YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 66: If at First You Don't Suceed, Blast them with your Felgrand Again!

Chapter 66: If at First You Don't Suceed, Blast them with your Felgrand Again!

Hi, Yellow Duck here; I noticed that sometimes, readers would get confused about what positions the monsters are in. That's why I will try a new style for writing monster stats where I will only display the numbers of their attack/defence if they are in that position.

[Yuna's POV]

With the light emitting from our Duel Disks, I was finally able to witness the extent of damage to my house, and my lips trembled to suppress my tears. Most things in the living room have already been destroyed by Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Guardian Grarl's battle. There was even a significant dent on the side of the wall where Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand had thrown Rafael. Just thinking of how much trouble it would be to replace everything made my blood boil.

'This b*stard! Whose pocket do you think the money is coming out of?!' I screamed in my head.

"I'll start things off!" I declared while gritting my teeth in displeasure: "I first summon Starliege Seyfert!"

[Starliege Seyfert: 1800 Attack]

"Starliege Seyfert lets me send dragon monsters from my hand to the graveyard. Then, I can add a dragon monster equal to their levels." I explained and dumped a card from my hand into the discard pile: "The card I have sent is the level-seven Crescent Dragon, and I will add a second copy of Crescent Dragon to my hand."

"Lastly, I'll set one card and end my turn," I stated, keeping my tone focused and composed. "During my end phase, Crescent Dragon has a special ability. It can be summoned from my hand or graveyard. However, once it leaves the field, it heads straight back to the bottom of my deck."

Upon my call, a tall, green, draconic beast appeared. The monster was covered in dark armour with blue and red patterns, and in its hand was a twin blade that curved inward like a crescent moon. [1]

[Crescent Dragon: 2200 Attack]

"Since you've got another one of those monsters in your hand, you can summon it again at the end of my turn," Rafael muttered, his voice laced with annoyance, and I couldn't help but grin at his attitude.

Thankfully, these were among the few cards that Pegasus had managed to recreate. While I hadn't obtained all the cards I desired, the ones I did acquire were sufficient for now. Plus, I could always restock the rest through the system store if necessary.

"It's my turn," Rafael said as he drew a card, his expression focused. "I summon Backup Gardna in defence position!" With a flourish, a tall black demon with wild red hair materialized next to him.

[Backup Gardna: 2200 Defence]

"Next, I will equip Celestial Sword-Eatos to Backup Gardna, boosting its attack by five hundred points!" Rafael announced confidently, his strategy unfolding with precision. "With this, I will be able to summon my most trusted monster, Guardian Eatos, from my hand!"

In a burst of energy, a tall, breathtaking woman materialized on the field. Adorned in a tribal dress adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with magic, she exuded an aura of ancient power. Her form was accented by various pieces of ornate jewellery, including an animal hat crafted from the feathers of a giant bird creature. A pair of majestic wings sprouted proudly from her back, signifying her divine nature.

[Guardian Eatos: 2500 Attack]

Rafael: "Then, I will activate the effect of Backup Gardna, transferring its Celestial Sword- Eatos to Guardian Eatos!"

As Rafael's move took effect, the white sword previously wielded by Backup Gardna appeared in Guardian Eatos' palm. With a satisfied smile, she waved the blade with familiarity, ready to unleash its power upon her foes.

[Guardian Eatos: 2500 -> 3000 Attack]

"Now, I will battle! Guardian Eatos, attack Starliege Seyfert!" Rafael's voice echoed with determination as the woman charged forward, her sword gleaming with deadly intent. With a swift and precise motion, she sliced through my dragon with a single decisive strike.

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 3200 LP]

"Finally, I'm setting two cards face down and ending my turn," Rafael stated firmly, and cards appeared beside his feet: "Your move."

"During your End Phase, I will summon my second Crescent Dragon from my hand!" I announced, and a copy of the Crescent Dragon materialised in front of me.

[Crescent Dragon: 2200 Attack]

"It's my turn. I will draw," I declared, my gaze fixed on the cards next to Rafael. "First, I activate Twin Twister, discarding my Blue-Eyes White Dragon to destroy your two set cards!"

With a swift motion, two white tornados surged forth towards Rafael's cards, swirling with destructive force. Yet, before they could make contact, an invisible barrier dispersed my attack, causing the cyclones to vanish into thin air.

"I will activate my trap card, Guardian Force," Rafael calmly explained. "While I have no Guardian monsters in my graveyard, I can negate one of your face-up spells."

"Tsk..." I clicked my teeth in frustration. "Then I will summon Paladin of Felgrand from my hand!"

[Paladin of Felgrand: 1700 Attack]

"When Paladin of Felgrand is summoned onto the field, I will then equip Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand to this card," I announced confidently. "With Paladin of Felgrand's second effect, I will tribute both Paladin of Felgrand and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand to summon Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand from the graveyard!"

A thunderous roar filled the air, shaking the very foundations of the building. Rafael's expression darkened in frustration while I instinctively covered my ears to shield myself from the overwhelming sound.

Before us, in a dazzling display of power, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand emerged, spreading its wings as if to block Rafael's view from me.

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"Now, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, banish Guardian Eatos!" I commanded, my voice ringing out with determination. With a triumphant cry, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand unleashed its power, and Guardian Eatos was engulfed in a blinding array of light, vanishing from the field.

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3600 Attack]

"I will enter my Battle Phase!" I shouted, my determination burning brightly. Pointing towards Backup Gardna, who stood defensively on Rafael's field, I called out, "Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, attack!"

With a mighty howl, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand unleashed a torrent of orange flames, engulfing Backup Gardna. As the flames subsided, there was nothing left but ashes and the

defensive monster was vanquished in an instant.

"Thanks to Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect, after destroying your Backup Gardna, I can now summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack]

"In response to your summon, I will activate Aid to the Doom from my hand!" Rafael shouted. "This spell card can be activated during my opponent's turn when one of my monsters is destroyed. By discarding two cards, I can end the battle phase."

"Very well," I responded, my annoyance simmering. "I will set one card and end my turn." Rafael hummed thoughtfully. "I should have known you were this powerful," he conceded, his gaze sweeping over my formidable group of monsters standing resolutely on the field. "However, that doesn't mean I wasn't prepared either."

"First, I will activate the Card of Sanctity, allowing both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hands!" Rafael explained, and with a swift motion, we both replenished our hands


Rafael: "Then, I play my continuous spell card, Guarded Treasure!"

Suddenly, a mystical figure of a woman materialized behind Rafael, her presence radiating power. With a graceful gesture, she spread her hands, and a radiant light poured forth from her palms, enveloping him in a protective aura.

"To activate Guarded Treasure, I must first discard five cards from my hand, which then draw two cards. Now, during each drawing phase, I'll be able to draw two cards instead of one," Rafael elucidated, his strategy unfolding with calculated precision.

"And now, I reveal my second trap card, Disgraceful Charity," Rafael declared assuredly. "This means all cards I've discarded this turn due to a spell card will be added back to my


My eyes widened as I witnessed Rafael's Duel Disk ejecting cards like there was no tomorrow.

Bring the total of his hands to seven. Smiling, he began his plays: "I will first activate Burial From A Different Dimension and allow me to return my banished Guardian Eatos to my


"And now, I will play Monster Reborn, reviving Guardian Eatos from the grave!" he


[Guardian Eatos: 2500 Attack]

"I will battle! Guardian Eatos, attack one of the Crescent Dragons!" Rafael yelled, his voice echoing in the space as the woman unleashed deadly magic from her hands.

[Yuna Sano: 2800 LP-> 2500 LP]

"Finally, I will return Back-Up Gardna to my hand using Monster Reincarnation by discarding

one card. Then, I'm setting four cards face down, ending my turn," Rafael smiled, but

beneath his smirk, I sensed something ominous lurking in his words.

"It's my turn," I muttered.

"Wait," Rafael interjected as I found my instincts to be correct. "after you draw, I shall

activate my trap card, Zero Gravity! This trap will change the battle position of all monsters

on the field!"


Out of nowhere, a deafening noise reverberated throughout the room. I watched in horror as

all my monsters stumbled dizzily as if suddenly losing their balance and collapsing onto their knees, unable to stand and trapped in a defensive posture.

"Then, I will activate my second trap, Spirit Hunting," Rafael declared with a cunning grin.

"This card allows me to change my Guardian Eatos's battle position and then destroy all

defence position monsters you control!"

Suddenly, Guardian Eatos stood tall, seemingly unaffected by the pressure of Zero Gravity. With a graceful gesture, she extended her arms, and one by one, my monsters collapsed as if their strings had been cut. I stared in disbelief at my now empty field while Rafael smirked

with satisfaction.

"You shall continue," he taunted, his confidence soaring.

Clicking my teeth, I ignored Rafael's taunt and focused on my hand: "I will summon Dragon

Knight of Creation!"

[Dragon Knight of Creation: 1800 Attack]

"In response, I will activate my final trap card, Crystal Seal!" Rafael declared, revealing the card on his field. "By targeting your Dragon Knight of Creation, it can no longer attack, activate its effect and be tributed! Additionally, while this is the only monster you control, I can attack you directly instead. However, if Dragon Knight of Creation's attack ever changes,

the trap will be undone."

Beneath the Dragon Knight of Creation's feet, crystals erupted from the ground in a sudden burst of energy. The shimmering crystals swiftly enveloped his body, encasing him in a crystalline prison that immobilized him completely, rendering him unable to take any


"Then!" I exclaimed, my resolve unwavering. "I activate my trap, Castle of the Dragon Souls! This card allows me to banish a dragon monster from my graveyard and target one monster I control, increasing its attack by seven hundred!"

My Duel Disks ejected a single card from the discard pile, and I grabbed it in midair. With a

smile, I revealed the card and announced: "I will banish the Starliege Seyfert in the graveyard,

and Dragon Knight of Creation will gain seven hundred attacks, thus breaking free from your crystal seal!"

[Dragon Knight of Creation: 1800 -> 2500 Attack]

Inside the crystal prison, I felt Dragon Knight of Creation's aura begin to change, condensing

and growing stronger by the second.


The crystals shattered, and the warrior unleashed a mighty howl, slamming his great sword

into the ground as he burst forth from the cage, ready to resume the battle with renewed


"Now I activate Dragon Knight of Creation's effect," I declared, my voice steady with focus.

"By sending him and one card from my hand to the graveyard, I can revive my Divine Dragon

Lord Felgrand!"

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Attack]

"Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, banish Guardian Eatos once more!" I commanded.

"That won't be possible! I will activate my Forbidden Dress and target my Guardian Eatos!"

Rafael yelled, his voice filled with determination. Instantly, the woman's outfit transformed into a beautiful, clean white dress adorned with golden embroideries.

"With the effect of Forbidden Dress, Guardian Eatos will lose six hundred attacks, but it can't

be targeted or destroyed by a card effect this turn!"

[Guardian Eatos: 2500 -> 1900 Attack] "Then, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, attack Guardian Eatos now!" I commanded with

eagerness, watching as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand rushed across the room. With a mighty swing of its arm, the monster unleashed a devastating slash that tore through Guardian Eatos,

dispersing her form into fragments of light. [Rafael: 4000 LP -> 3100 LP]

"When Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand destroys a monster, I can special summon a level seven

or eight dragon monster from my graveyard," I explained triumphantly. "I will summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon again!"

With a surge of energy, Blue-Eyes White Dragon emerged from my graveyard, its majestic form towering over the battlefield.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 Attack]

"Now, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack Rafael's life points directly!" I commanded firmly,

the intensity of the moment palpable as the mighty dragon unleashed a devastating white

beam straight into his face.


[Rafael: 3100 LP -> 100 LP]

Being struck by the powerful attack, Rafael stumbled backward in shock, his hand instinctively flying to clutch his face. "To be this... powerful..." he muttered, his voice tinged

with disbelief.

Glancing at me, Rafael's eyes gleamed with competitiveness, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "However, I'm not done yet," he chuckled, his voice filled with resolve as he prepared to continue the duel.

"Why are you doing this?!" I growled with agitation. "What is your purpose?!" Rafael smirked and spread his arms wide. "Very well, I shall indulge you, as it is only fair for

you to know," he said. "We are Doma, and our purpose is to revive the Great God of Orichalcos

and purge mankind of all its evil!"

"With this, the world will truly be at peace," Rafael proclaimed confidently. "That's why,

Yuna Sano, I'm asking you, will you join us on this just cause?"

"And how will you achieve this goal?" I questioned, my tone betraying a hint of scepticism.

"What is the method to revive your great god?"

Souls," Rafael answered grimly, his voice tinged with solemnity. "We must gather human

souls to feed the God so it can gain the power to awaken itself from its slumber."

"You call that just?" I scowled in disbelief. "Sacrificing people's lives?" Rafael's expression stiffened momentarily, a hint of unease flickering across his face. "This is

a price worth paying..." he muttered, his voice trailing off with uncertainty.

"Is it?" I questioned, my voice tinged with melancholy. "If this is what you truly believe, then

I must stop you right here." I sighed.

Despite my fondness for Rafael as a character, facing him in real life required me to set aside

any biased views and focus on the task at hand.

"Is that so..." Rafael muttered in disappointment: "Then we shall continue. Upon Guardian

Eatos's destruction, I will activate the effect of Guardian Dreadscythe and summon it onto the


A shadowy figure slowly rises before Rafael, with a physique similar to that of Guardian Eatos. However, now draped over its tribal dress was a dark makeshift armour. Her white wings were now black as coal, and her face was hidden behind her dark, messy hair and white mask.

[Guardian Dreadscythe: 2500 Attack, 2000 Defence] "When Guardian Dreadscythe is summoned through this effect, I can equip Reaper Scythe -

Dreadscythe from the deck or hand to this card," Rafael said, and a massive scythe appeared in the monster's hand.

"With the Reaper Scythe, Guardian Dreadscythe will gain five hundred attacks for each monster in my graveyard."

[Guardian Dreadscythe: 2500 -> 3500 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"Tsk..." I clicked my teeth at the troublesome obstacle: "Then I will set two cards and end my turn."

"It's my turn," I will draw, Rafael declared: "However, thanks to the power of my Guarded Treasure, I will draw two cards instead of one."

Glancing at his hand of cards, he sighed and stared at me: "It indeed was a shame, Yuna Sano.

I hated to resort to this, but I was left with no choice."

"I!" Rafael shouted, and I sensed the seriousness in his tone: "Will activate the Seal of



The floor of the apartment building glowed with an ominous green light. The light slowly

circled us, trapping our bodies in a dome. Immediately, I felt the effect of the seal, and I

trembled in discomfort. It was a suffocating feeling, as if someone had their hands around my neck, threatening to tighten at a moment's notice.

Glaring at Rafael, he laughed while clutching his head in pain. Groaning, he lifted his head, revealing the pattern of a unicursal hexagram etched onto his forehead.

"There is no turning back now." He said: "Our lives are bound to the seal. The victor will

remain standing while the loser will have its soul forfeit." "Additionally, while the Seal of Orichalcos is active, my monsters will gain an additional five hundred attacks and card effects can't destroy this spell card!"

Similar to Rafael, Guardian Dreadscythe's forehead also donned the same pattern, and I could

feel its strength increasing. [Guardian Dreadscythe: 3500 -> 4000 Attack, 2000 Defence] "Next, I will equip Guardian Dreadscythe with Wicked-Breaking Flamberge-Baou! By

sending one card in my hand to the graveyard, giving Guardian Dreadscythe an additional five hundred attack!"

[Guardian Dreadscythe: 4000 -> 4500 Attack, 2000 Defence]

"Also, the card I've sent is none other than my Guardian Grarl! Thus, Guardian Dreadscythe'sn/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

attack will be boosted even further!" [Guardian Dreadscythe: 4500 -> 5000 Attack, 2000 Defence] "Finally, I will activate my Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy one of your set cards!" Rafael

shouted while pointing at the card to the left of me. The card flipped face-up, revealing my

Negate Attack as a small cyclone ripped it to shreds.

"I will enter my battle phase!" He announced as Guardian Dreadscythe raised her weapons:

"Guardian Dreadscythe, destroy Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

"That won't be possible; I will activate Comman Silencer! This spell will negate Guardian

Dreadscythe's attack and allowing me to draw a card!"

"Tsk, how troublesome..." Rafael cursed: "Then I will also set one card and end my turn. I

believe this duel will soon be over."

"You're right." I chuckled wryly: "I will draw!" Taking a glimpse at the card, the gears in my

hand began to turn.

"First, I will tribute both my Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Blue Eyes White Dragon to

summon my third Crescent Dragon!"

[Crescent Dragon: 2200 Attack]

"Then, I will activate the effect of Keeper of the Shrine from my hand since my Dragon

Monster was sent to the graveyard!" [Keeper of the Shrine: 2100 Defence]

"With two Dark Monsters on the field, I will activate Polymerization! Using Crescent Dragon

and Keeper of the Shrine, I summon Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!"

[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2800 Attack]

"When summoned, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon can gain the attack of one of your special

summoned monsters until the end of this turn!" I explained. [Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2800 -> 7800 Attack] "Now, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, attack Guardian Dreadscythe!" "Not so fast!" Rafael bellowed in anger: "I will activate Guardian Formation! When my

Guardian is targeted for an attack, I can negate it and then move my Guardian Monster to any spare monster zone I control. Then, I'm able to activate a spell card directly from my deck,

and the card I will activate is Nightmare Binding."

"The spell will make your Starving Venom Fusion Dragon lose eight hundred attacks while I

gain the same amount of life points. Also, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon can not activate its

effect or be tributed."

Chains shoot out of the ground, wrapping around both of Starving Venom Fusion Dragon's

arms and restraining the dragon in place.

[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 7800 -> 7000 Attack]

[Rafael: 100 LP -> 900 LP]

"I end my turn," I muttered while glaring at my opponent: "Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

will lose its additional attack."

[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 7000 -> 2000 Attack]

"This is the end!" Rafael shouted with delight: "Now attack Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

and end this!"

As Guardian Dreadscythe charged, I frantically activated my trap card: "Castle of the Dragon

Souls, I will banish Crescent Dragon and boost Starving Venom Fusion Dragon's attack!"

[Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2000 -> 2700 Attack]


[Yuna Sano: 2500 LP -> 200 LP]


I gritted my teeth and felt the confining feeling worsening. Coughing, I glared at Rafael with

caution. I need to escape this Seal soon before something wrong happens. Drawing a card, I

glimpsed at it and frowned.

"This..." I mumbled. It's the second card that Pegasus was able to make for me. Initially, I have ordered five different cards. Unfortunately, only the set of Crescent Dragon

was completed, while the others unfortunately failed.

"Alright, this can work; they said the third time is the charm," I mumbled to myself before

turning to Rafael with confidence: "I will begin by activating the effect of Chaos Dragon

Levianeer!!" Suddenly, the image of Dragon Knight of Creation, Paladin of Felgrand and Blue Eyes White Dragon materialises on the field. Their body illuminated by a translucent light. Gradually, their figure dimmed as they were absorbed and appearing before me was the body of a massive dragon covered in shadowy scales that shimmered with light. The monster exudes an aura of chaos, with jagged horns protruding from its head, sharp claws

extending from its massive limbs, and bright blue energy swirling through its body, lighting

up its horns, body and wings.

[Chaos Dragon Levianeer: 3000 Attack]

"Chaos Dragon Levianeer has a total of three effects. However, I can only activate one base a

set of conditions." I said while holding up three fingers. "First, if I had only banished Light Monsters to summon this card, I can special summon a

monster from my graveyard in defence position." "Second, if I had only banished Dark Monsters to summon this card, I could shuffle one

random card from your hand back into your deck."

"Third, if I had banished Dark and Light Monsters, I would be able to destroy two cards on the

field." I said with a smile: "Since I have only banished light monsters, I will use its first effect

to summon a monster from my graveyard!!"

Rafael's eyes widened as he immediately grasped my intention. Grinning, the ground beneath

me glowed brilliantly: "Please punish this evil and be reborn once more, Divine Dragon Lord


[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 Defence] "No, no, no!!" Rafael cursed; although Guardian Dreadscythe is being protected from the

destruction effect, the Guardian was just susceptible to being banished. He could do nothing

but watch as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand fed from his monster.

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: 2800 -> 3600 Defence] "Now, Chaos Dragon Levianeer, attack!" I yelled eagerly: "Finish this!"


[Rafael: 900 LP -> 0 LP]

[3rd POV]

Rafael blinked in shock, and his body trembled: "I... I lost?"


Before he could react, the Seal of Orichalcos glowed, and the magical circle surrounded him, trapping him in one place. Knowing that it was useless to escape, Rafael sighed with

resignation: "I have been thoroughly defeated...."

Staring at the girl before him, Rafael spoke calmly: "Unfortunately, my master already has his

eyes on you. This won't be the end...."

Yuna's face stiffened, and she calmly approached Rafael, who was getting weaker by the

second. Stopping inches away from him, Yuna stared with a complicated emotion on her face:

"Are you... afraid?"

"Afraid?" Rafael repeated: "There's nothing I can do now... The Seal of Orichalcos will take

me whether I'm afraid or not."

"I'm sorry..... It doesn't... have to be this... way", Yuna mumbled.

"This is my own doing." Rafael replied while falling onto his knees: "You shouldn't feel

guilty; I have tried to harm you."

"Do you believe... what you're doing is... right?" she asked.

Rafael: "For the greater good...."

"No..." Yuna interrupted him and shook her head: "I'm not asking about... your goal... I want

to know... from your heart... was what you're doing... right?"

"I...." Rafael paused, unable to respond. Losing strength, he collapsed on all four and raised

his head in pain: "I don't know...." Perhaps, he may never know, Rafael thought to himself as

his vision began to fade.


Suddenly, a man rappelled through the window, launching glass shards in all directions. Frowning, Yuna dodged the debris and stared at the intruder running towards Rafael. "Sh*t, to think you got defeated!" He cursed and reached for the small necklace on his neck.

Pulling the string apart, the man threw the necklace into the Seal of Orichalcos and the magical circle churned shakily. In an instant, the power of the magic waned, and Rafael

snapped back to reality as he gasped for breath. "Alister?" Rafael called out in bewilderment: "What are you doing here?" "You didn't come at the rendezvous time!" The man, Alister, snarled: "I came to check and

found you like this!"

Cursing one more time, he grabbed Rafael and slung him over his shoulder. Glaring at Yuna,

he spoke coldly: "There won't be a next time." He warned before hurriedly escaping with

Rafael through the same window.

Gazing at the fading apartment building. Rafael frowned with a complicated emotion: "Was it

really right?"

"What are you saying?" Alister questioned while carrying his injured companion to his bike.

"It's nothing..." Rafael responded and shook his head. However, for the first time, he began

to doubt...

This was honestly a bit of a hassle to write since Rafael's deck wasn't that interesting to begin

with. But I still tried my best so I hope you enjoy it!

[1] Crescent Dragon is an ocg card, since Yuna was from Japan originally, this wasn't impossible, right?

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