Blood demon leveling

Chapter 117: Home sweet home

Chapter 117: Home sweet home

Mike eventually found his way out of the room he woke up in, as he did his mind was a mess, thoughts jumbled together in his head and he had a massive headache coming on

"Ugh I need my meds"

Mike didn't know what had happened, he only knew that he needed to go home and sleep after doping himself up to stop the thoughts circulating in his head

"Was that all A dream?"

He didn't know for sure, after walking out of the temple-like the sacrificial room he found himself in a warehouse, walking around for a few minutes he found an unlocked door and walked out onto the streets, it was night in the city of Copenhagen, capital of Denmark where Mike lived, Mike looked around and realized he didn't know where in the city he was or even if he still was in the city

"Well fuck me sideways This way it is then"

He picked out a direction at random and began walking while looking for any landmarks he could use to navigate, this being the capital of Denmark it was a city that almost never slept and soon he ran into someone he could ask for directions

"Excuse me"


The man turned around and was scared shitless as he yelled

"Holy shit man, are you okay!?"

Mike tilted his head and showed a slight smile

"I good I think, what's wrong?"

The man paused before he pointed to his own shirt, Mike took the hint and looked down and found that his shirt was covered in blood

"Well I feel fine, other than this fucking headache"

"Should I call you an ambulance?"

Mike thought for a moment before he nodded, it beat walking home Soon the ambulance arrived and Mike was exclaimed on the sidewalk before he was put into the back of the ambulance and rushed to the hospital for further examinations, Mike asked the nurse that was with him in the back of the ambulance

"So I am fine?"

The nurse looked at the instruments and nodded before she asked Mike

"Is it okay if I take your shirt off?"

"I can do that myself"

Mike took off his bloodsoaked shirt and looked at the nurse that stared at him with a wide-open mouth, then she reached out and touched Mike on the chest where a star-shaped scar was right above his heart, Mike looked down and at the scar and muttered

"Bloody hell"

Mike woke up the next morning in a hospital room, his night had been dreamless and surprisingly comfortable as he had been given some medicine to sleep on when he mentioned his headache, he spent most of the morning watching TV in the room before the door opened and a slightly overweight lady in her 30's walked in, Mike showed a smile and greeted her

"Hello Jasmine"

"Mike It's good to see that you are okay"

"Yeah Sorry I didn't make it to our appointment yesterday"

"Don't worry about that, we can have the chat now"

Jasmine was Mike's psychiatrist whom he saw once a week after they chatted for about half an hour Mike mentioned the dream he had while he slept, Jasmine gradually turned increasingly serious as Mike went into some detail, and eventually, after some silence, she spoke

"I think you had a mental episode from the stress of being kidnapped We might need to talk about increasing your dosage after the police have talked with you"

"Wait The police?"

"Yeah, you were kidnapped And I was told you walked around last night with a shirt covered in blood"

"Well that makes sense"

"Don't worry I'll be in the room while they are here"


The chat with the police was a short one, they mostly asked about where the blood came from and if he had any details about the ones that kidnaped him, but they got increasingly skeptical when they learned about Mike being a mental patient and left soon after along with Jasmine that would talk with them in private Mike left the hospital later that day since nothing was wrong with him, after all the stuff he had been though he took the bus straight home, he walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor and unlocked the door to his apartment, and walked in, it was a small 2 room apartment with a kitchen/living room, a single bedroom, and a small toilet/bath

"Home sweet home"

Mike took off his shoes and walked in before he locked the door after himself and laid down on the couch and turned on the TV before he proceeded to zone out, he thought about the memories of Julie and repeatably questioned if that really all was a dream until his thoughts began giving a headache, in a fit of annoyance he turned off the TV and walked into his bedroom and picked up a medicine bottle from the nightstand and took a few pills, after a while, he felt his thought calm down and then he decided to cook some dinner

'I have school tomorrow Let's see what's in the fridge'

Mike opened his fridge and found some eggs along with some bacon


Mike smiled to himself as he coked some eggs and bacon for dinner, after eating while watching TV Mike suddenly felt very tired and turned off the TV before he walked into his bedroom and collapsed on the bed, not even bothering about taking his clothes off

The next morning Mike woke up early and took a shower before he got dressed and headed off to school, he went to Copenhagen University where he studied website development, in reality, Mike didn't really know what to do with his life, thus he studied mostly to receive the government assistance (Called SU) which paid for his rent and food, in class he was known as a slacker without any real friends, so the classes were boring for him to say the least as it thaught a subject he wasn't interested in with no one to joke around with or talk with, in the breaks Mike spent his time thinking about the dream he had, questioning his own sanity many times along the way

"Umm Excuse me, Mike?"

Mike snapped out of his thoughts and looked to his side and saw a girl his age, she was pretty like most girls in Mike's classThe Vikings didn't bring back the ugly ones so most girls in Denmark tended to be pretty, Mike however ignored this and asked with a blank expression


"Do you have some time later tonight? A few of us is going to hit the bar"

"Sure it is Friday after all, besides I could use a drink"

"Great, we are going to meet around 8 at the usual bar"

"Okay See you then"

Mike ignored the girl's (Whom he had long since forgotten the name of) blush and happy-looking smile as she walked back to her seat, the rest of the school day passed uneventfully for Mike, after classes were over he took a bus home and picked out an outfit to wear for the night's drinking

"I sure hope I can afford this Well eating oatmeal the rest of the month is fine too It's the 20th tomorrow after all"

Mike cooked some food and ate before he changed clothes and caught a bus to the usual bar, he stood and waited outside for a few minutes before some other people from his class arrived, he chatted with them for a bit before they went inside and got to drinking, during the evening the girl that had invited Mike (Who he learned was called Katy) got friendly with him, chatting with and even dancing with Mike who enjoyed the evening way more than he thought he would, around midnight Mike and Katy stood outside and chatted while Mike smoked a cigarette, he didn't smoke usually, only at parties, then a loud voice rang out from behind Mike

"Katy there you are you slut!"

Mike turned around a saw a buff guy walking towards them with an angry expression on his face, Mike asked Kathy that seemed frozen from fear

"Who's that?"

"My ex-boyfriend Mike help me! He's going to hurt me"

Mike looked towards the buff guy and did what every slightly drunk guy would do in that situation and took a step in front of Kathy, this didn't go over well with mister ex-boyfriend

"Move or I'll beat the shit out of you!"

"...Nah, pretty sure you won't"

A red light shone in Mike's eyes as the mister ex-boyfriend punched out after his face, Mike moved purely on instinct and dodged to the side before he grabbed mister ex-boyfriend's outstretched arm and put his other arm under mister ex-boyfriend's elbow and then he pushed upwards sending a crack sound out in the area along with a howl of pain before he hit mister ex-boyfriend in the side with all his might, striking his liver which made him kneel over, Mike showed a calm smile and turned his back walking back to Kathy and asked her

"Want to head back inside?"

Kathy showed a smile and gave a nod, that was when mister ex-boyfriend yelled out in anger

"Don't you move!"

Mike turned back and saw that mister ex-boyfriend held a knife in his hand as he yelled again

"I'll fucking kill you!"

"Doubt it"

Mike took a few quick steps forwards casually moving into the knife's range as mister ex-boyfriend slashed out after him he dodged to the side, grabbed his wrist, and turned the knife downwards before he grabbed his elbow and guided the knife down into mister ex-boyfriend's tight stabbing the knife deeply into his leg as he let out another howl of pain

"See? I told you"

Mike turned back to Kathy and saw that she now looked frightened as she ran past him over to mister ex-boyfriend with tears in her eyes asking if he was okay, Mike looked around and saw that people were calling the police and gave a sigh

'Looks like I overdid it'

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