Blood demon leveling

Chapter 94: Punishment

Chapter 94: Punishment

Around evening the 'image' or rather the illusion of Elina that had been following Mike around suddenly distorted for a moment before it returned to normal, changing ever so slightly with a hint of blood appearing on the end of the sleeve of her right arm, Rebecca spotted it and got Elina's attention before she pointed to her sleeve, Elina looked and spotted the small bloodstain before she then gave a nod and raised her hand and put the bloodstained part of her sleeve into her mouth for a moment licking the blood clean off before she went back to her normal posture.

Mike made a few hand signals

*How did it go?*

Elina looked slightly down before she signed back

*Not so well, further report required*

Mike gave a nod before he decided to return to his dorm room to hear the report, as soon as they returned Mike turned to Elina and spoke with a slightly stern voice

"It's not like you to fail Elina"

Elina kneeled down on the floor and bowed her head before she spoke in a slightly shaky voice

"I am very sorry master, I have failed you"

Mike narrowed his eyes slightly but decided to hold off on using [Decimate] until he knew the whole picture, after all, he was a merciful demon


Elina lowered her head a little more before she began speaking

"Yes master, I Appeared to have gotten a little excited and Made two of them suffer, even though you told me not to"

Mike facepalmed

After a few moments he removed his hand from his face, then he decided to be a little less specific the next time he ordered his servants as they apparently would remember his every word and follow his orders blindly without question

"Well Do better next time Elina"

"Yes master! Please grant me merciful oblivion at your discretion!"

Mike took a moment to figure out what she meant by merciful oblivion, but a moment later it clicked she was telling him to kill her over this small mistake, Mike gave a sigh

'Sometimes being too loyal is a problem'

Mike put on a serious face before he suddenly churned his mana to full power, then he disappeared from view and when he reappeared he sent a kick to the side of Elina's lowered head as a loud crack sounded out in the room as her neck broke in multiple places sending her flying off to the side hitting the wall of the dorm a moment later causing more low cracks to sound out in the room, Mike slowly calmed his churning mana before he walked over and kneeled down next to the dead Elina and poked her head as he spoke in a stern tone

"How long are you going to keep sleeping?"

A moment later there was a twitch from the dead Elina as she revived and came back to life, her blank eyes slowly regained their focus as the dent on the side of her head slowly began restoring to her normal head shape, then with another twitch, she began speaking in a low horse

"My Apologizes... Master"

Mike gave a sigh and spoke in a slightly gentle, soothing tone as he patted her on the head and ran his fingers through her hair

"Do better next time Elina, I expect better from you"

Tears slowly formed in the corner of Elina's eyes as she slowly spoke out

"Yes Master"

Mike patted her twice on the cheek before he stood up and stretched his neck before his eyes turned to Rebecca

"Please leave the room Take Elina along with you"

Something flashed in Rebecca's eyes before she gave a small bow, walked over and picked up Elina from the floor ina princess carry and quickly walked out of the door, Snow looked at Mike with what appeared to be reverence before she also gave a bow and walked out before she shut the door behind her leaving Mike and Julie behind in the room, Mike gave a long sigh as he sat down on the bed, Julie walked over and sat down beside him before she asked

"Why are you suddenly so harsh Mike?"

"Because I have to"

Julie narrowed her eyes slightly


Mike gave yet another sigh before Elina's eyes appeared in his head, there was a faint hint of provocation in her eyes, simply put

"She was testing me, if I had not punished her my control over them all would have weakened slightly And I don't want to lose control over a bunch of bloodthirsty Whatever they have become, no whatever I have made them"

Julie sighed before she leaned her head on Mike's shoulder

"Being a leader sure is tough"

Mike gave a nod as he remained silent, the slight red glow in the edges of Elina's eyes could not escape his notice, it was as something had been observing him from the void through her eyes

The next morning news swept through the academy that a group of students had been found brutally murdered in a dorm room on campus, but this was old news to Mike, so all the nitty-gritty details about how one of them had his insiders shuffled around and that this only was discovered during the autopsy and how one had a bottle of spirits shuffled so far up his arse that he apparently suffocated on simply went in one ear and out the other (Though a rather silent chuckle was heard) alas the day went by peacefully and he went to club as usual, when he arrived James seemed a little distracted so eventually Mike asked him

"Is there something wrong James?"

James paused before he put down the chalk and steeped away from the blackboard, then he proceeded to walk over and sit down in the chair that stood next to Mike and scratch the back of his head a little before he asked

"Can we talk alone?"

He gave a glance over to the three servants Mike had brought with him, Mike gave a nod and then Elina, Snow and Rebecca each gave a bow before they walked out of the room and closed the door behind them, Mike then asked

"What's the problem, is it love troubles again, James?"

James gave a nod and scratched the back of his head again before he began speaking

"It's like this Well, I think it's like this anyway..? Where do I even start..?"

Mike showed a thin smile as he spoke

"Take your time"


Then some time passed before James began speaking again

"Well I like this woman, I mean I really, really like her It's just, I don't know how to say it"

Mike gave a nod before he casually spoke

"Well you don't have to say it, you can show it"

"But how do I do that?"

"Well you could buy her flowers or something else to show your appreciation of her It doesn't have to be flowers, if you don't think she likes them you could buy her something else"

"...That might work"

Then Mike and James spent the next half an hour talking about finding the perfect gift for James' crush, after which James seemed to have a stone lifted from his chest, he thanked Mike a couple of times before he went back to teaching about formations, when Mike saw he had recovered somewhat he called the three servants back into the room after the other four students arrived, Julie had just sat down at the spot next to Mike when James suddenly put on a serious face

"I have an announcement to make, Mary will not be showing up to club anymore as she has withdrawn from the academy"

Mike looked surprised and then after a moment he asked

"What about Henry?"

Then silence spread over the clubroom, Mike realized he had asked a wrong question and then he put two and two together and asked

"He wasn't one of the ones killed was he?"

James gave a nod

"Unfortunately yes Don't worry the academy is doing everything they can to catch the killer"

Mike showed a thin smile and commented

"I sure hope they are"

With that over and done with the club quickly resumed and also quickly ended, Mike and Julie left the academy grounds on Serina to resume Mike's spell tests and stock up on blood, as for the two blood zombies they were given free rain to kill monsters outside the academy city, when the night neared Mike gave a sigh and looked at the dead bandits in front of him, all of them were drained off blood and had met with horrible ends, Mike patted Serina on the side

"You can eat them now Serina"

Serina barked once before she quickly began eating the drained corpses, Mike stood and watched for a bit before Julie suddenly called out to him


Mike turned around and saw Julie was holding several pieces of paper, Mike asked

"Is that the drawings of the formations on Snow's body?"

"Yeah, do you want to have a look at them before we go to sleep?"


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