Blood demon leveling

Chapter 126: War

Chapter 126: War

"So where are we going again..? Thessa something?"

"It's Thessaloniki squid leader"

"Right that I swear that all greek words are made up"

"All words are made up, squad leader"

Mike looked blankly at a map of the city Thessaloniki and its surrounding area before he asked Casper

"Say Casper are you good with maps?"

"I know a bit..?"

Mike nodded before he spoke in a plain tone

"Congratulations, you are now promoted to navigator"

"For real..?"

"Yes, for real"

Casper sighed before he began looking over the map which Mike handed him, this left Mike with nothing much to do so he looked over at Sharon that sat opposite him on the transport plane, she was chatting with one of his female servants that were in full combat gear armed with an AR and a sidearm

'I wonder what she would say if she knew she was chatting with an empty husk of a former human who got their soul replaced..?'

Mike sighed and turned his eyes to Jacob that had his eyes closed while holding his sword as the transport plane rocked from side to side, after Mike had looked at him for a few moments he opened his eyes, seemingly he knew someone was looking at him

"Is there something wrong, squad leader?"

"...Nah, sorry to bother you"

"It's fine, I've finished readjusting myself for combat anyway, is there anything you want to ask?"

"...Then how long have you been using a sword?"

Jacob showed a smile as he caressed the sheath of the sword

"Ever since I was 4 years old so about 20 years now"

Mike nodded, just as he was about to speak the lights in the plane turned off with a red light turning on shortly after, Mike looked around before one of the pilots spoke over the speakers

"We will be landing shortly, Thank you for flying Arme de l'Air~"

After getting off the plane Jacob asked Mike

"So I know you have one of the highest kill rates among the black cardholders, but your little army? Are they up to standard?"

Mike showed a slight smile, doubting his servants was doubting his skill, and doubting his skill is a quick way to earn a long and painful death Alas he couldn't just kill Jacob, not now at least and certainly not in the middle of an EU army camp so he decided to show him how useful they were as he asked back

"Are you up for a test?"

Jacob smiled as he nodded


"Then say how many you think you could handle, if you can handle them then I'll buy the first rounds of beer when we get home, if not then it's on you"

Jacob showed a smile, a bright one at that which made Mike realize why this guy didn't have a girlfriend

'This dude's a battle junky'

"Then 3"

"3 it is let's move to the training field"

Mike and the others moved to the training field when they arrived Mike turned to his 22 servants and spoke


The 22 servants quickly moved into 2 neat rows with their own predetermined position, Mike showed a slight smile before he spoke again

"Now, Jacob here Doubts your abilities and would like, shall we say a taste"

The 22 servants all began leaking out minute amounts of bloodlust as they waited for Mike to continue

"So shall we give him a taste? I wonder who will participate in this? I need 3 people"

3 servants stepped forwards quickly thereafter, Mike showed a smile and made them all a knife of blood crystal (which of course were blunt) before they stepped into the area was Jacob was waiting with his sword ready, (though still in the sheath, secured with a sting), Mike heightened his control over the 3 servants and made them share vision with each other before he sent a message to them over the mental network

'Don't kill him, it's fine to be a little rough'

The 3 servants nodded as they tuned down their blood lust

"One More Fight Please"

Jacob was out of breath, he stood and panted, his face was filled with bruises as was the rest of his body, the current score was 16 wins to the servants and 0 wins to Jacob, still he had a rather satisfied smile on his face and he still gripped his sword tightly while his eyes shone with the will to battle, Mike sighed before he nodded, signaling the servants to take their positions again. The three servants took an advantageous position, a so-called triangle formation with one servant on each the points of the triangles with Jacob in the middle, then they went at him. Servant number 2 was the first to strike, she stood to Jacob's back to the right, she struck forwards towards Jacobs's shoulder with the blunt blood crystal knife, Jacob spun around on his ankle and blocked the slash, this opened him to the other two servants that stuck out at the same time, Jacob having been through the winger a few times already dodged their attacks by ducking down and kicking off the ground pushing himself backwards between the two servants, now he had all three in front of him, which was what he wanted, the three servants spread out and attacked a vital point each pushing back Jacob, then something weird happened, the three servants seemed bored with playing with Jacob so they did what Mike called a 'wheel' by steeping in past each other with minimal distance between them they constantly attacked Jacob with a barrage of attacks, eventually Jacob faltered and the 'wheel' split suddenly attacking three of Jacob's vital points at the same time, one aiming for the neck, another for the heart and the final for the artery in his thigh, Jacob managed to take one of them with him by striking back but alas he lost the 17th battle too, cheers sounded out form the soldiers that had gathered around to watch, meny praising Jacob for standing so long against the three servants and others praising the three servants for their teamwork, suddenly loud laughter could be heard as a person praised

"Brilliant! I want 500 more just like them"

Then suddenly all the soldiers stood alert, Mike caught on and stood alert too, so did Jacob, Sharon, and Casper

"At ease"

Mike turned to the person that had just spoken, he wore a plain uniform which was less then what Mike was used to seeing him on TV wearing, he was George Jefferson, the general put in charge of retaking Grece, he had an extensive military career and was a highly decorated and respected British general, he inspected Mike with a screen gaze before he asked loudly

"I heard they are loyal to you The infamous, Mike the butcher Black cardholder of Interpol"

"Sir, only to me sir"

"Huu~ Only to you?"

Mike felt the atmosphere around him tense up, having soldiers not following the chain of command was bad for a number of reasons, still, Mike answered honestly

"Sir, that's correct Only to me sir"

"And why is that?"

A cold glint flashed in Mike's eyes before he answered in part in the other worlds native language

"[That would be because I am a demon and they are lesser demons, or in other words] Because I made them what they are, sir"

General George laughed, loudly before he patted Mike on the shoulder a few times

"Now that I've seen you in person Mike I know just what to do with your squad Mike squad, you are all hereby assigned to forwards recon! I expect you to report accurate intel and Mess up the Turks so bad that their own mothers won't recognize them!"

You don't hear a 105mm kinetic penetrator going through your chest, in fact, you don't feel it as the surrounding super-compressed air tears away at your organs, you only feel the shock wave pushing back you now chest-less body as you brian tries to make sense of what just happened you enter shock and then as your blood and organs drain from the 50 cm diameter hole in your chest you die, at least you feel no pain


"Shit I can't stab a tank..."

"Mike! Now is not the time for jokes!"

"Well then give me something to work with, what kind of tank is it, and don't say it's a leopard 2 or we're all dead"

Sharon picked up the binocs from the dead servant that had been checking the streets before he had been hit by the 105mm sabot round

"Come on we only have a few moments before they check the building with a HE shell"

"It's got a round turret"

"That's great, now we need to move!"

Mike grabbed Sharon's wrist and dragged her along to the entrance of the building and spoke rather calmly

"Now they are about 2 KM away from us, there's only one tank, a M60 or a M48 from the round turret as you said, so yell when you see a fla---"


Mike kicked off the ground pulling Sharon along with him, and 1,5 seconds later a HE round impacted the building they had been hiding in, vaporizing the revising corpse of the servant along with most of the building

"How the fuck did they spot us!?"

"I don't know, anyway we should be safe here"

It had been 2 weeks and a whole lot of enemy blood since Mike squad was deployed to the field of eastern Greece, the situation while positive seemed to be at a standstill drawing blood from both sides in the grindstone know as war

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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