Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch207- Thanks

Ch207- Thanks

In the Great Hall, Harry's closest friends could only watch helplessly as he walked away. Daphne and Tracey felt their hearts ache, but they couldn't help Harry. They couldn't even begin to understand his pain. Neville, probably the only one who could truly empathize, just sat and watched Harry's retreating figure, his fists clenched tightly. In his mind, faces and names of his own enemies and unresolved revenges flashed. Hermione, Susan, Hannah, Pansy, and others shared the same sentiment, their eyes following Harry with silent concern. Luna moved to support Ginny, who was visibly shaken by the revelation.

Snape, almost as angry as Harry, glared at Peter Pettigrew. His hands twitched, eager to grab his wand and end the traitor's life right then and there. The hall buzzed with whispers and murmurs, but Snape's fury was palpable, his dark eyes fixed on the cowering rat of a man.

In the hall, the professors were also dealing with the aftermath of the revelation. McGonagall, her face a mask of stern professionalism, turned to Dumbledore. "Albus, we need to address this. The students are in shock, and we must ensure their understanding."

Dumbledore nodded, his eyes still on the place where Harry had been. "Indeed, Minerva. We must handle this delicately. The truth has a way of unraveling even the best-laid plans."

The students, still murmuring among themselves, began to leave the hall in groups. Hermione and Neville exchanged a look, understanding that their friend needed space but also knowing they would be there for him when he was ready.

Daphne exchanged a concerned glance with Tracey. "We need to talk to him," she whispered.

Tracey nodded. "But how? I know that look. He doesn't want to speak to anyone."

Neville's voice was low but firm. "We give him time. We can't force him to open up, but we can be there when he's ready."

Hermione bit her lip, struggling to contain her emotions. "He’s been through so much. We need to find a way to support him without overwhelming him."

Susan nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting deep concern. "Maybe small gestures? Let him know we’re here for him without pushing."

Hannah added softly, "I agree that he needs to know he's not alone, but we have to respect his space."

As they shared ideas on how to help Harry, Luna's calm voice broke through. "Sometimes, just being present is enough. He’ll feel our support."

Ginny, still pale and shaken, nodded. "Luna's right. We just need to be there for him."

Snape, standing nearby, was still seething. His hands twitched the more he heard, the urge to hex Pettigrew almost unbearable. But he restrained himself, knowing that his emotions could escalate an already tense situation. He turned to leave, his robes billowing behind him.

Lupin approached Snape, placing a calming hand on his shoulder. "Severus, don't think anything crazy," he said quietly.

Snape's eyes narrowed, but he nodded reluctantly. "For now," he muttered, storming out of the Great Hall.

The tension in the Great Hall was palpable. As Harry's friends regrouped, they resolved to support him in whatever way they could. Each of them carried their own worries and fears but knew they needed to be strong for Harry.

As Harry walked through the empty corridors, he couldn't shake the image of Pettigrew's terrified face. He had dreamed of this moment, of seeing the man who had caused so much pain finally brought to justice. But now that it had happened, he felt no satisfaction, only a hollow emptiness.

Harry climbed to the Astronomy Tower, the cool spring night air wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. He settled down, gazing at the stars scattered across the velvet sky. Despite all his efforts, a heavy emptiness gnawed at him. He had thought that capturing Peter Pettigrew would bring some sense of closure, but instead, it left him feeling more empty than before.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, Nigel’s voice gently broke through the silence. "Master Harry, even the bravest knights need their moments of solitude. But remember, your friends are your greatest strength."

Harry sighed, appreciating the sentiment but still feeling the weight of his burden. "I know, Nigel. It’s just… I thought catching him would make a difference. I thought it would fill the void somehow, but it hasn’t."

Nigel responded, his tone thoughtful. "Justice often feels different than we expect, Master Harry. The emptiness you feel is a reminder of the love and memories tied to your parents. Their absence can never be truly filled by revenge."

Harry nodded, his gaze fixed on the stars. "It’s just so frustrating. I wanted to make things right, but nothing feels right."

"You’ve done a remarkable thing, bringing Pettigrew to justice," Nigel said, his voice encouraging. "But true healing comes from within, and sometimes it’s the hardest journey to undertake."

Harry sat on the silently, watching the clear sky from the tower, the cool night air wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. He gazed at the stars scattered across the velvet sky, trying to find solace in their distant light. Surprisingly, the one who found him was Luna. He only noticed her when she sat next to him, her shoulder brushing against his.

"Nargles lead me here," she said before he could ask how she found him.

Harry chuckled, finding some amusement in her words. "You know, I am really curious about them. People think you are making things up, but I am pretty sure they exist."

Luna beamed up at him, her wide eyes locked into his. "You really think so?"

Harry nodded, and then, without hesitation, removed his cloak and wrapped it around Luna's shoulders. "I do," he said simply, offering her a warm smile.

Luna's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she snuggled into the cloak. "Thank you, Harry. It's nice to know someone believes in the things I see."

Harry leaned back, resting on his hands as he looked up at the stars. "Sometimes, Luna, the things we believe in are the only things that keep us going."

Luna nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It's true. Believing in the impossible makes life more magical, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," Harry agreed, his voice soft. "It does."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the only sounds being the distant hoots of owls and the rustling of leaves in the breeze. Harry felt a sense of peace wash over him, a welcome relief from the turmoil of his thoughts.

Luna then nudged Harry gently with her shoulder, breaking the silence. "You know, Harry, what you did was truly amazing. I've been to Ginny's house a lot, and I always felt that rat was a little off. I kept my distance and even warned Ginny, but she wouldn’t listen. It had been with their family for so long. I wish I had known earlier; I could have stopped it from spying on Ginny all those years. Just the thought of it makes me sick."

Harry looked at Luna, appreciating her concern. "Thanks, Luna. I didn’t know it was Peter Pettigrew until recently. When I found out, all I could think about was getting justice for my parents."

Luna nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It's not easy, dealing with things like this. But you did the right thing, and now he’ll face the consequences."

Harry sighed, feeling the weight of the past few days pressing down on him. "I know, but it doesn't make the pain go away. It just feels... empty."

Luna's eyes softened, and she reached out, placing a comforting hand on Harry's arm. "That's because healing takes time. The wounds might never fully close, but they do get better with care and support." Her gaze locked onto his, searching for an answer.

Nigel's voice chimed in Harry's mind, tinged with genuine concern. "Master Harry, Luna speaks the truth. Healing is not a sprint but a marathon. You'll get there, one step at a time."

"Right?" She said with a smile, gazing at the moon.

Harry nodded, taking comfort in both Luna's words and Nigel's support. "I guess you're right. I just need to keep moving forward."

Luna smiled warmly, her presence a calming balm to Harry's turbulent thoughts. "Exactly. And remember, you have friends who care about you. We’re here for you, no matter what."

Harry felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. "Thanks, Luna. That means a lot."

The two friends sat in silence for a while longer, the stars twinkling above them.


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