Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 399: On The Clock

Chapter 399: On The Clock

"The rulers of the three planes are all at the First Class level?"

"Yes, and it isn't just at the entry stage but they are all at the peak."

"Hmm... How!"

When Zang Xin heard this news, he was left stupefied.

First Class Gods were considered to be at the top of the hierarchy for those in a God Realm. Being only second to the God-King who reigns supreme in the realm. Yet they were still beings who hold much authority in that realm to the point that even God-Kings had to give them some respect.

Beings like this were also rare even in the God-Realm as the required energy needed to fuel the growth of a First Class God. Surpassed the combined amount for a Second and third-class God by a huge margin.

This is why they were mostly seen appearing in the God Realm that can provide this required energy.

Yet there were not only one but three First Class beings who wished to invade their own realm?

"Is this plane curse or something? We keep getting attacked by foes that are in the God Level or close to it."

"Exactly! Also isn't this plane dying? Why the hell do they even want it!"

All across the room and over the soul communicator were Soul Masters and Soul Beasts who were complaining.

But who could blame them?

They have been repeatedly attacked and involved with God-level conflicts to the point the death of a God isn't surprising anymore.

And all of this has been happening in a year! It was a miracle that the Douluo Plane was still standing, and its people weren't cowering in fear.

"At least we have Tang Wulin though. He is also a First Class God."

"Please, I'm sure he is basically sick of this already. Especially since he has been the one to end up killing them."

"Actually where is Tang Wulin? I only saw him after you guys came back and then he left?"

Guan Yue raised the question that was on the mind of most causing all of them to turn their heads to Yun Ming and Gu Yuena.

"... Right now he is on his vacation."

After Yun Ming said this, everyone fell silent while giving Yun Ming looks of disbelief before then glancing at Gu Yuena.

"What he said is true, which is why he isn't in this meeting. Now if you have a problem with that, you can go talk to him about it."

No one dares to make a move, they all acted as if they didn't hear Gu Yuena's words causing Zang Xin to inwardly laugh.

"No one wants to try? Good, then let's go on with our plan for the three planes. Wulin told you guys he will take on the Arkadian?"

"Yes, as we were making our way to the empire, he told us to make a plan that centered around the last two planes."

"Hmm, is he thinking of having all of us rush towards the two planes at the same time?"

Gu Yuena nodded her head at Yali's words as it wouldn't make any sense for him to have them make a plan for just one.

If Wulin didn't plan on taking the other one, which means there is a reason why he wanted them to all attack at the same time.

"Did he tell you anything?"

"Yeah, he said by the end of the month the three rulers should be severely weakened. They might even be unable to exert strength above the God Officer level."

"Huh... What did he do to them?"

"We didn't have time to ask but at the moment it doesn't matter. From Wulin words, we have a chance to take two of them out."

Yun Ming began getting up from his chair while his hand stayed on the table, he gave all of the people inside the room.

And over the Soul Communicator a deep look before he continued.

"We will need to make a squad that is not only at the peak but are compatible with each other. But at the same time, we can't include our top bests in them."

"Since they might try to invade us again?"

"No, they will invade us again, in fact, they might send soldiers during this whole month... Which is why we need people here to obliterate the rest."

But it was then Yun Ming's eyes widened as he realized why Tang Wulin only said they should make a plan for the Mortuus Plane.

"You realize it too? He probably figured the Abyssal Plane wouldn't be able to invade us because of the seal. And so he figured it would best that we focus our attention on the two which can invade us."

Yet even after saying this Gu Yuena felt that Tang Wulin wasn't making this statement from him analyzing the planes.

'It's as if he completely knows the state of all three planes...'


"Damn those bastards! How dare they hurt my baby! I swear if I was alive, I would have kicked their ass!"

"Honey, you need to calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down! Didn't you see how his mind shattered? If it wasn't for the process of his realm body, he would have been broken!"

Tang Wulin had a blank look as he stared at the raging Sheng Ming who was roaring to the sky while Hui Mei tried calming her down.

Ever since he got in here, Sheng Ming has been all over him, checking to see if he was alright. As apparently she and Hui Mei are aware of the things that go on in the real world.

So they both saw when his mind shattered, leading both of them to feel like their hearts had stopped.

Sheng Ming was the one who forced his bloodline to start filling him with Life Energy as he was doing the realm in body.

While Hui was trying his best to help his body, reduce the damage that the Immortal Qi was doing while also helping.

Yggdrasil and his body filter the Immortal Qi since he had millions of years of practice with this higher-dimensional energy.

It was only after his body had achieved the next level and his mind was mended that they started relaxing. But to their shock, they found the process had fused his bloodline to the realm, meaning they could finally see each other.

From what he knew, both of them had stared at each other in disbelief for a while before they both rushed toward each other.

'Seems all my bloodlines have taken up land in the realm.'

Tang Wulin glance to the right, he saw a towering kingdom made out of crimson with a sword hanging at the top. It was releasing a terrifying amount of murderous intent with corpses and a river of blood revolving around it.

It was the place where his Asura Blood took up, while down from it was his Sea God Bloodline and his various bloodlines.

But it wasn't just his bloodline as his soul spirits and Slayer Arts also took up home in this Semi-Divine Realm. His Dragon Form found a familiar cave that looked similar to the one he usually stayed at back in Fiore.

While Yggdrasil laid under a towering tree that was majestic and beautiful which was her old body, as well as the foundation of this realm.

"My baby!"

He was brought out of his reverie when he felt Sheng Ming glomping him while rubbing their cheeks together.

While Hui Mei sighed at his antics but held a smile on his face before he began to speak.

"So at the moment, you're regaining your memories?"

"More or less, I have bits of memory that are coming to me but not the full set..."

"Oh! Is that why you were able to unleash True Creation and True Destruction? Because one of those memories held the way and ability to do it?"

"Yes, one of them held that experience."

In truth, Tang Wulin was absorbing all of the combat experience from the infinite memories that were flooding his mind first.

Before he got to the others that would be taking a while to fully absorbed. Which was the main reason he delayed the killing of the other Monarchs and the dealing with the Universal Law.

At the moment he was unstable as his temperament kept on fluctuating because the memories were still fighting for control.

Sheng Meng had already noticed this, which is why she was adamant about him staying in the garden and addressing the problem there.

As nature in the garden will be able to relax his mind, allowing for the process to increase in speed.

Yet she too didn't know which memory would come out on top, yet she still had faith that her son's original memories would win.

'But even then, he won't be the same.'

"Why do you have to be so reckless? Of all the things you could have gotten from Hui Mei..."


Hui Mei went quiet while his cheek had a red hue on them but he didn't dare to oppose Sheng Ming. As right now he could tell she was seething in anger, wishing to leave this realm and commit a slaughter.

His wife was usually calm and serene but when it evolved the people she cared about. Well, people tend to learn why Creation can be both restoring and destructive.

'Still, at least he has gotten used to us calling him our son. Or maybe that is just because his memories are all over the place.'

But it was then Sheng Ming stopped rubbing her face on Tang Wulin while caressing his cheeks.

"Why did you say you would only accept the strongest memory? I know you have a reason since my son isn't irresponsible."

Sheng Ming knew her son wouldn't really do something as reckless as to that. Not only because his instincts were sharp enough to point out any potential mistake but with his fortune sense.

He would be able to tell him the chances of an action leading to good luck or bad luck for him. So she couldn't believe he would decide this without a very good reason.

Not only that but he seemed too calm for a person whose action led to the destruction of his mind.

'That or he is like Hui Mei... Stubborn.'

"I lack the time."

"You lack the time?"

"The time I need to master all of my present and future abilities, I lack the required time to do all of that. Just from gaining the memory of where my other self learned True Creation, it took them a hundred years. And that was only because they spent most of their time learning about the properties of Creation and Destruction."

"I can understand that, as Creation and Destruction aren't powers that are-"

"Easy to master I know but that is the problem... Most of my abilities are powers that aren't easy to master, that would require several years to even attempt."

"Years that I do not have..."

"Because of Typhoon?"

"Not only Typhoons but Universal Law... I wouldn't be surprised if it tried sabotaging me or unleashed a tribulation down when I am close to a breakthrough."

While he was deep in the sea of Immortal Qi, Tang Wulin was pondering on his future path and just what it entailed for him.

The words of those corpses back then weren't empty, they were right on the money. The Universal Law would try everything in its power to try and destroy him.

It could range from obliterating the whole galaxy he was staying in or manipulating the possibilities around him. Like manipulating the factors around him to be less favorable than they normally would be.

Making it hard to focus on practicing and refining his technique, since he couldn't put all of his efforts and attention into any task.

Tang Wulin knew the only reason the Universal Law couldn't directly deal with him is that he could hide from it. Which was quite literally his only saving grace, as a God Realm came with the ability to hide from the eyes of even the Universal Law.

This is why Tang Wulin knew the Universal Law would try its hardest to destroy him at the moment he created a God Realm. At that moment would be the ideal time, as he wouldn't be able to hide from it and would be open for an attack.

And that attack might just be one of its strongest attempts ever, as Tang Wulin knew that the Universal Law. Hated him more than those God-Kings, it might even hate him just as much as the Creation God.

And that wasn't even considering the fact he needed to use his time to start absorbing those higher-dimensional space to reach the 7th Dimension.

So when he was presented with the ability to gain the combat experience from his other-selves. He had to capitalize it, as he knew this chance wouldn't come again.

Sheng Ming and Hui Mei also realized this as well, which is why they fell silent for a while. As there was nothing they could say to help Tang Wulin, as his choice wasn't wrong with his situation.

Their son was basically fighting against not only Typhoon but the Universe Law. He would need to abuse any avenue he can to find a way to survive no matter the cost.

"Well since you're here, we can have a family lunch!"

Sheng Ming lightly said as she stood and went towards the Life Tree while dragging Tang Wulin who only let out a sigh.

He felt too impassive to stop her and also knew it was her way of trying to lighten the mood. Besides, he needed to relax anyway, so lunch with the both of them wouldn't be so bad.

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