Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 398: On To The Month

Chapter 398: On To The Month

"Setting that aside, Zeref we will need to look for Fairy Heart after we finish with those other planes."

"Hm, would it even be helpful for you? Considering the energy wouldn't be able to-"

"That's only for those without a plane themselves since it's more about the space you can control than the energy. A plane, on the other hand, requires energy for it to continue absorbing more higher-dimensional space."

"Oh... I see because your body is a plane itself, you would just require the energy needed to start controlling more spaces."

Yggdrasil selected this time to speak up as her eyes flashed with a golden gleam.

"Not only that but Tang Wulin would be able to fuse with those spaces at the same time. So the more spaces he absorbs, the stronger his cultivation can become. Hm but first we should restore your cultivation, so your divine attacks also get upgraded."

Sleipnir had blinked her eyes at this piece of news before she looked at Tang Wulin, eyes filled with worry. As she finally recalls that Tang Wulin did break his cultivation, which is one of the reasons they felt a lash back.

"Can his body naturally recover it?"

"Fortunately with the Realm In Body, he can restore his cultivation either with the Immortal Qi or devouring one of those Semidivine Planes. So there really isn't much worry about him regaining his cultivation in the future."

"Wait so if, with Tang Wulin's current path, all he needs is his energy to absorb and control higher-dimensional spaces. Then it should be possible for him to reach the Seventh-Dimensional Space after achieving a God Star body?"

"Yes, which is why these next ten thousand would have to be focused on quick developments... If Wulin can't reach the Seventh-Dimension before Typhoon is fully free from his seal and restrained. Then we are all doomed and most likely will die from its wrath."

They all fell silent, all wrapping their mind around the recent information they learned as well as the sword hanging above their neck. At the moment, they all knew it was a race against time with their development against the seals.

"Well it's ten thousand years, right? Isn't that enough time?"

Tao Tie looked at Yggdrasil in hopes that it was really enough but all of that hope was dashed away from Yggdrasil's next words.

"It takes a normal plane trillions of years to even reach the Four-dimensional plane... Imagine one trying to go from the 4th to the 7th? Honestly, I am not even sure if we can do this in our time-frame..."

"What about a Fairy heart?"

"If it really does what you guys say it does... Then it would all depend on Tang Wulin comprehension on the higher-dimensional planes."

Right, so this all will come down to Tang Wulin ability and comprehension. Talk about no pressure, some of them glance at Tang Wulin but he was still calm as ever.

Making them all wonder just what he was thinking and his feelings about the matter. Furrowing her brow, as Sleipnir got ready to ask Tang Wulin his thoughts on this, his next action caused her to pause.

Tang Wulin flicked his fingers causing the space around them to be released, no longer were they in a separate space.

"You don't want to talk anymore?"

"Not much to be discussed at the moment... Besides, it's about time they went on their way."

Just as Tang Wulin said this, his figure began giving off a strange feeling as if he didn't exist in the present at all.

The laws and natural elements around them began trembling as they felt something taking control of all of them. Tang Wulin eyes began to produce a cosmos inside of them, one that seemed to contain the past and present within it.

The reality around Tang Wulin shattered before shards like glasses began to fall all around him, all containing varying images.

But Tang Wulin didn't care for most of them as his hands chopped down, cutting through several of them at the same time.

All of them split in half before being erased in front of him.

'Forbidden History, Dragon Emperor Ban.'

In the next moment, the whole Douluo Plane shook and trembled as changes began to happen all over it.


On the Star Luo Continent, where the pillars had descended, stood six Emerald Generals in front of it. All of them were staring at the squad that was rushing towards them in haste,

The one that was leading this squad was Ye Xinglan who already donned her battle-armor. With seven-swords that were revolving around her as she rushed towards the barrier of light in front.

"...We should head back, any chances here are pointless. We will have to make up this defeat during the later wars."

One of the Emerald Generals muttered causing the others to growl and tremble.

As they all knew what happened to those who failed but at the very least they knew they could make it up during these wars between planes.

Sighing to themselves after taking a look at the humans before they all began moving towards the Pillar.

They didn't call back the ten thousand Mortuus Creatures that were guarding the barrier of light from the outside. As they wanted them to take out at least some of the humans that were charging towards them and stall for time.

It would take a bit for them to transport these 300,000 Mortuus Creatures back to their home plane. Since the teleportation formation.

Couldn't instantly transport all of them at once, only able to thousands at a time. And they weren't willing to underestimate these humans who decimated their million-strong forces.

But in the next moment, all of them froze. as they felt the changes in the world. Reality warping and twisting before to their horror they felt themselves being erased.

As Ye Xinglan came towards the barrier of light, she had to stop when she saw a shocking scene in front of her.

One moment the Mortuus creatures army stood strong in front of the barrier, then the next moment they were gone.

It wasn't just the one in front, but all of them were on the side.

'I didn't sense any space fluctuations, so I don't think it was teleportation... It felt something to my reality and void sword intentions, did some warped reality?'


In the Dou Lin Empire, Na'er stared at the burnt and scorched battlefield.

"Most of them should be destroyed across the plane, so all that's left is clean up-"

Na'er eyes narrowed when saw a portal appearing in front before a vast figure began to come out of the portal.

This being was an Arkadian, looking similar to Olux but had six arms that held various weapons that gave off time fluctuations. The Arkadian glared at Na'er as it began crawling out of the time portal with time fragments dancing around.

'This doesn't seem like a backup-plan... Was this just recently thought of?'

Regardless of the reason, Na'er held both the Dragon Slaying Spear and the Silver Dragon Spear as space around her began to tremble.

Yet before she could clash with the Arkadian in front of her. She felt the changes in reality before and to her shock. The Arkadian was no longer in front of her, completely disappearing without any trace.

"That wasn't teleportation... Wait, is that you big brother?"


Across the whole Douluo Planet, all of the Arkadians and Mortuus enemies were disappearing without a trace.

Shocking and puzzling the people who were able to witness this scene with some of them thinking they only turned invisible.

But that was all proven false when they couldn't sense their energy or presence. While others speculated this was another plan of Gu Yuena, their Supreme Commander.

At the Pillar that was at Ishgar beach, stood Tang Wulin.

"So you can erase people now?"

"It's more like I can deny the people involved in past events."

Zeref nodded at this, already understanding this came from Tang Wulin realm in body breakthrough and maybe even his other memories.

"So what are you going to do now? You were able to buy yourself a month."

"What do you mean blacky? How did the human buy himself a month?"

"Right, you guys weren't here for that conversation-"

"You can tell them in the Divine Sea."

Tang Wulin interrupted Zeref before waving his hand and forcibly bringing all of his Spirit Souls back into his mind.

After he sent them all back he snapped his fingers again causing space to open up, leading to five figures falling out of it.


Chen Xinjie groans to himself after falling headfirst onto the ground while the others around him fall beside him.

"Did you really have to release us like that?"

"I imagine you guys were itching to leave the space."

Cao Dezhi's lips twitched at Tang Wulin's answer before he and the others started to get back up while they spread out their spiritual sense.

"Oh? We're back on the Douluo Plane... Wait, why is that pillar giving off the same energy fluctuation as those Mortuus Creatures?"

"It's because the pillar is from them and the Arkadians have been invading this place."

"... What!"

"While we were invading them, they were doing the same? Talk about irony but I don't sense any of them around... Did you do something?"

"I finished them off but the others here were able to drive them to the point of retreating."

Tang Wulin said, causing Yun Ming and the others to have varying expressions. Yet all of them couldn't stop the sense of pride in their plane for pushing two higher-level planes back.

Even against the odds.

"So what happened after you put us in the space cage?"

"Yeah, that strange phenomenon, that appeared above was simply too terrifying... And you look like you have no scratch on yourself."

"I will tell you all later but at the very least, I bought us a month."

"Are they severely injured or something?"

Qiangu Dongfeng questioned while he was inspecting the Mortuus Pillar behind them. He was fascinated by the ancient and alien-like runes on them, wondering if it was possible to decipher it.

"In simple terms, yes."

"Ok then, so we need to make a plan this month. Wulin you fought those three before, what do you think about our chances against them?"

"We should be fine but if you want a better answer. You will have to ask me later."

"Huh? Why later?"

"I am going on vacation. It has been one trouble after another with this plane. And knowing my luck, It will only get worse. So I am taking a break."





In the next few days, a disturbance was promptly raised throughout the world. The news that came this time was more information about the war that transpired over the days.

The people in the world were left in disbelief when they found out they were being invaded by foreign enemies. Or more precisely aliens from two other planes wanted to take over their world and devour their resources.

This was too horrifying! These aliens were called the Mortuus and Arkadians who had sent a total of millions.

Yet the top powerhouses of the world were able to swiftly react to this threat and from recent news push them back.

It was said under the command of the Supreme Commander Gu Yuena, who was able to predict everything in the battle.

Down to the smallest detail was able to unleash a slaughter upon the armies that attacked the four continents.

With her planning and control over the world, she was able to limit the casualties from getting too high on their side.

But none of this could have been accomplished if it wasn't for the soldier who was willing to lay down their lives.

They all heard about the incident in Dou Lin Empire and how the Soul Masters created an opportunity.

For the Sea God Master, Na'er to unleash a slaughter that wiped out most of the Arkadians. Stopping all of them from entering the empire and unleashing a slaughter inside.

As well as the feat of the Yue Zhengyu squad that led to the collapse of the marching army in the Star Luo Empire.

But the biggest and surprising news was what happened after.

The strange disappearance of all of the Mortuus and Arkadians was all caused by Tang Wulin who went MIA a few months back.

Not only he was caused but also how he was able to accomplish such a feat. It was stated in the news that Tang Wulin had reached the First Class God level and erased them from the world.

This left every single human and soul beasts who heard this new stupefied. This was especially the case for all those who were of his generation.

What they all understand, only a month ago, it was said his cultivation was at the limit of the world. But in that time he was gone, he went from a Limit Douluo to the First-Class God level.

Some of them haven't even reached the Soul Douluo level and yet he is already touching upon the God Level.

How could they even compete at this point?

While it was clear it was almost impossible to ever match Tang Wulin, this certainly cemented that fact.

The Douluo world was filled with geniuses who had endless potential and talent, yet none of them were able to achieve the God Level.

The only two exceptions being Tang San and Huo Yuhao but it was said they utilize the God Realm to achieve this feat.

But Tang Wulin?

There was no God Realm, no inheritance that he could use and yet he achieved the same feat as them but far younger.

Yet the whole world has had an odd sense of assurance with this news. As they now have a God Level being, a First Class God has their protector.

Who could threaten them now?

After this news had come out, many people began to make the journey towards the Alvarez Empire.

Some went to revere him, others went to pray to him and others went to simply see the legend in the flesh.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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