Blood demon leveling

Chapter 118: Not a dream after all

Chapter 118: Not a dream after all

The police eventually arrived and questioned the people there, they didn't bring Mike down to the station, instead, they let him off with a warning as he had clearly acted in self-defense, as the ambulance arrived and took away Mister ex-boyfriend Kathy rode with him to the hospital completely forgetting about Mike, Mike looked at the ambulance that was speeding off into the distance and showed a smile as he looked at the small bloodstain on his hands

'... Fuck it'

A red light shone in Mike's eyes as he muttered a single word


Then to his own amazement, the blood on his hand slowly got absorbed into his own skin

"Heh hehehehe AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! I wasn't a fucking dream!"

Mike ignored the people around him as he laughed away, then a strong red light shone in his eyes

'So this is what they meant with a change in scenery!'

Mike laughed as he got onto the bus and when he opened the door to his apartment he was still laughing slightly The next morning it was Saturday, Mike didn't have school besides he needed to something more important than that, he sat on his couch with his laptop in front of him on the table and wrote down what he remembered from his time in the other world as he muttered out loud

"Now that I think about it I do feel some mana here, although the amount is only about half of what was on the shitty little island After testing it yesterday night I can circulate my mana but my body is way too feeble to do any meaningful amount of circulations per minute so if I need to cast a spell it's going to take a long time Formations it is then The problem is that I don't have any mana conducting ink"

Mike thought for some time until he decided to use his own blood as a replacement for the ink as it would be slightly mana conducting so after stabbing himself in the finger with a needle a few times he managed to make his first functioning formation, a mana gathering formation

"This should raise the mana in my apartment a bit Next is defense, no way I am the only one that knows how to use mana in this world"

Mike was careful by nature so he quickly made a few so-called talismans for self-defense, he also went online and ordered a knife from overseas

"Hope it won't get caught in customs Well it should be safe"

The knife he ordered was one that looked a lot like the knife he had in the other world and was about the same length

"Well then Next is to do something about my body"

Mike considered going on a murder spree for a few minutes before he shook his head, the police would catch him eventually, or the other mana users would, which would be equally as bad

"Fitness it is then Where's my card at..?"

Mike was a member of a local gym but that was mostly on paper as he had received a membership as a gift from his uncle on his mother's side, he didn't have any contact with his fathers family since he kind of killed his old man

"There you are Do I have any sports clothes?"

Mike found some suitable clothes and changed into them before he put on his old running shoes and jogged to the gym a few kilometers away, where he trained to his breaking point, then he jogged home again in the evening and took a shower and put some clean clothes on before he went out to buy some groceries, after that he cocked some dinner and sat down on his bed and did some mana circulations before he went to bed

Sunday passed with going to the gym and doing mana circulation training, soon he was up to around 10 circulations per minute which was painfully slow for his liking when Monday rolled around Mike went to school like usual, he was after all still depending on his SU which could be cut if he stopped showing up for classes when Mike walked in he heard some whispers about him, no doubt they were about what had happened at the bar last Friday but Mike didn't care, he also noticed that Kathy wasn't present which no doubt had something to do with mister ex-boyfriend turning into a dried-up corpse in the ambulance with her sitting right beside him

'Well, this is fine too The last thing I need is her glaring at me all day because I stabbed her ex'

Mike sat down at his seat and began to do some mana circulations while the classes passed he did that and only that until classes were over and he left right away and went to the gym and trained to his breaking point once again before he jogged home and took a shower when he got out of the shower he got a text reminding him that his knife had arrived and that he could pick up the package at his local grocer. Mike put on some clothes and walked down to the grocer and picked up the package and walked back home and opened the package finding a knife that was around the size of the knife he had used in the other world, Mike picked up the knife and closed his eyes

"It's a little light"

Mike began spinning the knife around like a toy with his eyes closed still as a smile formed on his face

"This will do for a while"

Mike opened his eye with a smile on his face

2 weeks passed with Mike going to classes and training after classes ended which was begging to show some results already, this Mike linked to his mana circulations training, Mike was dunning push-ups in the gym when he noticed a gaze on him

'About time'

Mike ended his training early and when he walked out of the gym a person in a black suit with sunglasses approached him, she showed a smile as she spoke

"You must be Mike"

Mike showed a smile and began circulating his mana which got the person to react as she opened her jacket slightly showing the grip of a pistol inside her jacket as she spoke

"Easy there tiger We only want to talk"

Mike showed a smile and asked

"How do I know you are speaking the truth?"

Then Mike felt it, mana circulations from the person that stood in front of him, they weren't strong, only about 100 circulations per minute but still faster than what he currently was capable of

"I suggest you come with me without making a fuss"

"Sure, where are we going?"

The woman pointed to a parked car and Mike gave a nod and followed the woman over to the car and got in the backseat and put on his seatbelt, besides him sat a bulky person in a suit that also wore sunglasses, then the car speed off, soon they arrived at an underground parking space in the middle of the city, Mike reached into his backpack and took a hold of his knife as he exchanged smiles with the bulky man that sat next to him, soon a wall in front of the car lowered itself and the car drove in through the opening before the wall rose again, behind the wall the car drove for a while in an underground tunnel before it arrived at a seemingly normal packing space where there were several other vehicles packed, the car stopped and Mike was ordered out of the car

"This is some real spy shit"

The bulky man gave a laugh before he spoke

"You ain't seen nothing yet kid"

Mike walked after the woman into the lobby of an underground building where there was a security check with metal detectors, Mike handed his backpack over to security and walked through the metal detector right as one of the guards pulled his knife up from his backpack, the woman walked over and took the knife before she inspected it and asked

"And what were you playing to do with this?"

Mike shugged

"Self defense I was kidnapped about 2 weeks ago you know"

The woman and the bulky man exchanged glances before the woman sighed and put the knife back into his backpack and handed the pack to Mike that showed a thin smile as he asked

"You are not going to take my knife away?"


A red light flashed in Mike's eyes before he took the knife out of the backpack and began spinning it around like a toy as he followed after the woman while the bulky man walked behind him, soon the woman walked into a room and Mike followed, inside was a morgue with several metal cabinets, the woman walked over and opened one of them and pulled it open revealing a dried-up corpse inside before she turned to Mike

"You recognize him?"

"Ah right mister ex-boyfriend We meet again"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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