YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 68: I Choose You, Not!

Chapter 68: I Choose You, Not!

[3rd POV]

Dark Magician Girl gasped, jolting her awake from the depths of unconsciousness. Bolting upright, her chest heaved, and her eyes darted frantically around the room. A sigh escaped her lips, a mixture of relief intertwining in her voice as she muttered to herself, "Just a dream."


The mage froze, her senses prickling with alarm as she slowly turned her head to confront the unexpected voice. She stared blankly at the girl who seemed to be the source of all this chaos.

"Looks like I'm still hallucinating," Dark Magician Girl murmured, her voice a fragile whisper in the tense atmosphere.

Despite the confusion, a small, hesitant smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she continued, "Good night." With that, she settled back down, seeking solace in the refuge of sleep.

However, before her body touched the ground, Yuna frantically grabbed her: "It's not a... dream..."

"Such nonsense!" Dark Magician Girl's voice rang out with disbelief. "If I'm really not dreaming," she continued, her tone laced with conviction, "how would you explain that the three Legendary Dragons, once imprisoned within lifeless statues, now stand before me in flesh and scale?"

"They are..." Yuna murmured, her gaze fixed on the three dragons roaring in unison, their voice reverberating throughout the building.

"Ah... Is that so?" Dark Magician Girl's voice was barely a whisper as she struggled to comprehend the impossible reality before her. Finally unable to accept the situation, she willingingly fell into the embrace of darkness, fainting once more.

[Yuna's POV]

I cradled the unconscious Dark Magician Girl in my arms, my expression a mix of concern and bewilderment. Even I found it hard to believe that the swords embedded in the statues had come out so easily when I removed them.

And now... I glanced at the three dragons, their expectant gazes fixed upon me. Critias, Hermos, and Timaeus, I met the eyes of each dragon in turn, feeling the weight of their anticipation bearing down on me.

What should I do now?

"Master," Dragon Knight of Creation came to the rescue and whispered in the midst of uncertainty. "Since you were the one who awakened them, they may be waiting for your guidance."

"My... orders?" I echoed, my voice tinged with uncertainty. What could I possibly command them to do? As I racked my brain for an answer, a single word slipped from my lips before I could stop it a word that would soon weigh heavily on my conscience...


Dragon Knight of Creation:...




*Thump* x3

The three dragons obediently lowered themselves to the ground, their massive forms causing the floor to tremble beneath them. As they settled into a sitting position, a stunned silence enveloped the room. My mind went completely blank, and nervous laughter bubbling up within me to mask the overwhelming disbelief.

Surely, they're just tired from being trapped in statues for so long! Let's give them one more command just to be sure.

"Hand..." I said nervously, watching with bated breath as each of the dragons raised their massive limbs.

"Roll over..." I muttered with exasperation, my heart sinking as the floor trembled beneath the futile attempts of the colossal beasts to perform such a simple maneuver.

'Ah, that's it... I must be dreaming, too...' I concluded with understanding, I thought as my gaze lingering on the three dragons before me.

Ten Minutes Later...

[3rd POV]

Dark Magician Girl stirred once more, her eyes fluttering open as she grasped both sides of her head, a bewildered laugh escaping her lips. "So it's really real..." she murmured. Just the mere sight of the dragons looming over her made her mind goes insane.

"It's only obvious that master would be able to tame the three legendary beasts," Dragon Knight of Creation declared confidently, his words punctuating the air with a sense of certainty that only intensified the pounding migraine in the mage's head.

"Just who in the world is she..." Dark Magician Girl muttered as she nibbled on the tip of her thumb in contemplation, "To think you can awaken all three."

Floating towards Yuna, Dark Magician Girl gently placed her hands on her waist, a curious sparkle in her eyes. "That means you must be more special than I had thought!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder and admiration. The unexpected praise caused Yuna to chuckle awkwardly, her cheeks flushing with embarassment.

"However, the prophecy still must be followed!" Dark Magician Girl declared with a sense of solemnity. "There still must be two more chosen people for two of the guardians, which means you can only choose one."

Instantly, Critias, Hermos, and Timaeus emitted low, discontented snarls as they comprehended the weight of Dark Magician Girl's words. Only one of them would be chosen by Yuna, while the other two would be forced to accept their losses and seek allegiance elsewhere.

"Rules are rules," Dark Magician Girl stated firmly, her voice unwavering in the face of the monsters discontent. "It's there for a reason."

"So I can only choose one..." Yuna muttered quietly, her voice barely audible amidst the clamor of the three dragons vying for her attention.

She frowned, her brows creasing in deep concentration as she weighed her options carefully. Gently running her hand along each of the dragons' neck, a conflicted expression settled on her face as the moments stretched on....

"So, have you chosen?" Dark Magician Girl asked expectantly.

"Yes..." Yuna nodded, her gaze steady as she addressed the expectant dragons before her. "I will choose... None of them..."

"WHAT!!??" Dark Magician Girl screamed in disbelief: "Why?!"

Yuna smiled wryly as she continued to pat Timaeus's head affectionately. Despite the allure of claiming one of the Legendary Dragons for herself, she ultimately decided against it. In the simplest explanation, the three cards didn't align with her deck's strategy, and integrating them would require extensive modifications to her deck that she wasn't prepared to make.

If she really was going to pick one, Critias will probably be the best option, Yuna thought and glanced at the black dragon drooping its head. However, if she does choose Critias then that means Seto won't be getting the card.

A sudden immense worry gnaw at Yuna's conscious. It was proven multiple times during the Waking the Dragons arc that these three legendary beasts have saved Yugi, Seto and Joey in several occasions, if Yuna even took one.... She shuddered with worry and guilt

"There are other people... who can treat you better," Yuna explained gently, her voice tinged with regret as she addressed the disappointed dragons.

"Are you really not picking any?" Dark Magician Girl mumbled, a hint of skepticism coloring her tone. "Then do you even know who's suitable for this role?"

"Yes..." Yuna nodded solemnly as she leaned in to whisper three names into each of the

dragons' ears. "The first will be... Yugi..."

"The Nameless Pharoah?" The young mage grasped her chin in contemplation: "I

understand... What will you do now?"

Turning around, Yuna offered a wry smile, though the exhaustion in her eyes was evident. With a resigned sigh, she shrugged and admitted, "I want... to go back to sleep..."

[Yuna's POV]

"Ah..." I abruptly woke up, finding myself back in my room and realizing that I had returned

to the real world.

Suddenly, loud footsteps echoed as I heard Yugi sprinting down the stairs in a panic, yelling about needing to leave and saving the world, startling everyone awake in the middle of the night. While I couldn't discern the time difference between our world and the spirit world, it seemed that Yugi had also journeyed there during his slumber.

"Looks like he received Timaeus..." I muttered to myself, a sense of relief washing over me.

With a contented sigh, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift back into sleep and the sound of Yugi's distant screams faded down the streets..

Next Day...

As morning arrived, I woke up with a tired groan. Despite feeling physically refreshed, the events of the previous night in the spirit world left me mentally drained, and I couldn't shake

the desire to sleep a little longer.

After changing my clothes, I hurriedly left the room and encountered Yugi in the hallway. "Good morning," he muttered wearily, his face drawn and dark circles evident under his eyes.

"Morning... Mutou..." I greeted Yugi with a sympathetic smile.

Together, we made our way to the dining room, where Yugi's mom was already waiting for us. As we sat down, I couldn't help but overhear the news blaring from the television in the


"Breaking News! Last night, a mysterious yellow eye appeared in the middle of the sky of Domino City. Witnesses have reported that a massive blue dragon has also been spotted battling the eye, causing it to explode," the news anchor announced.

Listening to the report, Yugi cleared his throat awkwardly, a sense of unease lingering in the air. I pretended not to notice his discomfort as Yugi's mother returned from the kitchen, carrying a tray of breakfast items.

"What is going on these days," Yugi's mother sighed, her expression reflecting concern as she set the food on the table. "I just hope things will settle down soon."

Turning to her son, she instructed, "Yugi, go get your grandfather. He should be outside the


Nodding, Yugi left, leaving his mother and me alone in the room. "Sano-san," she spoke up,

and I raised my head to meet her gaze. "I know that you will leave today but do you want to

stay longer?"

"Thank you... But I have to... decline," I smiled warmly, feeling a sense of gratitude welling

up inside me.

Even as an outsider, Yugi and his family treated me with kindness, and I couldn't help but admire the closeness they shared. However, as I reflected on their bond, a slight dimming of my smile betrayed a twinge of envy that I couldn't help but feel towards their tight-knit


As I stared at the table to distract my complicated heart, a sudden commotion broke out from outside as Grandpa Mutou and Yugi's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"I'm sorry, we're not open yet. Huh? Hold on its you!"

"What are you doing? You can't go in there, stop!!"


Before we could react, the door to the dining room was kicked off its hinges, and a man stood

by the entrance. His sharp eyes swept through the room, and I felt a shiver run down my spine

as his gaze honed in on my face..

"K... Kaiba?" I called out in a daze.

"You," Kaiba growled and pointed: "You're coming with me." Without hesitation he approached me and grasped my wrist as I was helplessly dragged out of the room. "Stop!" Yugi's mother intervened, brandishing a broom as she blocked the doorway. "Where

do you think you're taking her?!"

Kaiba paused, his expression shifting as he regarded Yugi's mother. With a resigned sigh, he released my wrist and reached into his pocket, retrieving a chequebook and pen. As he hastily scribbled on the cheque, I peered over his shoulder, my jaw dropping slightly at the sight of the numerous zeros he added before dropping the paper onto the floor.

"This should be enough for the damages," Kaiba explained briskly, gesturing to the cheque on the floor as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house. Passing by Yugi and his grandfather, Yugi smiled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck: "Don't worry, Sano-san, we will bring your things later..." "Sorry..." I mumbled in embarassment and I heard Kaiba clicking his teeth.

Waiting at the entrance, a sleek black limousine awaited us, and Kaiba urged me to enter. As I

slid into the luxurious vehicle, Kaiba slammed the door behind us and took a seat across from me. The engine hummed to life, and we began to move, leaving the Kame Card Shop behind. Sitting in silence, the atmosphere between us was palpably tense. I could sense that Kaiba was in a foul mood, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had somehow contributed to it. "I'm sorry..." I murmured, nervously rubbing my palms together as I broke the silence.

"Why are you apologizing?" Kaiba retorted sharply. "I have never said you have done anything wrong."

I hesitated, my words catching in my throat as I struggled to articulate my thoughts. "I


"So you don't even know what you're apologizing for?" Kaiba's voice carried a sharp edge,

and my shoulders slumped in shame under his scrutiny.

"Ah... sorry..." I mumbled softly.

"Hmph," Kaiba snorted, crossing his arms tightly. "But you're right, you did something

wrong that angers me."

Sensing my anticipation for an explanation, Kaiba sighed heavily, running a hand through his

brown hair in frustration. "Last night... I heard about what happened."

"Y.. yes?" I stammered nervously, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach as Kaiba's scowl

deepened. "I received reports from Noah that strange sounds were heard near your residence," Kaiba explained sternly, his gaze unwavering. "After he checked the security cameras and gathered reports from the residents, we saw an intruder entering your home..."

"So," Kaiba suddenly leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I..." My voice trailed off as I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat "I thought you would... find

it bothersome..."

"I would," Kaiba responded firmly, holding out his hand to silence any potential complaints before they could form. "But that doesn't mean that I won't do something about it." "Another thing, even if you didn't call me in this situation, it annoys me that out of all the

people you could have stayed with, you chose that guy..." Kaiba spat out, his frustration evident.

"Then who?" I questioned, puzzled by his reaction.

"I don't know anyone but him!" Kaiba shouted with a flustered expression. "He can't be

trusted!" Eh... Yugi and untrustworthy were not two things I expected to put together. I glimpsed at Kaiba, who was observing my reaction to his statement.

"Ok..." I eventually nodded, deciding to tread carefully to avoid provoking his anger further.

"I will make sure... to rely on Kaiba..." I teased lightly, hoping to lighten the mood. However,

to my dismay, he merely took a deep breath in response, his expression remaining impassive.

Unable to continue the conversation, I turned my attention to the passing scenery outside the car window. "Where are we going?" I asked quietly, breaking the silence. "To the Kaiba Corp headquarters," Kaiba replied nonchalantly. "If you're even thinking of

going back to your house, forget it. I'll send people to clean it up, and I'll also get someone to

fetch your belongings from Yugi's place."

I immediately shut my mouth as the question was answered before I even asked. Helplessly nodding, I patiently sat in the car and was brought to Kaiba Corps Head Quarters....

[3rd POV]

As the car came to a stop at the entrance, Roland rushed towards the vehicle with an

expression of exasperation. It had been only an hour ago that Seto had suddenly left work

without any explanation, stating that he needed to pick something up, and had gone without a moment's notice.

Now that he had returned, Roland couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration building within

him. No matter how great a man his boss was, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was going insane working under him.

Maintaining a business-like smile, Roland opened the car door and bowed in a professional

manner: "Welcome back, sir. I hope you achieved your objective." He said as Seto emerged with a calm expression.

As Roland was about to close the door, he noticed another person was trying to come out of

the vehicle. Adjusting his mistake, he fully opened the door, and a girl with whom he was very familiar stepped out of the car.

"Ah, Miss Sano, my apologies," Roland said with a polite bow as he addressed Yuna.

"It's fine," Yuna replied with a slight nod, her expression composed.

"Sir, regarding the item that you're referring to..." Roland began, but before he could finish

his sentence, Seto's glare intensified, causing Roland to immediately close his mouth,

understanding that further discussion was not welcome at the moment. Watching Yuna follow Seto into the building, Roland sighed with resignation, feeling a sense

of frustration building within him. Under his breath, he muttered, "Why not just make it more obvious..."

10 minutes later...

Arriving in Seto's office, Mokuba, who had been waiting for his brother's return, noticeably

brightened as the door opened.

"Seto, where did you go?!" he exclaimed. "Our reputation is still going downhill, and the

reporters are getting even more pushy than ever!"

Hearing the frustrating news, Seto scowled and strode towards his desk. "Have they not found out who's behind all this yet?" he demanded sharply. "What am I even paying for?!" His frustration was evident in his tone as he slammed his hand on the desk.

With a worried expression, Mokuba sighed and then heard someone else entering the room. Spotting Yuna, his eyes widened in surprise, and he immediately rushed over to her. "Big Sister, I heard that someone broke into your home!" Mokuba said with a face full of

concern. "Are you hurt? Did they do something to you?!"n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Hugging him, Yuna bent her knees to match his eye level. "Thank you, Mokuba," she said gently. "I'm okay."

"Next time when any bad guys show up, just call me and I will deal with them!" Mokuba declared confidently, a determined glint in his eyes. Yuna couldn't help but laugh as she pinched his cheek.

Quietly, Seto rested his chin on his hand and watched the two of them laughing together. For a brief moment, he forgot about all the troubles that had been plaguing him since yesterday.

However, as memories of certain events flooded back to him, Seto couldn't help but furrow his brow in concern.

"Sano," he called out, his voice cutting through the jovial atmosphere. "Who attacked you

last night? "They..." Yuna paused, her expression tense as she deliberated how much she should reveal. "They called themselves Doma.... And the leader of the organization is called Dartz..."

Scowling at this brand new information, Seto urged her to continue and Yuna nodded solemnly, steeling herself as she resumed her explanation, "They seem to want to... awaken a new God..." "Ridiculous..." he remarked, his tone filled with disbelief. However, despite his initial reaction, Seto couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that, given all the recent unexplainable events, summoning a new god didn't sound as absurd as it should. "Kaiba, Doma must be... the ones that caused all this mess...." Yuna leaned over the desk, her gaze intense as she locked eyes with him. "You have to... believe me." Slightly overwhelmed by Yuna's assertive tone, Seto nodded blankly, his mind racing with

thoughts. Sensing the tension, Seto averted his gaze and glanced at the awkward Mokuba, deciding to change the subject.

"Mokuba, go tell them and let them know that the people we're searching for is a group called Doma," Seto ordered, his tone decisive. Mokuba hurriedly left to complete his task. Left alone with Yuna, Seto sighed with exhaustion, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sank

into his seat. "Are you... okay?" Yuna asked with concern, noting his disheveled state. "How can I be okay?" Seto remarked while rubbing his face. "There's someone out there trying to make a fool out of me, and everything I have worked for is getting dragged down the

drain!" His voice carried a mixture of anger and exasperation as he vented his frustrations to


Yuna spoke softly, her voice filled with empathy. "Kaiba..."

"I have worked too hard for all of this to end!" Seto shouted in frustration, his emotions

boiling over. With a sudden burst of anger, he swept his arm along the desk, sending things

flying across the room.

Collapsing onto his chair, Seto let out a weary sigh. "How can this get any worse...."


Suddenly, the door to his office burst open, and Mokuba, who had just left, rushed in with a

look of urgency on his face. "Big Brother, we've got bad news!!" "What is it now?!" Seto snarled and he felt like his luck couldn't possibly get any worse.

"Allow me to explain," a voice said, and Seto glanced at the monitor where the figure of Noah could be seen.

Manipulating the device, Noah displayed various graphs and data that caused everyone in the room to hold their breath. "Currently, there is a third party purchasing Kaiba Corp's stock at an alarming rate. If these numbers are accurate, then that means they will soon own half of

the shares of this company."

"Which means that if they buy any more, they can take control of this entire company," Seto

muttered, and cursed loudly as Yuna blocked Mokuba's ears from the flurry of unseemingly


"Dammit!! Who the hell is doing this!" He shouted. "Noah, stop them now!" "Understood, I will halt their progress," Noah replied with a nod. "However, even if I stop

them, the third party will still have some influence on Kaiba Corp. We must get rid of the


"Do what you must do," Seto ordered firmly.

Glancing at Yuna, Noah smiled briefly before refocusing on the task at hand. However, that

smile soon transformed into a confused frown. "Seto, I received a notification that someone

wants to contact you," Noah informed him, his expression puzzled.

"Tell them I don't have time," Seto hissed, his frustration palpable. However, he paused

abruptly upon hearing Noah's next words. Noah's voice was tense as he continued, "It's from the third party...."

For the next few seconds, Seto's expression shifted rapidly from surprise to rage, and finally

to disgust. Gnashing his teeth, he muttered coldly, "Put them on the line..."

With a few clicks, the screen was replaced by a live video call of a man leisurely sitting with his

legs propped up on his desk.

"So it was you!" Seto roared, while Pegasus simply laughed.

"Good morning, Kaiba-boy!" Pegasus greeted cheerfully. "How have you been? Looks like

we're business partners now!"

"I will never let a snake like you take over my company!" Seto shouted with rage. "Come on now, don't be so uptight. How about having a vacation?" Pegasus joked casually.

"But don't worry, I'm not really after your company. I want you." "What are you sprouting about?" Seto growled, his voice low and menacing, as he suppressed

the veins bulging on his forehead.

"I will challenge you to a duel!" Pegasus announced boldly. "And I assure you that I will not

take no for an answer! Well, if you do decide to ignore my challenge, I will make sure to buy

the rest of Kaiba Corps, taking it apart piece by piece." "Come to my castle in the Duelist Kingdom; I will be waiting... Well, Adios!" Without waiting for a reply, Pegasus hung up, leaving Seto's office engulfed in silence.

Sensing the solemn atmosphere, Mokuba gulped nervously before speaking up, "Brother,

surely you're not going!?"

Seto remained quiet, his expression unreadable. Sensing his brother's distress, Mokuba continued, "Look, Noah and I will get the stocks back! If you give us some time..."

"I think something is wrong..." Seto interrupted, his expression pensive. "Pegasus wouldn't

act like this."

Mokuba glanced at his brother, puzzled. "What do you mean? He looks just as creepy as I remembered him..."

"No," Seto's brother shook his head and glanced at Yuna. "He did not greet Sano at all." Yuna's eyes widened in realization. All this time, although Pegasus had clearly spotted her in

the room, he hadn't even tried to say hello. Given his infatuation in her, it was indeed strange. "Something is going on," Seto mumbled, his mind racing with possibilities. "I'm going. Only

if I confront Pegasus now will we get our answers."

"Kaiba..." Yuna said softly, her determination evident in her voice. "I'm coming... with you..." Albeit reluctant to involve her further, Seto nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well," he conceded. "Mokuba, stay here with Noah and deal with the problem first. We will get to the bottom of this."

With that, the Kaiba brothers had made their plans as they began to work. Following Seto out

of the room, Yuna subconciously frowned as she stared at his broad back, knowing that the

next few days may decide the very fate of this world...

I hope you enjoy it!

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