Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 105: More for the Order ( 7 )

Chapter 105: More for the Order ( 7 )

It was quite funny to see Moonsoo suddenly act like he was caught red handed. Well technically he had just been. The Crown Prince looked more amused than angry since Jian wasn't even that much damaged. Of course the prince immediately brought the two to the royal palace and asked for Jian to be healed. 

Thankfully the royal family had many cultivators serving under it and one of them healed Jian in an instant.

"That's an interesting technique you just used gramps." Jian said to the middle-aged cultivator who punched him on the head right after.

"I'm 50 you brat ! Don't make me feel even older. Now about that technique...Would be interested in learning healing techniques ?" The man asked. Jian's ears perked at that and he instantly got into the man's face.

"Depends. How long will that take ? Is it difficult ? Is it worth it ?" The boy shot questions after questions until the man had enough and put his hand on the boy's mouth.

"Enough, enough. The healing arts are complex and most people don't ever go into that branch of cultivator's abilities. However it is immensely gratifying. That art has many applications and can get you out of so many situations it's crazy. It's the only thing I have learned as a cultivator and I still reached such a high level." The man said as Jian's brows furrowed.

"Well if you're that amazing, why haven't I ever heard of you ?" 

"Ah....That would be because of the royal family. They jealously guard their most prized possessions, and we their servants would count as said possessions. It is just like with the Prince's guards. You have never heard of Moonsoo and yet he is quite the strong fellow and he is young too. He is only 22. Reaching the laws realm at this age without having an innate talent is pretty amazing." The old man said, reminding Jian once more that not everyone had their qi cores opened before the age of 18.

"Well I got that, but people knew you before you were recruited by the royal family, right ?" Jian asked as the man sighed.

"You can say that. I am Qin Luo, or rather I was. It's just old man Luo now. The Qin family banished me." Luo said, a hint of sadness showing in his red eyes. 

'The Qin family ? It's the family I need to destroy, to avenge that man and protect the kingdom. ' Jian thought. Meanwhile Luo continued to heal Jian, or rather run check ups on the boy. 

"Why would the Qin family banish you ? You said those arts aren't practiced by many people, so you are quite invaluable right ?" 

Old man Luo used his finger to tap Jian on the forehead and grinned.

"You're such a nosy kid. It's the past, and it doesn't matter to me anymore. Let's go back to the matter at hands, which was me asking you if you wanted to learn those techniques."

Right as Old Man Luo finished his sentence, the door of the cabinet opened and a tall figure entered.

"Stop pestering people with your arts old man. You've been asking this question to every goddamn person you've healed." The Crown Prince said as he entered the room. He immediatel grabbed Jian and dragged him away while Luo waved at the boy with a warm smile. 

As the two left the room, Luo looked at his hands who were now trembling and he sighed. He chanted something and a blue light coated his hands.

"I should really stop being so selfless...My body won't keep up...."

The crown prince quickly marched towards the throne room and opened it with a kick as though he owned the place, which would be true in a few years Jian imagined. 

"I brought him mother, father !" He exclaimed as he let go of Jian who immediately fixed his clothes. The Crown Prince had quite literally dragged him around like he was a dirty rag. 

The Queen and the King both looked at Jian with different expressions on their faces. The Queen was all smile while the King looked like he was peeping into Jian's very soul. That man had a very disturbing face, be it for his empty eyes of the fact that he had no facial expressions. He unnerved Jian on every points. 

"Great work son. Now go see your siblings. I think your dear sister wants to ask you something." The Queen said as her smile widened even more if that was even possible. Even she unnerved Jian, but someone smiling was still better than someone who looked pretty much dead. 

"Again ? Damnit, I am the crown prince ! I am not a damn servant...." The prince said before his shoulders dropped and he sighed. He quickly left and Jian was left with the two rulers. Or that's what he thought. The door was still opened so Jian didn't hear the two approaching figures, that was until one of them spoke. 

"Oh, isn't that the little crow ?" A feminine voice exclaimed as Jian turned around and met the wide eyes of an equally shocked little boy. The two people were Vehr and Wang Bei. 

"Wife, why are those here ? I thought we were supposed to have a talk with the boy." Said the dead king. The Queen turned to her husband and her expression changed in an split second. 

"You know me dumbass. I called them and I fucking forgot about it. Just roll with it." She said with a dangerous glint in her eyes. The King shook his head and motioned for the two newcomers to come.

"Jian of the Raja Sect, Wang Bei the inspector and Vehr of the savage northern clans....It seems my wife has many things to speak about with you. Let us move to the top of the palace so we can speak in a more....Relaxed....Place. " The king said as he got up from his throne. The man was tall, even more than his freakishly tall wife. He didn't appear to be very muscular though, he looked even a bit too thin. However his intidimidating face made up for his lack of muscles. 

The group followed after the two Rulers as they lead them to the top of the palace, a place that looked like it was very highly guarded. They had to pass so many guards it wasn't even funny anymore. 

Meanwhile, the two rulers talked to each others with voices loud enough for their words to be understood, but not by the people behind or around them. 

"What about the Asura, when will it arrive ?" 

"Dear Husband, do you think I can fucking predict the thing's movements ? It will arrive in maybe more than a week or something like that, I have no ideas. Now what about the Flies ?" The queen asked as the group went through another set of doors and started to climb another set of stairs. 

" I don't know what they are doing and I don't care. The sects and noble families are the annoying ones. They would kill us if they had the chance, the Flies see us as way too important to even touch us. That and there is that Wang Meilin boy, I won't do anything while he is still with them." 

"Ah...You are so attached to that boy. We already have enough children Husband, we don't need more." The Queen said as her husband looked at her with his cold dead eyes.

"We may need other children if the ones we have get too.....Overzealous and start doing things on their own. "

"Are you asking me to pump out more children ?" The Queen hissed at her husband who deadpanned at her.

"You look like you still can. You haven't changed in the slighest ever since the day we met." He said as she gasped.

"Did you just compliment me you dumbass ?" She asked with her delinquent tone.

"I did not...." 

"Yes you just did !" She exclaimed, this time with a voice loud enough for the others to hear. They looked a bit perplexed but she was too focused on her husband to care.

"You have no proofs..." The King said before he started to move faster. A few veins popped on the Queen's forehead as her smile cracked. 

"You.....Motherfucker it ain't because you are dead inside that you can tease me all the damn time." She said as she also walked quickly to keep up with him. 

The group finally reached the top and the rulers opened a door that lead to the roof. There Jian saw a huge balcony with an equally huge table. There a few servants were waiting for them with bottles of wine and plates full of food in hands.

'Looks like they planned to talk with us here. I thought this whole thing was unplanned for a second, looks like it wasn't.' Jian thought. He was unaware of what the rulers were saying to each others.

" Wife...You forgot you told the servants to wait for us here, right ?" The King asked as his face was mere milimeters away from his wife's who sweatdropped.

"Uh....Hmm....Let's just sit down." She said , trying to dodge him as swiftly as she could. 

In the end everyone sat down around the table and the food was served. Nothing looked remotely good to Jian who had very weird tastes in terms of food, but he found something he liked in the form of a bread covered in olives. Jian always liked Olives and his kingdom produced a damn lot. 

He started to eat with gusto as the rest of the group looked at each other awkwardly. Well it was the case for the queen, Wang Bei and Vehr. The King looked carefree as he sipped on his wine. 

"So....You must be wondering why I called you here, right ?" The Queen asked.

"Not really, I knew the royal family was interested in me. It was obvious with how the prince kept pestering me in the last few days. I am already telling you this, I won't join you people. I am not fit to live in that palace and serve you. " Vehr immediately said.

Before Wang Bei answered the Queen in her turn, Jian looked at Vehr with a wide smile and spoke.

"I knew you would say that Vehr...So why not join me instead ?"


Blinking once, then twice...Jian dropped his bread on the table.

"Eh ?"

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