Blood demon leveling

Chapter 119: Sparing

Chapter 119: Sparing

"So you do recognize him?"

Mike nodded

"Yeah, I did drain his blood after all"

Mike felt the two of them begin circulating their mana ever so slightly, after a moment the woman continued

"So you admit that you killed this man?"


The woman sighed before she massaged her nose for a few moments before she pushed the sider in again and closed the freezing cabinet again, then she spoke

"Well in that case you have two options first is to go to jail for murder The other is to---"

"Join you guys right?"

"...Yeah you got that right"

Mike showed a thin smile as he spun the knife around as he spoke

"Well, there's also a third option"

"And what would that be?"

Mike shugged

"Well, I could kill you two and then sneak out of this facility and travel to, say USA?"

The atmosphere froze as Mike felt the two's mana circulation speed up, Mike kept his thin smile all the while seemingly undisrupted by them, which only made the hair on the back of their necks stand up even more

'This kid thinks he can take the two of us!?'

Mike shrugged before he stopped spinning the knife around wielding it in a backhand grip

"That was a joke, don't look so serious I'll join you guys as long as I get some blood"

The tense atmosphere still remained in the morgue for a few moments before the two sighed at the same time

"Don't make that kind of jokes in the future Mike"

"Can't promise that"

After leaving the morgue the group of three walked down some hallways and eventually arrived at an open space that looked like a training field where other people were present, they were doing physical exercise like sparing or weightlifting, but they all stopped when Mike and the others arrived, one of them asked

"Hey, Tali is that the new guy?"

The woman in the black suit nodded before she spoke

"He's real feisty too, we'll let you guys get a crack at him once the interview is over"

The group of three continued on down a few hallways before they arrived at a door which the woman went through, Mike followed after her and walked into the room where there were two couches facing each other with a table in between



Mike walked over and sat down, then the woman sat down on the other couch while the man stood behind her, she then took off her sunglasses and put them on the table

"First off, my name is Tali, this is Dexter We're handlers from PET"

Mike nodded, he figured that PET the Danish national intelligence and security authority would have a hand in any mana users operations, Tali continued speaking

"We're only here when missions are given or new recruits such as yourself are brought in"

"I see Wait does that mean I have to live here?"

"Yeah you'll get a cosy room for yourself with all the needed facilities ontop of your six-figure monthly payment"

"...Neat, so what are the missions about?"

"They can be anything from national security to deployment align with Danish soldiers in foreign countries"

Mike nodded before he showed a smile and asked

"What about rouge mana users?"

"They are brought in or terminated"

Mike nodded, he was going to play ball For now at least

"So first off I need to know about your powers in full detail"

"Well I use [Blood magic]"

Mike raised his hand and chanted

"[Blood storage]"

Then an orb of blood appeared floating above his hand

"I use blood for all of my spells I prefer to use a knife in a fight That's about it"

Tali nodded before she asked

"So when you said you would play ball as long as you got blood you meant it like that?"

"Yeah I am not some murdering sociopath, I need it for my spells"

Tali narrowed her eyes before she spoke

"Even though you see a psychiatrist weekly and killed your own dad?"

Mike narrowed his eyes before he spoke in the other worlds native langue

"[Next time you mention my dad I'll drain your blood and set it on fire along with your corpse, government dog]"

"...What was that?"

Mike showed a thin smile

"Nothing, just let that slip sorry about that"

"Okay, let's move on to the contract"

After singing some contracts Mike was shown to his room which was a little like his apartment, to his surprise his stuff was already there, Mike sighed and sat down on the bed before he began circulating his mana as he mumbled

"I am still too weak I need to get some servants too"

The next morning Mike woke up from his sleep and took a shower before he got dressed in some gym clothes and walked out of his room towards the exercise area he saw yesterday and began warming up before he began training, as the clock neared 8 in the morning more and more people began showing up, training like him, around 9 did a person climbed into the boxing arena in the middle of the training center before he called out to Mike

"Hey new blood"

Mike looked up and asked


The man in the boxing arena showed a beastly smile as he waved Mike closer

"Mind showing us what you can do?"


Mike climbed into the ring and walked over in a corner as the man asked

"How do you want to do this? Weapons or barehanded?"

"Hmm... "

Mike looked around and noticed that the other people in the training center had gathered around to watch the show, then he showed a thin smile

"Let's do it with weapons"

"Sure thing"

The man received a wooden sword from another person and gave it a few swings before he asked

"What weapon do you use?"

"Don't need one"

Mike then chanted

"[Blood storage]"

An orb of blood appeared above his head before it flowed down and formed blunt spikes on his knees and elbows and a blunt knife in his hand which he spun around, there were some mummers from the crowd before they got silent again, the man with the wooden sword smiled seeing Mike armed with blood crystals as he commented

"So it's true that you drained some dude's blood?"

"Yeah Well he attacked me with a knife beforehand"

"I see Well, then should we get started?"

"Sure, on your signal"

The man took a stand before he spoke


Mike went on the offensive and kicked off the ground closing the distance before he slashed out meeting the wooden sword in between the two fo them in a lock before he suddenly relaxed his grip and made the blood crystal knife spin around on the back of his hand as he stepped in wielding it in a backhand grip as he pressed it against the neck of the man with the wooden sword

"I win"

"...Damn, I was careless"

Mike showed a smile and reached his hand out to shake the man's hand, the man showed a smile and shook Mike's hand

"I'm Mike"

"Nice to meet you Mike, name's Halfdan"

Mike walked back to his corner and asked

"Wanna go another round?"

Halfdan showed a smile

"Sure, let's go!"

Of the 14 rounds, Mike and Hlafdan spared Mike won all 14, showing off his dominance in bladed combat, Mike spared with some of the other people from the crowd but none could match Mike in bladed combat, around noon a girl with white hair walked into the training area, Mike noticed her because her mana was circulating constantly, Halfdan that stood beside him followed his gaze and showed a smile before he explained

"That's the princess, she's from a clan of druids that date back to the Viking ages"

"Well, that makes sense I guess a bunch of them went on a raid around the end of the Viking age and never came back?"

"...How did you know that?"

"Well it makes sense if you think about it, there must have been something that ended Denmark's glory era"

"Yep, basically Although don't let her hear that, she'll tear you a new one"


"Well let's get on with the day, meet me here after you're done showering"


Mike went back to his room and showered before he changed int some new clothes and walked back to the training hall where Halfdan stood and waited on him

"Let's go"

"Where to?"

"To the American playground"

Mike followed align and soon they arrived at a shooting range where Halfdan handed Mike a pistol when they stood at a shooting stand

"First off you have too---"

Mike didn't listen he took the pistol and loaded by inserting the magazine then he pulled back the slide, chambering a round before he checked the safety and took a shooting stance and shoot at the target downrange a few times before he looked at Halfdan and asked him innocently


"...Are you some sort of criminal?"

"Nah, I've played VR before"

"...Makes sense, now let me show you the big toys"

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