Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch209- Released!

Ch209- Released!

One evening, Harry decided to visit Professor Dumbledore's office. He had already informed the headmaster through Professor Snape and was now standing in front of the stone gargoyle that guarded the entrance. "Sherbet Lemon," Harry said, and the gargoyle sprang to life, revealing the staircase behind it.

The circular office was as he remembered—filled with strange and wonderful objects, all seemingly alive with a quiet hum of magic. Fawkes, the phoenix, gave a soft trill of welcome from his perch.

Dumbledore looked up from his desk, his blue eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles. "Harry, my boy, what a great pleasure. What can I do for you?"

Harry approached the desk, giving Fawkes a gentle pat before turning to face Dumbledore. "Tomorrow, Sirius is being released. I would like permission to leave the school so I can be there."

Dumbledore's expression grew serious, and he leaned back in his chair, considering Harry's request. "Harry, you must understand that the situation is still dangerous. The Ministry may have cleared Sirius's name, but there are still those who believe he is guilty. I recommend waiting until summer when things have calmed down. You can see him then without the risk."

Harry's heart sank, but he was resolute. "Professor, Sirius has been locked up for something he didn't do. He has been through so much, and I need to be there for him. Waiting until summer just doesn't feel right."

Dumbledore sighed, clearly weighing the risks. "I understand your feelings, Harry. But the outside world is fraught with danger, especially now. Voldemort's followers are still at large, and they might seize any opportunity to cause harm."

Harry clenched his fists, trying to keep his frustration in check. "Professor, I appreciate your concern, but I've faced danger before. This is about family. Sirius is the closest thing I have to a father. Please, let me go."

The headmaster's gaze softened, but he remained firm. "Harry, you are important to many people here. Your safety is paramount. I cannot, in good conscience, allow you to leave the protection of Hogwarts at this time."

Nigel, sensing Harry's rising frustration, interjected in his mind, "Master Harry, perhaps a compromise might sway him. Consider proposing a supervised visit."

Taking Nigel's advice, Harry took a deep breath and tried again. "What if I went with a group of Aurors? Surely, with their protection, it would be safe enough for a short visit."

Dumbledore's eyebrows raised slightly, and he looked thoughtful. "That is a reasonable suggestion, Harry. I will speak with Madam Bones and see if such an arrangement can be made. But understand, it may not be possible on such short notice."

Harry nodded, relief washing over him. "Thank you, Professor. I appreciate you considering it."

Dumbledore gave him a small smile. "I will do my best, Harry. Now, if there's nothing else, I suggest you get some rest. Tomorrow may be a big day."

As Harry left the office, he felt a sense of calmness settle over him, reducing his anger. Nigel's voice broke through his thoughts, "Well done, Master Harry. Diplomacy can often be as effective as determination."

Harry chuckled to himself. "Thanks, Nigel. I was about to insult his beard off."

The next morning, Harry received an owl from Madam Bones, confirming that she had arranged for a group of Aurors to accompany him to the Ministry. He swiftly left through the gates. Harry was greeted by a tall, imposing wizard with dark skin and a calm demeanor. "Hello, Harry," the wizard said in a deep, reassuring voice. "I'm Kingsley Shacklebolt, one of the Aurors assigned to escort you today."

Harry nodded, feeling a bit awed by Kingsley's presence. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Shacklebolt."

Kingsley gave a small smile. "Just Kingsley is fine. Let's get you to see Sirius."

Walking to Hogsmeade, where Kingsley apparated him to the Ministry. Walking through the corridors, Harry remained calm and collected. He was about to meet Sirius Black, but there was no emotional connection between them, despite his previous "emotional outburst" when he was speaking to Headmaster. For Harry, Sirius was simply the man who had been a close friend of his father. While he respected that connection, he had no personal attachment to Sirius. The main reason he had fought for Sirius's freedom was because he believed in his father's choice of friends, not because he felt a familial bond. But being his godfather? Harry didn't think so. The man who couldn't even defend himself in the court and wailed in guilt had great emotions for his father, Harry could respect that, but if Sirius hoped they would be buddies, he was in for a big disappointment. 

Nigel's voice broke into his thoughts. "Master Harry, I must commend you on your composure. Most people would be quite emotional about meeting their godfather for the first time."

Harry shrugged slightly. "It's not like I ever knew him. He was in Azkaban all my life, and I only learned about him recently. Besides, his actions that night were... questionable at best."

Harry had learned how the events unfolded that cursed night after Pettigrew was caught and questioned. Sirius and James, known as the greatest pranksters of their time at Hogwarts, had made a reckless decision, they decided to give Voldemort a middle finger.. Instead of taking on the responsibility of being the Secret Keeper for the Potters themselves, they had handed it over to Peter Pettigrew, thinking it would be an unexpected move. It was a grave miscalculation, one that allowed Pettigrew to betray the Potters.

"I can't blame Sirius for trusting Pettigrew," Harry continued, his tone measured. "But I can blame him for what he did afterward. Instead of staying to protect me, Sirius walked away from the crying child in the ruins of their home, next to the corpses of his mother and father, chasing Peter Pettigrew for revenge. Subsequently, he fell into Peter's scheme. When the Aurors appeared, Sirius only yelled, "It was all my fault," partially accepting his sins. He let his emotions get the better of him, and look where it got him—Azkaban." 

"Indeed, Master Harry," Nigel agreed. "A moment of emotional folly can lead to a lifetime of regret. Sirius's actions were driven by guilt and anger, not by logic or reason."

Harry nodded, the anger he felt towards Sirius simmering just beneath the surface. "If he thinks we’re going to be best friends, he's in for a big disappointment. I'll respect him for what he meant to my parents, but that's where it ends."

As Harry and Kingsley approached the room where Sirius was waiting, the corridor was buzzing with reporters, noble families' heads, and a few key politicians. Even Minister Fudge himself was present, looking decidedly uncomfortable. This fiasco had been a major blunder for the Ministry. Despite not being the Minister at the time, Fudge represented the governing body of Wizarding Britain, and the scandal was a stain on its reputation.

Harry decided it would be wise to present himself warmly and friendly in front of everyone. He plastered a polite smile on his face and approached the group with an air of confidence. Nigel's voice echoed in his mind, "Master Harry, do remember to keep that charming smile of yours. It's not every day you get to mingle with the high and mighty."

Harry nodded slightly, masking his true feelings. As they entered the room, Harry was immediately struck by the tense atmosphere. Flashbulbs popped, and murmurs filled the air as everyone turned to look at him. He plastered on a smile, walking confidently towards Sirius, who was seated behind a desk, looking gaunt but alert.

Minister Fudge stepped forward, extending his hand. "Harry, it's always good to see you. What you did in revealing Pettigrew is nothing short of heroic."

Harry shook his hand firmly, maintaining his polite demeanor. "Thank you, Minister Fudge. I'm just glad the truth finally came out."

Reporters began to clamor for Harry's attention, bombarding him with questions about the events that led to Pettigrew's capture and Sirius's imminent release. Harry answered them with calm, measured responses, ensuring he highlighted the importance of justice and the need for thorough investigations in such cases.


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