Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 400: New Path Open Up

Chapter 400: New Path Open Up

In the garden in Alvarez, which was covered with full golden-green grass that gave off a shimmering light with blossoming flowers.

Tang Wulin was lying in the lap of Na'er with his hands behind his head under a flower bed of snow-white and red flowers around them.

She was moving one hand through his hair while her other hand was glowing with Creation Energy while she hummed.

All around them were the vines and flowers that had moved closer to them. While giving specs of turquoise green lights that danced around them slowly.

The flora surrounding them was constantly altering colors, as they basked in the feeling of the child of their Goddess.

The vitality that they were giving off was shrouding Tang Wulin and Na'er in its lights, as the greenery moved closer to them.

They were wrapping around Tang Wulin as if they were trying to caress him and occasionally caressing Na'er as well. She could feel them instilling her with some of its vitality, helping her out with her Creation Energy and control.

She guessed it was from the Creation Energy she was practicing with, which reminded them of the Goddess Of Life.

As well, they knew she and Tang Wulin were very close, making them treat her better than countless others.

'The tranquility around him has gotten stronger...'

Na'er had a complicated expression as she stared down at Tang Wulin, who had felt off to her and the others before.

When they asked about it, he waved them off and said he was just adjusting at the moment, as his recent breakthrough.

Which was his breakthrough into the First Class God-Level after absorbing multiple floors of the Abyssal Realm had a backlash.

The backlash came from him pushing his level while absorbing the Golden Dragon King energy as he opened another seal. From his own words, his mind had almost shattered, and he will need some time to fully mend it.

This, of course, worried all of them, leading them to fire off a rapid number of questions. But Tang Wulin easily answered all of them, such as he needed the strength as he felt the Sage King and those other first-class comings.

Once he was done responding to them, he began to move away, saying he would be staying in the garden.

'There you go, walking ahead without saying anything...'

Na'er eyes softened as she moved her hand across Tang Wulin cheek, getting lost in thought. Out of everyone, Na'er could be considered one of the best who knew Tang Wulin and the type of temperament he had.

Maybe it was because of how long they spent with each other or their bond with each other. But she knew he had been hiding stuff, even before this incident with his memories.

But she didn't say anything, perfectly content with letting it go.

Simply because she trusts her love, nothing more and nothing less.

"I will make you spoil me a lot later... So hurry and get better."

Na'er muttered softly as she lightly kissed Tang Wulin on the cheek causing him to release a faint smile.

Before to her amusement, he moved even more into her embrace, leading her to conceal her mouth so her giggles wouldn't leak out.

In the next few hours, Na'er continued with her Creation Energy training, trying to gain more control over it. Like utilizing the Creation Energy power of adaptability, fusing various energies into one such.

Like her elementals and destruction element with the Creation Energy at the center. Another thing was a suggestion from Tang Wulin who proposed she should try to produce the level of True Creation or Destruction.

Which she believed she could but it would require far more energy and control than she has at the moment. Other than adaptability, she has been working on Creation ability with restoring objects and the world around.

As well as its ability to amplify her ability, like her spatial and own physical abilities. But all of these were something she was getting better at with time while she tried drawing more power from it.

She knew if she could reach a higher level of control, she would be able to breakthrough into the God-Level.

Regrettably, she couldn't be like Gu Yuena who was able to use her understanding and suppressed potential to reach the God Level again.

While Na'er has the understanding, she didn't have the untapped potential of the Silver Dragon King. But she did have the body of those Five Dragons, in which she has been eagerly absorbing during this time.

She knew once she gained better control of her Creation Energy, she would be able to make a breakthrough and become a God again.

And so for the next few hours, she poured most of her attention into this task while occasionally checking on Tang Wulin.

But it was then a loud voice rang out that brought her out of her training.


Xie Xie's voice rang out as he came inside of the garden, Yue Zhengyu and Xu Lizhi following behind him.

As they stepped inside, they could feel the abundant amount of life energy that was spreading through the garden.

It came from everywhere in the garden, from the rose-colored flower pots that were at the entrance to the towering trees around.

What amazed them was just from them breathing inside of this garden, they could feel a rich amount of vitality energy washing over them.

From what Tang Wulin said, he filled the whole garden with a lot of Life Energy. While also making it so even more life energy and vitality would be produced as time go by.

They saw various flowers and wondered just where he gained all of these flowers from. With these flowers and the vital energy around, they felt like this garden had more nature in it than anywhere else in Douluo's Continent.

Maybe only the Star Dou Forest could really match this garden. As they reached Tang Wulin, they smelled the delicate fragrance of the plant; it was so fragrant and delicate that they could only smile.

But that smile turned into complicated looks as they stared at Tang Wulin who was lying in Na'er lap. As his whole presence made them, feel at peace while also gaining the urge to want to be around him.

It was odd to Xie Xie and the others, that someone's aura could feel so peaceful. As if the thought of war and conflict didn't exist around that person.

This is pretty ironic since that person was Tang Wulin who was a battle lust idiot.

"His Life Goddess bloodline is getting even more terrifying."

Xu Lizhi muttered to himself as he felt his whole being relaxing and feeling at peace. He could even feel the previous fatigue that enveloped him before was leaving his body.

"Hmm? What are you all doing here? Shouldn't you still be training with the Kings?"

Na'er tilted her head as she questioned the three boys who only gave her a bitter look. As it was she who proposed the reason for their suffering, as they needed to get strong quickly in a month.

All of them except her and Gu Yuena were being trained by the Nine Dragon Kings in the Dragon Cemetery. With the Nine Dragon Kings promising them, they all will be pushed well beyond their limits.

Leading them to undergo even more hellish training than what they have been doing before.

'If someone can even call that training.'

Yue Zhengyu thought bitterly as he recalled the Light Dragon King obliterating him with the light elements. Before then chewing out Yue Zhengyu, asking him how he could help or protect Tang Wulin when the time came.

Leading to Yue Zhengyu to voice as if Wulin needed to be protected and then being hit with another intense light.

Na'er only giggles at their apparent misfortune before she spoke up." Stop complaining. You know the benefits far outweigh the suffering you all are undergoing."

"...That is true."

Yue Zhengyu agreed with that statement as he did gain a deeper understanding of the Light and Holy element through this training.

The Light Dragon King had forced him to take a moment to truly comprehend and understand the elements around him. As in his own words, Yue Zhengyu was like a fish in a well, ignorant of the vast ocean outside.

And he had to admit, the Light Dragon King was right. When Yue Zhengyu took the time to fully comprehend the light element, he was able to make a connection with them.

For the first time, he could hear the voices and whisper of these elements. Them telling him what to do, how to use them, and the best way to utilize them.

It was such a strange experience yet one that he was eternally indebted for. Not only did it allow him to grasp even greater control of the light elements, to the point he surpassed the Law Level of it.

And was touching upon the Origin of it but it also helped him breakthrough through the Limit Douluo Level. With the Light Dragon King telling him it was about time and calling him useless for wasting so much of his time.

'Annoying ass Dragon.'

Well, at least his training was direct and straightforward. Unlike the others like Ye Xinglan who was also being trained by the Light Dragon King.

They were working on her starlight element which she had been ignoring for a while. Mostly because she had been putting all of her attention into sword training, with the Sea God Trial training pushing her even further.

But the Light Dragon King scolded her harshly while saying those elements would have been able to help her improve her battle prowess.

Before he forced her to do no more sword training for the month. And only focused on comprehending not only the starlight element but all of the elements that surrounded her other swords.

'Just comprehending one of them was difficult... I wonder if she can comprehend all eight elements.'

"Big sis, have you been here the whole time?"

"Hm? Yeah, my cultivation is already at the limit, so the only thing I could really focus on was the Creation Energy."

Xu Luzhi nodded his head but he was still looking at Na'er with a complicated look. All of them knew she and Gu Yuena were the Silver Dragon King or well was the Silver Dragon King for Na'er.

Xie Xie wasn't overly surprised as he did know they both had the Silver Dragon King bloodline.

But he didn't think she was the Silver Dragon King herself, making him understand even more why both of them favor Tang Wulin over everyone else.

Then Xie Xie began to laugh causing everyone who was shocked to be confused before he told them that. If they were both the Silver Dragon King, wouldn't both of them be an old hag who was preying on a youngling?

This obviously pissed off Gu Yuena and Na'er who smashed Xie Xie into the ground, while everyone else just shook their heads.

Either way, this made Xu Lizhi understand why Na'er and Gu Yuena was so terrifying. As well as how they didn't really need cultivating to get any stronger with their cultivation. Since all they are doing is regaining their previous lost power, which was suppressed by the plane.

And so all they needed to do was retrain their control of the elements. Something Xu Lizhi was taken advantage of, as he would ask Gu Yuena when she had time to help him out with the Destruction Element.

Which would then leave him going through hours of hellish training.

"So how is the boss? I feel like he has been sleeping all day?"

"Hmm, I don't think so. Knowing him, he is probably still training even while in his sleep."

"You think so too? I feel like Big Brother never stops training. Which is why we should amp out own training and-"

"Shut up fatty! What do you mean amp up our training? Do we look like a machine to you?"

"But if we don't then we're going to be left behind even more! Don't you guys see he is already a First Class God while we aren't even in the God-Level!"

"Damn it!... Fine, stupid captain and his insane cultivation speed."

Na'er had a faint smile while her hand continued caressing Tang Wulin. She also felt that he was training but not as hard as she thought he normally would do.

'Hopefully, you can return to normal.'



With a loud sound, a gigantic pillar appeared. The pillar made out of Dragon Slayer magic was majestic and vast, descending upon the hill.

Like a nail, it punctured through the hill before consuming the hill with its light.

Within a few breaths of time, the hill was flattened.

"As expected of Creation Energy, the amplification still astounds me to this day."

Hui Mei commented as he glanced at Tang Wulin whose fist was glowing with a dark-blue light before it faded away.

"Indeed, just my Magic Dragon Pillar power has been amplified by several times. With the activation being even more smooth." Tang Wulin was observing the changes of the Magic Dragon Pillar that was still striking down.

He saw it was far bigger than before, the pressure had increased as well and the flow of the attack had become more smooth.

All of this had been because of the Creation Energy he combined with his Magic Dragon Pillar before he unleashed the attack.

Creation Energy wasn't just used for healing but it can also be used for amplifying one's own ability and even techniques.

This was because the Creation Energy wouldn't conflict with one's power, as it was all-around base energy. Meaning it could fuse with various types of power and energy, as it was one of the founding powers in the universe.

A power that has existed since the creation of the Universe, where all other powers could be said to derive from.

Right now, when he used the Magic Dragon Pillar, its power had increased by several times. Not only because of the amplification but the lack of internal friction, that most combination moves would have.

As all energy will conflict with each other, no matter the control someone has. Unless they use the same type of energy, the elements inside of the technique would conflict with some of the energy being lost from this.

Which typically leads to the attack reducing in strength. But with Creation Energy, the conflict was typically nonexistent.

"This was just from me using the Magical Dragon Pillar and the Creation Energy alone. Yet the amplification and result are already so terrifying... What if I was to try and use multiple powers like my Curse or even Faith Energy with Creation Energy as the foundation?"

Tang Wulin mind was working non-stop as he began thinking up more and more combinations.

One thing was for certain, Tang Wulin had discovered a new and vast world that would improve his strength to a terrifying degree.

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