Blood demon leveling

Chapter 162: Skirmish

Chapter 162: Skirmish

Julie raised her hand and out of thin air she grasped her [Hellsword] and raised it up high, at her side stood Anna and Anne, they also drew their swords and raised them up high, this was followed by the thousands of WInd spirits that was gathered in the plaza in front of them, the level 7's floated in the air while the level 6's stood ready on the ground, Julie yelled

"For blood!"

The Wind spirits repeated her words

"""""""""""FOR BLOOD!"""""""""""

Julie showed a smile before she spoke again

"We shall feast on our enemies!"


"We ask our fair lady Beel to look over us!"

"""""""""""FOR LADY BEEL!"""""""""""

Juile showed a fierce, almost manic expression as she yelled one final time

"Now MATCH!"


The entire horde did an about-face by turning 180 degrees around at the same time before they began marching down the main street of the Fire iron's capital Anvi with the level 7's mock matching in the air in tact with the Wind spirits on the ground, the whole display gave an imposing feeling to all the people watching as the ground shook under the uniform footsteps, Julie nodded and spoke to Anne and Anna

"Shall we get going too?"

""Yes Lady Julie""

And thus began the campaign of slaughter, as for what Mike was doing? Well he was sleeping soundly in the beastman city after a 32-hour fight with Serina as he was in deep sleep someone entered his room, Mike woke up with a set as his eyes snapped open and he spoke out in a grumpy tone


It was the elder, he had a slightly sinister smile on his aged face as he kicked off the ground and charged at Mike, Mike simply muttered

"[Blood domination II: Blood puppets]

The elder froze after a few steps, Mike let out a yawn before he asked

"Why are people so stupid..?"

Mike narrowed his eyes as he controlled the elder to show the hand that was behind his back, clutched in that hand was a slave collar, he probably thought with Mike losing 3 limbs and being exhausted he could attach the slave collar on him while he slept

"Well you thought wrong And now I have to burn down your city"

Mike sighed before he continued

"It's really a shame Well, I could do something else Yeah, let's do that"

Mike sent a mental message to Azroth that was recovering out in the forest before he simply walked out into the inner courtyard and summoned his wings and flew back towards the Wind spirit city, as he did a roar sounded out as Azroth began burning down the city of beastmen, then suddenly next to him came a red streak that flew right past him

"Come on Serina, you really have to show off?"

Mike had succeeded in bringing Serina back under his control by sacrificing his right arm to leave a cut inside her mouth, so now Serina was her usual derpy self again, she was running on air around Mike with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, just like a derpy puppy

"I really need to find out what happened with you Serina"

Mike sighed before he sent her a mental command and she flew over next to him, Mike then climbed onto her back and patted her back

"Let's do it just like the old days!"

Serina let out a loud bark before she sped up and they turned into a red streak that soon disappeared in the distance

Julie matched the horde for about 3 days south before they made contact with a human army, even before they managed to probably line up their forces the human army began their charge, Anne asked Julie

"Lady Julie What are they doing?"

"They're charging"

"Why would they frontally attack an army which outnumbers them?"

Julie sighed

"Well They're a little excited"

Anna tilted her head and asked


Julie sighed once more before she muttered half annoyed

"I don't know, maybe the continued victories have gone to their heads..? Anyways why don't we show them something"

Julie summoned her sword and bit her finger before she dripped a drop of blood down onto the sword

"[Elder blood bestowal]!"

As the drop of crimson blood hit the blade it fizzled away, like a drop of water on a sizzling pan, then she raised the blade high as it let out a scream, as the sound waves passed through the Wind spirit's it invigorated them at once sending their adrenaline pumping as they let out excited yells and screams, however when it hit the charging humans it slowed them down as they suddenly felt cold to their core and began having second thoughts, such hesitation proved to be deadly, Julie watched the battle turn even more in their favour and showed a smile

"Heh All that from a drop of blood"

As Julie did her commanding she suddenly spotted a lone figure charging through the lines of Wind spirits wielding a white spear, she cut, stapped and swept her way through the Wind spirit's with brutal efficiency

'A level 8 Somehow she reminds me of me way back then'

"Anne, Anna with me"

""Yes, Lady Julie""

Julie took flight and flew towards the woman wielding the white spear when she arrived in the vicinity she yelled

"Find other prey, that one's mine!"

The nearby Wind spirits quickly obeyed and backed off creating a void in the ranks with the woman with the white spear in the middle, Julie landed in the void along with Anne and Anna, she looked at the woman in front of her with a slight smile and spoke

"State your name!"

The woman ignored her and muttered

"Now that's a demon alright, well it's not the one I am looking for"

Julie heard her and quickly put two and two together as she concluded

"You're from the same world as Mike, you must be Jane then, Anne, Anna, take care, this one can probably kill you for good"

Jane narrowed her eyes before she asked

"Who's this Mike you speak of?"

Julie showed a teasing smile and responded proudly

"My husband, though looking at you little girl it's probably too early to be talking about such things with you"

Jane frowned before she trusted out with her speak, Julie blocked the spear trust with her [Hellsword] as Anne and Anna flanked to the sides of Jane that spoke

"I'll have you know that I am happily married!"

Julie narrowed her eyes and began heightening her control over Anne and Anna, what followed was an extremely high-speed fight as Jane managed to not only block attacks form 3 fronts, but also counter-attack, she trusted out with the white spear after deflecting an attack from Anne towards Anna that hurriedly blocked, Jane sneered as she muttered


A flash of light shot out from the spear tip and anhilated everything in a meters radius, luckily for Anna, it was only her sword that got annihilated as she dodged backwards just as Jane used her skill, she quickly received a sword from another Wind spirit and quickly rejoined the fight against Jane, this continued for about 12 swords and other sharp weapons, Jane tired to use her [Light] skill on the Julie's [Hellsword], however, the [Hellsword] let out a slightly annoyed scream at the light and nothing else happened which made Jane narrow her eyes slightly as the fight continued white angel-like wings appeared behind Jane before she took flight in Julie's direction, Julie summoned her own wings and fought off Jane's assault, the air was filled with sparks and the clangs form the two weapons hitting each other, Julie received a message on the mental network and quickly dodged downwards as a beam of pure destructive energy passed by where she had just been right at Jane, Jane quickly yelled


As time slowed down for Jane she used her [Light] skill to annihilate the first part of the energy beam, at the same time she dodged out of the way of the beam and looked in the direction from where the beam came and saw a blue demon riding on top of a giant vermilion wolf that rode through the air, Jane muttered

"There you are!"

She had finally found her target, the demon she was duty-bound to hunt down, alas she quickly looked around and saw the state the human army was in before she clicked her tongue and flapped her wings and fled in the opposite direction of Mike, Mike ridding on Serina saw Julie was about to pursue Jane and quickly sent her a message on the mental network

'Stop Julie, don't get overly excited'

Julie stopped and looked after Jane, after a little while Mike arrived, Julie quickly asked him

"Why don't we chase her down and kill her!?"

"Calm down, I am in no state to chase her down Besides I had a little peek earlier and she only used about 70% of her strength in your fight, she also has way more deadly skills at her disposal"

Julie sighed before she nodded and looked in the direction that Jane had fled and muttered

"I'll kill you and drink your blood, that I swear"

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