Blood demon leveling

Chapter 127: Arrival

Chapter 127: Arrival

Mike breathed out a sigh as the 1000 pound JADAM bomb from the airstrike they just had called in on the tank exploded

"...Poor M60"

"Squad leader I don't think it's proper to express sympathy for the enemy equipment"

"Hush Sharon Let's link up with the others, still, we're missing a whole tank support squad or two"

Sharon brushed her black hair off her forehead as she showed a smile and spoke

"If I know Jacob right he's got that handled"


Mike touched his headset and spoke out

"Jacob, report"

"Jacob, report"

Jacob slashed out with his sword severing the neck of an enemy soldier before he used his dead body as a shield from small arms fire, then he fired off a ball of light that exploded in a blinding light, temporarily blinding the rest of the enemy soldiers inside the building, then a few high-speed blood splatters painting the walls later he raised his hand and respond to Mike's call

"Jacob here, one support squad down"


Jacob showed a smile as he heard Mike click his tongue over the radio, Casper that peeked out a corner further back asked

"Is it clear?"

Jacob nodded

"Yeah, it's clear alright Let's move"

Casper nodded before he moved after Jacob in a light jog, after jogging for a while they reached an inconspicuous abandoned building, well every building in the nearby area was abandoned, it was after all behind enemy lines when they arrived the two of them were met with Mike and Sharon sitting on the floor eating some field rations, Jacob walked over and sat down next to Mike and asked

"Have you guys saved some for us?"

Mike nodded and pointed to a plastic bag with water inside that was in the process of boiling, thereby heating up the food that was inside a secondary bag inside

"Sweet Casper come eat"


Casper was about to ask something but decided it was better to eat his food first after the group finished eating Jacob abruptly asked Mike

"So what happened to Jake?"

Mike slowly shook his head, which made Jacob click his tongue before he asked

"What did him in?"

Sharon sighed before she simply spoke

"A tank"

Jacob nodded before he stood up and walked into another room, Casper muttered

"So that's what that airstrike was for"

Mike nodded

"Yeah, we avenged him alright [God I feel sick acting like I care about my servants]"

"What was that Mike?"

"Oh, that was Danish, don't worry about it"

"Huh Okay then Who has the first watch?"

Mike thought for a bit before he decided

"I'll take the first watch, get some sleep We're moving at 0500"

"Roger that"

Casper let out a yawn before he walked into another room to find his sleeping gear and get some shuteye, Mike gestured for Sharon to do the same before he walked into the room Jacob had walked into and found him swinging his sword around, Mike sighed before he spoke rather sternly

"Get some sleep, I got the first watch"

"...Fine Nothing really fazes you, Mike"

"What was that?"

Jacob clicked his tongue before he stood straight and spoke

"I was just wondering how you bare with it, I mean losing your men"

"They all knew the risks Is what I want to say, but the truth is I am just as angry and frustrated about it as you are, I just take it out on the enemy instead of swinging that sword around Something which I would recommend you to do too"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Good, now get some rest"

"Got it, squad leader"

A few seconds after Jacob left Mike sighed before he climbed up onto the roof of the building and surveyed the city around him before he began meditating, after a while, he opened his hand and beckoned

In other space, a few thousand kilometers from earth's upper atmosphere space suddenly seemed to tear open in a red tear before something shot out from it with a velocity that was several times that of sound it only took the object a few minutes before it entered the earth's atmosphere creating a bright red light in the process as it broke the sound barrier a loud boom was heard over most of Europe as the object accelerated to extreme speeds while superheating the air around it as it sped down towards the ground, this created a very visible comet that seemed to glow with a vermilion hue that the people looking up at found somehow rater sinister. In the evening sky above Greece the thin cloud cover suddenly parted as the object passed through falling further and further down towards the ground but then something odd happened, just as the object was about to impact the ground on the EU side of the front, more specifically in a refugee camp, it came to an abrupt halt revealing the object inside, it was a knife with an about 15-centimeter long blade, on the blade sinister runes suddenly lit up before the knife suddenly seemed to vibrate at a high frequency before it suddenly happened.

Mike looked to the east where he saw a bright vermilion light that shone for a few moments before it disappeared, then he felt a familiar feeling near with a very fast speed before he spotted the knife flying towards him, or rather he spotted a white mist around the knife as it flew towards him at the near the speed of sound before he slowed down right in front of him and landed in his hand, Mike was ecstatic, he sat on top of the roof of the building and twirled the knife around with a truly happy smile on his face

"I've missed you, my dear friend"

The night passed, around 0500 Casper received a call from the main army base of the EU, Mike glanced over at him as Casper gradually turned paler and paler before he eventually took off the headset and said a quiet prayer before he spoke

"There was a meteor last night And it seemed to have landed in a refugee camp, and by landed I mean it slowed down before impact"

Shrone frowned slightly before she asked

"What do you mean 'it' landed?

"Well the refugees they are all dead, in fact, an eerie 5-kilometer zone around the epicenter there were no survivors And"

Casper looked at Mike before he continued

"All the victims were completely drained of blood"

Silence fell over the room as all eyes gathered on Mike, Mike looked calm as he nodded

"Go on"

"Ah, yes We have been called back, apparently, they need all the mana users to help decipher some strange runes left at the scene"

Mike nodded before he quickly took out a headset and put it on before he spoke to his remaining servants

"Gather on my position, we're moving"

After a rather relaxed exfil Mike, the rest of his squad and about 15 servants managed to cross back to the EU side of the lines where they were picked up and brought to the place of the incident, the bodies had already been brought away for research but still, a rather creepy atmosphere hung over the whole former refugee camp, Mike and the other members of his squad got dressed in hazmat suits and were shown into the giant tent that covered the epicenter of the place of impact, Mike walked first past the decontamination room and soon arrived where the knife had touched down when it arrived


Mike kneeled down and looked at the rune that was glowing in a vermilion light before he turned his head and asked a researcher that stood nearby

"How long has it been glowing?"

"For a few hours It emits no radiation of any kind we can measure, so it should be safe"

"Huh I see"

Mike stood up again and looked around at the other runes, he felt a faint familiarity when he looked at them but he needed more time to study them to come to a conclusion so he walked over to a corner of the room and sat down on the ground as he watched the runes with interest

After a few hours, Mike finally got it, it seemed to be exactly what he was looking for, he struggled to control his breathing as he got excited and showed a rather sinister smile before he suddenly stood up and then Took off his hazmat helmet

"Mike! What are you doing!?"

Sharon quickly ran over to him and grabbed his helmet and tried to put it back on him, Mike looked at her with a sinister smile on his face before he stabbed her in the stomach with the knife


At the same time, Mike spoke gunshots were suddenly heard from outside the contamination tent as the servants suddenly began attacking the soldiers and people around them creating further confusion, Mike looked at Sharon's drained corpse for a moment before he walked towards the center of the rune circle

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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