course, Big Sister will win!" Serenity said with confidence.

"Hey, Tea, who do you think will...." Joey held his breath and was frightened by Tea's cold demeanour.

"The two sure are laughing happily, huh..." She muttered with an emotionless expression.

Joey gulped, and he quietly backed away from her. However, as soon as he does, he senses another chilling pressure and hesitantly turns around, seeing Seto scowling: "The hell is that midget smiling at..."

'What in the world is wrong with these two?' Joey thought to himself and decided to stay away from them so he wouldn't get caught up in whatever was happening...

"Are the two duellists ready!?" Roland's loud voice brought everyone's focus back onto the duel.

On the field, Yugi took a deep breath, and Yuna sensed a power powerful energy emitting from the Millennium Puzzle. Once he opened his eyes, she could tell that the normal Yugi had disappeared, and she was now facing the ancient pharaoh.

"Let's have a great battle." Yami Yugi grinned: "I have become stronger compared to the last time we duelled.

"Of course," Yuna replied: "But I want to keep my title and have no planning to lose it!"

"DUEL!" X2

[Yugi Mutou: 4000 LP]

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP]

"I will go first!" Yami Yugi exclaimed: "First, I will summon Queen's Knight in attack position and set two cards. Then I end my turn."

[Queen's Knight: 1500 Attack, 1600 Defence]

"It's my turn," Yuna declared: "I will play Card Destruction, and we sent our entire hand to the graveyard before drawing the same number of cards. Next, I will activate Return of the Dragon Lords, summoning Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand from my graveyard!"

"Already?!" Yami Yugi exclaimed in shock, and a ferocious presence immediately dominated the field: "It's my oversight for not expecting something like this..."

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"Well, I'm not slacking off this time," Yuna smiled: "Now, upon resurrecting, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand will activate its ability and banish Queen's Knight on the field, then it will gain attack and defence equal to Queen's Knight's level multiplied by one hundred!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3200 Attack, 2800 -> 3200 Defence]

"Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, attack Yugi directly!" She shouted, and the dragon responded to her orders with a roar.

"I will activate my trap card, Mirror Force!" Yami Yugi interjected and revealed the set trap on his field: "When your monster declares an attack, I will be able to destroy all monsters on your field that are in attack position!"

Before the attack struck, a blue shield deflected Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's claws before firing a stream of flame that swept the dragon away. Although feeling disappointed by the failed attempt, the smile on Yuna's face remained: "I will set a card and end my turn; that was a good move, Yugi."

"Thank you," Yami Yugi chuckled: "Let's keep going, I will draw!"

"Before you enter your Main Phase, I will activate the effect of Arkbrave Dragon in my graveyard! When Arkbrave Dragon was sent into the graveyard, on the next stand-by phase, I could revive one level seven or eight dragon monster! I summon Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"Since you have no monsters on your field or graveyard, I can't activate Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect." Yuna smirked and crossed her arms: "You can continue, Yugi."

Yami Yugi's expression stiffened slightly: "I will summon Berfomet."

[Berfomet: 1400 Attack, 1800 Defence]

"When Berfomet is summoned, I can add Gazelle, the King of Mystical Beast, to my hand." He explained: "Then, I will play Polymerisation, fusing my Beformet and Gazelle, the King of Mystical Beast, to fusion-summon, Chimera the Flying Mystical Beast!"

Two beasts suddenly appeared and roared in unison. Gradually, the animals merged, creating a two-headed monster with wings.

[Chimera the Flying Mystical Beast: 2100 Attack, 1800 Defence]

"The fusion monster will be summoned in defence-position. Then I will set a card and end my turn."

'He fusion summoned a much weaker monster than Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand...' Yuna frowned, and her eyes flashed with a realisation: 'I see. It's battle city, which meant that Chimera, the Flying Mystical Beast, counted as two tributes....'

"I will enter my battle phase, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, attack!" The Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand charged, and the Chimera's body tensed on the impact.


With a single breath, Chimera, the Flying Mystical Beast, was incinerated: "When Chimera the Flying Mystical Beast is destroyed, I can special-summon either Beformet or Gazelle, the King of Mystical Beast, from the graveyard. I will choose Beformet and summon the monster in the defence position."

"Also, I will activate Soul Rope and pay one thousand life points to special summon Breaker, the Magical Warrior from my graveyard!"

[Berformet: 1400 Attack, 1800 Defence]

[Yugi Mutou: 4000 LP -> 3000 LP]

[Breaker the Magical Warrior: 1600 Attack, 1000 Defence]

"That's fine," Yuna shrugged: "When Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand destroys a monster in battle, I can target a level-seven or eight dragon in the graveyard and summon it onto the field. I will choose my Arkbrave Dragon!"

[Arkbrave Dragon: 2400 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"Now, when Arkbrave Dragon is revived, I can banish all of your traps, and it will gain two hundred attacks for each card banished!"

"That won't be possible!" Yami Yugi interrupted: "I will activate my trap, Dark Renewal; when my opponent summons a monster, I can send that monster and a spell caster monster I control to the graveyard. Then I can bring back a spell caster monster from my grave!" Breaker, the Magical Warrior, pointed its sword at Arkbrave Dragon, and a beam of light shot from the tip of the weapon. The light struck the dragon, generating a blinding explosion that destroyed the two monsters on the field.

"Now, I will special-summon my Dark Magician that I discarded earlier from your Card Destruction!" Yuna was momentarily caught off guard before frowning at the convenience of the power of the Pharoah.

[Dark Magician: 2500 Attack, 2100 Defence]

"Then I'm ending my battle phase." She continued: "I play Foolish Burial, sending my Blue

Eyes White Dragon into my graveyard from my deck. After that, I will set a card and end my


"It's my turn! I will draw!" Yami Yugi shouted with vigour. Glancing at the card, his eyes gleamed with elation, and his expression didn't go unnoticed.

"Wait!" Yuna yelled: "Since you sent my Arkbrave Dragon back to the graveyard, its effect will trigger once more, and I will revive my Blue Eyes White Dragon!!"

"Such a troublesome monster," Yami Yugi grumbled with a smile as the roar shook the tower and the sound of a huge figure landing could be heard. Blue Eyes White Dragon stretched its wings and howled as Yuna smiled wryly and remembered a certain girl.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack, 2500 Defence]

However, the smile soon disappeared when Yuna felt a bad premonition in her heart, and she immediately understood why: 'A God... Yugi will definitely summon a God this turn.' Unfortunately for Yuna, her thoughts became a reality as Yami Yugi began to play: "I will first activate Double Summon, allowing me to normal summon twice this turn!"

"Next, I will summon my Celtic Guardian in attack position!" He yelled, summoning an elf

knight who proudly displayed his sword.

[Celtic Guardian: 1400 Attack, 1200 Defence]

"Now, all the conditions have been met!" Yami Yugi shouted, raising his hand into the air: "With three sacrifices, I will call upon the almighty God, Obelisk the Tormentor!!"

A massive gust of wind swept through the field, and Yuna shielded her eyes from clouds of

dust. As a dark portal consumed the three monsters on Yami Yugi's side, a colossal blue humanoid rose from the shadow. The giant bellowed and clenched its fists, exerting a menacing pressure that made Yuna tense.

[Obelisk the Tormentor: 4000 Attack, 4000 Defence]

"Obelisk the Tormentor, attack Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!" Yami Yugi ordered, and the

Egyptian God lashed out with its fists.


[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 2800 LP]

As Obelisk the Tormentor retracted its arms, Yami Yugi was surprised when Divine Dragon

Lord Felgrand unfurled its wings, revealing its healthy body: "I know it wouldn't be that


Yuna smiled: "I will banish Return of the Dragon Lords from my graveyard and prevent Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand from being destroyed.

"Hmph, very well. I will set a card and end my turn."

Staring at Obelisk's massive frame, Yuna grumbled: "Does every duel I play now have to involve a God?" Sighing, she swept her hand over her bangs: "My turn, draw!"

"First, I activate Pot of Greed and draw two cards from my deck." She announced: "Next, I summon Dragon Knight of Creation!"

[Dragon Knight of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defence]

"With Dragon Knight of Creation's effect, I can discard one card. Then I will send Dragon

Knight of Creation and resurrect a level-seven or eight dragons from my graveyard, and I will summon Arkbrave Dragon!"

[Arkbrave Dragon: 2400 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"When Arkbrave Dragon is summoned, I can activate its effect and banish all of your set traps or spells!" The dragon roared, and the green emerald on its head unleashed a devasting beam that wiped out Yami Yugi's entire back-row as the card flipped over, revealing the dangerous Magical Cylinder that made her sigh with relief.

"With each card banished, Arkbrave Dragon will also gain two hundred attacks."

[Arkbrave Dragon: 2400 -> 2600 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"I will set a card and end my turn here."

As Yami Yugi watched Yuna uneventfully ending her turn, his brows subconsciously furrowed:

'What is she planning....'

'What should we do?' The real Yugi asked. Despite having a God on their side, the two still

couldn't feel assured.

'I don't know...'

"First, I will activate Card of Sanctity, and we will both draw until we have six cards in our

hands." Yami Yugi explained while they both drew six cards: "Next, I will summon Feral


[Feral Imp: 1300 Attack, 1400 Defence]

"Then, I will bring back my Dark Magician through Monster Reborn!"

[Dark Magician: 2500 Attack, 2100 Defence]

'If she's hiding something, we will just force her to reveal it to us!'

"I will enter my battle phase and activate Obelisk, the Tormentor's greatest ability, Soul

Energy Max!!" Yami Yugi shouted, and the pupils of the Egyptian God shone ominously: "By

tributing my Feral Imp and Dark Magician, Obelisk the Tormentor will unlock its true power, raising its attack to be infinite!"

[Obelisk the Tormentor: 4000 ->∞ Attack, 4000 Defence]

"I... Infinite attack points?!" Serenity yelped: "How is Big Sister going to defeat that?"

"How is that even possible? There's no way a monster can get that strong!" Mokuba uttered in disbelief: "Big Brother, is she going to lose?"

Seto stared at Obelisk the Tormentor with a frown. He couldn't even think of an immediate strategy to destroy such a powerful monster. However...

'If it's her, she can do it.' Seto thought to himself, and of course, he didn't say it out loud. Sure

enough, his expectations weren't shattered as Yuna swiftly responded to Yami Yugi's assault.

"Obelisk the Tormentor, attack Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!" Yami Yugi shouted: "Use your Fist of Fury!"

Yuna stared at the Egyptian God, and the giant's fists plummeted like a flaming meteor: "I

will activate Honest in my hand! When a Light Monster I controls battle, I can discard this card, and that monster gains an attack equal to the attack it's battling!!"


Obelisk the Tormentor struck, creating a vast explosion that coated the field with dark smoke.


With a flap of its wings, the smoke was swept away, and Yami Yugi instinctively held his

breath. Blocking the Egyptian God's fists was Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand; the dragon howled and sent Obelisk the Tormentor stumbling backwards. [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> Attack, 2800 Defence] Enraged, Obelisk the Tormentor bellowed and attacked again as the dragon countered with its breath. In a thunderous detonation, the two monsters were caught in the blast and with a blinding light, they were wiped from the field.

"Obelisk the Tormentor, a monster with infinite attack, was defeated..." Yami Yugi mumbled;

slowly, his lips raised into a grin, and he laughed: "Kaiba was right... This duel... is so fun...."

"I'm having a lot of fun as well...." Yuna smiled.

"That's good to hear," He chuckled and closed his mouth, staring at her quietly.

This feeling... it was strangely nostalgic...

Shaking his head, Yami Yugi snapped out of his daze: "Let's continue. After the battle phase, I

will set a card and end my turn."

"My turn; I will draw and battle immediately!" Yuna shouted: "Blue Eyes White Dragon and

Arkbrave Dragon, attack Yugi's life points directly!"

"You activated my trap card, Eternal Soul!" Yami Yugi countered: "This will allow me to

special summon my Dark Magician from the graveyard, come forth my most trusted ally!" [Dark Magician: 2500 Attack, 2100 Defence]

"With Dark Magician, I will summon him in defence position and shield me from one of your dragons' attacks!"

Dark Magician knelt on one knee while Arkbrave Dragon soared into the sky. Diving down, the dragon attacked the mage, and compared to physical prowess, Dark Magician swiftly fell. "Now, Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack!" Yuna yelled, and Yami Yugi hurriedly revealed the

card in his hand: "That won't be happening! I reveal my Kuriboh! By discarding Kuriboh, I will take no damage from your Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

Blue Eyes White Dragon roared and unleashed a white beam. Suddenly, a small brown furry

creature appeared, standing bravely between the path of the attack.


As the explosion settled, Yami Yugi stood calmly, undamaged. Yuna sighed: "Then I will set

one more card. and end my turn here." She announced.

In her head, Yuna calculated the type of cards Yami Yugi still had in his deck: 'Slowly, if I keep

being careful, I can whittle him down enough....' However, before she could even get to that

level, there were still a few hurdles she had to cross.

"I will draw!" Yami Yugi shouted, glancing at the card; he smiled.

'Here it comes!' Yuna's body tensed, knowing that the second stage of this boss battle had

just begun.

"I will activate Eternal Soul's first effect and summon my Dark Magician from my graveyard!"

[Dark Magician: 2500 Attack, 2100 Defence]

"Now, with Dark Magician, I will also play Polymerisation! Fusing my mage with Buster

Blader, the dragon slayer! I fusion summon, Dark Paladin!"

Dark Magician closed his eyes as his clothing began to change, from the purplish robe to an

obsidian black armour with gold rims and the long green staff in his hand transformed into a large steel scimitar. The warrior opened his eyes and slashed the air, readied to fight. [Dark Paladin: 2900 Attack, 2400 Defence]

"With Dark Paladin's effect, he will gain five hundred attacks for each dragon on the field and


[Dark Paladin: 2900 -> 4900 Attack, 2400 Defence]

"With this, I will activate my spell card, Diffusion Wave Motion, paying one thousand of my

life points; Dark Paladin can now attack each monster you control!"

[Yugi Mutou: 3000 LP -> 2000 LP]

"I will battle!" Yami Yugi shouted as Dark Paladin readied his blade: "Attack Arkbrave


"I won't allow you!" Yuna growled: "I will activate Negate Attack, cancelling Dark Paladin's attack and ending the battle phase."

"That won't work. I activate Trap Jammer, discarding one card to negate the activation of your Negate Attack!"

"Damn!" Yuna cursed as Dark Paladin struck and landed a fatal blow on the Arkbrave Dragon's


[Yuna Sano: 2800 LP -> 500 LP]

"At this moment, I will be able to summon Keeper of the Shrine from my graveyard!" Yuna

growled.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

[Keeper of the Shrine: 0 Attack, 2100 Defence]

"That's fine, Dark Paladin, attack Blue Eyes White Dragon!" Yami Yugi yelled eagerly: "It's


"Tsk, it's not over! I will play Waboku, and my monster can't be destroyed, and I won't take

any damage this turn!" Yuna cried out frantically. [1]


The sword bounced off Blue Eyes White Dragon's scales, and Dark Paladin retreated to Yami

Yugi's side: "There's no point in me continuing attacking; I will set one card and end my turn."

"That was close..." Yuna muttered with a shaky breath: "With Arkbrave Dragon, I can revive my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand from my graveyard!" [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence]

"With Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, I will banish your Dark Paladin!" She shouted fiercely!" However, Yami Yugi frowned and immediately revealed his trap: "I activated my Dark Illusions; if an effect targets a dark monster on the field, I can negate the effect and destroy that card!"

"Tsk..." Yuna clicked her teeth: "Understood; I will play Pot of Greed and draw two more cards

from the deck."

"Next, I will activate Return of the Dragon Lords to revive my Arkbrave Dragon!" Yuna


However, as the golden light of the spell card began to form, it instantly vanished: "In response, I will activate Dark Paladin's effect." Yami Yugi explained: "When you play a spell

card, once per turn, I can discard one card to negate that spell card." Taking a deep breath, Yami Yugi closed his eyes to suppress enthusiasm: "Such excitement,

it's not something I can feel from any duels..." With a wide smile, he swung his arm: "Show

me, Sano-San, what will you do now!?"

Yuna sighed and chuckled wryly: "Looks like you give me no choice...." "First, I will play Polymerisation, fusing my Koumori Dragon and Herald of Creation in my

hand! I fusion summon, Mysterion the Dragon Crown!"

[Mysterion the Dragon Crown: 3000 Attack, 1500 Defence] [Dark Paladin: 4900 -> 5400 Attack, 2100 Defence]

"All conditions have been met!" Yuna yelled excitedly: "Using Mysterion, the Dragon Crown,

as two tributes and Blue Eyes White Dragon as my final sacrifice, I will call upon the strongest

out of the three Egyptian Gods, the Winged Dragon of Ra!!"


Instantly, a huge golden sphere rises from the ground. The sphere shinned, and hieroglyphics

orbit the massive globe.

"Great beast of the sky, please hear my cry! Transform thyself from the orb of light and bring me victory in this fight!

Envelop the desert with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe!

Unlock your powers from deep within so that together, we may win!

Appear in this game as I call out your name, Winged Dragon of Ra!"


The sphere trembled and hissed as steam erupted from its surface. Gradually, the lines along

the round object opened and revealed the best within. Unfurling its golden wings, the Winged

Dragon of Ra screeched, and its bird-like cry echoed throughout the entire field. [Winged Dragon of Ra: 0 Attack, o Defence] "Since Winged Dragon of Ra is summoned using three tributes, it would gain attack and

defence equal to the sum of all the powers of the sacrifices!" [Winged Dragon of Ra: 0 -> 6000 Attack, 0 -> 4000 Defence] "Ah..." Yami Yugi's eyes widened in realisation. Yuna had defeated Marik, so it was natural for

her to have Winged Dragon of Ra!

"Winged Dragon of Ra!" Yuna's voice brought his focus back onto the duel: "Attack Dark

Paladin!" The Egyptian God howled, unleashing a sea of flames that engulfed Dark Paladin


[Yugi Mutou: 2000 LP -> 1400 LP]


"So you gave her Winged Dragon of Ra after all...." Ishizu muttered and glanced at her little

brother, who was intently watching the match: "It is dangerous for a normal person to wield

an Egyptian God, especially the Winged Dragon of Ra." "Yes..." Marik nodded: "But I believe she's more than strong enough to control it."

"What led you to that judgement?" His sister asked.

"Because the monster she used in the duel against the evil spirit was more formidable than

the Winged Dragon of Ra."

Sensing a hint of admiration in his tone, Ishizu raised one of her brows in curiosity. Noticing

her gaze, Marik blushed slightly: "It's not that you think..." However, his denial only convinced her even more, and she frowned with a complicated expression: "Very well..." Ishizu replied, her words trailing off. Back at the duel, Yami Yugi observed the Winged Dragon of Ra with awe, and he felt a difference from the last time he had seen it. When Marik used the Egyptian God, it was intimidating, violent and ferocious. But with her, Winged Dragon of Ra felt more serene and


"I will set a card and end my turn here!" Yuna declared: "This is my last stand, Yugi." Yami Yugi bit his lips as the Winged Dragon of Ra responded to Yuna's will and roared. This turn was his only chance to get out of this disadvantageous position, or else he would no longer have the capability to interrupt her, and Yuna would gain too much momentum and

overwhelm him.

"You're right; it's now or never! I will draw!" He shouted, glimpsing at the card; he nodded to himself: "First, I will play Card Destruction, sending our entire hand to the graveyard, then we're able to draw the same number of cards! Then, I activate the Shallow Grave, and we both

can special summon a monster in a face-down position from our graveyards."

Yami Yugi: "I will summon my Dark Paladin!"

[Dark Paladin: 2900 Attack, 2600 Defence] "Then I will choose Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!" Yuna added: "But since it was summoned

in a face-down position, I wouldn't be able to activate it's effect." [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack, 2800 Defence] "Yes," Yami Yugi nodded with a smile: "With your dragon, the conditions have been met."

Under Yuna's confused gaze, he eagerly revealed the card in his hand: "Now, I will play my magic spell, Soul Exchange! I will be able to target your Keeper of the Shrine and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and tribute them as if they were monsters I control!" "Now, I will bring out my last trump card. With these three sacrifices, I summon thee, Slifer, the Sky Dragon!!"

The thunder shook the sky, and a dark cloud enveloped the atmosphere. Yuna frowned and

blocked her ears from the loud reptilian roar as a red serpentine beast plummeted from the


[Slifer the Sky Dragon: 0 Attack, o Defence] "Since I currently possess three cards, slifer's attack and defence will be boosted to three

thousand." Yami Yugi explained, showing the cards in his hand. [Slifer the Sky Dragon: 0 -> 3000 Attack, 0 -> 3000 Defence] "Then, I will use Card of Sanctity, and we both shall draw until we have six cards. With this,

the power of our Egyptian God has become equal!" [Slifer the Sky Dragon: 3000 -> 6000 Attack, 3000 -> 6000 Defence]

Yami Yugi: "Now, Slifer the Sky Dragon, attack the Winged Dragon of Ra!"

'Sh*t!' Yuna cursed: 'If Slifer and Ra destroy each other, Yugi will be able to revive his Dark

Magician, and I will be defenceless!'

"Winged Dragon of Ra, I will use my life points as an offering; stop him!" she yelled loudly,

and the Winged Dragon of Ra roared towards the sky. Gradually, the remainder of Yuna's life points began to drop, being absorbed into the Egyptian God's body: "With Winged Dragon of

Ra's effect, I will lose all my life points except one, and the remaining amount will be

transferred to the god's attack points!"

[Yuna Sano: 500 LP ->1 LP]

[Winged Dragon of Ra: 6000 -> 6499 Attack, 6000 Defence]


The two Gods crashed into each other, generating a massive explosion filled with a golden


blinding everyone. Yuna and Yami Yugi hissed at the intense light as they tried to spot

their Gods in the chaos.


A sharp cry was heard, and when the light dimmed, the Winged Dragon of Ra proudly stood at

the centre with the fallen Slifer, the Sky Dragon, beneath its feet.

[Yugi Mutou: 1400 LP -> 901 LP]

"Did I do it?" Yuna mumbled to herself.

After everything, her Winged Dragon of Ra was the final monster left standing on the field,

and soon, she would wipe out the rest of Yami Yugi's remaining life points...

Yuna's rapidly beating heart gradually relaxed, and her breathing became calm. Her body

trembled with excitement, and she thought that she had managed to pull off the impossible. "Sano...." Yami Yugi chuckled: "Thank you for making this duel so enjoyable; I never thought

I would have this much fun."


"But!" Yami Yugi's tone became solemn: "I won't give up now! Even with your Winged

Dragon of Ra, I will fight until the end!"

"What... What is he planning now?" Yuna mumbled in disbelief, and an unsettling feeling swept over her.

"I will set thee cards and end my turn!" He declared confidently: "This will be my last plan. I

never thought I would have to use it..."

"Set three..." Yuna muttered nervously. She knows that Yami Yugi has genuinely run out of

resources to keep fighting, and it could also be said about her; glancing at her hand, there

wasn't much she could do...

She closed her eyes and calmed her heart: "Very well. Then, I will also do my very best! I will

play my final Return of the Dragon Lords, reviving my Arkbrave Dragon!"

"In response, I will activate Solemn Judgement!" Yami Yugi shouted: "Cancelling the

summon of your Arkbrave Dragon and pay half of my life points!"

[Yugi Mutou: 901 LP -> 451 LP]

"Tsk..." Yuna clicked her teeth: "I will summon Paladin of Felgrand!"

[Paladin of Felgrand: 1700 Attack, 300 Defence]

"With Paladin of Felgrand, I will equip it with Arkbrave Dragon, then with his ability, and I

will tribute Arkbrave Dragon and Paladin of Felgrand to revive Arkbrave Dragon again!"

[Arkbrave Dragon: 2400 Attack, 2000 Defence] "Arkbrave Dragon, banish all of Yugi's cards!" Yuna shouted intensely. However, before Arkbrave Dragon could move, chains appeared out of nowhere and bound

the dragon in place.

"With my Fiendish Chain, Arkbrave Dragon will have its effect negated, and it could no longer

attack." Yami Yugi smirked: "I won't give up, no matter what." "Damn," Yuna grumbled: "You gave me no choice, Winged Dragon of Ra, unleash your fury

and attack Yugi directly!" Her pupils zoned in on the final set card on Yugi's field.

'What is it? Magical Cylinder has already been used! What card does he have!' "On your attack, I will use Eternal Soul, summoning Dark Magician onto the field!" Yami Yugi

announced, reviving his most trusted servant. [Dark Magician: 2500 Attack, 2100 Defence] "Are you only using Dark Magician to block Ra's attack?" Yuna questioned: "That won't be able to stop me!"

"I know," Yami Yugi agreed: "Yuna Sano, your strength as a duelist is truly unrivalled, and it

was an honour to duel someone like you. That's why I have deemed that winning may also be

difficult for me..."

"What are you saying..." Yuna muttered: "Wait, no, it can't be!"

Understanding her thought, he smiled: "I will activate my final card, Ring of Destruction, by

targeting my Dark Magician. I can destroy it, and both of us will be inflicted by damage equal

to Dark Magician's attack!"

Suddenly, a collar with grenades appeared on Dark Magician's neck. The mage glanced at the

deadly tool with composure, and the pins on the grenades flew off, setting the explosive to


"So you're going to bring both of us down?!" Yuna uttered in disbelief.

Yami Yugi: "If that's what it takes not to lose, then so be it."

"Ha... Ha..." She laughed shakily: "The power of the Pharoah sure is bull...."


[Yuna Sano: 1 LP -> 0 LP]

[Yugi Mutou: 450.5 LP -> 0 LP]

I hope you enjoy it. I tried to make this match very close to show how strong Yami Yugi is compared to others.

[1] Yugi activated a countertrap that was faster than a normal trap so that Yuna couldn't

respond, and she had to activate Waboku in a new chain.

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