Blood demon leveling

Chapter 123: Goodbye

Chapter 123: Goodbye

Tali got a headache coming on, along with the losses they already had sustained the opposing forces seemed to have retreated into the ship which had it's interior completely changed making their preparations for taking the ship completely useless, the interior of the ship looked more like that of a beehive with seemingly organically grown rooms of random sizes which formed a maze they too got reports that it was filled with traps of sinister and deadly design, this had already cost them casualties, Tali was currently debating sending in the mana users as there undoubtedly would be casualties among them if she sent them in, on the other side of the argument the mana users would help with clearing the ship faster and with fewer casualties among the SWAT, Interpol and PET agents

"Let's send them in"

The local operations leader from Interopool quickly decided to send in the mana users, Tali narrowed her eyes slightly before she eventually agreed


Ingrid had lost track of time, she was the squad leader of one of two Interpool mana user squads assigned to this mission, she held her weapon with tense hands as her squad of 4 went from room to room clearing it out while watching out for traps along the way, this wore down their mental strength, but still, they pushed on as they haven't gotten permission to withdraw, as they rounded the corner into another room spotlights suddenly turned on blinding them before 8 figures suddenly rushed at them from the same direction the light came from, at the same time the door they had just passed through shut tight, in reality, this was a near-perfect ambush

"Shoot them!"

The squad opened fire at the figures that rushed at them

"Jim take out the lights!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Jim, one of the squad members opened fire on the spotlights and quickly destroyed them making them able to see what they were shooting at, it was mannequins that were wired up on a trolly making it look like they were being attacked


The squad of 4 sighed before Ingrid gave new orders

"Let's move on to the next room quickly"

Ingrid felt her body suddenly become weightless and realized that the floor had opened up sending her and the rest of her squad dropping down


After dropping for a few seconds they landed hard on the metal floor if that wasn't enough they weren't alone in the room, vermilion haired people quickly captured them at the cost of one of them getting shot in the leg and restrained them before they forced them down on their knees


Then a door opened and Mike walked in with a calm smile on his face

"Hello people of Interpool's mana user division"

Ingrid was the first to speak up

"... You must be Mike"

Mike showed a smile and walked over and stood in front of one of the squad members, a teenage girl no more than 18 years old, and patted her on the head before he kneeled down and spoke

"I only want to know one thing What kind of magic do you guys use?"

The 4 members of the Interpool squad closed their mouths, Mike gave a sigh before he continued speaking

"You see I use blood magic, it's literally blood that controls the blood, so if I do this---"

Mike then stabbed the girl in the stomach with a knife which he quickly pulled out making blood splatter over the cold metal floor as the girl cried out in pain

"---And then this---"

Mike quickly made another stab in the girl's chest with his knife, before something odd happened, the blood from the one wound flowed through the air into the other

"---I can create a loop, see, isn't that awesome?"

"You freak! Kill us already!"

Mike nodded

"Sure, but first I need to borrow your earpiece"

Mike took the headset off the girl he had just stabbed before he put it on and tapped the mike a few times before he began speaking

"Now I am sure you guys have been following along, my terms are simple"

Mike paused and looked over the squad of 4 as he suddenly showed an evil smile

"Well given the fact that I don't have any terms, I just wanted to give these guys some false hope, bye now"

Mike took off the headset and signaled for the others to take off the remaining headsets before they turned them off and stomped on them for good measure, then Mike cut the other three squad members on the arm with his knife before he muttered


Mike breathed a sigh, he was currently doing mana circulation exercises onboard the ship, he had told his servants to keep suppressing the advance of the Interpol and PET agents, this they had great success in doing thanks to their home-field advantage in the maze under the deck

'It proved useful after all Well, I was the one that leaked my position in the first place so of course, it would prove useful... '

Mike cleared his head and circulated his man with increasing intensity as he reached about 50 circulations per minute he felt something calling him from the void, he had felt this calling before but never this clearly, he opened his hand and tried to summon it for a while, but alas after a few moments he couldn't keep up his circulations anymore and then he felt the calling slowly fade


Mike was trying to summon the knife, so far he had been unsuccessful and was thus forced to use blood crystal knives as a replacement, they made a poor replacement

"If only I had the knife I could speed up this process"

Mike sighed deeply and got up from the bed he was sitting on and stretched before he muttered

"They should have caught them by now"

Mike searched the mental network of servants for a moment before he showed a smile

"There they are"

Then he walked out of his room and down below deck, after navigating the 'dungeon' for about 10 minutes he reached an area open where PET and Interpol agents were lined up captured, he didn't spare them so much as a glance as he walked by them cutting each one of them without looking at them, his eyes were focused on his old squad which was lined up on their knees in the back of the room along with another squad of mana users from Interpol, Mike's eyes was locked with Halfdan's as he walked over and then stopped a few meters from him and sat down on the cold metal floor and looked at the other members of his old squad before he simply said


Halfdan narrowed his eyes slightly but remained silent which caused Mike to sigh before he spoke out


Behind Mike one of the members of the local SWAT team suddenly began screaming and begging for his life as his blood drained and floated above him before it formed into a blood crystal the size of the victim's torso, then as if it suddenly remembered gravity was a thing it fell down making a loud *splat* sound when it crushed the person's head and upper body, then Mike asked Halfdan

"Feel like talking now?"

"...No, not really"

"I see"

Mike turned his eyes to the new person in the squad and showed a surprisingly human smile as he asked

"What's your name?"


Mike's eyebrow twitched slightly before he sighed as he mumbled

"That's the second time I've been called a freak today Words hurt you know..? Well not as much as this is going to"

Mike drew a pistol from his belt and shot the new person in the stomach making the rest of the squad flinch slightly as Ben crumbled over from the pain

"See? That's how it feels being called a freak"

Mike formed a knife from blood crystal before he made a shallow cut on the face of the new guy, then he ignored him and turned to look at Beatrice and showed a smile

"Do you want to answer my question I wonder?"

Beatrice showed a slightly nervous smile as she quickly nodded, clearly she had reached her limit

"I see. It's a shame I have nothing to ask you, [besides Julie would kill me if I did anything to you] Such a shame"

Mike made a small cut on the cheek of Beatrice before he looked to Ole and sighed again before he spoke

"You're cool, I won't do anything to you"

Then he swiftly moved onto the last person, Rita, and showed a smile

"You, however, I don't like Always acting like you're better, in fact, I bet if I couldn't do this---"

Mike formed a blood boiler and shot it off at another one of the prisoners making them explode in a bloody mess before he turned back to Rita with a smile on his face

"---You wouldn't even look me in the eye"

Rita looked away which made Mike slightly pissed off so he grabbed her chin and yelled


Rita flinched slightly and eventually her eyes locked with Mike that then showed a smile and asked

"How do you like my joker impression?"

Rita remained silent which made Mike sigh another time before he gestured to the servant that held a gun to RIat's head to cover her mouth before he then stabbed Halfdan in the stomach without looking at him, then he quickly pulled out the knife and stabbed it into Rita's thigh that let out a muffled scream, then after scraping the blood crystal knife over Ben's wound he spoke again

"Now then... I have been happy to know you all, Goodbye [Control]"

The dim room darkened ever so slightly as the souls of the people that Mike had cut with his blood crystal knife left their bodies never to return...

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