Blood demon leveling

Chapter 120: Mission

Chapter 120: Mission

Mike got handed a long gun, some sort of AR as Halfdan explained

"This here is a Colt C7 rifle, it's used by the army and if you're going to be sent out to fight you'll be using one of these"

"...I won't be sent out without basic training right?"

"Nope, you won't be deployed overseas before you finish basic combat training, which will take you 3 months if your fast"

"That's nice to know"

"Well it stood in the contact, but who reads that stuff am I right?"


"Anyway, you are going to be spending a few weeks leaning this thing in and out, first things first---"

Halfdan went over the rifle in detail a few times asking Mike questions about how he thought a part worked and so on before he explained it in detail

"Oh right, I forgot to mention but I am your team leader and we will be training together with the other members this evening, so be sure to show up 8 on the dot in the training hall"

"Sure thing boss"

Shooting training eventually ended at 6 giving Mike some time to eat in the cafeteria before he went back to his room and took a shower as the gunpowder smelled worse than he expected, then at five minutes to eight he stood and waited in the training hall for Halfdan to pick him up which he soon did, the two of them walked down some stairs and arrived in an open area that looked like it was taken right out of a Hollywood film set, it was a small city with all the nitty-gritty details which included lighting that could be adjusted so it simulated night or day, or so Halfdan said anyway, the 'city' was about 1 km by 1 km in size, luckily Mike and Halfdan didn't have to walk all over the city to find the rest of the team as they were waiting at the entrance

"Well then here we are, everybody this is Mike, Mike this is Beatrice, Ole, and Rita"

Mike recognized Ritta as the princess of the druid clan from earlier, he looked over Beatrice which seemed like a normal danish youth with brown hair and eyes, Ole had short black hair and tattoos going up both his arms, while Rita had her signature white hair, speaking of Halfdan he was a redhead so it was easy to recognize him

"Nice to meet you"

Mike shook hands with the three of them and then Halfdan introduced them to the training they would be undergoing, when Mike heard what they would be doing his eyebrow twitched slightly before he asked, or rather repeated

"...Hide and seek?"

Halfdan looked straight at Mike and nodded


Ole sighed before he muttered

"We do this every time there's a new person"

Mike showed a thin smile

"Well then prepare to get owned"

The 4 others scuffed at Mike, but after looking for him for about 3 hours they could not help but admit that Mike had skill in hiding, and that was even with the 4 of them using their magic to help them search, Ole used his fire magic to sense temperature changes while Beatrice used her earth magic to sense vibrations in the ground and even though Rita the princess wasn't so into the whole thing as she appeared rather aloof by the 2-hour mark she was searching with everything she got using her wind magic sensing the airflow in the buildings, several times the 3 would stop and ask Halfdan if Mike still were in the area and every time Mike would manage to only get spotted by Halfdan that was finding the whole situation more and more fun as he giggled to himself as Mike would pop out before he popped back into cover as one of the 3 looked in his direction, at the 5-hour mark Halfdan was forced to call the game of hiding and seeking for the sake of the 3's sanity and called out to Mike

"Alright Mike, games over, you won"

Mike then appeared right beside Ole putting his hand on his shoulder which scared the shit out of him, even the princess had a rare look of amazement on her face, then Mike spoke out

"4.323 times"


"4.323 times could I have killed one of you and gotten away with it without being detected"

Not only the 3 but also Halfdan felt a chill down his spine as they all looked at Mike's thin smile, Halfdan asked after a few moments of silence

"...What kind of training do you have Mike?"

Mike raised a finger and put it over his lips, Halfdan sighed before he decided to end the gathering here, after all, it was 1AM and long past their bedtimes

The next morning Mike woke up and did his usual routine before he walked out of his room wearing his training clothes and walked to the training field where he warmed up, as he was doing his warm-up he was approached by Ole that causally asked Mike

"So what's your secret Mike? How do you hide so well?"

Mike showed a thin smile before he spoke


Ole watched Mike, as he did he noticed that Mike's heat signature gradually equalized to the surrounding area

"What the"

Mike showed his usual thin smile before he spoke

"I use [blood magic] to change the properties of my blood As for how I avoided Beatrice and Rita that's a trade secret"

"I see So your magic can be used like that too"

Mike continued chatting with Ole and noticed that Rita stood not far away eavesdropping on them, she was clearly interested in Mike, but she was too proud to start the conversation, while Mike and the others were training Halfdan called them together and announced

"We have a mission, tonight Be ready at the parking lot by 11, I'll brief you then"

Mike showed a thin smile as a red light flashed in his eyes Time passed and soon it was time to gather, Mike wore a thin black sweater with a pair of black jeans and a dark blue hoodie over the sweater, besides that he wore a pair of running shoes, when Halfdan arrived he handed each one of them an earpiece and a pair of glasses before he gestured for them to wear them before he began talking

"Okay here's the deal, we're back up this time, but things are expected to go south as the PET is raiding a private forest that's suspected to be a training and housing facility for domestic terrorists"

Then Mike's glasses lit up as they suddenly turned into screens and showed pictures of the suspects while Halfdan explained

"There's going to be about 20 of them, but exact numbers are unknown so keep your wits about you We're taking a chopper there so get in the car"

The 4 of them nodded as Mike tried his best to keep his smile from showing, it had been too long since he had gotten any fresh blood so he was excited, to say the least

'When I get blood my [Blood body enhancement] should speed up my training And the faster the training the faster I can get rid of this collar'

The team soon boarded a chopper and flew south of Copenhagen before they touched down about 15 minutes later and took another car to the perimeter of the forest where PET already had sat up and surrounded the forest, though normal police forces kept most of the perimeter (although they were heavily armed and wore body armor)

"They're here"

Mike looked over and saw Tali that showed a wide smile that seemed to look like that of a wolf that finally had tracked down its prey, she was currently briefing the PET people when she was done with that she walked over to Mike and the others

"Good to have you guys here Well take a seat and wait for for the show to begin"

The 4 of them nodded before they sat down around the place, Halfdan walked over to Mike and spoke

"So I have decided to let you act freely giving you excellent stealth abilities, just be sure to keep in contact with us all the time"


Mike tapped his smart glasses that showed a friendly marker above Halfdan's head

"I'll keep you guys posted, but prepare to find some drained bodies along the way"

"...Sure good hunting Mike"

"Yeah same to you guys, send my regards to the others"

"You won't do it yourself?"

"Nah, we have just been given the signal to move in, or rather Tali has"

Halfdan looked over at the command tent a few meters away, just when he did Tali rushed out of the tent and called out to him

"Halfdan get your people ready! Wait where's the new guy, Mike?"

Halfdan looked back to where Mike had been sitting and found that he was gone and sighed before he spoke

"He's hunting Damn it feels like we have our very own batman now"

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