YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 67: World of Spirits

Chapter 67: World of Spirits

[Yuna's POV]

Observing Alister and Rafael bound out of the sixth-floor window, my lips quirked in annoyance. As if wrecking my furniture wasn't enough, now they're onto shattering my windows too?

Sighing heavily, I forced my weary body toward the door. But with each step, the room spun and tilted, causing me to stumble and clutch the wall for support. "Kuh..." I groaned, my head throbbing with pain.

The strain of summoning Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon still lingered, and the stress worsened the Seal of Orichalcos. Gritting my teeth, I fought to regain my footing, gasping for breath as exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me.

"Phone..." I muttered weakly as I dragged my exhausted body toward the bedroom. However, before I could reach it, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me, and my vision faded, enveloping me in its silent embrace...

[3rd POV]

In the pitch-black night, a sleek, dark plane sliced through the air above the vast expanse of the ocean. As it approached a remote island, the cargo bay door smoothly opened, revealing three figures riding motorcycles. With mechanical precision, the vehicles roared out of the plane, streaking across the island's rugged terrain.

Emerging from the dense rows of trees, the landscape abruptly shifted into an eerie, desolate, flat land devoid of any signs of life. As the three individuals approached, a subtle vibration resonated through the ground, and like clockwork, the earth obediently split open, unveiling a concealed underground tunnel.

Without hesitation, they guided their motorcycles into the shadowy depths of the passage, navigating through its labyrinthine twists and turns with ease. Finally, their journey came to a halt at the tunnel's terminus, where an ominous elevator awaited.

Five minutes later...

As the elevator door slid open with a soft hiss, the three figures stepped into a hushed and dimly lit chamber. Across from them stood a solitary figure cloaked in a pristine robe of white and blue, its foot-length cloak cascading behind him. Adorning his neck was a stone pendant emblazoned with the unmistakable symbol of the Orichalcos, its intricate design glinting faintly in the subdued light.

Turning around, the man fixed his gaze upon the trio with eyes ablaze in hues of gold and green, their brilliance piercing the darkness. "Alister, Valon, and Rafael... You've arrived,"

"Master Dartz," the three swordsmen intoned in unison, their voices reverent as they bowed deeply before him. "We have returned."

"So, how did it go?" Dartz inquired, his voice tinged with expectation as he awaited their report.

"Valon and I have successfully retrieved Slifer the Sky Dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor from Yugi Mutou. However..." Alister paused, casting a meaningful glance at his colleague.

"Please forgive me..." Rafael responded, his voice strained with frustration as he gritted his teeth. "I have failed... I couldn't acquire the Winged Dragon of Ra from Yuna Sano."

"How come?" Dartz questioned. "Is her skill greater than we anticipated?"

"Indeed," Rafael nodded reluctantly. "She proved to be more powerful than I had imagined. I apologize for my failure," he stated with a heavy heart.

Dartz frowned, a contemplative expression crossing his features as he hummed in thought. "Although there's been a shift in our plans, our ultimate goal remains unchanged. Even without the Winged Dragon of Ra, the offering of these two Gods will undoubtedly stir its attention."

"Rafael and Valon," he spoke calmly, his voice carrying a commanding presence. "You will be assigned a new objective: pursue the Pharaoh and his group, ensuring they won't interfere with our plans," he instructed with unwavering authority, his gaze piercing as he conveyed the importance of their task.

"Understood..." The two muttered in unison.

"Then, Alister, take care of Seto Kaiba and Yuna Sano. Do what you need to do," Dartz ordered with a firm tone, to which Alister responded with a grin of contentment.

"Master," Rafael spoke up, his voice carrying a note of concern. "Shouldn't we also take Seto Kaiba and Yuna Sano's souls?" he inquired thoughtfully.

"Yes, having their souls would be pleasant. However, the Great God of Orichalcos will soon be awakened, and we can't afford any interference at this critical juncture," Dartz declared with unwavering resolve. "Alister, exercise your judgment and do what you see fit."

"Gladly..." Alister replied, his smile widening with a sense of anticipation.

"Is that all?" Dartz asked, fixing his gaze deeply on Rafael, prompting him to speak if there were any further matters to address.

Rafael: "Yes..."

"Now go," Dartz ordered as the three swordsmen retreated to the elevator, leaving him alone in the chamber. With a heavy sigh, he reached for the necklace around his neck, his fingers tracing its intricate design. Soon, everythi will be perfect..." he murmured to himself, a hint of anticipation colouring his words as he envisioned the culmination of his grand plan.


"Sano-san! Sano-San!"

Yuna groaned, her eyelids heavy as she struggled to open them. Blinking against the blurriness, she focused on the face hovering above her and squinted. "Kaiba?" she muttered, her voice hoarse with confusion.

However, as her vision fully cleared, she noticed the distinctive star-shaped hairstyle of the boy above her, and a flicker of disappointment crossed her features: "Mutou...?"

"You're finally awake!" Yugi exclaimed with evident relief in his voice.

Sitting up slowly, Yuna winced as she clutched her head in pain, a fit of coughing seizing her unexpectedly. Taking shallow breaths, she raised her head and noticed Yugi's friends gathered beside him, their expressions etched with concern as they observed her condition with worried glances.

"Mutou..." she mumbled through her coughs, feeling the familiar sensation of warmth trickling down her lips as she struggled to speak, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh my god!" Tea exclaimed, her voice filled with alarm. "You're vomiting blood!"

"Hurry! Someone call an ambulance!" Yugi shouted urgently, his voice laced with panic as Joey and Tristan immediately fumbled for their phones.

"Here, Sano-san, can you stand? Let me..."

However, before he could reach out, Yuna gently pushed Yugi away to create some space as she attempted to stand on her own. Concerned by her weakened state, Serenity and Tea swiftly moved to her side, each grabbing one of her arms to offer their support and help her regain her balance.

"Big sister, please, you need to rest! You're hurt!" Serenity exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine concern as she pleaded for Yuna to prioritize her well-being.

"I'm... fine..." Yuna denied, her voice strained as she wiped the trail of blood from her lips with the back of her palm. "This... happens..." she insisted, trying to downplay the severity of

her condition.

"What?!" Everyone gasped in unison, their disbelief palpable as they processed Yuna's

nonchalant response to her alarming symptoms, wondering if they had misheard her words in

the midst of their shock.

"Does that mean you're sick?" Joey questioned. Instead of answering, Yuna offered a wry

smile; her silence spoke volumes.

"Then we must go to the hospital!" Serenity yelled in a panic, attempting to drag Yuna out of the room. However, despite Serenity's efforts, Yuna's feet remained firmly planted on the floor, her body refusing to budge.

If doctors could mend a broken soul, she would have sought medical help long ago. Sighing deeply, Yuna resigned herself to the situation, acknowledging defeat with a weary smile. "It's

nothing serious...."

"Nothing serious?!" Tea repeated: "You're coughing up blood!"

"Does anyone else know?" Yugi asked with concern etched on his face, prompting Yuna to meet his gaze before shaking her head in response. "You can't keep it all to yourself. It's not good for you. We should at least tell...."

Suddenly, Yuna's hand tightly grasped Yugi's wrist, catching him off guard. "Sano-san?!" "Don't... tell... Kaiba..." she said through gritted teeth, her voice taking on a cold tone as she pleaded with urgency. "Please..."

Even Yuna was stunned by the words escaping her lips. For some inexplicable reason, the mere thought of Seto finding out about her condition sent shivers of discomfort down her spine, causing her stomach to twist with anxiety.

"Alright..." Yugi replied grimly, his expression reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "I won't tell him," he promised.

Yuna smiled weakly, her gratitude evident despite her condition. "Thank you... I'm really

okay..." she reassured them, though her words rang hollow in the air. Seeing that she was adamant about not seeking medical help, Yugi and his friends nodded reluctantly, silently agreeing not to press further on the topic.

"Other than that," Serenity spoke up, her voice filled with concern. "I think we should find another place to live. Big Sister still has the God Card, and the people who attacked us before

might try again.

"You're right," Yugi nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "I don't think Sano-san should stay here for the night; this place isn't safe," he concurred, echoing Serenity's concerns about her current living situation.

"Then Big Sister can stay with us!" Serenity exclaimed excitedly, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm as she turned to Joey for confirmation.

"Hold on," Tristan interjected, his brow furrowed in deep thought: "What if those guys attack again? I think Sano-san should stay with someone who's also capable enough to defend

themselves, right?"

Serenity hesitated, her gaze dropping to the floor as uncertainty clouded her thoughts. As

much as she wanted to offer her support to Yuna, the fear of burdening her with her presence made her hesitant. "Then who's at least skilled enough to be able to duel with Big Sister?" she asked tentatively, and everyone turned their heads towards the boy standing awkwardly in the


Yugi: ".....Why are you guys looking at me like that?"


"Fifteen minutes later..."

"Mom, Grandpa, I'm back!" Yugi called out loudly as he stepped into the Kame Game Shop.

Turning on the lights, Solomon emerged from the back, his eyes widening in surprise. "Yugi, I didn't know you brought a guest?" he remarked, but his expression softened into a bright smile when he saw Yuna standing behind his grandson. "And if it isn't Miss Sano, what brings you here so late in the evening?"

"Um... Sano-san will be staying for the night," Yugi explained, his voice tinged with concern.

"She was also attacked by the same people that robbed the store, but she was able to fend

them off," "Goodness!" Solomon exclaimed in shock as he stepped closer. "Please come in. You must have been through a lot! Are you hurt anywhere?"

Feeling overwhelmed by his kindness, Yuna shook her head in response as she followed Solomon into the house. As they walked through the hallway, the sound of footsteps echoed

from deep inside.

"Yugi, where did you run off to?!" A woman's voice called out, accompanied by the clatter of a

ladle in her hand. "The dinner is going to go cold...." Her words trailed off as she spotted Yuna standing nervously in the background.

"Ah..." Yugi coughed awkwardly, breaking the silence. "Mom, this is Yuna Sano; she's a friend from school and will be staying here for the night," he explained, introducing Yuna to his

mother with a faint blush tinting his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for... troubling you...." Yuna muttered softly, her voice barely above a whisper as

she bowed politely, expressing her gratitude.

"It's not a trouble at all!" Yugi's mother responded hurriedly, her voice slightly shaky with

emotion. "You must be hungry. I just finished making dinner; please have a seat!" she insisted, gesturing for Yuna to join them at the table.

"I will... be in your care..." Yuna smiled gratefully, her expression softening as she followed

Yugi's mother to the dining room.

Five Minutes later...

In Yuna's opinion, the dinner remained highly awkward as the table continued to be shrouded

in silence, interrupted only by the sound of utensils clinking against bowls. However, the awkwardness was somewhat mitigated by Solomon's efforts to engage in conversation, his attempts serving as a welcome distraction from the uneasy atmosphere. "Reaching first place in the Battle City Tournament took a considerable amount of skill," Solomon praised warmly, directing his words towards Yuna. "You're a very formidable duelist, and I heard that you even give Yugi everything he's got," he added.

"I'm not that... good..." Yuna replied modestly, her cheeks flushing slightly as she averted her

gaze, unable to accept the praise bestowed upon her fully. "Nonsense," Solomon chuckled warmly, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "You should be

more proud of yourself," he encouraged gently. Blushing at the attention, Yuna fell quiet and focused on her meal, feeling too embarrassed to continue the conversation. "Speaking of," Yugi's mother interjected, instantly drawing everyone's attention. "Sano-san, could you shed some light on your relationship with Yugi?"

"Mom, what do you mean by that?" Yugi asked nervously.

She chuckled and waved her hand dismissively. "I'm just curious. Are you two dating?"


Caught off guard, Yuna accidentally choked on her food, and Yugi slapped the table with a red

face. "Mom!"

"What's wrong?" Yugi's mother smiled. "It's natural for me to ask my son about these questions."

"We... We're just friends..." He stammered.

"Ha ha, I figured," she giggled. "Even I find it absurd that my son can bring such a beautiful

lady home."

Unable to keep up with his mother, Yugi sighed exasperatedly. "Mom, Sano-san is already dating Seto Kaiba."

"Huh!" Yuna exclaimed in disbelief, accidentally dropping her chopsticks. "Me... and Ka...


Yugi gasped, "Are you two not in a relationship?" Yuna fervently shook her head in denial, "Since you both were always together, I assumed that you were a couple."

Now that Yugi has pointed this out, Yuna has realized that she has spent a significant amount

of time with Seto, especially during school. Typically, they would play Duel Monsters to pass

the time, and it has somewhat become an unspoken routine.

"We're just friends..." Yuna answered firmly.

"Ah, is that so?" Yugi chuckled apologetically: "Sorry if I sounded too rude; you must have

been surprised."

"It's... fine," she said with a wry smile as the table settled into silence. However, the

atmosphere had noticeably warmed...

Two hours later...

"I'm sorry if the room is too small; we haven't really got a proper guest room," Yugi's mother

apologized as she guided Yuna to her sleeping quarters.

"This is... perfect," Yuna said gratefully. "Thank you..."

"Ha ha," Yugi's mother laughed. "What a kind girl," she muttered while patting Yuna's head.

"I've heard from my father-in-law what happened; you must have been through so much,"

she said with a sympathetic smile. "I also heard that you helped him a lot, so I need to thank you too."

"Anyway, you must be tired. I won't bother you any longer." Yugi's mother moved to the door. "Have a good night, Sano-san."

Bidding farewell to Yugi's mother, Yuna quietly assembled the provided futon before lying

down with a small sigh. The damage to her home still left her frustrated, and she contemplated how much it was going to cost to replace everything. But it's not that she's lacking funds or anything...

Gently settling onto the soft futon, Yuna stared at the ceiling as today's events played out

before her eyes. Immediately, the pent-up exhaustion seeped into her body, and she drifted off to sleep. However, her sleep would be anything but peaceful...

[Yuna's POV]

I gasped, and my eyes snapped open. Spring onto my two feet, I scanned my surroundings and found myself under the familiar shade of a large tree: "I'm back here again..." Excitement rose in my chest at the thought of meeting Kisara. However, that eagerness swiftly faded away when I remembered what had happened, and all that remained was a bitter

taste lingering in my mouth.

Placing my hand on the trunk, I raised my head, sensing a presence quietly looming over me.

"Why am I here?" I questioned, and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon emitted a low-pitched growl as it descended from the tree.

Patting the venomous dragon, I waited patiently as the dragon covered in golden scales appeared from the sky. Landing at the bottom of the hill, I happily went to greet my partner. "Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, do you know why I'm here?" I asked. However, just like

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, it expressed its bewilderment, unable to understand my abrupt appearance.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed blindingly before my eyes. Shielding myself behind Divine

Dragon Lord Felgrand, I cautiously watched as the light began to condense and transform into a large shape.

Gasping, I gaped at the figure as its details became more defined, and its appearance resembled the combination of a golden dragon and a bird. Even from a distance, I could feel the divinity emanating from its physique.

"Winged Dragon of Ra..." I mumbled, and the Egyptian God screeched loudly. Under the watchful eyes of my two dragons, I hesitantly approached the Egyptian God. "Are

you the one that brought me here?" I asked expectantly.

To my confusion, the Winged Dragon of Ra refused to respond and instead beckoned me with

its arm. Nervously, I reached out my hand, grasping God's claw, and immediately felt a

pulling sensation as if being sucked into space, and my vision darkened.


When I woke up again, I found myself on a floating island. Groaning, I warily sat up, my mind

still distorted by the rapid turn of events. Standing up, I moved towards the edge of the floating island, and I held my breath at the majestic sight that unfolded before me.

It was a beautiful utopia with lush forests and vast seas, featuring mountains as tall as Mount Everest and rivers as long as the Grand Canal. Overall, it was a sight to behold. However, the perfection was marred by the presence of an enormous yellow eye levitating in the centre of

the sky.

As if detecting my presence, the eye slowly shifted towards my direction, and I felt a sudden

chill down my spine when its vertical pupil dilated to an eerie degree.

"The hell, what in the world is going on," I muttered while shrinking under the eye's watchful

gaze. "Wait, if that's what I think it is, then that means I'm in..."

Before I could finish, a gust of wind blasted my face, and I stumbled backward from the force.

Opening one of my eyes, I witnessed a dragon with white and golden scales flying in front of


Flapping its four wings, the majestic creature landed smoothly on the ground, revealing the

figure of a man clad in armour leaping from the dragon's back. Familiar with his appearance, my expression stiffened in surprise: "Dragon Knight of Creation," I instinctively called out the knight's name.

As the warrior approached me, I nervously gazed through his visor, and my eyes subconsciously wandered to the sword in his hand. I'm not going to get stabbed, am I? "... Do you remember... me?" I asked with caution.

"I do," A deep voice echoed from within the helmet, and I let go of the breath I was holding.

Kneeling on one knee, the Dragon Knight of Creation spoke solemnly: "You are my master. Together, we have fought countless battles. It was an honour to meet you." Letting the breath I was holding, I calmly greeted him "It's... nice to... meet you too..." I

smiled awkwardly, flustered by his formal attitude.

"Although I'm pleased to kneel before my master, the timing of our encounter couldn't be

more unfortunate," he said wistfully. "A foul being has plagued this land, and the inhabitants

of this world are in danger."

"I see..." I as our gazes simultaneously turned towards the eye in the sky. "Please overlook my rudeness," He spoke with guilt: "I'm not educated on the method of

how my master reached this place, but you must go back. It's not safe."

"What are you going.... to do?" I asked worriedly.

Raising his sword, the Dragon Knight of Creation pointed his blade towards the giant eyeball

in the sky: "I will fight." The warrior said with conviction.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

'So.... So cool...' I thought as an imaginary golden radiance shone around his muscular body.


Dragon Knight of Creation's voice snapped me out of my daze, and I hurriedly hid the drool

dripping down the corner of my mouth. Fanning my face, I took a deep breath and regained my composure.

"I will help...".

"I apologise; it's rude to question my master's prowess, but..." "The three Legendary Dragons..." I responded with determination: "Take me... to them..." Dragon Knight of Creation froze, moving hesitantly, debating whether to follow my command or urge me to get out of danger. However, under my pressure and insistence, the

knight relented.

"Understood, follow me," Dragon Knight of Creation nodded and led me to his mount. Smiling at the small victory, I eagerly followed after the duel spirit. Approaching the resting

dragon, it opened its eyes and observed me with curiosity. "Arkbrave Dragon... Do you... remember me, too?" I mumbled, and to my relief, the dragon

happily nudged its head against my chest.

With Dragon Knight of Creation's help, I managed to climb onto Arkbrave Dragon's back, and

the dragon swiftly took off, descending from the floating island. The sharp wind blew against

my ears as I watched us fly towards a tall castle-like structure below. Entering deeply into the building, I began hearing the commotion from within. As Dragon

Knight of Creation opened a large door, what greeted me were massive crystal statues of three

humongous dragons displayed on a circular altar. "Amazing...." I muttered and gaped at the statues in awe. Walking towards the frozen dragons, my eyes scanned the swords implanted in each of their

chests, and I subconsciously reached out with my hand...


Suddenly, a loud voice stopped me in my tracks, and I turned my head towards the noise. In

front of me stood a youthful girl wearing a cute, stylish blue and pink robe similar to the famous Dark Magician's. She has blond hair and green eyes and wields a small, slim wand that

matches her outfit.

"Dark Magician Girl?" I said with surprise, and she smiled while flying through the air. "That's right!" Dark Magician Girl said with pride: "You might have also known me as the

best spell caster in the realm, Dark Magician Girl!"

"You're a lot shorter... than I have imagined..." I said as her head barely reached my chest.

"Huh?!" Dark Magician Girl pouted as her cheeks inflated like a chipmunk: "What is that

supposed to mean!?"

Averting her glare, I giggled: "Too... cute...."

Dark Magician Girl blushed and crossed her arms. "Hmph... Don't call me cute!" However,

remembering why she was here in the first place, she frowned.

"Anyway, you can't touch that!" Dark Magician Girl warned while waving her arms in the air:

"It's dangerous!"

"Please show some respect." Before she could say anything more, the Dragon Knight of

Creation stood between us with an overbearing attitude: "You don't deserve to talk to my

master in this way."

"So you brought her here?!" Dark Magician Girl yelled: "You dragons never follow


"I don't see the issue here." The knight shrugged nonchalantly. "You don't understand!" The young mage complained: "Only certain people can touch those

swords implanted in the statues! It's gotta be someone like the ancient Pharaoh, or else they

are going to be in a whole lot of hurt!"

Rolling my eyes at the two's argument. I glimpsed at the three long swords embedded in each

of the dragons' bodies. The longer I gazed at the blades, the more the strange sensation I was

feeling grew. Ignoring Dark Magician Girl's warning, I decided to follow my instincts and reached out, my

hands gripping the handle of the blades, and with a huff, I pulled...

[3rd's POV]

"Why can't you understand?! It's too dangerous!" Dark Magician Girl shouted, trying to knock

a sense into the dragon knight's head.

"I believe in my master. Such things won't harm her."

"You stupid dragon!" She screamed: "No means n.....'



Suddenly, the two duel monster spirits froze as the entire castle trembled as if threatening to


"Kyaa!! What's happening?!" Dark Magician Girl shrieked in fright. "Are we under attack already?!" Dragon Knight of Creation growled: "Master, we must go

now! Mas...." His body stiffened when he saw three swords in Yuna's hands. "Hey... Hey..." Noticing the situation, Dark Magician Girl asked shakily, and her body

twitched with disbelief: "Where did you get those..."

Yuna pointed at the three empty spots on the dragons where the blades originally rested: "I

touched the swords..." She answered honestly, and the young mage fainted...

I hope you enjoy it!

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