Blood demon leveling

Chapter 93: Extermination

Chapter 93: Extermination

"Well how should I deal with you Well this is probably the best course of action, [Control]"

Mike controlled the surviving assassins, as they souls dispersed and something darker took control over their bodies they became filled with reverence towards Mike that had granted them ****** *****.

Mike wasted no time asking them for their employers to which their answered the truth

"We don't know, we only do what we're told However if you allow us to return to our base of operations we can find out"

"I see By the way, what's the highest level person in your organization?"

"That's The head elder, he's level 6"

"What about other members?"

"Besides our team there's 11 other level 5 teams and several lower level teams"

Mike gave a nod and quickly counted his forces, he had the assassins he had just controlled which were two level 5's, then he had Elina and Rebecca, then there were himself and Julie, oh and Snow too

"So a total of 6 level 5's Hmm"

Mike thought about taking over the assassin organization for a moment before he shook his head, he simply didn't have enough troops to guarantee a successful takeover, so he simply sent the two now controlled assassins back to their organization to find out who hired them

'Although I have a pretty good idea already'

Mike showed a thin smile as he thought about how he should kill the ones that had ordered the hit on him and Julie for a moment before he sheathed the knife and held a hand out to Julie

"Well now that those pests are gone let's continue our date, shall we?"

Julie showed a smile aknin to a blooming flower as she took Mike's hand


The two of them walked out of the alley leaving the bodies for the three servants to clean up, Rebecca that had been stabbed with a poisoned dagger needed time to ride out the poison too so there was no complaint from the three servants (not that they are able to complain in the first place).

Mike and Julie walked around the academy city for a few hours and had a nice dinner at a restaurant before they walked back to the dorms arm in arm

The next Morning Mike awoke a little before sunrise as usual and began working out, as for Julie she wasn't there to distract him as she had decided to sleep in her own room last night, Mike eventually finished his routine and took a shower before he wore his uniform and walked out of the room and was meet with the three servants that stood and waited for him, Mike noted that Rebecca still looked a little pale from being poisoned yesterday so he asked her

"How are you feeling Rebecca?"

Rebecca gave a slight bow and spoke with utmost respect

"Normal function won't be a problem"

"That means some functions will?"

"...Yes master, I am sorry to disappoint you"

Mike gave a sigh and placed his hand on top of her head and ruffled her hair slightly

"Well, it's good that you survived Anyways just take it easy for today"

"...Yes master"

"Good, well then let's go get Julie"

Mike walked over to Julie's dorm and knocked on the door, after a few seconds it opened and revealed Julie dressed in her uniform, Mike gave a smile and asked

"Shall we go to class?"

Julie also showed a smile and gave a nod


It turned out to be a normal day, Mike went to class, the cafeteria and the club before he walked back to the dorm room with Julie when someone approached them, it was another student Mike had never seen before

"Are you Mike?"

Mike gave a nod

"I got something for you"

The student then pushed a letter into Mike's hands before he walked away, Mike looked at the letter for a moment before he decided to open it in his dorm room, Julie followed after him to see what was in the letter and to make sure it wasn't a love letter, Mike sat down at his desk and opened the letter and took out the paper inside and folded it out, there were 3 pieces of paper, the first was a detailed report of the ones that had hired and sent assassins after them while the next was a detailed report of that person's daily life in the academy and notable friends and acquaintance while the last piece of paper showed several drawings of the people mentioned in the reports

"Well well well Let's pay these so-called young esteemed nobles a night visit shall we Julie?"



"My gut feeling is telling me not to"

"Hmm if that's so then let's do it doing the daytime, there's this clubhouse mentioned Where they don't take their servants"

"I like that better, no way those noble brats don't have high-level bodyguards"


Mike and Julie decided that their revenge could wait a night and went to bed early

The next morning Mike went through his routine with working out and showering before he walked out of the dorm room with Elina and Rebecca after him, as for Julie and Snow? They were busy with getting the formations on Snow's body down on paper so Mike could study them in detail later

'No way that professor goes through so much trouble for worthless research'

Mike made his way to class, chatting with Karl and Michelle and after class he ate together with them, while they ate the handsome fox beastman Kelvin walked over to their table and looked at Mike for a moment before he spoke

"A word of advice Mike, don't leave the academy grounds"

Mike chewed his food slowly before he swallowed and showed a smile

"You're warning is late Kelvin, it already happened"

Kelvin's expression twisted slightly as he showed a deep frown that eventually went away before he went back to his usual pokerface-smile

"Well in that case it's good that you are okay Mike"

Mike gave a nod and asked

"Do you mind if I ask you a question Kelvin?"

"Ask away"

"Why do you care so much about my wellbeing?"

Kelvin showed a smile before he turned around and waved while walking away, Mike gave a sigh, then Karl spoke

"Kelvin is the leader of one of the biggest non-human groups, he probably wants to recruit you?"

Mike gave a nod and went back to his food while slightly altering his plan for dealing with the pests in the afternoon

'If Kelvin has eyes on me It's probably better to do a switch with Elina and have her handle it'

Mike raised his hand and made a few hand signals to Elina that gave a bow before her figure blurred slightly before going back to normal as Rebecca's illusion took over

"Piece of SHIT!!!"

A crystal bottle of very expensive spirits went flying across the extended dorm room and crashed into the wall before breaking into tiny pieces, the one that had thrown it was George, he had just received word that the assassination organization he had hired had failed their first attempt and required another payment to continue their efforts

"They can't even kill a single bitch and her non-human dog!!!"

The others in the room were quite, they knew that if they spoke up they would become the outlet of George's anger as he sheathed for a few moments before he put on a more dignified look on his face, sensing he had calmed down one of the other young nobles asked

"So should we pay them again?"

George thought for a moment before he shook his head and spoke

"No, their incompetence will show itself again We need to find another organization"

At that moment the door opened and an underling ran in and quickly closed the door behind himself before he spoke

"They leaked the information!"

George's face hardened, he knew what the underling was speaking about, another noble spoke up in a panic

"What do we do!? If they tell the academy we could be expelled!"

No one in that room wanted to be expelled, after all this was their playground away from responsibilities of their families, George was about to speak up again when he suddenly felt cold on his back and quickly turned around, the others noticed George's behavior and one asked

"What's wrong George?"

George stared at the wall before he relaxed

"Nothing, I just remembered I need to sort some stuff out, I'll be back in a moment"

George quickly moved towards the door but on the way he suddenly stopped and froze before something eerie happened, his neck ever so slowly twisted to the side, horror was clear in his eyes, then a low snap went out through the room before a nightmarish armored figure appeared holding George's neck and face seemingly having twisted his neck until it broke ending his short life of decadence, the young noble's in the room were scared shitless, nobody dared to make a move, then the voice of a young woman sounded out from the demon armor

"Master said to make it quick so I won't be able to torture you Don't be afraid, surrender your lives peacefully and there will be no pain"

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