Blood demon leveling

Chapter 202: Talk

Chapter 202: Talk

Mike looked into the face of the president of the united states of America, then he whipped his tail once sending a member of the secret service that was pretending to be knocked out flying across the room into the opposite wall, then he spoke one word


Roan felt his legs turn to jelly as he collapsed on the floor, then Mike smiled and sat down in front of him, then he began speaking, or rather he asked

"Do you know what it's like to be sacrificed to a demon?"

After about 2 seconds Mike realized that his question was a little misleading and quickly redefined his question

"You know, a literal demon god with goat-like legs and horns?"

Roan took a deep breath before he shook his head, Mike nodded, then he continued speaking

"Well, there's ritual chanting, people in robes, a spooky sacrificial dagger, you know the full demon summoning deal, then the moment comes and the dagger descended and stabs you in the chest, only you don't die The next moment you find yourself in a dense forest"

"A forest..?"

"Yeah, a forest on another planet, a so-called 'prime' world, there you, after narrowly escaping being killed by a primal beast in the forest as well as some rude people, eventually learn that every living breathing thing gives a fixed 'experience' value when you kill it Like some sort of game"

Roan nodded slowly, clearly, he had stopped believing what Mike was telling him, Mike sighed before he continued speaking

"So fast forwards a couple of year of killing every living being that annoys you join the curse under the demon god that summoned you, meeting the love of your life on the way, you slowly grow tired of fighting so As a changed man, in body and spirit, you are back once again to Earth where you are told to find your 'resolve' you arrive in your old home in Copenhagen, make plans to visit France and such But not before you are picked up by the USA that lingered in the region, probably to keep Russia and China in check, you negotiate with what you think is the government for citizenship in exchange for letting them study you and learning your techniques seeing your face this is the first time you have heard this story right?"

Roan nodded before he glanced over at Demond that were sitting on the floor under the guard of Julie before he looked back to Mike and asked

"Then what happened?"

"Well, you comply with their requests Until you find out that they have been feeding you slow-acting poison, then you flee the place and eventually on the way find your 'resolve' to be left the fuck alone where then you return to the 'Prime' world and earn the praise of the demon god, whom you now consider a parent Then it all goes to shit and you're sent back here, to this dirtball"

Roan's face darkened slightly before he took a glance at his wristwatch and noted that 3 minutes had passed, Mike's smile widened slightly before he continued speaking

"So you return here and you find the douchebag that promised you 'guld og grnne skove' as we Danes like to call it, in English, it would probably be something akin to promising the world? Anyway, you eventually get the truth out of him, I'll quote it now "This is the deal, we poison you, study you and once we've figured out how to clone you we harvest you for organic material, that's how it is being a filthy non-human, you don't have human rights so we can do whatever we want with you" Or something like that?"

Roan looked over towards Desmond before he asked

"Care to elaborate Desmond?"

Desmond showed a slight smile before he spoke

"There's nothing to elaborate on"

Roan nodded before he turned to Mike again and asked

"So What exactly is it that you want?"

"Peace, if we can't find it here we'll go to another place to seek it Oh, that and some good old fashion revenge"

Roan thought for a bit before he nodded and stood up, Mike stood up too and when Roan extended his hand to Mike, Mike smiled before he shook his hand, then Roan spoke

"Peace is an admirable goal, I'll make sure you can find it here in our great country"

Mike showed a smile then he drew the knife and threw it across the room, it sank into Desmond's right eyesocket with a ghastly sound, then he opened his hand and it flew back to his hand before he put it back into its sheath in one fluid motion

Form there a few weeks passed, Mike and Julie had been living in a cabin deep within the Rocky mountain natural pack, there they lived off the land, but as it was nearing winter and given the fact that they had not had enough time to prepare for the winter they received food via airdrops about once a week, They lived the slow life and enjoyed each others company very much and acted just like newly wed's, thought their peace soon came to an end when they had to uphold their end of the bargain which was simple: training of elite soldiers. Mike had promised Roan that he would train elite soldiers at a nearby base that were being constructed at the edge of the Rocky mountain natural pack

Mike woke up, today was the day, next to him in the large bed lay Julie, despite the amount of space that was in the bed she was snuggled up close to him, Mike lay there for a bit and looked into the ceiling, eventually, the sunlight peeked through the window, as he looked at the sunlight that gradually covered the two of them like a blanket Mike showed a smile as he thought

'This sure is peace'

Soon Julie stirred and not long after she opened her eyes and sat herself up on the bed and let out a cute yawn before she looked over at Mike and showed a smile as she spoke

"Good morning Mike"

Mike spaced out for a moment before he nodded and greeted her back as he sat himself up on the bed

"Good morning Julie"

The two of them looked at each other for a bit before they both began laughing, then after a bit Julie asked Mike

"We're starting the training today right?"

"Yeah Thought I am still stuck on the other problem"

"Really? I've pretty much figured it out already"

"...Just to be sure, we're talking about ascending right?"

"Yeah? What else would we be talking about?"

"...Can you give me a tip?"

Julie showed a smile before she gave Mike a quick kiss then she spoke

"You have to live your life Mike"

"Okay? Then what?"

"Then nothing, that's it, you have to live your life"

Mike sighed before he got out of the bed and quickly entered the bathroom, Julie quickly followed while calling out to Mike

"I'll join you in the shower, hehe, I'll make sure you a squeaky clean for the troops!"

After a rather long shower, the two of them were short on time and had a quick breakfast before they both took flight and flew towards the newly founded 'Demon boot camp'

The new recruits were sitting in the morning sun, well calling them new recruits were perhaps not the best name for them, they were all seasoned veterans from all areas of the US armed forces, army, navy, airforce, and marines As such they were highly disciplined, cream of the crop so to say, still, people had their limits and as it now were over half an hour since the introduction of their new instructor should have shown up they had begun chatting amongst themselves, only one person remained completely silent, it was Chloe, she sat in the front row when she had heard that Mike had become a new instructor in a newly built facility she was among the first to volunteer, to her side was a young man from the marines, he quietly asked her with a face full of curiosity

"Is it true that our new instructors are non-human?"

Chloe sighed before she nodded, it had been leaked that she had previous contact with one of the new instructor, she didn't know how many times she had been asked that question today, soon her ears twitched as she looked towards the sky, the marine beside her did the same as he remarked

"Sonic booms? That's strange there are no bases nearby is there?"

Chloe showed a smile before she spoke

"That's our new instructors"

"You're kidding Right?"

"Nope, you heard I was short down over the un-colonized zone right?"


"That was one of them, see there they are"

Chloe pointed into the sky, her pointing made most of the recruits look up, there they saw two people slowly declined from the sky, one red and one blue, both of them looked demonic with their horns, long barbed tails, and strange skin colors, soon the two of them landed on the platform in front of the crowd, the blue one took a few steps forwards as the red wings behind him dissolved and spoke while showing a toothy grin

"Welcome to the Demon boot camp"

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