Blood demon leveling

Chapter 128: Return (Level 7)

Chapter 128: Return (Level 7)

Mike pulled the knife out of the drained corpse in front of him before he quickly stripped out of the hazmat suit he was wearing and stepped forwards towards the center of the rune circle, or at least he tried to as a person was standing in his way

"Move Jacob"

Jacob narrowed his eyes before he called out

"Casper help me take him down, he's gone mad!"

Mike narrowed his eyes slightly before a red light flashed in his eyes, then a gunshot from outside the contamination tent hit Jacob right in between his eyes killing him instantly, Mike looked over at Casper and asked

"Do you want to die as well?"

Casper was visibly frightened but after a few seconds he seemed to calm down a bit and asked

"Why are you doing this Mike?"

Mike showed a smile that seemed to contain extreme longing as he pointed to the center of the rune circle

"That's my way home"

"What are you talking about Mike..?"

Mike suddenly looked to the side, he felt the last of his servants outside getting overwhelmed by the soldiers there and gave a sigh before he threw the knife at Casper that just managed to dodge before he fired off a lightning bolt at Mike that was hit and sent flying back to the edge of the room, Casper walked over to Mike and spoke as he readied a spell

"Surrender Mike, I don't want to kill you"

Mike looked up at Casper and showed a smile before he opened his hand summoning the knife that flew over and landed in the back of Casper's head killing him as it sucked his blood near-instantly


Mike stood up again and walked towards the center of the rune circle and sat down with crossed legs, bit his finger, and dropped a drop of blood down into the center of the rune circle Moments later the knife floated up above his head and began vibrating before it let out a scream-like sound that could be heard over most of Europe and northern Africa, moments later several billion people suddenly dropped like stacked cards all over Europe and northern Africa before their bodies became drained off blood, Mike that was sitting in the middle of the rune circle showed a sinister smile as the knife suddenly flew down and stabbed him in the heart, a few moments later a spacial rift formed above Mike's head and sucked out his soul, before his lifeless body fell to the ground and the rift closed again just as the knife flew through following its master

Mike opened his eyes slowly, he had a massive headache and his entire body felt numb

"But I am alive Why is it so dark?"

Mike raised his hands and felt around, eventually, he came to a conclusion

"This is some kind of coffin"

Mike then laughed before he felt the strength in his body, by then he knew that he was back in the other world, then he closed his eyes and tried to reach any of his servants but found that they all were too far away for him to reach them

"Oh well"

Mike then took a deep breath before he closed his mouth then he pressed against the top of the coffin and slowly lifted the lid upwards, to his surprise he was not buried so the lid slowly came off with him using very little of his strength, that said the lid of the coffin still weighed about 200 kilograms, then he sat up and looked around

"Yep some kind of tomb How long have I been gone for?"

Mike stepped out of the coffin and looked around, besides the coffin, there wasn't much to look at

"Oh well Let's get out of here"

Mike began walking down the hallway and eventually arrived at a closed entrance, then he closed his fist and spoke out loud

"I ain't dead anymore!"


The door to the tomb shattered completely sending fragments flying all over the place, Mike walked out of the tomb and looked around

"Some sort of graveyard Inside a city, this is perfect"

Mike walked a little bit before he felt a breeze and looked down at himself

"...Maybe I should find some clothes?"

He wasn't entirely nude, but it was close to it, the only thing he wore was a loincloth that covered the bare minimum, he was already in possession of the knife as it somehow floated around him ever since he left the tomb, Mike opened his hand and the knife landed in his hand, he spent a moment stroking the blade with a smile on his face before he spoke

"Thanks for bringing me back"

Mike then looked around before he began jogging in a particular direction and jumped easily over the fence to the graveyard before he jumped onto the roof of a nearby building and looked around once more and quickly found what he was looking for, a clothing line that went between two buildings, after snatching some clothes and putting it on he walked around the city that still was sleeping until he found the local temple and walked in.

After he got into a prayer room he shut the door behind him and put his hand on the crystal ball, after shining vermilion for a few seconds the crystal ball showed his status

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 33

Level: 6

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood magic] [Elder blood bestowal]

Magic type: Blood

Experience: /

Level up Y/N?

"Wait If I remember correctly I am only 29 years old does that mean that 4 years passed in this world..? Shit"

A lot of thoughts went through Mike's head before he sighed deeply and then decided to press the Y, after a few seconds he felt the exhilarating feeling of growing stronger, a lot stronger, then with a refreshing smile on his face he touched the crystal ball again

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 33

Level: 7

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood magic: Blood domination] [Elder blood bestowal] [Wings of Blood]

Magic type: Blood

Experience: 0 / 500.000.000.000

"Level 7 My magic changed and I got a new skill Let's test it out soonish But still, I need 5 times the experience to level up now Oh well"

Mike circulated his mana to test his limit and after a few seconds he was up to about 350 circulations per minute and that was without pushing it too, Mike figured that he only needed a fraction of a second to fire off all the spells he knew at once and showed a smile before he walked out of the prayer room as he tuned down his mana circulation to normal which was a passive 100 circulation per minute, as he walked out into the temple hall people hardly noticed him as he passed, Mike walked out of the temple and muttered

"[Wings of Blood]"

Then a suppressive feeling fell over the entire city as wings of vermilion blood formed behind Mike's back, after fluttering them for a few seconds Mike nodded

"Let's go"

Then the wings fluttered and Mike disappeared from view as a sonic boom sounded out breaking most of the glass in the entire city along with detaining the entire populous as they bled from their ears, as for Mike he appeared just above the cloud cover and felt his connection to his servants for a few moments before he flew off in that direction

After flying for a few hours Mike arrived at another island, flying below the clouds as the sun rose to his left he looked down and saw a rather big city and muttered


Mike then flew down and landed inside the gates of the lord's mansion, there he simply dispersed his wings and looked around, eventually, his eyes locked with a very frightened looking servant

"Would you mind calling the lord for me?"

"Yes right away!"

With the maid running off or rather fleeing his presence Mike sat down on the ground and began circulating his mana as he closed his eyes After a few minutes, Mike heard hurried footsteps as a group of people approached him, he opened his eyes and saw an important-looking person in fine clothes along with a bunch of soldiers that seemed to be the elite of the elite, then he stood up and tuned down his mana circulation before he asked

"Are you the lord?"

The important-looking person nodded before he bowed and asked

"What does your lordship need of me?"

Mike took a few moments to think about what he should say before he spoke in a neutral tone

"I require some food, along with that a place to rest That and some information"

"Certainly, please follow after me"

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