Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 144: Capital (8)

Chapter 144: Capital (8)

Arwin walked in silence as she exited the kings office.

She did not engage in conversation with Ner.

There was no perceived need to converse.

Though their reasons might differ, Arwin was reminded once again of Ners desire to leave Bergs side, a move that could be seen as a betrayal to Berg.

Or perhaps, it was a display of unwavering principles.

In any case, with their intentions laid bare, there was nothing left to discuss.

Arwin, for her part, desired this situation.

She yearned for the abolition of polygamy, to monopolize Bergs attention solely for herself.

To monopolize him...what new aspects could she then reveal to Berg?

How much pretense could she shed to become more genuine?

As their relationship deepens and strengthens, they will be able to reveal more profound aspects of themselves to each other.

They would experience memories and encounters that couldnt be had alone.

There was still much ground to cover in their relationship.

And Arwin was looking forward to it.

Her heart fluttered with anticipation, an unfamiliar sensation for her.

She hadnt imagined such sudden changes occurring.

Though the end of the war was uncertain, change was inevitable afterward.

It seemed the Jackson family affair might have been the catalyst.

The kings reasons for abolishing polygamy were manifold and could be pondered endlessly.

For the sake of royal authority, to eradicate barbaric customs, or to prevent a recurrence of what happened to the Jackson family.

...Whatever the reason, Arwin was indifferent.

She simply hoped the law would pass.

Perhaps this was the best path for everyone.

Ner could pursue her fated partner, and Arwin could spend her time with Berg.

Ever since she resolved to share her lifespan, Arwin found herself at ease.

Though she hadnt found a way yet, she was determined to find one.

She wasnt chasing after something nonexistent.

As she had thought before, the World Tree was blatantly exploiting the elves lifespans.

During their walk, Ner spoke up.

Ill take a moment to catch some fresh air here.

Arwin faced Ners desire to catch her breath again, noticing her increasing need for solitude recently.

Arwin nodded in understanding.

After all, it seemed more convenient for Arwin to find Berg, who had already returned to his room.

And so, they went their separate ways.


I moved forward in silence.

My heart has been heavy since I confirmed the feelings of the wives.

I knew, yet it felt the same.

It was as if all my enduring strength had suddenly drained away.

With the war nearing its end through a final assault, I doubted I could change their hearts in time.

Heavy breaths kept escaping me.

I had long known that things dont always go as desired, but this time, the difficulty felt particularly harsh.

Realizing neither wanted to be with me weighed heavily on my psyche.

The more I pondered, the heavier the reality sank in.

Memories of our shared past only intensified the pain.

At the same time, another dilemma haunted me.

In this situation, whom should I let go?

Should I let Ner go?

Or should I release Arwin?

At a glance, Ner seemed the logical choice.

Her fated partner awaited, and our lifespans matched.

Unlike Arwin, who had the chance to lead a different life, Ner would be bound to me forever if she stayed.

But then, Arwins tearful words came back to me, questioning if falling for me meant living with that memory forever.

Perhaps, as she said, it could be a lifelong mark.

I sighed again, not wanting to dwell on such dilemmas.

It wasnt that I lacked the selfish desire to keep them by force.

...But clearly, I now understood it wasnt the right thing to do.

Continuing my walk, I reached the lodging.

After a light knock, I opened the door.


Inside was Arwin.

Sitting by the window, she remained in her chair, still clad in her beautiful attire, not yet changed.

Upon seeing me, she greeted me with a light smile.

Berg, I was wondering where you had gone.


Why does her smile bring me such pain? It seems like a smile she forces, not wanting to hurt me.

Their words to the king dont mean they dislike me, just that they cannot love me.

So, for the sake of a harmonious relationship, I return Arwins smile with my own as I enter the room.

Just needed some air.

Is that so?


By the way, Berg, the dinner had so many surprises, I was quite taken aback. As I mentioned, its all new to me, so keeping a composed face was a bit challenging. And then...

Watching Arwin continue the conversation, I couldnt help but smile.

She was so different from the rigid Arwin I first met, gradually showing sides of her she kept hidden from me. Despite the turmoil within, perhaps I should cherish these moments more, considering they might be our last.

I resisted the urge to hold her tight, just for now.

As Arwin spoke more openly than usual, I began to undress, eager to shed my uncomfortable attire.

Arwin paused momentarily at my actions, but soon continued, now accustomed to my ways.

It seems weve both become more comfortable with each other. Perhaps its a miracle to end things before our relationship deepens further.



But... you looked good in your outfit, are you changing already?

With a twinkle in my eye, I replied, Its uncomfortable.

It would have been nice to dance together.


Blinking, I let out a deep sigh and asked.

By the way, have you seen Ner?



...Yes. She said she was going out for a walk again.

Ill go find her. You rest here a bit.

Maybe giving her some time to breathe isnt a bad idea?


...You seem particularly troubled today.

I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair.

It wasnt that I couldnt guess why my mind appeared troubled.

Even after giving it some thought... my concerns for Ner remained.

This was the capital, not Stockpin.

So, shaking my head, I said to Arwin.

Ill be back.

And with that, I was on my way.


Ner was resting in a place where she could be easily found today.

But not somewhere everyone could stumble upon her.

Ner, cherishing these moments alone, chose spots that were secluded yet not too hard to find.

She had spent a long time finding such spaces, but it was worth it if it meant spending time with Berg.

Sitting there, she revisited the information she had heard earlier.

The abolition of polygamy and the future it promised made her heart flutter with uncertainty.

It seemed to sway in rhythm with her heartbeat.

Just being beside Berg felt like it could make everything perfect.


She looked up at the moon.

The nights had been growing gradually colder.

Considering she had met Berg in spring, it felt like a significant amount of time had passed.

The fervor of the past seasons was now fading, hinting at the approaching autumn.

When would polygamy be abolished?

It would surely be a change following the wars end.

Rearranging many aspects of life after the war was to be expected.

She could only hope for that time to come quickly.

She wanted it to arrive soon so she and Berg could envision their future together.


Soon, she heard the familiar sound of footsteps.

Her ears perked up towards the sound.

With a light sense of relief and warmth in her heart, Ner smiled softly.


Something wrapped around her bare shoulders.

Looking over, she found a light cloak draped over her.

Berg had silently taken a seat beside her.

Thank you, Berg.

She had been feeling the chill, but how did Berg know to bring this along?

Ner smiled at his profile.

Having someone who would seek her out no matter where she was gifted Ner with an overwhelming sense of joy.

The knowledge that there was someone who thought of and cared for her healed much of the pain from a past where she felt unloved.


Berg offered a brief smile before silently looking up at the moon, his expression laden with thoughts.

Perhaps the stories he heard from the princess had plunged him into deep contemplation.

Ners lips parted slightly.

Then, instead of speaking, she began to lean towards Berg while fiddling with the ring on her finger.


It was then that Berg turned to look at her.


Frozen by his gaze, Ner found herself looking back at Berg.



In the silence that hung between them, there was no awkwardness, only a strange, tingling sensation that arose.

Berg continued to gaze at her, blinking as if lost in deep thought, his eyes slowly scanning her face - her ears, forehead, nose, eyes, and lips.

Ner swallowed, unsure of how to react in this unfamiliar atmosphere, her heart beating louder by the moment.

Her eyes were fixed on Bergs lips, unable to look away.

She wondered... what it would feel like to press her lips against his.

She was certain it would feel pleasant.

Yet, lacking the courage to act, she could only meet his gaze with her eyes.


Bergs hand gently touched her cheek, and Ner did not look away, summoning the only bit of bravery she had.


Then, Berg shook his head, breaking the tension.

Lets go, its time.


Youll catch a cold.

With that, he stood up, taking the lead with light steps, and Ner, swallowing yet again, followed, mulling over a difficult-to-describe feeling of regret as she rose.

Lets go together, Berg, she said, trailing behind him.


- Bang!

Sylphrien burst through the door into the inn where the hero and his companions were resting, as if she was about to tear it off its hinges.

It was a temporary abode in a village they had decided to stay in.

The various villagers taking a respite in the inn were startled by Sylphriens sudden entrance.

Ive found it!

She exclaimed, her face a mix of emotions.

It seemed the bird perched on her shoulder had brought in fresh intelligence.

Sien observed Sylphriens expression closely.

Lately, the hero, Felix, had been discussing the final battle.

He had sought opinions from numerous families and had even secured the kings approval.

Such trust in the hero, who was at the forefront of the battlefield, made these actions possible.

Meanwhile, Sylphrien had entered the room in surprise.

Her urgency was apparently too great to consider discretion.

Siens heart, previously calm, started to race at the sight of Sylphrien.

She didnt know the specifics of the information, but the sense that the war was nearing its end was palpable.

Calm down and tell us, Sylphrien.

Felixs voice trembled slightly, but he steadied himself, taking the lead to calm the excited Sylphrien.

The centaur Acran, sensing the gravity of the incoming news, stood upright.

Weve located Krund.

Krund was the name of the Demon Lords right-hand man.

The last of the intelligent demon races they had been tirelessly searching for.

However, just finding the Demon Lords right-hand man wasnt enough to excite Sylphrien to this extent.

Felix, Acran, and Sien all awaited what Sylphrien would say next.

Rintley told me... he was spotted around Barta.

Rintley was the name of the hawk resting on Sylphriens shoulder.

At that, Sien blinked.


That was her and Bergs hometown.

A city where her happiest and most painful memories coexisted.

Barta, huh.

But the news wasnt all bad at the moment.

If they could swallow the unease, it might even be considered good news.

Krund, the right-hand man of the Demon Lord, was in a location quite distant from the Demon Lord himself.

They were already aware of the Demon Lords location.

Throughout the war, they had never lost track of where the Demon Lord was.

Judging by the current distances, there was more than a ten-day journey between Krund and the Demon Lord.

There couldnt be a better situation for launching an all-out attack on the Demon Lord.

At a time when they were contemplating how to face both Krund and the Demon Lord simultaneously, Krund had become a non-issue.



Felix, upon hearing the news, seemed to start calculating, his eyes moving rapidly.

Acran and Sylphrien silently observed Felix.

Sien closed her eyes.

Each time she did, Bergs face would flicker in her mind.

Abandoned, yet she longed only to return to him.


She whispered inwardly.

Lets go.

Amidst this, Felix whispered.

Sien slowly opened her eyes.

The inn could not have been quieter.

In that silence, Felix continued.

Now is the best moment we could hope for. So, lets move. Gather as many troops as we can in secret. Send word to His Majesty the King. Lets have our final battle within 15 days. The sooner, the more effective it will be.

Though it seemed rushed, no one objected.

Even Acran, chosen by the god of war, nodded in agreement, sensing a gamble worth taking.

No one could understand how long Sien had waited for this moment.

Looking forward, she saw her three companions looking back at her.

Lets end it, Saintess-nim.

They said.

The Saintess knew all too well whether this decision was made for someone or because of someone.

Yet, she couldnt bring herself to suggest turning back.

She felt herself withering away.

Recalling her memories with Berg, Sien clung to her last hope and nodded weakly.

Yes. Lets end it.

She finally mustered the strength to fight one last time.

Because I want to go home now...

And her home had always been by one persons side.

The End of The Chapter

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