YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 61: Battle City Just Ended But Another Trouble Has Arrived!

Chapter 61: Battle City Just Ended But Another Trouble Has Arrived!

This will conclude Battle City, meaning we're halfway there! I really want to say thanks to all of you readers; your support really meant a lot. I never expected this to blow up this big, but it was a great surprise.

Thank you, and I will not let you guys down!

[3rd POV]

The entire field was silent, and nobody uttered a single word. The spectators held their breath as the last few moments of the duel gradually registered in their heads.

"D.... Draw?" Mokuba mumbled in disbelief: "To think it would be a tie; Big Sister is so close!"

"I can't accept this...." Seto snarled and clenched his fists: "To use such a method..."

"But Big Brother..." Mokuba glanced at him awkwardly: "You did something like that earlier against Big Sister, too..."

Seto: "..... That's obviously different; I have used it with the intent of winning, not settling on something pathetic as a mere tie."

Clicking his teeth, Seto urged Roland to say something, and the referee snapped out of his shock hurriedly: "This match has concluded in a draw! Thus, both duellists Yugi Mutou and Yuna Sano will be considered the champions of the Battle City!"

"So they both won?" Joey muttered out loud: "Then who would be the Duel King now?"

Everyone's shoulders flinched slightly as Joey's voice travelled through the air. Glancing at the people close by, each of the spectators awkwardly observed the other's reaction.

"In my opinion," To everyone's surprise, it was Ishizu who spoke up first: "Miss Sano has not lost the duel; thus, she doesn't need to forfeit her title."

"But Yugi didn't lose as well, and since he's the challenger, shouldn't he take the title?" Tea voiced out.

"Yes, but for a challenger to take the title from the champion, the champion must be defeated." This time, it was Marik who answered.

Gradually, the discussion became heated as one side argued and emphasised who should possess the name of Duel King. Listening to this childish quarrel, Seto sighed: 'So annoying....'

Casting a glance in Yuna's direction, he observed her standing alongside Yugi, seemingly unsure of her next move. In an instant, Seto's countenance grew sombre, evidently disturbed by her apparent distress. As Yuna turned her head, their eyes met, and she mustered a troubled smile.

"Enough!" Seto exclaimed, "I've had my fill of this senseless debate; just give the title on both of them and let's put an end to it."

Instantly, a collective urge to protest bubbled up among the participants, yet under Seto's unwavering stare, they held their objections within, mindful of the fact that he was the one who had orchestrated the tournament in the first place.

Advancing onto the field, he halted in front of Yuna and Yugi, a palpable disdain emanating from him. "Hmph, starting today, both of you will bear the title of Duel King, at least for the time being." With a brisk turn, the tails of his coat swirled in the wind as he strode away without a backward glance.

Observing Seto's retreating figure, Yuna couldn't help but giggle to herself before turning towards Yugi. "Congratulations....."

Taken aback by her affectionate smile, Yugi blushed slightly, feeling a touch of

embarrassment. "I don't deserve such praise," he stammered humbly: "I didn't even win, so I don't understand what the big fuss is all about."

"But.... didn't lose... either..." She shrugged: "So... good job..."

Nodding, Yugi grinned: "Thanks Sano-san."

An hour later...

Following the climactic final duel, the tournaments swiftly came to a close, with Yuna and Yugi jointly securing the first-place position. Subsequently, a second match was organized to determine the runner-up and third-place positions, featuring Seto and Marik. Unexpectedly, at the commencement of the match, Marik promptly forfeited, much to the profound displeasure of Seto, who was visibly angered by the abrupt decision.

In the cockpit, Yuna observed in silence as the airship gracefully ascended. "Are you satisfied?" Seto inquired, prompting her to turn her head and meet his gaze.

"Satisfied....?" She replied in confusion.

"The outcome of the duel," He explained while looking ahead: "If I were you, I would not be happy with it."

"Yugi... is strong," Yuna replied hesitantly, "It's normal... not to win... every duel."

"I see," Seto muttered, ending the conversation with those two words

"Big brother, everything is ready!" Mokuba, seated nearby, called out suddenly, capturing their attention.

"Good." Seto nodded, a satisfied smile playing on his lips as he caught the small remote in his palm: "With this, I can finally put everything behind me."

"Sir, we are now far enough that we won't be caught up in the blast radius!" One of the pilots announced loudly.

"Kai... Kaiba?" Yuna uttered, sensing the strangeness of the conversation.

"Brace yourselves," Seto announced and pressed the button.


A massive explosion rumbled in the distance, and the shockwave shook the airship, catching Yuna off guard. Stumbling, Seto caught her body as they looked at the devastating destruction. Their pupils reflected an orange light as the island was engulfed in a sea of flames.

The tall tower where they once duelled churned as the metal weakened under the heat. Gradually, with a loud snap, the building broke in half, and the debris collapsed on top of each


"Woah," Noah whistled: "I was wondering what you were doing when you asked me to set up this many explosives. You really don't want anything that reminds you of our father to exist,


"This is the best," Seto calmly answered: "Even just knowing that a remnant of that man remains disgusts me."

*Cough Cough*

Seto glanced at Yuna, who was awkwardly clearing her throat, and he realized that he was still holding her in his arms. Finally letting go, she hurriedly created distance between them, embarrassed by the prolonged contact.

Clenching and unclenching his hand, Seto frowned at the lingering sensation of her waist, and he noticed that everyone was observing his reaction: "Keep your eyes straight," He growled, and the pilots flinched, nodding frantically. Glancing at Noah and Mokuba, the two also averted their gaze, sensing that their brother was in a foul mood.

"Where do you think you're going?" he called out, and Yuna, who was inching towards the

door, froze.

"Back... to room?" Yuna answered awkwardly.

"I see..." Seto muttered: "Then go."

Sensing his condescending tone, Yuna hurriedly retreated. However, unsure if she should

really leave without saying anything, she stayed by the door frame, watching him.

"Why are you still here?" Seto questioned without turning around. "I thought you were going

to leave?"

"Kaiba...." Yuna mumbled, gathering her courage, she bowed: "Thanks...."

"Hmph, what for?" He frowned.

"For... Battle City...." Yuna answered: "Thank you.... for inviting... me. It was.... so fun."

Seto recoiled to Yuna's sincerity, and his body visibly stiffened. Realising that he had no intention of turning around, she smiled wryly: "I will... see you... later..."

"Just... get out of here..." Seto grumbled.

Yuna nodded and giggled. Not wanting to bother him further, she quietly left, leaving the

cockpit of the airship in an uncomfortable silence.

"So.... About our plans for the future...." Mokuba's words trailed off, and he stared at his

brother in disbelief.

Blushing profusely, Seto tightly clutched the handrails as the red tinge on his face grew more and more. His expression was stuck permanently in a frown, and a swirl of complicated emotions spread through his body, his other hand resting on his chest.




"F*ck..." An inappropriate curse escaped from his lips as he felt the erratic beating of his

heart: "She's driving me insane..."

A few days later.....

With the conclusion of Battle City, the outcome of the vast-scale tournament reverberated

throughout the world. As Duel Monsters gained increasing popularity globally, anticipation grew for the champion who would emerge victorious after facing countless formidable


To everyone's surprise, the announcement revealed two individuals standing in the first place. One was the current Duel King, Yuna Sano, while the other was a newcomer, Yugi Mutou. Yuna's name had already gained recognition in the duelling community for defeating Maximillian Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, and emerging victorious in his Duellist Kingdom competition. However, with Battle City, her renown soared even higher, prompting more and more people to question the mysteries surrounding this silent beauty.

While Yuna garnered considerable interest, the spotlight also shifted to the second winner, Yugi Mutou. Though some were aware that Yugi had previously participated in the Duellist Kingdom, having been defeated in the finals, his name had never truly gained widespread recognition. Now, however, people couldn't stop discussing the young boy who had managed to achieve a tie with the Duel King...

"Wow, this is crazy..." Yuna muttered to herself as she scrolled through the countless media

posts on her laptop.

Non-stop forums discussing her and Yugi kept popping up every couple of minutes, and she felt increasingly embarrassed with each post. "But still, I'm surprised there are no hate

comments yet..."

Even when deliberately searching for negative forums, Yuna couldn't find any. Additionally, a few days have passed, and she has not been overwhelmed by journalists or paparazzi: "The Kaibas probably have something to do with it..." She thought, imagining Mokuba and Noah devotedly deleting every nasty comment that appeared.

As Yuna smiled, her phone buzzed, and she glanced at the number calling her with a slight frown. Tapping the answer button, Yuna brought the phone close to her ear.

"Yugi...." She mumbled: "Hello...."

"Ah, hello, Sano-san." Yugi said flusteredly: "How are you doing?"

"I'm.... fine..." Yuna answered and frowned when Yugi had gone silent: "What's..... wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing!" He frantically replied: "It's just, I don't know how to ask you.... *Ahem*"

Yugi cleared his throat: "Can I borrow your Winged Dragon of Ra?"


"I understand what I'm asking you is a lot, but please let me explain...." Yugi paused and momentarily forgot his formality: "Huh, what did you say?"

"Okay," Yuna repeated, and she heard a loud crash from the other side.

"Wait, really!?" Yugi exclaimed, exhaling with relief.

Yuna: "Yes...."

"Thank goodness, I was really afraid you'd say no," he laughed awkwardly. "Anyway, I'm

sure you must be confused about why I'm asking for such a big favour." "Sano-san," Yugi's voice shifted to seriousness. "What I'm about to say sounds extremely crazy, and I promise you that everything I'm saying is the truth."

"I host a spirit in my body, and he takes over every time I duel." After delivering this

revelation, Yugi held his breath, waiting for her response. The silence lingered, and the palpable awkwardness in the phone call became more evident.

"I.... believe you...." Yuna replied at last, and Yugi was shocked by how easily she seemed

convinced. All the points he had planned to emphasize were thrown out of the window. "Um, you must still have a lot of questions, right?" He chuckled: "Please let me explain."

In a detailed explanation, Yugi clarified the need to borrow the Winged Dragon of Ra, shedding light on the existence of the spirit sharing his body.

This enigmatic presence would manifest every time he duelled, acting as the driving force

behind Yugi's journey to his current state. Yet, when it came to this companion, he struggled to recall any details about his past or the nature of his connection. However, recently, they have gained a new clue, revealing that acquiring the three Egyptian

God Cards was pivotal in unlocking the door to his lost memories. "Apparently, from Miss Ishizu, she told us that we could unlock my friend's memory once we

gathered all three God Cards and the seven Millennium Items!" Yugi's tone became more


'Despite what I did, Ishizu still told them....' Yuna mused and continued to listen. "Thank you so much, Sano-san!" He said gratefully: "Once the school holidays start, we

planned to visit the Museum and investigate whether it was really true or not." "See you.... then," Yuna said, and the conversation swiftly ended. Setting the phone down, the smile on Yuna's face gradually vanished, and a heavy sigh left her

mouth: "The Waking the Dragons arc is already starting, huh... The next few months are going

to be hectic..." Knowing the number of hardships that await everyone, Yuna bit her lips with

anxiety. Taking a deep breath, Yuna shook her head and gathered herself: "But I will be ready." Her eyes turned fierce: "Dartz, I will stop you."

She has saved enough credits in her system; whatever the world will throw at her, Yuna will be

prepared. However, unbeknownst to her, another problem will fall onto her lap before that

ever happens...

A week later...

In a dim and dark alley, a blinding light suddenly manifested out of nowhere. As the light expressions reflecting confusion about

gradually dimmed, three individuals emerged, their unfamiliar surroundings. "Where are we?" a girl among the group questioned curiously, her eyes scanning the alley


Unable to provide an answer, they cautiously stepped onto the bustling streets where the vibrant city nightlife greeted them. Neon signs flickered, casting a colourful glow on the eclectic mix of shops and eateries lining the sidewalks. The distant hum of laughter and music intertwined with the rhythm of footsteps, creating a lively symphony of urban sounds. However, the most captivating feature of this area was the tall white tower standing majestically in the distance, its illuminated facade piercing the night sky like a celestial


"That's Kaiba Corps headquarters." One of the two men pointed out: "This means we have

arrived in Domino City."

"Thank goodness," The girl muttered and slumped her shoulders: "I thought Yusei-kun's Duel Runner took us to a whole new place."

The boy, Yusei, sighed: "That would be impossible; the Crimson Dragon will always guide me

to the correct path."

"I know, I know. But still, I'm surprised that you even brought me." The girl joked while

nudging Yusei playfully.

Yusei averted his gaze and coughed awkwardly: "Since Yumi's skill is quite commendable and

can help us defeat that man...." But even an idiot can tell how badly of an excuse it was.

The girl, Yumi, laughed, and the last boy rolled his eyes at the two's interaction: "Anyway, it's still night. Do we even have a place to stay?"

Yusei glanced at Yumi as she grasped her chin deep in thought: "Oh, I know a place!"

[Yuna's POV]


My eyes snapped open at the loud sound of my doorbell. I grumbled in annoyance and sat up, checking my phone; I almost threw it against the wall in anger.

Who in the right mind was ringing my doorbell at three o'clock in the morning?! Wait, my body froze. Oh god, what if it was a serial killer? But even if it's a serial killer, I

should be more worried about them than myself. After all, I don't think Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon will let that slide.

I sighed, alright, let's get it over with. With tired steps, I approached the door and opened it,

embracing whatever was going to appear.


In an instant, I slammed the door with such force that I wasn't surprised when the hinges

broke. My hands instinctively flew to clutch my chest, attempting to contain the massive shock I had just received. This was much worse than dealing with a serial killer. Slowly, I reopened the door, cautiously peeking a small part of my head out. To my

astonishment, Yusei Fudo and Jaden Yuki were standing outside my apartment building!

"Sorry for bothering you so late at night," Yusei said with respect. "Please trust me that we meant no harm."

"May we come in?" Jaden added with a smile, and I hesitantly nodded, fully opening the door.

Yusei and Jaden seemed momentarily surprised but still entered. As I made way for the two guys, my shock heightened when I noticed a third person following them. "Hello!" The girl smiled sweetly at me, and I found myself staring at her in a daze. My first thought was, who was she? Try as I might, I couldn't figure out her identity, no

matter how much I wracked my brain. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and noticed that she was still waiting for me with a smile.

"Hello..." I greeted back, and the girl giggled before darting inside. As I gazed at her retreating figure, my eyes focused on her back, and a sense of familiarity spread through my


[3rd POV]

Five minutes earlier...

"This should be the place," Jaden said while examining the number on the door.

Yusei nodded before glancing at Yumi, who was getting more excited by the second.

"Remember, you should not reveal too much, or else the timeline may be greatly affected."

"Yes, of course!" Yumi nodded eagerly and pressed the doorbell.

*DING DONG*n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

The loud sound of the bell echoed, and the trio could hear slow, deliberate footsteps

approaching the door. Gradually, as the door creaked open, Yusei and Jaden's bodies tensed an eerie silence enveloping the air. It was quick and unexpected. A suffocating pressure, thick with an ominous aura, oozed from the small crack.

'Jaden!' His spirit, Yubel, screamed: 'Be careful!'


As they slowly raised their heads, the dim light revealed two pairs of malevolent eyes glaring

down at them from the darkness. Yusei's mind was paralyzed, and amidst the chilling silence,

his thoughts echoed, 'If I still have Stardust Dragon with me, can I still win?' Finally, Yusei understood why the person in the house was nicknamed the Ruler of Dragons in the future. However, contrary to Yusei and Jaden's thoughts, Yumi trembled with enthusiasm

in the back as she stared at the girl standing by the door: 'M... Mom!'

I hope you enjoy it!

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