Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch208- News

Ch208- News

Harry walked into the Great Hall, the weight of yesterday's events barely a shadow in his determined stride. As he made his way to the Slytherin table, his friends began to gather around him, their presence a silent testament to their support. Since last year, Harry had made it a point to break the invisible borders between the houses by sitting at different tables. This tradition continued, and his friends from other houses still joined him without him taking the lead.

Daphne and Tracey were the first to join him, sliding into seats on either side. Daphne gave him a reassuring smile, while Tracey patted his back gently. "Morning, Harry," Daphne greeted.

Harry gave them a nod, his expression steady. "Morning."

Susan and Hannah soon arrived from the Hufflepuff table, their faces filled with empathy. "Good to see you, Harry," Susan said, sitting across from him.

Neville and Hermione came next, followed by Ginny, who took a seat next to Susan. Hermione reached out and squeezed Harry's hand. "Hey, Harry," she said, her voice warm.

Harry appreciated their presence, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "Hey, everyone." 

Luna arrived next, settling in nearby with a serene smile as she looked around, clearly happy to be surrounded by friends. More students from different houses began to gather, each taking their places around the table. Pansy, Draco, Nott, and Zabini joined the group, their typical aloofness replaced with a rare show of unity and support. Cedric from Hufflepuff offered Harry a nod of encouragement, while Parvati and Lavender from Gryffindor added their cheerful presence. Padma, Penelope Clearwater, and Cho Chang from Ravenclaw also joined, their supportive smiles contributing to the sense of unity that filled the table.

The group settled into a comfortable silence, enjoying their breakfast and talking about casual school subjects. At the Faculty table, several professors watched their group, some with approving smiles, while others frowned thoughtfully. Lupin was particularly happy to see Harry surrounded by friends who cared for him, although he wished Harry had included him in the plan to capture Pettigrew. The rat had taken away James and Sirius from him, it was not something Harry could ever understand. Lupin also felt a pang of guilt, realizing he had never tried to contact Sirius all these years.

Dumbledore had left with Amelia Bones and the Aurors last night, as Peter Pettigrew had to be taken to court. As a member of the Wizengamot, he had to be present. Suddenly, owls filled the large hall, dropping newspapers onto almost every seat. The cover story was one of the greatest sensations of the last decade: "Peter Pettigrew, the man who faked his death, framed his friend, betrayed those who trusted him, and sided with the Dark Lord...."

The Great Hall buzzed with whispers and exclamations as students picked up their copies of the Daily Prophet. The headline was bold, and the story promised to reveal the shocking truth about Peter Pettigrew, a man thought dead for years. The article detailed his betrayal of the Potters, his framing of Sirius Black, and his life in hiding as a rat. The scandal was immense, and the hall was filled with the rustling of pages and murmurs of disbelief.

"Peter Pettigrew: The Man Who Faked His Death, Framed His Friend, Betrayed Trust, and Sided with the Dark Lord!"

The article detailed the shocking revelations that had come to light the previous evening. Pettigrew, long believed to be dead, had been exposed as a traitor and a supporter of Voldemort. The story was written in full clarity.

Peter Pettigrew Unmasked: The Shocking Truth Behind the Betrayal

By Rita Skeeter

In a turn of events that has sent shockwaves through the wizarding world, Peter Pettigrew, thought to be dead for over a decade, has been revealed as a traitor who faked his death, framed his best friend, and served the Dark Lord. Pettigrew's exposure came last night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he was unmasked in a daring plan orchestrated by none other than Harry Potter.

Pettigrew, who had been living as a rat (literally) under the alias of "Scabbers" in the Weasley household, was revealed to be alive during an elaborate event in the Great Hall. This revelation has not only cleared Sirius Black's name but has also shed light on the true events of that fateful night when James and Lily Potter were betrayed.

For years, Sirius Black has been imprisoned in Azkaban, wrongfully accused of betraying his best friends and murdering twelve Muggles. With Pettigrew's capture, the real story has emerged: it was Pettigrew who betrayed the Potters to the Dark Lord, leading to their deaths and the scar that marked Harry as the Boy Who Lived.

Pettigrew's ability to transform into a rat allowed him to live undetected among wizards and Muggles alike. His transformation into Scabbers, the beloved pet of Ron Weasley, ensured his survival while hiding in plain sight. Pettigrew's cowardice and deceit were finally uncovered through a combination of keen observation and magical prowess.

Harry Potter, who has faced numerous challenges since his return to the wizarding world, played a crucial role in exposing Pettigrew. Using a combination of strategic planning and the aid of his trusted friends, Potter's actions have once again demonstrated his bravery and commitment to justice.

Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was present at Hogwarts last night to oversee Pettigrew's capture. "This is a monumental moment in magical history," Bones stated. "The truth has finally been revealed, and justice will be served."

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, expressed his support for the capture of Pettigrew and the exoneration of Sirius Black. "The truth has a way of coming to light, even in the darkest of times," Dumbledore remarked. "We must remain vigilant and united in our pursuit of justice."

The revelation of Pettigrew's true identity has far-reaching implications. The Ministry of Magic has reopened the case against Sirius Black, with plans to clear his name and bring Pettigrew to justice. This turn of events also raises questions about the effectiveness of the Ministry's investigations and the security of the wizarding world.

As the truth about Peter Pettigrew unfolds, one cannot help but question the Ministry of Magic's handling of the situation. How could such a monumental error occur? If Sirius Black was innocent, why wasn't he questioned properly? In a case of such importance, where was the solid evidence? Why did the Ministry not use Veritaserum, the truth serum that could have cleared Black's name? Did they truly just throw the lord of the House of Black into Azkaban without thorough investigation?

These questions point to a grave oversight on the part of the Ministry, and particularly, the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the time, Barty Crouch Sr. How could he have allowed such a miscarriage of justice? If indeed he falsely imprisoned Sirius Black for over a decade, then this is a scandal that shakes the very foundations of our legal system.

The wizarding community must now grapple with the knowledge that one of their own, an innocent man, was subjected to the horrors of Azkaban while the real traitor lived among them, unchallenged and unnoticed. This revelation calls into question the Ministry's investigative procedures and their reliance on circumstantial evidence.

Sirius Black, a member of the esteemed House of Black, was imprisoned without a trial, without the use of Veritaserum, and without any form of due process. This glaring oversight indicates a profound failure within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. One must ask, how could the Ministry allow such a grave injustice to occur?

Barty Crouch Sr., who was head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the time of Black's imprisonment, bears significant responsibility for this blunder. Known for his hardline stance against Dark Wizards, Crouch’s eagerness to dispense swift justice may have blinded him to the necessity of a fair trial. His actions not only condemned an innocent man but also allowed the true culprit, Pettigrew, to continue his treacherous deeds unabated.

In light of these revelations, there is a growing public outcry for accountability. The wizarding community demands answers and justice for the wrongful imprisonment of Sirius Black. There are calls for a thorough investigation into the Ministry's handling of the case and for those responsible to be held accountable.

Moving forward, the Ministry of Magic must undertake significant reforms to ensure such a travesty of justice never occurs again. This includes mandatory use of Veritaserum in high-profile cases, stricter oversight of investigative procedures, and ensuring that all individuals receive a fair trial.

The wizarding world stands at a crossroads. The truth about Pettigrew has shed light on deep flaws within our legal system. It is now up to the Ministry to take decisive action to restore public trust and ensure justice is upheld for all.

As the wizarding community processes the shock and betrayal of Pettigrew's actions, it is imperative that we learn from these mistakes. The case against Sirius Black serves as a stark reminder of the importance of due process and the dangers of rushing to judgment. The Ministry of Magic must now work to rectify these wrongs and build a system that truly upholds justice.


Harry, surrounded by his friends, felt the weight of the attention but also the support of those who stood by him. Nigel's voice chimed in Harry's mind, blending sarcasm with genuine praise. "Master Harry, you've certainly managed to stir the cauldron. The wizarding world will be buzzing about this for quite some time."

And as Nigel predicted, the article stirred quite the hornet's nest. Prominent families, who had previously evaded imprisonment by claiming they were under the Imperius Curse, now faced potential exposure if subjected to Veritaserum. This serum would force them to reveal their secrets, and the resulting confessions could bring many hidden crimes to light. Historically, a bias existed against using Veritaserum on noble heirs, lords, and important family members, under the guise of respecting their status. However, the swift and unjust imprisonment of Sirius Black without the use of this truth serum highlighted a glaring double standard. This inconsistency caused a stir among the wizarding community, leading to increased pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

Noble families, sensing the brewing storm, began to press the Daily Prophet to retract or alter their story. They also demanded that the Ministry publicly condemn the newspaper for its audacity. Yet, the outcry from the public was louder. Ordinary witches and wizards voiced their anger, insisting that if Barty Crouch Sr. had conducted a more thorough and fair investigation, justice would not have been delayed for over a decade.

In the midst of this chaos, Harry focused on his studies and preparations. He spent hours in the library, poring over books on ancient enchantments and the history of the Chamber of Secrets. He practiced his spells with relentless determination, understanding that he needed every advantage to face the challenges ahead.


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