Blood demon leveling

Chapter 121: Hunt

Chapter 121: Hunt

"[The oh so delicate sound of a knife piercing skin How I've missed this]"

Mike muttered in the other worlds native language as he hid behind the corpse he held up by the blood crystal knife he had just slid in between the neck vertebrae of a suspected terrorist

"What was that Mike?"

Mike sighed and once again put on his mask

"Nothing I have cleared the path six suspects down so far"

"Damn Leave some for us, Mike"

"That depends on how slow you are"

As Mike was speaking with Halfdan over the earpiece he slowly dropped the drained corpse to the ground as the lightcone he was hiding from moved away, he was currently taking down the perimeter guard of the main training facility, which proved to be quite the compound, they used perimeter guards, manned spotlights and separating the forest from the main camp was a 2 and a half meter tall fence that was covered in barbed wire, still, the perimeter guards proved easy pickings form Mike as he moved through the forest like a specter reaping lives of the wildlife as well as the perimeter guards while disarming traps meant for the PET that would be launching their assault in mere moments

'Well then Let's get the party started'

Mike leaped over the fence using some footholds made of blood crystal, then he moved into the camp while clutching a knife made from blood crystal as several spikes that too was made of blood crystal floated around him, he decided to first clear the perimeter spotlights that was located in four corners of the compound, to that end he climbed the only other vantage point in the middle of the compound, a long-range radio antenna, from there he fired off four blood crystal spikes hitting the 4 spotlight controllers killing them instantly, then from his vantage point he looked over the compound

'A training field and 4 buildings'

Mike decided to move to the biggest building first, after silently busting the lock he moved inside and found it was a general living quarters, then with a smile on his face barely resisting humming a tune he went from room to room, clearing it out in silence, then he arrived at the last room situated at the end of the building which seemed to be a rec room where Mike identified 4 separate people inside

'Or at least there are 4 separate heartbeats inside Well, how to play this..?'

Mike knew that they would be awake and likely armed, he drew his pistol which was fitted with a suppressor with a blood crystal knife in the other hand, then after making sure that the door was unlocked he made a blood crystal spike and threw it out of an open window controlling it's flight path until it hit a window on the opposite side of the door he was standing ready at, this drew the people inside's attention as he busts open the door and rushed into the room he threw knives at the exposed necks of the 4 domestic terrorists ending their lives as the knives severed the nerves inside their vertebrae

'...That's that for this building

Mike moved onwards and found the next building seemed to be empty, except for one person on radio watch which was sleeping when Mike slit his throat, swiftly moving on from there Mike moved to the final building which seemed to be for the leaders of the organization and thus was under guard as two goons stood outside armed with AR's, the thing is their discipline was high so they stood on their pre-designed spots Which happened to line up Mike clicked the safety on his pistol and fired a single round which managed to go through both their lined up heads

'Double kill Nice'

What wasn't so nice however was that the shot from a suppressed weapon was a lot louder than in the movies so it seemed to have alerted the people inside the building as loud shouts were heard calling the names of the two dead terrorists when the door was busted open by armed terrorists Mike had retreated to the safety of the shadows wherefrom he observed the people that left the building moving towards parked cars properly planning to make their escape from there, there was a total of nine people that moved in a tactical formation with AR's pointed in each direction ready to fire at once with a person in the middle that seemed to be of significant importance

'Now how to do this Well first off, they're not going to get away using the cars as I have already messed up the engines Let's scare them into submission'

Mike began circulating his mana which still was painfully slow for his liking, then he fired off a [blood boiler] which hit one of the terrorists

"What the fuck was th---"


The body of the terrorist exploded, at the same time Mike jumped out from cover firing off blood crystal spikes at the remaining terrorists, one of which managed to get off a lucky shot which hit Mike in the shoulder right before a blood crystal spike went through his eye socket, Mike then closed the distance and kneed the leader in the stomach as he fumbled to try to draw his pistol knocking him out cold...

When the PET arrived the first thing they found was Mike sitting in front of the gate playing with something in his hand, Tali walked over to him, she had an angry expression on her face as she asked him

"Why didn't you report in, Mike!?"

Mike shrugged before he pointed behind himself to a pile of drained corpses

"Because there wasn't anything to report, besides that the compound is clear"

"You're telling me that you cleared the compound by yourself before I asked you to report?"


Tali calmed down and showed a smile

"Well in that case bloody fine work Mike, now go get that shoulder looked at"


The thing Mike was playing with was a bullet that had passed through his shoulder a little earlier

"One last question Who is it you are sitting on?"

"Oh him"

Mike stood up and explained

"He's the one they tried to escort to an escape car, so I am guessing he's of importance?"

Tali nodded as she gestured for a pair of PET people to take him away before she gave Mike a pat on the shoulder (the one he had not been shot in)

"Good work Mike"


Mike walked over to the rest of his team, Halfdan was caring a long-barreled rifle while the other three was carrying AR's Mike showed a thin smile as he spoke

"You guys are too slow"

Halfdan showed a wry smile as he shook his head

"Guess so"

Halfdan sighed as he watched Mike head towards the edge of the forest before he walked up to Tali and asked

"How's it looking?"

Tali sighed deeply before she spoke

"So far we've collected, or rather discovered 10 or so bodies, and that's just from the perimeter"

Halfdan felt a chill before he asked

"He did all that alone?"

Tali shrugged before she narrowed her eyes slightly

"We might need to tighten the collar on him He's too dangerous"

"Agreed, but if he can do this much damage on his own we also could deploy him sooner..."

Tali nodded before she stopped looking at the compound and looked straight at Halfdan

"Rush him though basic training as quickly as possible, they could use someone like him overseas"

"Yes ma'am"

The next morning Mike woke up in his room and sat up with a smile on his face, despite needing some stitches for his wound on the shoulder he was in perfect condition

'I could always just use [Drink] to heal it though Well, the less they know about my powers the better'

Mike looked at his bandaged shoulder and sighed before he stood up and put on some training clothes and head out of his room towards the cafeteria

As Mike walked down the hallway he summarised his current stats in his head

'Currently, I am around level 1 to 1.5 mage given the other world standards my marks are about 20 per minute and my physical condition is around level 1 not bad after a few weeks worth of training, well no doubt that the blood from last night helped my physical condition and pushed me above level 1'


Mike let out a short laugh as his thoughts continued flowing

'As for getting out of here Those plans are already on their way No way I would give up a person without using [Control] on them and if what he was saying is true he'll be out of jail soon'

Mike kept a thin smile on his face as he walked down the hallway and eventually arrived at the cafeteria where he brought some food and sat down to eat when Ole walked over and sat down next to him and asked him with a friendly smile

"How's the shoulder?"

"It's fine, it'll be healed before the weak is up"

"Huh And how are you doing that? A gunshot takes longer than that to heal, trust me I know from experience"

Mike showed a thin smile as he asked

"You think I can't control my own blood?"

"...Ah I see, that's some high-level shit Mike"

Mike's smile widened slightly

"Well I aim to please"

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