Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 351 More Eagles

[Third Person POV],

As Anna's fierce battle with the fire eagle came to an end, she was about to head down and get Mia when she saw multiple red figures heading towards her.

'A group of fire eagles?'

She was confused at first before remembering her experience with fire eagles back on planet Spe.

One thing that made them different from normal eagles was that they almost did not move out alone all the time and this time, Anna just happened to meet them.

With a flick of her wrist, she circulated the mana in her body to affect the one outside and drew a big black and silver magic circle and summoned her loyal companion, a massive shadow crow, standing an impressive five meters tall. The shadow crow's obsidian feathers glinted ominously in the moonlight, while its piercing silver eyes emanated a sense of both intelligence and primal power.

'Sorry for disturbing you boy but I need your help a little', Anna communicated with the crow with telepathy as her crow screeched in response.

She was confident in herself to handle a few powerful fire eagles but the numbers she could see approaching her made her think twice.

She had finished her stock of health pills and she was rather unwilling to potions from the store like she had been doing for the past few days so getting a certain amount of injury was not allowed.

As the group of fire eagles closed in on Anna and her formidable shadow crow, the odds seemed overwhelming. Anna's eyes widened, recognizing the sheer number of adversaries they were about to face. However, she trusted in the power of her shadow crow and remained steadfast, ready to confront the challenge head-on.

With a powerful beat of its wings, the shadow crow positioned itself protectively in front of Anna, towering above her like an imposing sentinel. Its coal-black feathers seemed to absorb the surrounding light, emanating an aura of darkness that sent shivers down the fire eagles' spines.

As the fire eagles swooped down, their talons poised to strike, the shadow crow unleashed a deafening caw that reverberated through the air. At that moment, the ground beneath them seemed to tremble, and a surge of power surged from the shadow crow's beak.

In an awe-inspiring display, the shadow crow opened its massive beak and spewed forth a combination of corrosive black flames and intensely hot silver flames. The flames merged, forming a swirling vortex of destruction that enveloped the oncoming fire eagles.

The silver flames would be new for those that knew of crow before but the gigantic bird had managed to get a few benefits that made it more powerful from being the first experiment of Anna's origin ability.

He was much more than just a summon that came from an Epic-grade skill.

Unlike the black flames that were corrosive, the crows' silver flames that Anna could also use were more potent than normal flames.

It did not have the corrosive ability of the black flames but it could generate more pure fire damage than the former could.

The only downside was that it cost way more mana to use the silver flames.

The fire eagles on the other hand were caught off guard by the intensity of the assault and faltered in their attack. 

Their feathers singed and their wings struggled to maintain flight as the dual elemental flames consumed them. One by one, the fire eagles fell, their screeches of agony piercing the air before dissipating into silence.

Despite the ease with which the shadow crow dispatched its foes, the sheer number of fire eagles proved too much to handle. For every fire eagle that succumbed to the engulfing flames, another seemed to take its place, their numbers seemingly endless.

Realising the situation was becoming increasingly dire, Anna's expression hardened with determination as she called upon her own powers, enhancing the shadow crow's attacks with her dark element. Together, their combined forces intensified, unleashing a torrent of black and silver flames that consumed the battlefield.

Anna also made sure that before the battle could get intense to the extent the environment was going to start receiving a part of it, she and the crow dragged the battle away from Mia's location in the air slowly.

Doing this assured Anna that Mia was not going to get hit by friendly or foe fire but this made it that she could not keep her eyes on the location she had seen Mia hide herself which was bad.

However, the relentless onslaught of the fire eagles persisted. Their ferocity and numbers tested the limits of Anna's power and her shadow crow's endurance. For every fire eagle they defeated, two more took its place. It became clear that victory would not come easily.

As the battle raged on, Anna's brows furrowed in concentration. She quickly assessed the situation, realising that a change in strategy was necessary to overcome the overwhelming numbers of the fire eagles.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Anna commanded her shadow crow to unleash its most powerful attack yet. The massive bird spread its wings wide, casting a dark shadow over the battlefield. From its beak, a torrent of black and silver flames erupted, engulfing the fire eagles in a raging inferno.

The combined flames seared through the air, scorching the feathers of the fire eagles and leaving trails of darkness and intense heat in their wake. The destructive power of the attack was awe-inspiring, decimating a significant portion of the approaching flock.

Yet, despite the devastation caused by the shadow crow's assault, the relentless fire eagles refused to back down. They regrouped, circling in the air as if strategizing their next move. Anna knew that she and her companion needed to act swiftly to turn the tide in their favour.

Drawing upon her deep connection with the dark element, Anna channelled her energy to enhance her own abilities. Her eyes glowed with an ethereal darkness as she summoned dark tendrils that lashed out at the remaining fire eagles. 

This was one of the few general skills she had learned from her practice in the past few days. 

She was lucky to have gotten it from one of her dungeon runs.

The tendrils coiled around the birds, binding them and restricting their movements.

At the same time, the shadow crow spread its wings wide, creating a powerful gust of wind that buffeted the fire eagles, disrupting their flight patterns and causing disarray among their ranks. The combined efforts of Anna and the shadow crow momentarily halted the fire eagles' advance.

Seizing the opportunity, Anna unleashed a barrage of precise and controlled silver flames, targeting the fire eagles with eminent accuracy. The flames burned with an intensity that surpassed any previous attack. They seared through the air, leaving trails of smoky darkness in their wake.

However, the fire eagles proved to be resilient adversaries. Their fiery nature and relentless determination kept them in the fight, pushing back against Anna and her shadow crow. For every fire eagle that fell, another took its place, as if the flock had an endless reservoir of reinforcements.

Despite the mounting challenge, Anna refused to waver. She felt a surge of epinephrine coursing through her veins, fueling her resolve. She and her shadow crow continued to fight with unwavering determination, using every ounce of their strength and power to hold their ground.

As the battle wore on, Anna's mind raced, searching for a strategy that would give them the upper hand. She called upon her knowledge and experience, analysing the fire eagles' patterns and vulnerabilities. With a sudden spark of insight, she formulated a plan that could tip the scales in their favour.

Anna commanded her shadow crow to create a diversion, drawing the attention of the fire eagles with its impressive size and presence. As the fire eagles focused their attacks on the shadow crow, Anna swiftly manoeuvred through the chaos, targeting the flock from the flank.

With precise movements and calculated strikes, Anna unleashed a barrage of black and silver flames, taking advantage of the fire eagles' distraction. Her attacks were swift and deadly, striking at the heart of the flock and thinning their numbers with each precise hit.

The fire eagles, now caught off guard by Anna's sudden onslaught, faltered in their coordinated attacks. Confusion rippled through their ranks as they struggled to regroup and adapt to the new strategy. Anna and her shadow crow seized the opportunity, pressing their advantage with renewed vigour.

With each passing moment, the tide of the battle slowly shifted. The relentless assault of Anna and her shadow crow, coupled with their strategic manoeuvres, began to wear down the fire eagles. The flock's once-unyielding formation became disorganised, their attacks losing their ferocity.

Sensing the fire eagles' weakening resolve, Anna pushed forward, intensifying her attacks. She summoned her dark and silver flames with greater precision and control, exploiting every opening and weakness she could find. The fire eagles, now in disarray, were unable to mount a cohesive defence.

Finally, the remaining fire eagles, overwhelmed and outnumbered, began to retreat. Their fiery plumage flickered as they took to the sky, their screeches echoing through the air. Anna and her shadow crow watched as the fire eagles vanished into the distance, defeated and vanquished.

Anna did not bother to celebrate their small victory as she immediately turned to her summon and spoke.

"Let's get Mia and leave", she stated as they both flapped their wings and left their current location.


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