YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 62: Time Travel Shennenigans and More

Chapter 62: Time Travel Shennenigans and More

[Yuna's POV]

In a bewildered state, I robotically guided the trio to the compact living room. Excusing myself, I headed to the kitchen to fix some drinks. My mind continued to grapple with disbelief, and my hands quivered slightly at the surreal notion of sharing the same space with Yusei Fudo and Jaden Yuki, the main characters from Yugioh 5D and Yugioh GX.

However, my hand came to an abrupt halt in midair. There was only one conceivable reason for the unexpected appearance of protagonists from distinct timelines. It all traced back to a particular time-travelling villain, fueled by the sinister ambition to pilfer the duel monster spirits of renowned duelists, with a calculated agenda to bring an end to the entire era of Duel Monsters.

That means my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon...


The teapot slipped from my grip as my attention wavered, and scalding water splattered onto my hand. Despite the pain, I remained unmoved, fixing my gaze on the small puddle and clenching my teeth. It was at that moment I recognized the tumultuous emotion churning within me was none other than anger.

"Hi, may I help?"

Startled from my thoughts, I raised my head and looked at the girl standing beside me. Her bright smile instantly had a calming effect on my mind. With a nod, I wiped my hands with a towel and observed as the girl effortlessly took charge of cleaning up the spilled tea.

My initial impression was that she was quite attractive. Dressed in a white sleeveless shirt paired with jeans, her long, light brown hair cascaded smoothly down her shoulders, draping over her back. The girl possessed delicate features, her eyes exuding a warmth that complemented the charm emanating from her smile.

"What is your name?" I inquired, a slight frown forming and noticed how effortlessly the words flowed out of me.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"My name is Yumi Kai....no." She stammered awkwardly.

"Kaino.... As in timid?" I repeated with a questioning smile, and Yumi laughed while rubbing the back of her neck.

"I'm Yuna Sano," I introduced myself. "It's nice to meet you." Yumi's excitement seemed to intensify oddly, and I responded with a wry smile. However, she gasped upon noticing my reddening hand, scalded by the boiling water.

"It doesn't hurt that much..." I replied, my gaze fixed on my hand. After the incident with the Winged Dragon of Ra, I felt a diminished sensitivity in my body, and I doubted it would return to its previous state.

"But still!" Yumi protested. "If we leave it like this, it will leave a mark!"

Frantically, she pulled me towards the sink and submerged my injured hand in cold water. Following my instructions, she hurried to the laundry room and returned with a first-aid kit.

"You need to take care of yourself more!" She scolded while wrapping the hand with bandages.

Nodding, I found myself smiling at Yumi as she worked diligently. Once done, Yumi sighed and wiped the imaginary sweat from her face: "Here, I will also carry this for you!" She said and eagerly took the tray on the counter.

Still fatigued from the sudden awakening, I expressed my gratitude and together, we returned to the small living room. Setting the tea on the table, Yusei and Jaden sipped with relish before finally placing their cups down.

"You must be confused by what's happening, but please listen closely," Yusei said politely. "That.... depends...." I responded vaguely, inwardly annoyed by the return of my anxiety. "Well," Yusei sighed apologetically. "The simplest explanation is that we three are from the future," he explained, gesturing at Jaden and Yumi.

"How is that... possible?" I replied with doubt, attempting to sound surprised.

Yusei stood up and removed the gloves from his right hand, revealing a dragon's head mark

on his forearm. "This is the mark of the Crimson Dragon, and only six people in the world can bear this mark."

"In my timeline, I am the bearer of the head of the Crimson Dragon, while the five other people possess the rest of the body parts."

"It was the Crimson Dragon that brought us here," Yusei explained. "Something bad will soon happen, and we're here to prevent it."

"What.... will happen?" I questioned, my fingers fidgeting nervously, hesitant to hear what he had to say.

"That...." Yusei gritted his teeth, Yumi bit her lips and grimaced, and Jaden looked at me with pity while averting my gaze.

"Yugi Mutou, Maximillian Pegasus, Seto Kaiba and..." He gazed at me: "All of you will die...." The entire room fell silent, punctuated only by Yumi's occasional sniffling. The realization that I might actually die made me feel nauseous. Suddenly, a hand rested on my shoulder, and I saw Yusei's reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, that's why we're here," He said: "I promise none of you will get hurt." Clenching my fists, I nodded, and Yusei chuckled: "Anyway, it's getting late. I suggest you rest for now."

Remembering the time, a tired yawn left my lips. Unable to keep my eyes open, I decided to put the matter on the side. Letting the three rest in the living room, I returned to my bedroom

to sleep....

[3rd POV]

An hour later...

Yusei awoke, his eyes fluttering open, restless and unable to succumb to sleep. Surveying the dimly lit room, he noticed Jaden reclining on the chair, yet Yumi was conspicuously absent. Silently rising from his position, he left the confines of the house, discovering Yumi gazing at the moon by the balcony of the apartment building.

"Yusei..." She pivoted, offering a wry smile with eyes that betrayed a hint of swelling.

Yusei advanced, leaning casually against the railing. Catching Yumi's silent scrutiny, he inquired, "Are you alright?"

"I... I'm scared...." Yumi mumbled while bringing her hands close to her chest: "Mom and Dad... They're...."

She halted, sensing a warm sensation. Yusei smiled softly and patted her head. "Yumi, I will not let that happen." The reassurance in his words permeated the air, providing a glimmer of comfort in the face of an uncertain future.

"I owe a great debt to your mother," he spoke. "Because of her, my parents were able to live comfortably today. She was the only one who listened to them when everyone was ready to

toss them away."


"Not just me, Jack, Akiza, Luna, Crow and Leo; your mother had helped them all, and she's a very important person to us. That's why..." Yusei glared into the distance: "I won't let them


Listening to Yusei's confident claim, Yumi giggled, "Yes, we will save Mom and Dad no matter what!" Inhaling deeply, her eyes softened, and her usual smile returned. "Thank you,

Yusei-kun; I feel much better now."

"That's good." Yusei smiled back: "Go back to sleep, it's already very late."

Nodding, Yumi excused herself and slipped back into the house, leaving Yusei alone. Sighing,

he silently observed the night...

[Yuna's POV]

Next morning...

I awoke early with my mind still shrouded in a haze, having endured one of the worst nights

of sleep. Despite the fatigue weighing heavily on my body, the realization that school awaited compelled me to drag myself out of bed.

"Why can't Kaiba hold Battle City during the holidays..." I grumbled at the thought of catching up on all my missed classes.

As I left my room, I stumbled upon the scene of Yumi sleeping on the couch, recalling that three people were staying in my living room. I quietly approached Yumi as she mumbled in her sleep, and a small smile appeared on my face. Reaching for the fallen blanket, I draped the covers over her, and Yumi hummed in comfort. For some reason, seeing her sleep so soundly like this put me at ease, and the tension in my body relaxed.

"You're awake..."

Suddenly, I jumped and turned around, noticing Yusei sitting straight on his chair. Sighing, I nodded and curiously scanned the room. "Where's... Yuki?"

"He left early," Yusei answered while glancing at the door. "He didn't exactly say where, but probably to explore the city."

"I... see...." I mumbled: "How about... you and... Yumi?"

"I will go with you and as for Yumi...." Yusei's eyes softened noticeably. "Yumi can rest for now; she has been through a lot...."

A sense of pity swept over me, and I subconsciously reached out my hand. Yumi smiled as I gently caressed her cheek, and uncontrollable laughter escaped from my mouth. "Ah..." I paused, realizing that Yusei was still here, and I restrained myself from doing anything more. Standing up, my expression returned to normal as I grabbed my bag. "Let's....


We stepped out of my house and walked in silence, side by side. Amidst the silence, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Yusei's striking profile.

"Is there something on your mind?" Yusei inquired, catching my subtle gaze, and I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

Shaking my head, I regained my composure, yet a myriad of questions lingered in my mind. "Future... what's it like?" I inquired, my curiosity outweighing my earlier embarrassment.

Yusei nonchalantly shrugged, "Unlike the present, technology has advanced remarkably. While I can't speak for other places, in the future, Domino City thrives on an endless supply of energy, rendering it incredibly prosperous."

Hearing Yusei's response, a slight frown creased my forehead as it didn't align with my preconceived notions. Considering that Yusei mostly lived in Satellite after the catastrophic event of Zero Reverse, I realized he might not be divulging more details. Deciding to let the

topic rest, I moved on.

"Yumi...." I asked curiously, "What's... your relationship?"

Yusei's body briefly tensed at my question, and he coughed, seemingly caught off guard. "Me

and Yumi? We're just friends; we've known each other since we were very young because our parents worked together a lot."

Parents? Yusei's parents were still alive? Just what in the world was happening in the future?

More questions plagued my mind, but the more I asked, the more confused I got, unable to perceive why everything had changed.

Unsure of what to ask next, I decided to address the most crucial question: "In the future... Was... I still alive?"

"Yes," Yusei answered honestly, and I released the breath I had been holding.

"So I'm still alive... Although I would be in my fifties by then, knowing that I lived brought me

joy. Excited, I began to probe more: "What... was I... like?!" I eagerly inquired, curiosity overtaking any sense of reservation.

Yusei's face assumed a slightly complicated expression. "I don't want to reveal anything

more, but all I can say is that you will become someone great. That's what I think, at least...." His gaze, filled with respect, bore into me, causing me to squirm uncomfortably. "Ah, we're here," Yusei muttered as we stopped at the entrance of Domino High. I couldn't hide my disappointment, pouting as our Q&A session was abruptly interrupted.

As we stood in the distance, I began to take notice of the students around me. As they walked

by, their gazes were focused on us, and I could hear the whispers among the crowd.

"Look, it's Yuna Sano; she won the Battle City Tournament!"

"Who's that boy beside her? He's so handsome!"

"No way, are they dating, kyaaaa!"

The gossip and attention from the students created a buzz around us, adding an unexpected

layer of noise to our entrance.

The last whisper was particularly concerning, and my face stiffened instinctively. "Excuse

me...." A timid girl approached us, staring at Yusei with sparkling eyes. "Um... are you a student here?" she asked with a mix of awe and curiosity.

Yusei frowned slightly before glancing at me and rubbing his chin deep in thought. "Yes, I'm

a new transfer student here starting today. Please take care of me," he said, offering a polite nod to the inquisitive girl.

All the female students listening squealed, and I stared at Yusei in disbelief. Sensing my gaze,

Yusei shrugged: "We must protect you at all times. Don't worry; we will have our ways of getting in." Other than using a particular dark spirit named Yubel to manipulate the principal, I couldn't think of a legitimate way of applying to the school in such a short time, though... "Then... see you," I uttered, seeking an escape from the attention. Unfortunately for me, it

was already too late.

"Who the f*ck are you?" Yusei and I simultaneously froze, our attention drawn to the source

of the brash voice.

Ah.... A wild Seto Kaiba has appeared....

Kaiba scowled menacingly while glaring at Yusei. "Don't make me repeat myself, who are

you?" If you're not a student here, get out of my sight this instant, or I will have you removed


A complicated expression marked Yusei's face, signalling his uncertainty about how to proceed. Sensing the tension, I intervened reluctantly, aiming to prevent Kaiba from resorting to extreme measures, like hiring a hitman.

"He's.... a friend..." I hurriedly explained, positioning myself between the two of them to

diffuse the situation.

"A friend?" Kaiba spat, his brows scrunching up in discontent. "Nonetheless, he shouldn't be

here." "He's..." I slurred, glancing at Yusei and was dragged into his lie: "A transfer.... student...." Kaiba's scowl deepened, and I averted my gaze to shield myself from his intense scrutiny. After a moment, he sighed and conceded, "Fine, then let's go; class is about to start soon."

Without waiting for my reply, he seized my wrist and briskly led me towards the school, sparking excited cries from more students. However, in the process, my sleeve was yanked upward, unintentionally revealing the bandages around my hand.

Staring at the injury, Kaiba's pace quickened, and I was practically dragged into the school. As

we turned around a corner, he abruptly stopped, and I could sense the agitation in his voice.

"Why are you hurt again?" he snarled, and I was stunned by this unexpected question.

"It... was an... accident..." I hurriedly answered: "Hot.. water..."

"When?" Kaiba questioned, interrupting me. "Yes... Yesterday?" I replied hesitantly.

"Let's head to the infirmary," he declared, and, to my confusion, Kaiba forcefully led me in

the opposite direction.


Kaiba: "Why are you so slow? Walk faster."

"Kaiba!" I finally snapped, and he looked at me in shock. Taking a deep breath to calm my

nerves, I mustered a composed expression: "I'm.... fine. So... stop..." Kaiba's gaze bore into me, and his emotions were hidden behind a blank expression. After a

minute of tense silence, he hissed, "Fine... We will do it your way." Without delay, he took hold of my hand, this time forcibly guiding me towards our classroom.

Upon entering, all eyes were fixated on us, and I blushed in shame. Finally releasing his grip, I

quickly made my way to my desk. Shooting a glare at Kaiba as I sat down, he shrugged nonchalantly and returned to his seat.

Staring at my bandaged hand and then at Kaiba, I felt my energy draining rapidly from my

body. With the sudden appearance of people from the future, then finding out I'm probably

going to kick the bucket in a few days, and now having to deal with an estranged billionaire? I sighed; the day had just begun, and it was already exhausting...

A few hours later...


During the lunch break, Yumi burst into the classroom with enthusiasm, Yusei and Jaden

following closely behind. What caught me off guard was that they were already donned in Domino High uniforms. I couldn't help but wonder how legitimate their methods were...

Upon entering the classroom, Yumi gasped slightly, her gaze fixed on Kaiba in the front row. Embarrassed, she hastily made her way to my side, and a frown of dismay appeared on my


'Don't fall for that guy, Yumi!' I shouted in my head: 'Don't judge a book by its cover!'

"Yuna, we should start preparing. Let's go and find somewhere quiet to talk," Yumi


Her soft voice tickled my ears, and I nodded. Standing up abruptly, I followed Yumi out of the classroom. However, before I could step out of the door, Kaiba halted me with a glare, eyeing the trio waiting by the exit.

"Where are you going?" He interrogated. "My... friends...." I answered. "Eat... with them...."

"That's clearly a lie. You didn't even bring anything with you." He pointed out, and I

subconsciously clicked my teeth.

'Why the hell are you so perceptive!' I thought stiffly. 'Even then, why do you care!?' As the

seconds dragged on, the atmosphere became more and more awkward.

"Hello, excuse me, but may I butt in?" Suddenly, Yumi appeared, catching both of us off


"W... Who are you?" Kaiba muttered in suprise.

"My name's Yumi! Being a good friend of Yuna, it's natural for you to be worried about her!"

She said cheerfully, and a subtle tension gripped our expressions.

Kaiba: "Wo... worried?"

Yuna: "Goo... Good Friends?"

"No way!" We shouted in unison.

"He he," Yumi laughed, brushing off our protest. "But there's no need for concern; we'll just

borrow Yuna for a second."

"Yumi..." I tugged on her sleeve with a strained smile, silently pleading for her to stop

talking. 'Are you trying to destroy my dignity here?'

But, to my disbelief, Kaiba's lips trembled, and he covered his flushed face: "Why in the world

will I be worried?! Just Go!" He yelled, and Yumi smiled brightly, leading me out of the


"Isn't he wonderful?" Yumi whispered while we walked down the hallway, and I stared at her


"What part of that is wonderful?" I whispered back.

She giggled: "You two seem close, and it looks like you're bickering like old friends instead of

enemies?" Yumi explained.

"We're not that close..." I mumbled and looked away: "I don't even think he considers me as a


"Well, I don't think so." Yumi smiled: "From the looks of it, Kaiba treated you unlike anyone


'Gosh, what is this girl saying?!' My face heated up: 'There's no way Kaiba think of me as a close friend...'

"We're here," Jaden announced, abruptly ending our conversation. Stopping before an empty

classroom, he unlocked the door and led us in: "I've reserved this classroom in advance; there shouldn't be anyone coming in here."

Grouping four tables together, we all sat down, and Yusei said seriously: "Now, let's discuss

the disaster that will befall us. To be exact, the attack that will happen four days from now." "Unfortunately, we don't know much about the perpetrator, but all we know is that he can also freely travel through times and possess the ability to steal other people's Duel Monster

spirit." Absorbed in Yusei's explanation, I rubbed my arms uncomfortably, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The mere thought of my Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand being in danger sent shivers down my spine. The room's atmosphere grew heavy, and I couldn't shake off the anxiety that enveloped me. "Don't worry," Yusei smiled. "We will make sure that won't happen; we will definitely stop

him before that ever happens."

Suddenly, I raised my hand when a question formed in my mind. "Why.... won't.... he attack... earlier?"

Yusei nodded in understanding and answered in a polite tone, "The man will want to wipe all of you out in one swoop."

"Although I wasn't sure of the exact details, Maximillian Pegasus will actually visit this school during that time, making it the perfect moment for his assault." "Then what should we do?" This time, it was Jaden who asked the question. Yusei rested his chin on his hands. "Preparation is key," he emphasized, placing his deck on

the table. "We must be familiar with each other's strategies, playstyles, and decks. Otherwise,

when he arrives, we'll be stumbling over one another."

"This won't be easy," Yusei continued, his tone serious. "But for the sake of the people we

care about, we must try." His smile softened. "So, let us save everyone..."

I hope you enjoy it!

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