Blood demon leveling

Chapter 124: Bright future

Chapter 124: Bright future

A person with red vermilion hair walked over and sat down at the table, at the table sat Tali, the mission leader from the PET as well as the head of the local SWAT team, the location was the port, a few minutes ago the people onboard the ship had transmitted their desire to negotiate with the authorities, Tali half expected Mike to show up so she was a little disappointed, the person with vermilion hair showed a way too calm smile as they spoke

"What's up Tali, how have you been?"

Tali paused before she muttered


"In the flesh Well not quite, still I am not so stupid as to show my face here Not after our little firefight anyways"

"That cocky attitude It's really you Mike? How is this possible?"

The vermilion haired person shrugged before they spoke in a strange language

"[It's a skill you dirt government dog]"

Tali looked over at the Interpol person that slowly shook his head, then at the local SWAT leader that also shook his head, then she turned back to 'Mike' before she spoke

"I heard you were willing to negotiate?"

"Well yeah, that's why this person is here"

Tali was about to speak when the mission leader from Interpol spoke up

"I have heard an awful lot about you, Mike My name is Henrick"

'Mike' nodded signaling for Henrick to keep talking which he did

"I will have you know that I represent Interpol and not PET, whatever beef so to say you have with them I am not involved that is as long as our people are unharmed and returned to us safe and sound"

Tali narrowed her eyes before she asked

"...What about our people?"

Henrick showed a smile but didn't answer prompting Tali to hit the table as she repeated

"...What about our people!?"

Henrick finally answered

"That is not of our concern"

'Mike' showed a smile, he had not quite expected that Interpol would throw the PET under the bus, this made him recalculate his plans

'Maybe it's not quite the time to go to the land of the free'

'Mike' looked over at Tali

"Kajit has wares if you have coin"

"...What the fuck? Speak like a mentally sound person please!"

Mike' shrugged before he complained

"Not one for the classics huh Well speaking in normie: Do you want to buy some wares?"

Tali got a bad feeling before she asked

"What 'wares' are you speaking about?"

"Well your people, what else?"

Tali narrowed her eyes as her mana began churning, then 'Mike' suddenly spoke

"You want the princess back in one piece don't you?"

Tali gradually calmed down before she sighed looking defeated

"State your price"

The whole battle at the Gioia Tauro ended thereafter, Mike, who was quite a bit richer than before walked off the ship, this time in person, behind him was a group of injured SWAT members along with the equally as injured teams of mana users from the PET and Interpol walked after Mike, all of them were either looking frightened or looking at Mike like he killed their comrades, which he did so that one was fair, Mike walked over and shook hands with Henrick who wore a smile

"I trust you will uphold your end of the agreement?"

"Don't worry Mike, you'll have free reign when it comes to choosing missions and as requested you will be paid the same as the other mana users and have your own team when going on missions, you'll be a so-called black cardholder serving the EU from behind the scenes"

"Neat I like it"

Mike looked over at Tali and even gave her a small wave before he suddenly formed a blood crystal knife and blocked a bullet from the local SWAT leader's pistol, he didn't get to fire another round as he was quickly restrained by members of Interpol as he yelled something in Italian while he was being taken away, Mike scuffed before he muttered

"Such a sore loser"

A few weeks later in Lyon, France Mike was sitting on a wide bed cross-legged as he mediated and circulated his mana, he was currently using a mana circulation method that was supplied by Interpol to all their mana users, this mana circulation method was the result of years of research and billions of Euros, it's result? It speed up the speed of mana circulations gain by about 50% over time compared to normal circulation methods

"Which is the shit"

Mike showed a smile when suddenly he felt his phone vibrate, after taking it out he saw that he had received a mission, something about some hostages that needed saving from some rouge mana users that were robbing a bank in southern France, Mike considered this for a few moments before he agreed to take the mission, after all, he had to accumulate enough experience to reach level 7 so he could return to the other world so he sent a message to his servants over the metal network

"Suit up"


The Hostages let out frightened screams as one of the bank robbers got more and more annoyed at them and pointed his AR at them as he repeated himself


This proses had repeated itself for the past half an hour which annoyed the other robbers as much as it did the hostages


"Why don't you calm down a bit already man?"

"Tch Yes boss"

The man that was pointing the AR at the hostages clicked his tongue another time before he suddenly got hit by a red orb and let out a heart wrenching scream as he began bleeding from every orifice, then before the 'boss' managed to fire off a spell he was prepping he got hit by a hail of bullets shot up from the floor beneath him, then a person wearing no body armor or tactical gear walked out of the corridor that the red orb had come from, he was only wearing a holster with a pistol in it and a pair of high tech glasses, besides that he looked like every other person one could find on the streets, though he did wear a t-shirt with an odd print on it as he spun a blood-red crystal knife around, this was Mike fresh off the private jet that had carried him to south France where the hostage situation was currently happening, so far he had neutralized about 20 hostage takers with the servants taking out only 3, a pair of servants in full tactical gear walked in behind Mike, Mike walked over to the stunned hostages and spoke

"You are safe now My subordinates will escort you out of the building"

Mike pointed to the two servants behind him which woke the hostages from their stunned silence before they quickly got on their feet and followed the servants out of the building, meanwhile, Mike walked over and stabbed the corpse of the rouge mana user in the chest and spoke


Over the next half-year, many similar hostage cases or assaults left behind numerous drained corpses, a rumor started floating around in the underground that Interpol had acquired a particular deathly black cardholder, not only would this person kill every single person he was let at without mercy he would also for some mysterious reason drain all their blood leaving behind eerie mummified-like corpses, not only that his subordinates were strangely loyal to him and for some reason they all had red vermilion hair

Mike opened his eyes, as he did he reached out to his side, a reflex he still could not get rid of, and as his hands failed to grasp anything he was once again determined to leave this world behind once and for all

"...Don't worry Julie I am going to be there soon"

Mike sat up on the bed and began doing his mana circulation training, soon his mana circulated with about 90 circulations per minute, Mike tried to push it further for a few minutes but found that he was unable, then he opened his hand and tried to summon the knife from beyond the veil and as he did every morning for over half a year he failed while being just on the edge to grasp it

'I am getting closer though'

He could almost feel the knife in his hands, he was sure that when he acquired it he would see an increase in his combat effectiveness, then he turned on the TV and watched a bit of the news, a lot of things had happened the last half-year firstly the US was on the verge of a civil war after the most recent election where the sitting president refused to give up power after losing in the election, it was still quite civil but Mike could see things going south pretty quickly, besides that China had annexed the rest of Mongolia and had mounted an unsuccessful landing in Taiwan. Besides that, the racial persecution of whites in South Africa had gotten to a full-on race war going down there, but with it being a full-on race war not too many news got out of the country

'At least the EU is fine Well not really with Turkey having gone into parts of Greece and Ukraine being mostly annexed by Russia I really need the knife soon'

Mike felt the world gradually collapsing around him, this was not doing wonders for his sleep schedule

'Well I should get up there's that meeting today too'

Mike turned to TV off and began getting dressed for the day ahead

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