Blood demon leveling

Chapter 125: Party

Chapter 125: Party

Mike left the mansion behind and sat in the backseat of an Interpol car that soon sped off towards the annual black cardholder meeting, Mike took out his phone and read the invitation he had received via mail a few days ago

'Bla Bla Bla Oh here's something interesting, It's only allowed to bring 2 subordinates per person something-something dress code Weapons not allowed Okay, I think I got it'

Mike metally contacted 2 servants and had them head to the place of the meeting before he leaned back in the seat and began circulating his mana according to the mana circulation method he used

Soon the car arrived at a mansion, Mike opened his eyes and thanked the Interpol driver before he stepped out of the car and looked around, he was currently wearing a grey suit with a tie and everything, Mike walked in the direction of the main entrance to the mansion, as he did two servants, one male and one female dressed in a black suit and the other in a red dress formed up behind him as he walked through the entrance

'Sure is crowded There are a lot more black cardholders than I thought'

Mike moved around the edge of the hall over to where the food was placed and begun stacking tasty looking stuff on his plate before he grabbed a glass of champagne and walked over to an empty corner and stood while he stuffed his face with food while tuning out most of the noise going on around him

'I wanna go home'

Mike looked at his two servants before he spoke

"Go socialize or something"

""Yes boss""

The two servants walked off leaving Mike alone with his food, soon a person approached him, it was Henrick that had recruited him to Interpol, a couple of people followed after him

"Hello Mike, how are you?"

Mike looked at Henrick plainly before he spoke the truth

"Horribly I want to go home Well the food is okay"

The people around Henrick laughed thinking it was a joke before one of them spoke

"You must be Mike I have heard a rumor that you leave all your kills drained of their blood, is that true?"

Mike nodded as he showed a thin smile

"Yeah, I need fuel for my spells after all"

The person nodded before another spoke up, this happened to be a very attractive woman in a tight-fitting dress without a back

"So you're like a vampire?"

Mike shook his head

"Nah I don't have any fangs"

More laughter followed Mike's joke, then Mike looked at Henrick before he asked

"When are we going into Turkish occupied Greece?"

The mood froze before Henrick sighed and admitted

"Yeah, that's the central point of this meeting after all That and Ukraine You really are sharp Mike"

"Well I am to please"

The other people seemed a lot calmer now, Mike had successfully poured some water on their party lust as they realized that there were some more pressing issues, Henrick showed a smile before he opened his arms and gestured to the people around him as he spoke

"Management is thinking of forming a battle squad around you Mike since your kill rate is so high we were thinking about making you squad leader, what do you say to this?"

"...Am I free to pick the members of the squad?"

"No, management has already made the squads In fact, these are your new squadmates"

Mike looked them over, besides the very attractive woman in the tight dress there was a young handsome man in a suit, a woman in a more modest dress, and a man that wore sneakers to his custom-fitted suit, Mike exchanged looks with the 4 of them and nodded

"Sure I can work with this I'll be taking the rest of my normal battle group along, this is not negotiable by the way"

Henrick nodded, in fact, he had hoped Mike would bring them along as it was along with this group that Mike had the high combat effectiveness

"I don't see a problem with that Now I'll leave you guys to talk as I have other things I need to do before the meeting starts for real"

Mike followed Henrick with his eyes as he walked away, as he did the handsome man spoke up

"My name is Jacob, I am from the 34th branch of the templars of Rome, it's nice to meet you, Mike"

Mike shook hands with Jacob as he spoke

"Nice to meet you too Jacob Since you are a templar do you happen to use a sword?"

Jacob laughed as he confirmed

"Indeed, I always bring my sword with me on missions"

Mike showed a thin smile

"I happen to use a knife, I have a feeling that we're going to get along well"

After shaking hands with Jacob he looked over at the woman in the tight dress with a thin smile on his face, but before he could speak she did

"Mike I have heard much about you from Henrick and the other Interpol staff One thing, in particular, has me interested, is it true that you never leave anyone alive?"

Mike nodded before he spoke plainly

"Yeah, I don't see a reason to leave them alive to crowd the prisons"

She showed a smile as she leaned in slightly and spoke

"Just a man after my liking! My name is Sharon, we may get along better than you expect Mike"

Mike's smile widened a bit before he turned to the last person, the one rocking sneakers with his suit, before Mike said anything he introduced himself

"Name's Casper I am a lightning mage and a computer expert One thing I want you guys to know right off the bat is that I don't want to be deployed and if I had a say in it I would stayed home"

Mike nodded, then he shook hands with Casper

"Then I'll see to it that you come home in one piece"

Casper sighed before he shook his hand looking like he wanted to say something, but eventually, he stayed silent. Mike spent his time at the meeting chatting with his new squad before the announcement came from Henrick that the EU had decided to send them the ongoing wars with Russia and Turkey, the reactions were mixed with some seeming eager to go and other hesitant, but alas the meeting ended soon thereafter with none of the mana users in the mood to party now that they were going to war within a week Well there were some exceptions, like Mike for example

'This is great news Now if only I had the knife with me Then it would be perfect...'

The next morning Mike woke up like usual and sat himself up in the bed before he crossed his legs and began meditating before he tired once again to summon the knife, he stretched out his hand and tried calling it from beyond the veil, but after a few minutes he eventually gave up with a sigh, what he didn't notice was that the lighting in the room had dimmed significantly while he was trying to summon the knife, only returning to normal once he stopped

"Well then Let's go shopping for some breakfast"

Mike preferred to do his own shopping instead of having his servants doing it as he got some fresh air while doing it, soon he arrived at the local supermarket and bought some eggs and bacon before he walked back home and started cooking his breakfast After eating he sat himself down before the TV and turned his mind off for a few hours as he watched TV, then he eventually turned off the TV again when he got enough of it and sat over in front of the PC and played some games until he got hungry again

'Is there anything in the fridge..?'

As it turned out the gods were merciful and there was something edible in the fridge, after stuffing his face Mike decided to do some evening meditation for the next few hours, after he was done with that he went to bed

The next few days passed in a similar fashion, on the second day of lazing around the offensive happened, the EU finally joined struggling Ukraine and Greece in their fight against Turkey and Russia respectively, the initial offensive was in the favor of the EU, but within a few days the offensive came to a halt as Turkey reinforced heavily, something else happened during the week too, The US officially started their second civil war with the losing president calling for war on the streets and war he got with the opposition fighting back

'Welp Looks like the world around me is falling apart Whatever I just need enough exp to reach level 7 and return Return home To Julie'

Mike resolve hardened as he closed his eyes on the final day, he would be picked up tomorrow and sent to the front line along with his new squad and his group of 20 or so servants

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