Blood demon leveling

Chapter 163: Reason

Chapter 163: Reason

After Jane fled Mike and Julie wiped out the rest of the human army, but just as they were about to begin the chase Mike ordered them to hold

"...Let's pull back, for now, we don't want to be baited into a fight we can't win Besides, we still need to do a blood sacrifice here"

Julie nodded, then they began preparations for the blood sacrifice

As Mike slept after completing the blood sacrifice he once again found himself in the elder's space, he called out to her


"Hello, Mike You seem to have questions?"

Mike nodded

"Yeah, a few"

"It's fine, you may ask your questions"

Mike paused before he went straight to the point and asked

"...How exactly dose [Control] work?"

The elder laughed out loud before she asked

"Come on Mike, why do you ask a question you already know the answer to?"

"...I want to hear it from you"

The elder sighed before she spoke plainly

"Your skill, [Control] replaces the soul of a, shall we say container..? That's how it works, as for the absolute loyalty it's simple, the demon which comes from another plane of existence is under a strict contract which ensures its loyalty, said contact is branded on it and is fulfilled once they die"

Mike look like he suddenly got a headache and slapped the side of his head a few times before he asked

"Okay First of all, what's a demon?"

"A demon is a being from another plane of existence which is invading this plane by taking over the wheel of reincarnation"


"By replacing souls, throwing them to the void where they will wander in eternity, and then simply dying and returning to the wheel, thereby the wheel is slowly dyed in our colour"

"Then how did Serina break free?"

"Well she evolved, going through rebirth made her die; thus the contact were fulfilled and her old soul took the place of the demon"

"I see And I assume that evolving is like levelling up?"

"Yeah, though the process known as evolving is more complicated than you think Anyways that's why she was set free, because of a technicality in the contract"

"Huh I see"

Mike thought for a bit before he asked

"Then why do the people I've used [Control] on still have the same memories and personalities?"

"That's simple, the container includes the flesh and the blood, only the soul, the spirit body is replaced"

Mike nodded, being from a technologically advanced world such as Earth Mike knew that the extended nervous system held all the memories of a person, and therefore also the personality, Mike nodded and collected his thoughts for a moment before he asked

"Then why do you want me to kill Jane?"

"Because she's the inheritor to a guardian of the wheel"

"And these are our enemies?"

"Yes, they halt our invasion, so they must be destroyed, only if I kill Jane I'll violate the ceasefire that's currently in effect As for why there's a ceasefire in the first place you don't need to know yet"

"Okay ceasefire aside, what about Julie? Has her soul also been converted?"

The elder blinked before she showed a soft smile and spoke

"Don't worry Mike, your Julie's soul was converted when she became my kin"

Mike nodded before he somewhat hesitated, then he asked the question he really wanted to know, ever since the knife was stabbed into his chest back on earth all those years ago

"Okay Then for my final question Why did you pick me to be on your side?"

The elder paused before she showed a near manic smile that threatened to consume Mike from where he stood as she laughed

"Picked you..? Picked you..? Aha AHAHAHAHAHAHA..! How could I not pick you!? You are perfect in every way, having killed your own father, watched your mother the only person to love you through the first part of your life kill herself in front of you, these events converted your soul to something else, something much like the demons, much like us!"

Mike felt the scales right in front of his eyes, and they fell, fell like dominos

"Then my mental illness, my paranoid schizophrenia?"

The elder continued laughing

"A simple product of your soul being converted, but of all the hundreds of thousands that suffer as you did, you were the only one to have such drastic changes! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! AS I SAID YOU ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!"

Mike also began laughing, he didn't know why but being told this, that he was perfect, that he was unique by the elder made him feel like a whole person for the first time in his life, tears flowed down his face as the widest smile he had ever had were shown on his face

As Mike woke up he began chuckling lightly which made Julie look away from her book and ask

"What are you so happy about?"

"She told me our purpose"

Julie nodded, then Mike told her about the demons, the apparent conflict and how his skill [Control] worked, after which he told Julie about why it was so important to kill Jane

"---From what I can figure out she's part of the enemy faction, 'The protectors of the wheel' or whatever"

Julie nodded and concluded

"Then we should kill her quickly"

"Not only that, I need to use [Control] on her first, you know, to add insult to injury"

Julie showed a wide smile and nodded before she asked

"Then what about this war?"

Mike scoffed

"The conflict between us and the protectors of the wheel is more important, though summoning the elder here would be to our advantage in both areas"

"I agree, so the elder is first?"



"I have a bad feeling about Jane We need to kill her quickly, while she doesn't know the full picture and before she grows stronger But first and foremost I need to regrow my arms and leg..."

"Yeah, you kind of need those don't you?"

2 weeks passed, as they passed Mike regrew his missing limbs, he and Julie razed another 3 cites to the ground and performed another 3 blood sacrifices, as it turned out they were now 90% of the way to reaching the goal of summoning the elder, this had them in a dilemma, push though and summon the elder, or, hunt down Jane?

"I still say we go after Jane"

"Okay, then let's do that, have your informants given you any good intel?"

"Yeah, I know where she is So let's finish this"

The following day a group of Wind spirits split off from the main group, Mike and Julie were among this group and so were the total of 12 level 8's which had been masking as normal soldiers so far, the group penetrated deep into the human lands chasing after Jane and Duke who were unaware that they were being chased and where merrily chatting amongst themselves

"So as I was saying I really want to inform my sister before we have the ceremony"

"I know Duke"

Jane stroked her stomach though it was still flat and toned she knew, she was going to have Duke's child sooner than later, after all, they were giving it their all

"Still I don't know how I feel about pulling out from the war"

Duke shook his head and reassured his wife

"'A true gentleman can wait 10 years for his revenge' Or so my dad used to say, besides it will give us time to grow stronger"

"That's true"

Jane suddenly looked back in the direction they were flying from, Duke that was flying beside her asked

"What's wro---"

"Get down!"

Jane dragged Duke down with her, a moment later a beam of destructive energy passed right over them, however as they dodged another 2 beams that were fired at the same time as the past one that seemingly predicted that they were dodging downwards appeared out of nowhere hitting Jane's energy shield that covered the two of them and threw them down towards the ground where they soon crashed into an open forest, no tree or branch seemed solid enough to stop their descend as they broke every single one on the way down until they hit the ground, Mike that was floating in the air watched them through the critters he had controlled in the area and took direct control over the 5 dragons he had brought along with Serina and fired their distinctive beams of energy down towards the crater that Jane and Duke had just created by crashing into the ground, Julie that stood next to him asked

"Isn't this overkill..?"

"Nope, not at all"

Just before the beams of describe energy hit the crash site a beam of white light shot out from the crater at an insane speed, the 6 beams of destructive energy that came from 6 different directions followed mowing down vegetation in their path as they were adjusted by Mike following the streak of white light

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