Blood demon leveling

Chapter 122: Escape

Chapter 122: Escape

"I am going to take off the bandages now, please tell me if anything feels strange"


Mike's breathing was steady as the nurse unrolled the bandages around his shoulder, then she looked closely at the wound that had closed neatly before she showed a smile and asked

"You don't feel any unease do you?"

"You mean besides the creeping existential dread of being alive knowing we all have to die one day?"

"Hahaha, Mike you're such a joker As far as I see it you should be fit for duty again"


"Oh right, today's the special day right?"

"Yep should be"

"Well then be sure to enjoy yourself out there"

"I will"

Mike put his t-shirt back on before he said goodbye to the nurse and walked out of her office, today was exactly 2 weeks since he had been shot in the shoulder, and thanks to his [blood magic] he had healed up nicely, this was good given that today was 'the' day, Mike was currently wearing a casual outfit, after all, today was the day

"The day we get to leave this miserable place Only for 48 hours though"

Mike looked forwards to getting outside, after all this was the time to set his plan in motion, Mike got his injection before he left the facility, supposedly it was micro tracers that were injected into his bloodstream, along with that he would also have a tail of several people from PET

'They are really underestimating me'

Mike walked down the main shopping street of Copenhagen the so-called 'strget' as he had been for the last 2 hours since he had left the facility, he had been window shopping for the last 2 hours with a brief stop at a fast-food joint, so far he was behaving well

'Well, this is going to hurt Oh well, it's probably going to be a 3 at most'

Mike took his newly brought headset out of its wrapping and turned it on, then he conceded it to his phone via Bluetooth and put on a song and pumped the volume up

'I only ever cry to wash away the blood'

As he hummed along to the song he stepped out past the people that stood and waited for the light to turn green, the next thing he felt was his legs getting shattered before he hit the windshield of a speeding car and was sent flying half a meter into the air before he kissed the asphalt face first

'Nope This is a 5'

Mike laid on the asphalt for a few minutes with the people around him helping, even an off work nurse helped with the first aid, Mike remained silent all the while, simply waiting until the ambulance arrived and picked him up, as the ambulance doors closed Mike abruptly sat up and asked the nurse while ignoring his mess up legs and overall traumatized body

"How's it going?"

"...We're on schedule boss"

"Good Now get me out of here"

"...Yes boss"

Mike showed a smile as he muttered

"[Drink]... I only ever cry to wash away the blood damn that song is stuck in my head now"

Mike hummed a tune as his legs reconstructed making loud cracking sounds


"There wasn't even a driver, the ambulance was empty when it arrived at the hospital"

Tali took a deep breath before she asked the obvious question

"Then how the fuck did it drive into the hospital!?"

"Well, most of the ambulance was stipped out and replaced with an advanced self-driving system"

Tali massaged the bridge of her nose for a few moments before she spoke

"Recall the rest of the birds back to the cage We have an escapee Or worse a kidnapping by a foreign power What about the blood trackers?"

"They were spilled at the scene of the accident, he did lose quite a lot of blood after all"

Tali gave a deep sigh before she commanded

"Mike is now a class S criminal, get his name, picture, and biometrics out to every police officer in the country, track him down And send out a shoot to kill order along with that"

"...Is that really necessary?"

"Yep Something about him rubs me the wrong way I have a feeling that he planned and executed his own escape"

Mike sneezed, it had been a few hours since he had been hit by the car, he was currently laying comfortably on a couch looking out over the sea through a window while his thoughts wandered, he was currently being smuggled out of the country, what he was looking through was, in fact, a one-way glass panel camouflage as a shipping container, he had made his rounds on the ship and used [Control] on everyone on board, which included some other shady people being smuggled around, thereby making sure that no one would leak his location to the PET

"Well then Next stop, the land of the free and the home of the brave Pfft"

To clarify the ship was currently heading around Europe before heading to the US where Mike would get off the ship along with most of the people on board, but that's still a few weeks away, what Mike hoped to use this time to do was to experiment with his use of [Evolve]...

Things went well on the high seas, that is until they reached Spain and got tipped off that the PET/Interpol would be raiding them when they reached Italy

'Just as planned'

Mike showed a smile and ordered the ship to keep moving along its original route and soon the ship arrived at Gioia Tauro, the biggest trade port in Italy where the ship would be anchored for about 14 hours as some cargo was unloaded and new cargo loaded, Mike sat in the open on top of a shipping container and overlooked the port with a calm smile on his face as he spun a knife made of blood crystal around, he sat there until the sun crept below the horizon as he had to make sure that Interpol agents spotted him and knew he was on the ship somewhere

'Well, that's just basic diverting of attention'

Mike stood up and stretched before he suddenly disappeared from the view of the drone that was observing him from above, Tali clicked her tongue as she watched him disappear from the monitor, then he turned to Halfdan that was standing next to him in full combat gear and spoke

"Put your old friendship with Mike behind you Tell the same to your squad, tell them to shot to kill"


Halfdan nodded before he walked back to his squad which consisted of Ole, Beatrice, and Rita, there was also a person which Mike didn't recognize which was called Ben, he was a newcomer just out of basic training

"Alright, here's the deal Mike is somewhere on that cargo ship and we're going to bring him down Anybody got a problem with that?"

Ole clicked his tongue, he had been the closest with Mike beside Halfdan, he was clearly annoyed but he didn't voice any complaints after Halfdan looked them over he spoke again

"Stay together with the squad, don't engage him in close combat unless you want to die, and most importantly of all watch those damn corners, we all know how sneaky he is"

The squad of 4 tensed up as they nodded before Halfdan sighed and showed a smile

"Don't worry, we'll likely not get a turn as Interpol along with the local swat teams will be getting the first crack at the ship..."

Mike held onto the handle of the knife he had inserted into the side of a shipping container, he was currently on land observing the Interpol forces from an elevated position about 20 meters off the ground, he was at the edge of the shipping container storage area where shipping containers where piled up in neatly organized rows

'Well then Let's have at them First positions'

Mike mentally ordered the 26 servants he had made on the ship to take their positions, they were all [Controlled] and [Evolved] and armed with firearms that were originally being smuggled on the ship, along with that they were also armed with blood crystal knives for close-quarters engagements, Mike watched from his elevated location as the firefight started with Interpol, bullets were being exchanged between the servants and Interpol after an initial ambush by the servants, but as the servants only were 26 they were quickly overrun, or so you would be forgiven for thinking as they managed to pull back just in time to a new as well defend firing position wearing down the Interpol forces making them pay in blood for every meter of port they took, the air was thick with gunfire, the smell of gunpowder and blood blended together as the losses mounted for Interpol until it suddenly changed as the mana users from both the PET and Interpol were put into the field, but after the initial push back the servants quickly retreated to the ship in a orderly fashion without being flustered at all, Mike watched this from above and showed a smile

'Now for the second stage'

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