Blood demon leveling

Chapter 164: End of the line

Chapter 164: End of the line

Suddenly the beams of destructive energy let up, Duke opened his eyes and quickly cheeked on Jane

"Jane, are you okay!?"

"I'm fi---"


A loud clang sounded out as metal crashed against the energy shield around Jane and Duke as a level 8 Wind spirit hit their sword against it, Duke widened his eyes as they suddenly were filled with hatred as he yelled


Jane narrowed her eyes and opened her hand as the white spear appeared out of nothingness in her hand before she trusted out with it towards the Wind spirit that dodged to the side and instantly retreated Jane, and thereby also Duke that was inside her energy field instantly gave chase as Jane muttered


Time slowed down for Jane as she suddenly accelerated and trusted faster than the Wind spirit could react and instantly breached the energy shield around the Wind sprit before the white spear priced her chest


A white light shot out from the spear tip creating a bloody void in the middle of the Wind sprit's chest, however, before her body hit the forest floor 3 destructive energy beams stuck Jane's energy shield again, though only briefly this time, however when it let up the body of the Wind spirit was long gone, Jane clicked her tongue, though before she managed to do anything more than that an arrow stuck the energy shield and half penetrated it, Jane looked in the direction the arrow came from and spotted a Wind spirit with a great bow that quickly pulled back between the cover of the trees, then another arrow struck the shield, this arrow made it further but not all the way through, Jane narrowed her eyes and attempted to take flight as she could figure out that the Wind spirits had brought more than 2 arrows, however before she could 3 energy beams stuck them again, this made her use another skill


4 circles of light appeared outside the energy shield which quickly transformed into 4 beings of white light


2 of the beings quickly flew off towards the dragons that were pinning down Jane and Duke while the other 2 remained next to them, an arrow came flying towards them but it was stopped when one of the beings of light blocked it with its sword, then Jane and Duke quickly fled towards the west along with the 2 beings of light guarding them, Mike showed a smile and muttered

"Just as planned, I am counting on you to handle 2 of the guardians Julie"

Julie cracked her neck and summoned her [Hellsword] before she spoke

"I just have to destroy them right?"

"Yeah I am sending 4 Wind spirits with you, along with the dragons"

"Okay, I got it!"

Julie flew off, leaving Mike with 7 Wind spirits and Serina as they quickly gave chase to the fleeing Jane and Duke that were flying west, meanwhile, Julie engaged the 2 beings of light, Mike flew off with speed greater than the that of Jane and soon appeared in front of them alone causing them to stop as both Jane but also Duke looked at him with wide eyes, Duke quickly yelled

"That's him, he's the one that razed my city!"

Jane nodded before she spoke

"He's way more than that, he's the source of the evil on the continent"

Mike showed a smile before he spoke

"How's life been treating you Duke? What about you Jane, how have you been since you survived my suicide bomb?"

Jane narrowed her eyes before she yelled


Jane then instantly accelerated towards Mike that drew the knife without hurry and parried the trust Jane sent out after him sending sparks flying, then the 2 beings of light attacked form each their side forcing Mike to pull back as he dodged their attacks, Mike quickly drew the hammer in his other hand and with his tail he held the shield, after a few minutes of high-speed close combat Mike suddenly muttered

"About time?"

Mike dodged to the side but as it turned out he didn't quite dodge the spear this time as it tore through his energy barrier and left a shallow cut on his cheek, Jane spoke mockingly

"What's wrong Mike!? You're getting distracted?"

"Nah, I just didn't want to cut myself so I got you to do it for me[Elder blood bestowal]!"

A single drop of blood flew over and landed onto the hammer that then opened up like a maw as it flew towards one of the beings of light and consumed it instantly, Jane looked surprised but only for a moment before she pressed the attack along with the other being of light, meanwhile, she tried to recall the other 2 beings of light but quickly found out that they already had been destroyed


Jane turned and appended to flee again, just as she did Julie appeared blocking her way, then the 11 Wind sprits formed a circle around Jane and Duke about 2 kilometres out


Jane cursed again, just as she did the 5 dragons appeared from above the clouds, they guarded the 5 directions she could flee, North, East, South, West and up


"Now, Now Jane Don't curse like that"

Jane glared at Mike that showed a calm smile as he suddenly attacked, Jane sent a mental command to the last being of light to try and hold of Julie that attacked along with Mike After a minute of fighting the last being of light was destroyed, leaving Jane's back undefended After half a minute Jane's energy barrier was broken leaving the 2 of them exposed to attacks, at this point Duke grit his teeth and yelled out

"Flee Jane! Leave me and flee!"

Then he drew his sword and charged at Mike that still wore a slight smile, DUke slashed at Mike that dodged to the side as he spoke

"He's your meal Serina!"

A red streak suddenly appeared and caught Duke that let out a horrifying scream of pain as Serina had locked her jaw around his stomach before she began shaking her head from side to side, much like a dog with a chew toy would, this tore Duke to pieces, still, he screamed in pain


Jane rushed out and attempted to attack Serina but was blocked by Mike and Julie that held her back with their attacks, a long ten seconds later Duke finally stopped screaming in pain, then as if she had grown bored of him Serina bit his body into two pieces that then fell to the ground, he was dead


Jane yelled out again when she didn't receive any response she git her teeth and yelled


Jane's eyes began shining with the light of dawn as her movements suddenly sped up, her blows also became quite a lot heavier, if it had only been Mike here he would have been overwhelmed by this flurry of attacks, but he had Julie to help him contain Jane that desperately attempted to reach and kill Serina, this made Mike able to land a cut on her


Jane suddenly felt weightless before she was sucked out of her own body, the last thing she saw was something dark creeping into her body from below


When Jane could see again she was in a black void

"Is this the afterlife..? Then Duke should be here I must find him"

Then Jane's soul forever cut off from the wheel began its long journey in search of a soul that it was doomed to never find

Julie looked at the body of Jane that now was under Mike's control and breathed out a sigh before she spoke

"Come over here"

"Yes, mistress!"

Jane walked over and stood in front of Julie that showed a smile as she quickly poked her finger covered in blood crystal trough Jane's skull and drained her blood, as Jane's body twitched a smile of excitement showed on Julie's face, then when Jane's dried body fell to the ground Julie spoke out loud

"The blood of young women in love is really the best!"

Mike showed a smile and picked up the dried body of Jane before he threw it to Serina that caught it in her maw and began tearing it apart and eating it, then he looked towards the west and saw that the sun was setting, he quickly swopped Julie off her feet and carried her in his arms as he flew up above the trees and looked at the sunset, Julie gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as the two of them began to watch the sunset, it wasn't until after that the sunset that they gently floated down again, form there they began to head back towards the non-human lands as they were long behind enemy lines at this point, after 3 days of travel they returned to the capital of the Fire iron's, the city of Anvi where they got some unsettling news, the king of the Fire iron's had returned in their absence and was summoning them for an official meeting

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