YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 75: Yugi vs.... Yugi?!

Chapter 75: Yugi vs.... Yugi?!

[Yuna's POV]

Dammit, Joey, you and your lousy mouth, why can't you keep a secret!! I quietly cursed at the blond-haired boy in the video while observing Kaiba apprehensively.

"Whoops, forget my earlier statement," Joey laughed awkwardly, but by now, the cat was already out of the bag.

"He lost..." Kaiba muttered coldly. He glared at Yami Yugi and must have realised the meaning, as the Pharaoh's shoulders shrunk dejectedly upon being reminded of his devastating blunder.

"Kaiba!" I exclaimed as he suddenly stood up from his seat and slammed his hands down on the table.

"Yugi lost?!!!!" He shouted in rage, and I recoiled as an indescribable bloodlust filled the room: "How dare he!!!"

"Hold on..." Yami Yugi muttered with anguish, which infuriated him further.

"Who do you think you are?! Giving your champion title away to some random guy down the street, do you take me as a joke!!?" Kaiba roared: "It should have been me that defeats you!!"

"You're a disgrace as a duelist. You're nothing but a...."

"Kaiba!!" I finally snapped and glared at him: "Stop this now...."

"Sano, you..." Kaiba turned his head towards me, his eyes shaking with betrayal.

"I know you're angry... but please calm down...." I reasoned and patted his shoulder: "You're more... rational than this..."

Staring at my face, Kaiba's lips twisted uncontrollably: "I need some time to think..." He muttered and walked away.

"But this phone call..."

"Handle it for me; I will just go with whatever decision you make..." Without waiting for my response, Kaiba left, leaving me alone in the office.

Unsure of what to do, I eventually settled down in his chair and picked up the phone: "I apologise... Yugi's loss was very shocking... For both of us..."

"Yeah, I understand. We were all quite surprised as well." Joey hesitantly nodded and glanced at Yami Yugi from the corner of his vision: "Anyway, does that mean you are willing to hear us -out?"

"Yes..." I assured them, "We can negotiate once... I finish listening." Joey agreed and began to speak.

Long story short, their journey happened the same way it did in the canon. After Kaiba and I returned to KaibaCorps, Yugi and his gang travelled all the way to Arthur Hawkin's house to gain some clues about Doma.

'Even if I was the one who took the Rebecca duel, they still managed to get acquainted with each other.' I thought as Joey continued to explain their past experiences through the screen. After arriving at Arthur Hawkin's laboratory, they found the place in flames, and Doma had captured him. Yugi had to duel Rafael to get him back.

"That's when Yugi lost and sacrificed himself to save his other self." Joey said: "It's some pretty crazy stuff, but luckily, we managed to save Mr Hawkins."

"Where are you... now?" I asked, and Joey awkwardly scratched his cheek.

"Well, we're currently in Mr Hawkins's RV in the middle of nowhere, which is why we need assistance getting to Florida! It turns out there's an ancient tablet relating to Doma in the museum over there that can help us find these chums!"

"Since they messed you guys as well, you must also want to have paybacks, right?!" Joey finally finished his speech, and I chuckled.

"Okay..." I agreed: "Let's rendevous... at the nearest airport..."

"You're the best Sano-san!" Joey beamed and clasped his hands together in thankfulness: "I don't know what we will do without you!"

My smile stiffened momentarily at Joey's praise, and I felt a prick in my conscience. I could've agreed to retrieve them from where they were now. Still, that would mean that Yami Yugi would likely miss out on a crucial character development moment when he meets Ironheart and Chris, the other two remaining citizens from Atlantis.

These two will bring Yami Yugi to the Stone Wilderness of lost souls, where he will duel Yugi to purge the darkness in his heart. However, for that to even happen, Yami Yugi and Téa will be separated from the group, and they have to go through some pretty hectic stuff that probably could've been avoided if we had just picked them up directly.

'It's for the best... It's for the best.' I continuously repeated in my head: 'Character development arcs are always important!!'

"Sano?" Joey questioned when he noticed I wasn't responding, and I hurriedly smiled to disperse his suspicion.

"Sorry... I got lost in thought...Take care...." I waved and hung up the phone. In the end, if they really called for my help, I would gladly do so.

When the peaceful silence returned, I stood up and said to no one in particular, "Now... Where's Kaiba?"

Luckily, with Noah's help, I quickly located Kaiba, who was in the virtual duelling arena. Opening the door, I was immediately confronted with the sight of two Blue Eyes White Dragons flying above me.

"Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack Dark Magician!!" Kaiba roared, and the furious white dragon unleashed a deadly beam at the wizard floating on the other side.

[Yugi Mutou: 2300 LP -> 1800 LP]

"Now, my second Blue Eyes White Dragon, end this by attacking him directly!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.


[Yugi Mutou: 1800 LP-> 0 LP]

When the duel ended, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the hologram of Yugi disappeared, and a mechanical voice echoed through the room.

"Simulation Over. Duel Ends. Seto Kaiba wins."

"Kaiba..." I muttered as his shoulders heaved and sweat dripped down his face.

Despite winning against artificial intelligence, Kaiba doesn't seem even a little pleased, and

for some reason, it seems to have angered him further.

"This is not enough." He muttered, oblivious of my presence: "Again."

"Restarting Simulation. Opponent Selected. Yugi Mutou."

[Yugi Mutou: 4000 LP]

[Seto Kaiba: 4000 LP]

Like a crazy demon, Kaiba restarted the duel, his eyes sharp like a falcon as he glared at Yugi's figure. No matter what I say, my words don't seem to register in Kaiba's head, and he was

completely zoned out from reality.

Sighing anxiously, I eventually moved towards the computer and scrolled through the interface before finding something interesting...

[3rd POV]

"DUEL!!" Seto shouted and reactivated his Duel Disk, and Yugi's hologram did the same.

His mind was in utter chaos, and he was unable to accept Yugi's loss. In the past, Seto have been the best Duelist in the world, then Yuna appeared in his life, snatching his position. Next, in the Battle City tournament, he suffered another defeat under Yugi, moving him to

third place.

Now, someone defeated Yugi and took his title?

What does that mean for him?

Seto gritted his teeth. Fourth place, him?

Why was this happening?

No matter how hard he thrived to be the best, there was always someone better than him. Slowing and drawing a card, Seto was about to start his first move when the artificial

intelligence emitted a strange announcement.

"Duel Paused. Cancelling Simulation."

Frowning in confusion, he glanced at the terminal and noticed Yuna operating it with a small


"You're here," Seto called out, and Yuna smiled wryly in response: "So, what are you going to


"....We will go and help." She answered: "They will set off early in the morning.... and we

should be arrive by then...."

When Seto didn't respond, Yuna continued to play with the terminal before finding

something interesting.

"Restarting Duel. Opponent Selected. Yuna Sano."

Yugi's body gradually transformed into a beautiful girl with blue hair and blue eyes. Yuna

curiously wandered to the other side of the room, where her hologram stood rigid like a

statue: "Why does this look so real?"

"KaibaCorp's technology is the best of the best." Seto eventually explained: "I won't tolerate

even the slightest imperfection."

"Hmph... That so..." Yuna muttered before smiling cheekily: "Then... Who's better? Me or



Not bothering to respond, he switched off the terminal, and Yuna's hologram disappeared. Crossing his arms, Seto glared at her with annoyance: "What do you want?"

"....I'm just checking in on you," Yuna shrugged and walked towards the door: "You should go... get some rest."

"I'm fine," Seto growled: "No need to be concerned about me."

"I see... I'm only worried as your friend..." Pausing by the exit, she quietly turned her head and smiled: "Use it as motivation... to hunt those guys down... and take back what's yours..." With a farewell, Yuna left, and Seto stared at the ground in contemplation. Pressing the button on the side of the wall, a Kaiba Corp employee swiftly arrived. "Prepare a transport. We will be travelling to America tonight." Seto ordered, and the staff saluted before hurriedly left to complete the task.

"I will take back what's mine..." Seto muttered and clenched his fist, his pupils blazing with


Ten hours later...

[Yuna's POV]

With enough preparations, Kaiba and I soon set off back to America. However, instead of

taking the Blue Eyes White Dragon Jet, we decided to ride a private plane since the jet was not

suitable for more than two people.

"You look worried." Kaiba pointed out as we waited at the gates.

"I'm fine..." I muttered and stared into the distance: "Just tense..."

"These losers should be here by now," He grumbled, checking the time on his watch. What's

taking them so long?"

"Nn..." I nodded quietly and fiddled with the phone in my pocket.

Now, what would those guys do? Would they call us for help, or can they handle it on their

own? Suddenly, as if right on cue, my phone vibrated uncontrollably, and I pressed the answer


"Bad news Sano-san!!" Joey screamed through the speaker: "We have been attacked, and I've

lost contact with Yugi and Téa!!"

"...What happened?" I asked and glimpsed at Kaiba, who was listening with a deep frown.

"Weevil and Rex, those two little snakes, ambushed!" Joey said with anger: "I managed to

defeat Rex, so we should be fine for the time being. Please go help Yugi!" He urged, and I hung up the call.

"Kaiba..." I said with expectation, and he scowled.

"Yes, yes, you want to save that brat, right?" He sighed exasperatedly: "Fine... Just leave it to


'This guy!' I clasped my hands together and stared at him with amazement: 'With enough time, even someone like Seto Kaiba can become dependable!' "You..." Kaiba muttered: "You were thinking of something bad, weren't you?"n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Ha ha... Of course not..." I laughed and took his hand, and he was helplessly dragged away:

"No time to waste... Let's go!"


[3rd POV]

Yami Yugi gritted his teeth as he stared at his opponent before him with a complicated

emotion. It wasn't long ago that the train they were on crashed because of Weevil's doing,

and they were rescued by an old man and girl who introduced themselves as Ironheart and


Afterwards, Ironheart led Yami Yugi to this very Wasteland of Stone, where now he was challenged by the soul of his other self... His companion, Yugi Mutou... "Yugi, please stop." The Pharaoh pleaded desperately: "Why are you acting like this?"

"I'm merely your reflection; you and I are the same..." Yugi replied: "The darkness that dwells

in your heart also dwells in mine."

"It's already too late," He continued: "You have shown me who you really are... You only

cared about yourself!"

Yami Yugi: "Yugi wait..."

"It's my turn!" Yugi interrupted. This duel will be a chance to show you what you actually

look like from the outside! I will activate my spell card, Seal of Orichalcos!!" "Yugi, no!!!" Yami Yugi shouted. However, it was already too late, and the seal was

successfully formed...

To the Pharaoh's horror, as the duel continued, Yugi began to use the strategy he had used

while battling Rafael. Utilising the ability of Catapult Turtle, shamelessly sacrificing his monsters, and dealing damage, Yami Yugi's life points dropped tremendously.

"Now, I will tribute my Queen Knight and use her with my Catapult Turtle to destroy your life

points!" BOOOOM

[Yami Yugi: 1200 LP -> 200 LP]

"One more attack and you will become the prisoner of Orichalcos..." "Yugi, I'm begging you!" The Pharaoh spoke with despair: "Don't go through with this!"

Yugi: "Too late! I will sacrifice my Dark Magician Girl! Launch, Catapult Turtle!!" Staring at the projectile travelling towards him, Yami Yugi gritted his teeth in despair.

Realising that to keep the promise of saving his friend, he must put his feelings aside and win this fight.

"I'm sorry, my friend..." he mumbled before shouting, "I will activate my trap card, Divine

Wind!!! When a monster inflicts damage on me, I can negate it and return the same damage with double the strength!!!"

Suddenly, a small tornado blocked the projectile and sent it back the way it came. Staring at

the deflected blast, Yugi smiled.


[Yugi Mutou: 1900 LP -> 0 LP]

"Gahhhh!!!" Yugi screamed and fell to the ground. In a panic, Yami Yugi rushed to his side and picked up his fallen friend.

Groaning, Yugi opened his eyes and smiled: "You did it... You passed the test..."

"I don't understand," Yami Yugi's eyes trembled in disbelief: "Did you plan out all this."

Smiling, Yugi explained that by defeating him, Yami Yugi had successfully defeated the darkness dwelling in his heart: "Don't give up this fight," Yugi muttered weakly: "I will be

watching over you..." Closing his eyes, Yugi's body gradually disappeared and transformed into particles of light...

Biting his lips, Yami Yugi wiped the tears off his face as he noticed the sky began to darken

considerably. The Seal of Orichalcos that Yugi used remained vibrant, and Yami Yugi felt an ominous presence looming from above. "Dartz..." He snarled and stared at the cloudy sky.

Suddenly, the Seal of Orichalcos rumbled, and a tall figure emerged from the centre. It was a

monster with a grotesque appearance and covered in full metal armour. Its eyes were dyed red, and the Seal of Orichalcos shined brightly on its forehead.

[Orichalcos Soldier: 4000 LP]

"Get out of there!!" Téa screamed.

Unfortunately, it was already too late, and the Seal of Orichalcos successfully trapped Yami

Yugi in place. The monster revealed a blade-like Duel Disk on its arm, summoning a brown

deformed giant that burst out of the ground. [Orichalcos Gigas: 400 Attack] [Orichalcos Gigas: 400 -> 900 Attack]

Orichalcos Gigas roared and swung its fists as Yami Yugi hurriedly dodged the attack: "What

do I do?!" He shouted and glanced at Ironheart for advice.

"Use the power of your monsters to fight back! The souls residing in the land will assist you!"

Ironheart's booming voice travelled through the field, and Yami Yugi frantically activated his own Duel Disk.

"I will use Polymerization to fuse my Gazelle, the King of Mythical Beast, and Berformet to summon Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast!!" [Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast: 2100 Attack]

"Now attack Chimera!!" The Pharaoh yelled. The beast crashed into Orichalcos Gigas, and the

monster burst into pieces. [Orichalcos Soldier: 4000 LP -> 2800 LP]

Roaring in anger, the Duel Disk on the monster's arm flashed, and the ground erupted once

more as the Orichalcos Gigas that was destroyed returned, this time much stronger than before.

[Orichalcos Gigas: 1400 Attack] [1]

"It returned, and its attack has increased!" Yami Yugi muttered in shock: "Tsk... Attack again, Chimera!!"


[Orichalcos Soldier: 2800 LP -> 2100 LP]

[Orichalcos Gigas: 1900 Attack]

"Every time I attack, it will only get stronger..." He commented in observation: "Then I will

use my spell card, Fissure!

The ground beneath Orichalcos Gigas ruptured into a deep ravine, and the monster helplessly

fell in. But much to Yami Yugi's dismay, Orichalcos Gigas continued to return, and its strength

only increased with every death. [Orichalcos Gigas: 2400 Attack]

Orichalcos Gigas continued its attack. Swinging its fist, Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast,

was destroyed. The Pharaoh groaned, and he felt the damage to his body.

[Yami Yugi: 4000 LP -> 3700 LP]

"When Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast, is destroyed, I can summon Gazelle, the King of

Mythical Beasts, onto the field! Next, I will set a card face down!" [Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts: 1500 Attack]

When Orichalcos Gigas attacked, Yami Yugi frantically revealed the trap card he had placed in advance: "I will activate my Trap, Mirror Force!!" He declared when Orichalcos Gigas launched another assault: "This will reflect Orichalcos Gigas's attack and reflect it to itself!!"

However, to his disbelief, the trap also didn't seem to have an effect, and Orichalcos Gigas returned stronger than ever... [Orichalcos Gigas: 2900 Attack]

"Trap cards don't work either?!" Yami Yugi exclaimed in shock, and the monster attacked

Berformet, knocking him to the ground: "Can nothing stop it?!" [Yami Yugi: 3700 LP -> 2300 LP]

"Pharaoh!" Ironheart yelled and jumped off the ledge, dashing towards Yami Yugi with all his


"Ironheart?! What are you doing?!" Yami Yugi shouted back while dodging Orichalcos Giga's attacks: "Stay away! It's dangerous!"

Yet, his warning was ignored as Ironheart sprinted and revealed Timaeus's Eye in his hand:

"You must take this! This card is the only way for you to defeat that beast!!" "Wait, Ironheart, look out!" The Pharaoh warned when Orichalcos Gigas turned its head and

changed its direction of attack towards the old man.

But, instead of the gruesome scene of the elderly man being torn apart by the dangerous

monster, a deafening roar shakes the sky, and the ground between Orichalcos Gigas and Ironheart erupts into a massive explosion.

In shock, Yami Yugi lifts his head, and a silver dragon with three heads soars through the air:

"That's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!?"

A helicopter was flying behind Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Yami Yugi couldn't hide the

delight on his face: "Sano, Kaiba, you're here!"

Glancing at Yami Yugi, Yuna smiled and calmly observed the situation. Thankfully, they made

it in time before anyone got hurt.

With the space created, Ironheart took this chance and shouted to get Yami Yugi's attention:

"Pharaoh, catch!!" He threw the Eye of Timaeus through the air, and the Pharaoh caught the

card between his fingers.

Taking a deep breath, Yami Yugi prayed in his heart before desperately raising the card to the

sky: "I will activate the Eye of Timaeus!!" He announced, and the humongous blue dragon

appeared before him. "Timaeus, you have answered!" Yami Yugi yelled with joy, and he smiled with confidence: "I

will fuse Timaeus with the Dark Magician Girl in my hand and summon Dark Magician Girl,

the Dragon Knight!!"

[Dark Magician Girl, the Dragon Knight: 2600 Attack]

"Next, I will enhance her strength with the spell card Excalibur and double her attack


[Dark Magician Girl, the Dragon Knight: 5200 Attack]

"Attack!" Yami Yugi roared: "Destroy those creatures of Darkness!" Raising her sword, Dark

Magician Girl and Timaeus unleashed a deadly beam of energy that engulfed the two Orichalcos monsters in flames.

[Orichalcos Soldier: 2100 LP -> 0 LP]

I hope you enjoy it. It might be a little confusing if you haven't watched the episode this chapter is referencing, but I hope that I have delved deep enough that you won't have to. I will probably post another chapter this week since I want to speed up this arc. But that would means the chapter next week might take a little longer... [1] When this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon it immediately, but it cannot attack for the rest of this turn. When this is Special Summoned by its own effect, skip

your next Draw Phase. This card gains 500 ATK x the number of times it was Special

Summoned by its own effect during this Duel.

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