YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 76: Taken by Suprise

Chapter 76: Taken by Suprise

[Yuna's POV]

I covered my eyes as the explosion from Dark Magician Girl's attack emitted a light so

blinding that I thought I was seeing heaven. When the light settled and my vision returned, I stared at the stone valley where Yami Yugi stood alone as the remains of the Orichalcos Soldier completely disappeared.

"Bring us down," Kaiba ordered the pilot, and the helicopter began to descend.

When we finally landed, I stepped onto the ground, and Yami Yugi ran towards us: "Sano, Kaiba... What are you guys doing here?"

"Your geek friends told us to help you." Kaiba snorted: "You should be grateful that I agreed."

"For that, I'm glad," Yami Yugi smiled: "Thank you both. I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for the two of you. Do you know what happened to my friends?"

"They should... be safe..." I answered: "We should... go."

"Yes, but wait before that." Yami Yugi turned around and stared at Ironheart and Chris approaching us.

"Have you accomplished what you came here for?" Ironheart asked, and the Pharaoh grinned.

"I have. Thank you for allowing me to purge the darkness in my heart." He bowed: "Won't you two come with us?"

"No," the old man shook his head. It's time to pass on our fight to you. Please defeat Dartz, stop the Leviathan, and end this battle that has been going on for far too long.

"I will," Yami Yugi nodded: "I promise." With a refreshed resolve, he turned to us: "Kaiba, Sano. I know it's unfair for me to ask, but would you please help me in the upcoming duel? Dartz must be stopped."

"Hmph," Kaiba crossed his arms and sneered: "I'm planning to crush him in the first place, with or without you. Nobody can mess with me and get away with it."

"They had already.... attacked me at my home..." I said with a small sigh: "So it's... payback."

Yami Yugi smirked at our responses: "Great, then let's go."

Boarding the helicopter, the aircraft swiftly took to the sky. Travelling along the railroad, we eventually stumbled on Joey and Tristan carrying the unconscious Rex Raptor, who screamed with relief as they happily chased after the helicopter like crazed dogs.

Arriving at the airport, we all boarded the private plane. As the aircraft took off, Kaiba, Joey, Yami Yugi, and I sat around each other, calmly listening to their discussions.

"From the "clues" you give us, I have already sent people to the Museum to retrieve data relating to the artifact." Kaiba explained: "We will go to KaibaCorp to have it analysed."

"Thank you," Yami Yugi said: "That would make things much easier. Also, it's time we think about how to defeat Dartz..."

"Who cares about strategy?!" Joey said with a wide grin: "Once we find him, I will just beat him up with my superior duelling skills!" His nose twitched with pride, and Kaiba snorted.

"Even so, Joey, we must work together," Yami Yugi said: "Thankfully, we have multiple allies by our side." Taking a deep breath, Yami Yugi began to recount his dreams and experiences, about his card Timaeus and how Kaiba and Joey also have the other two dragons as well.

"So you're saying that these three "Legendary Dragons" were the key to defeating Dartz?" Kaiba said dubiously: "I find it hard to believe."

"But it's true," Yami Yugi affirmed while staring at the Eye of Timaeus in his hand: "We were the people that the three dragons had chosen."

"Oh yeah! We're pretty awesome, aren't we?!" Joey bragged, and I suppressed the giggle that was about to form.

"Awesome, you? Don't make me laugh." Kaiba sneered contemptuously. Then let me ask you this: why wasn't Sano chosen before you?"

"M.. Me?" I flinched in surprise when all eyes turned to me. Why was I suddenly the topic of the conversation?

"You do have a point..." Yami Yugi muttered and grasped his chin deep in thought: "Was there some requirement?"

Haha... Actually, I have been chosen... by all three, in fact. However, not wanting to say anything, I smiled awkwardly and shrugged: "It's okay... I don't have to be chosen... I can still... duel without it."

"No," Kaiba responded grimly: "I won't allow it."

"What?" I uttered confusion: "What do you... mean?"

"If these cards are the only way to stand toe to toe against that man, you should stay out of this fight." He explained calmly, and I frowned.

"Are you saying... I'm not strong enough?" I questioned.

"No," Kaiba shook his head: "you just shouldn't."

"Why?!" I stood up and stared at him. It didn't make sense!"

"That's because I said so!" Kaiba snapped and also stood up, and I was caught off guard by his raising his voice.

"That's not a... good reason!" I argued.

"Yes, it is," Kaiba retorted.

".... How so?!"

"Just cause!" He shouted back before clenching his fist. Averting his gaze, I could feel his tension rising as he stared out the window: "Just cause... I don't want you to get hurt..."

"....." Speechless, I gazed at Kaiba in shock as his words slowly set in. My body twitched, and a slight shiver went down my neck...

He doesn't want me to get hurt... My face flushed, and a puff of steam rose from my head: "W... what a...are you saying!"

Rubbing his neck, Kaiba looked into the distance awkwardly and refused to elaborate. I felt Joey and Yami Yugi's gaze bore a hole into the back of my head. Losing my patience, I snatched Kaiba's wrist and dragged him to the other end of the plane.

When we were alone, I let go and glared at him: "....Why would you say something like that!"

Gathering his composure, Kaiba calmly swept his hand along his hair: "You asked, didn't


"B... B... B... B... But..." My mouth was unable to utter a proper word, and I punched his chest in frustration: "To say... that... of all things..."

Why would such things even come out of his mouth?!

"Then does that mean you will stay out of the duel?" Kaiba's question snapped me out of my

stupor, and I glared at him.

"No!!!" I fumed: "Of course... not!"

"Then what should I do to make you back down?" Kaiba asked, crossing his arms. I can give you money, jewellery, or Duel Monster cards."

"Kaiba, stop!" I snapped.

Biting my lips, I averted my gaze and spoke dejectedly: "Why... Why are you doing this? I'm

not so weak... So why...."

Gritting his teeth, Kaiba's face twisted with various emotions before he let out a resigned sigh, "I don't know myself..." Covering his face, he groaned with complexion: "It just felt strange. When I know that you might lose your soul..."

Staring at him, I quietly opened my mouth, but no words came out. I felt myself unable to say a single thing under the sincerity in his tone, making me realise how serious he actually was.

"Kaiba..." I muttered, and we gazed at each other: "I won't... lose... Please trust me."

Under my pleading, Kaiba's expression was distorted by annoyance, frustration, and eventually resignation. He exhaled deeply as if struggling to find the right words to respond.

"Fine..." Kaiba said coldly and leaned so close that our noses almost touched. "But if you break your promise, I will never forgive you...."

I gulped and nodded hesitantly, and Kaiba strolled off. Staring at his back, I felt confused about whether to follow him, and my instincts were telling me that he needed some time


In the end, I returned to where Yami Yugi and Joey were as they gazed at me awkwardly when I sank into my seat.

"Are you sure that you two aren't married or something?" Joey joked and immediately yelped when I gave him a deathly glare.

"I want to talk with the Pharaoh... Alone..." I uttered, and reading the room, Joey hurriedly scampered away, leaving me alone with the Pharaoh.

Taking a long sip of the already cold tea, I quietly observed Yami Yugi, who seemed uncomfortable under my scrutinizing gaze: "How should I address you? Should I still call you


"Anything is fine..." Yami Yugi replied: "You can still just call me Mutou."

"Then... Mutou-san...Are you alright... now?" I asked.

"I'm much better than before," he answered honestly: "The time in the Stone Wilderness allowed me to reflect on myself and strengthened my resolve. I don't know what I would do

without it."

"Th... That's good..." I smiled wryly and sneakily wiped the cold sweat from my face. Past Yuna really made the right choice then.

"It must... be hard when you lost Yugi..." I spoke softly: "But we will... definitely get him


"Yes," Yami Yugi nodded: "I was so angry that time that I almost did something I would've regretted. But I won't give up now."

Seeing him clenching his fist, I chuckled and opened up the system store. Navigating through

the array of cards before my eyes, I ultimately decided on one that may help Yami Yugi a lot, well at the cost of most of my credits...

Biting the inside of my cheek to suppress the frown, I purchased tha card and sneakily summoned it in my pocket.

"Yu... no... Pharaoh, please take this..." I said, showing him the card: "I hope... it can help

you..." "Staring at it, Yami Yugi's eyes widened with shock, and he couldn't believe what he was reading: "Sano?! Where did you get something like this?"

Smiling, I placed a finger to my lips: "Secret..."

"I see..." Yami Yugi muttered and stared at the card wordlessly: "I will use it well."

"Good," I replied after finishing the rest of my tea: "I do want it back.... It's very expensive...."

Yami Yugi:...

What? I'm not giving it away for free; it costs a lot of hard-earned credits! Even then, you have to give me something back! That's how expensive it was!!

"Good luck... Pharaoh..." I said and stared at him with confidence: "Don't lose..." Leaving

Yami Yugi to himself, I passed his friends and moved to the front of the plane, where I found


Freezing, I nervously stared at him, who was working on his laptop. After some hesitation, I decided to sit next to him, and I anxiously fiddled with my fingers. Eventually, unable to ignore my presence, Kaiba shuts his laptop: "What?"

"What... are you doing?" I asked curiously, and he scoffed.

"I have just lost contact with the men I sent to the museum, and I'm still trying to figure out

what happened..." To my surprise, he willingly explained while gazing at my face.

"Oh..." I sounded: "I hope... they're okay..."

As the silence was deafening, I nervously scanned his emotionless face: "Kaiba..." I mumbled anxiously, and he squinted his eyes at the mention of his name: "...Are you mad?"

"Mad wouldn't be the correct term to describe what I'm feeling right now." Kaiba explained

while crossing his arms: "More like vexed? stressed? Irked?"

"So... mad..."


"I'm... Sorry..." I frantically apologised when another crease appeared on his forehead: "I...

know Kaiba... cares about me..."

"So you should realise what you've done wrong and listen to my advice," Kaiba said with an expectant smirk. "No..." I shook my head, and his mood immediately soured: "But please... listen.." "Kaiba... I can contribute to the fight..." I explained: "Which meant that if I was there... The

level of risk will go down..."

"I care about... Kaiba, too!!" I continued loudly, and he flinched in surprise: "So I will... also

be worried... So if you duel alone..."

When I finished, Kaiba and I stared at each other. Finally, he clicked his teeth and averted his

gaze: "This is so unfair...."

"???" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Alright," He smirked: "I won't stop you..."

"I'm glad..." I smiled back, happy that he wasn't angry with me anymore...

[3rd POV]

When the plane landed, Seto immediately ordered a vehicle to bring them to the American

KaibaCorp Headquarters. Suddenly, the sky began to warp as ribbons of light danced across the air, similar to an aurora borealis.

"What in the world is happening?!" Tristan exclaimed in shock and wonder. "This must be Dartz's doing!" Yami Yugi affirmed: "He has finally made a move."

As everyone gazes at the sky in awe, Tea pulled out her phone and captured everyone's attention: "Everyone, take a look at this!"

Showing her screen, there were countless videos of Orichalcos Soldiers prowling through the

streets all over the world. The police and the militaries tried to stop them, but it was useless as they couldn't be destroyed using conventional means. "We must hurry," Yami Yugi urged: "Before anyone else gets hurt!" "Dammit," Seto cursed and tapped on the headpiece by his ear: "Noah, the image I sent you,

have you finished analysing them yet?!"

"About that, I got some bad news..." Noah replied: "The branch in America has been attacked,

and I have locked out of the system, so you must do it manually."

"Was it the b*stards from Doma again?!" Seto scowled.

"Well... It's best if you go and check it out for yourself...." "Very well..." Seto muttered grimly: "Yugi, Sano, come with me."

"Hey, hold on!" Joey interrupted: "What about us?!"

"I have already enough troubles on my plate," Seto growled: "I don't need another..."

Leaving the whining Joey behind, they swiftly got into the car and sped off to their


One Hour Later...

"What is this..." Yami Yugi mumbled in disbelief as they stopped outside the entrance of Kaiba Corps. Countless Duel Monsters could be seen flooding the entire lobby as they smashed every obstacle in their way. On each of their foreheads was the symbol of Orichalcos,

and their pupils were filled red with malice.

"Then we just have to push on through," Seto said, and three duelists simultaneously

activated their Duel Disk.

Yami Yugi: "I will summon Obnoxious Celtic Guardian!"

Seto: "Kaiser Sea Horse, destroy them!" Yuna: "I choose you, Dragon Knight of Creation!"

The three warriors rush into the horde, slashing every monster in their path. When the room is

clear, Seto guides them to the basement levels of the facilities, where they encounter countless monsters trying to ambush them. "There's just too many..." Yami Yumi groaned.

"Step aside!" Seto ordered: "I will activate the Polymerisation in my hand and bring out my

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!"

Emerging from thin air, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon howled before unleashing a shining beam that wiped out all the monsters in the hallway. Finally destroying the last of the monsters, Seto calmly opened the doors, where several giant high-tech computers greeted them. Approaching one of the devices, Seto connected the computer to his phone, and he uploaded the image as it appeared on the large screen. Typing in the commands, the computer began to analyze the image and cross-reference it with all archaeological records ever found. "No, wait... It can't be!" Seto exclaimed as the image enchanted on a particular symbol.

"What is it?" Yami Yugi questioned.

"That insignia, I've seen it somewhere before!" Seto replied while frantically bringing up several images onto the screen: "To think I have never realised!!"

On the screen, a symbol resembling a tower with a long serpent wrapped around it appeared.

Behind the building was a six-headed star resembling the Star of David, and encasing the entire symbol was a golden circle.

"That symbol represents a secret financial organization known as Paradius. Rumour has it

that they control a small piece of every company in the world..."

"Then that means the leader of Doma, Dartz, was the owner of this very company!" Yami Yugi

deduced in shock.

Suddenly, their surroundings began to darken, and the space around them distorted: "Congratulations, Pharaoh!" An ominous voice greeted them, and they spotted a man standing on the top of a massive black serpent.

"Dartz..." Yuna mumbled, and the man's smile widened to an eerie degree. "That's right. I'm impressed that you three have lasted this far..." "Where is Yugi?!" Yami Yugi shouted angrily: 'What have you done to my friend?!"n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"Your friend?" Dartz chuckled. Well, he will become the sustenance for the Great God!! Soon,

the Great Leviathan will awaken and bring this world into a new era!"

Yami Yugi: "We will stop you before that ever happens!"

"So you say..." Dartz's pupils swept through the three duelists with a sharp glint: "Facing

against the three strongest duellists indeed proved to be formidable. So why not even out the odds?" With a single hand wave, the black serpent hissed and lunged at Yuna at a blinding speed.

"Sano!!" Seto shouted and sprinted towards her with all his might. But no matter how fast he ran, the monster was too fast...

"Kaiba..." Yuna mumbled in a daze, and she realised that Seto wouldn't make it in time. She

tried to move, but her body wouldn't respond to her command, and her feet remained firmly planted in the ground.

"Ah..." Yuna stared at the serpent's gaping mouth and glanced at Seto's desperation:



The shockwave blasted away Seto, and he rolled across the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw the ground where Yuna stood, which was simply an empty void devoid of life. "We shall meet again, Pharaoh..." Dartz said with a smile, and his figure disappeared as the environment around them returned to normal-except for the disappearance of a certain girl. "DAMMMMITTTT!!!" Seto howled with rage, and he punched the ground: "DARTZ, I WILL KILL YOU!!!!"


[Yuna's POV]

"Nn..." I groaned and slowly regained consciousness. I could feel pain all over my body as I

slowly sat up, finding myself in a dark room lit by torches. In front of me was a set of stairs

leading to a wide altar illuminated by a sizeable fiery brazier that screamed out cultist vibes. "Where am I..." I mumbled in a daze.

"So you're awake?" a familiar voice answered, and I felt the hair on my arms stand on end.

At the top of the stairs stood Dartz; his visage was contorted with madness as he smiled gleefully. Sensing something had gone terribly wrong, I hurriedly stood up and pressed my back against the wall.

"Your friends won't be here to help you..." Dartz calmly explained and stepped down the


"You have always been a thorn in my side," he said coldly. So I have come to deal with you

right here."

"Damn..." I cursed and hurriedly activated my Duel Disk, sweat dripped down my face as the intense bloodlust directed at me send a chill down my spine. "Enough said...." I snarled warily: "Are we... fighting or what?"

Dartz laughed, and his voice echoed through the chambers: "To have such confidence, I look

forward to what comes next... Now, it is time to show you what true fear is!"

"Are you ready to duel, Child from another world?"

I hope you enjoy it! The darts duel might take a bit longer. Sorry about that, I thought about

postponing this for next week but since I have already promised so oh well, I will figure something out.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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