Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 350 Soul Beast Warrior

[Third Person POV],

The appearance of the ogre king in the camp beneath him was visibly different from the last time Andrew Dawn saw him.

The ogre king had always had a big physique but the one Andrew Dawn was currently seeing now could very much compete with the figure of the rat queen when she went berserk.

The ogre king might even be bigger but Andrew Dawn was not too sure even with his enhanced eyesight.

The thing now was that even if the ogre king was bigger than when Andrew Dawn first saw it, how did that stop him from attacking the camp below him with full force?

Well, one of the benefits that came with fusing with the dragon heart and passing the dragon trial excellently was the knowledge that came after.

At this point, in terms of being knowledgeable, Andrew Dawn could be said to be on the same level as Ace.

For one, the knowledge the former had could be uttered to have originated from a lineage of long-lived ancient dragons and the latter case was unique in of itself.

Their situations were different and the only similarity the two can be uttered to have is that they haven't fully digested the knowledge in their head and only a part of it but even then, this little part of the knowledge they could understand was already terrifying.

In Andrew Dawn's case, the first thing that got opened up to him was spells and among these spells was something that could be used in any rank, the mana eye spell.

The "Mana Eye" spell is a general spell that allows the caster to perceive and analyse mana, the fundamental energy in the world. It enables the caster to see and sense the presence, intensity, and properties of mana.

It had other uses too but the one thing Andrew Dawn has been using the mana eye spell to do was to perceive the mana in living beings.

He had practised the spell on the people in his settlement and found out that the thing could be used to roughly find out how powerful a being is without having to get too close to them and use the primordial chronicle by their mana.

This was what he had used to know the levels of the earth bulls on the ground without even getting close to them.

Of course, the mana readings were less accurate the further one was but it was more or less still in the same range depending on how well one uses the mana eyes spell.

For caution sake, although Andrew Dawn himself knew he was much more powerful than he was in the past, he still used the mana eye to check the mana readings of the ogres below him before going down to attack.

The sudden huge size of the ogre king contributed to this.

What Andrew Dawn did not expect was that when he used his mana eyes to look at the ogre king, the mana readings he got caused him to be shocked.

"Just how did he get strong with so little time?"

Why was it that Andrew Dawn was surprised?

Well, this was because the mana reading he got from the ogre king based on its mana showed that the other party was not much weaker.


"Hey Mia"

"Do you think Brother Ace will like my new appearance?" Anna asked as she cuddled little Mia in her hands.

Just as Mia was about to reply to the Anna she had managed to get more comfortable within the last few days, a screech from above suddenly interrupted her.

As both girls turned to gaze at the dark skies above them, they saw a red gigantic looking figure circling around their location on the ground in the air.

"A fire eagle?"

"When was the last time I saw one", Anna mused as she dropped Mia to the ground after taking a deep look at her surroundings.

"Okay Mia, go and look for a place to hide like last time, okay?" Anna said as Mia nodded before running off to hide by the side of a tree.

Seeing this, Anna turned back to look at the fire eagle in the air and smirked.

'There's no need to call crow back for this'

"Let's dance shall we?"

After muttering this, black crow-like wings emerged from Anna's back as she immediately took to the sky which took the fire eagle by surprise since it hadn't expected that the human he was about to hunt would suddenly grow wings and fly but that was not its major concern at the moment since it was hunting time.

[Rank 1 Fire Eagle Level 50],

Anna, now airborne, embraced her dark element, calling forth her power over corrosive black flames. The shadows seemed to dance around her as she channelled her energy. Without hesitation, she directed a torrent of black fire towards the fire eagle, aiming to engulf it in her destructive embrace.

The fire eagle, resilient and swift, evaded the initial assault with agile manoeuvres, narrowly escaping the deadly grasp of Anna's flames. Undeterred, she pursued her target relentlessly, her wings propelling her through the air with grace and determination.

As the fire eagle swooped down for another attack, Anna countered with a swift and precise movement. She unleashed a concentrated burst of black flames, aiming for the eagle's vulnerable underbelly. The corrosive flames lashed out, searing through the air with intense heat, leaving a trail of darkness in their wake.

The fire eagle, now aware of Anna's formidable powers, demonstrated its agility as it evaded the onslaught of corrosive black flames. With a graceful arc in the air, it narrowly avoided the searing attack aimed at its vulnerable underbelly. The flames dissipated into the surrounding darkness, leaving only a lingering scent of burnt air.

"Quite fast I see"

Anna's eyes narrowed, her determination unwavering. She adjusted her strategy, anticipating the fire eagle's next move. The bird of prey circled overhead, its fiery eyes fixed on Anna, searching for an opening to strike. With a sudden burst of speed, it descended in a swift dive, talons aimed to rend her apart.

Reacting swiftly, Anna summoned her dark element, surrounding herself with an impenetrable shield of swirling shadows. The fire eagle's talons clashed against the barrier, sending sparks of fire and darkness scattering in all directions. Anna stood her ground, using her powers to withstand the forceful assault.

A smirk danced on Anna's lips as she seized the opportunity presented by the fire eagle's momentary distraction. From her fingertips, she unleashed a barrage of smaller, yet equally potent, black flames. The projectiles streaked through the air, homing in on the fire eagle with uncanny precision.

The fire eagle, now faced with a relentless assault, struggled to maintain its aerial advantage. It twisted and turned, attempting to evade the onslaught, but Anna's dark flames pursued it unyieldingly. The corrosive nature of the black fire gnawed at the eagle's fiery plumage, weakening its defences with each scorching impact.

In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, the fire eagle unleashed its own elemental power. It opened its beak wide, and from within, a searing inferno erupted. A blazing torrent of flames surged towards Anna, threatening to engulf her in a destructive blaze.

Anna's eyes widened as she registered the imminent danger. Without hesitation, she called upon her dark element to fortify her defences. The swirling shadows intensified, forming a barrier that intercepted the oncoming wave of fire. The clash of elements created a dramatic display of light and darkness, their opposing forces colliding in a spectacular clash.

The battlefield became a battlefield of opposing forces, a tempest of fire and darkness. Anna and the fire eagle engaged in a fierce aerial dance, their powers clashing with unrestrained intensity. The air crackled with elemental power source as they unleashed their most potent attacks.

Anna's wings fluttered with agility as she evaded the fire eagle's attempts to close in on her. She retaliated with calculated precision, launching waves of corrosive black flames towards the bird of prey. Each collision resulted in explosions of opposing elements, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

The clash between the fire eagle and Anna escalated into a dazzling display of power and agility. Anna weaved through the air, evading the fiery onslaught of the eagle's talons and beak, while retaliating with her own ferocious assaults. The surrounding environment became a battleground of flame and darkness, with the two adversaries locked in a deadly dance.

Anna's black flames continued to consume the fire eagle, eating away at its feathers and weakening its fiery essence. The creature's movements grew sluggish, its once fierce attacks becoming feeble and disoriented. Sensing victory within reach, Anna gathered her strength and unleashed a final surge of corrosive black flames.

The fire eagle let out a piercing screech, a cry of defeat, as it succumbed to the overwhelming power of Anna's dark element. It plummeted from the sky, its majestic form reduced to a lifeless heap on the ground.


[Rank 1 Soul Beast Warrior Level 29]

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