Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 145: The End of The War (1)

Chapter 145: The End of The War (1)

Over several days spent in the capital, we maintained a facade of peace.

Things remained as they had been with Ner and Arwin.

With Ner, I shared jokes and took walks.

With Arwin, I learned about literature through conversations.

At the same time, I continued my training with Gale.

Like a habit that surfaces when things get tough, I was fully immersed in my training.

The Head Hunter Unit of the Red Flames Group was no different.

Perhaps it was because they knew the heroes and the king were trying to end the war.

Or maybe because they sensed the final battle was drawing near.

Like in the past, when we could ill afford leisure, the members continued training with me.

And so, as expected, we began to notice a strange shift in the atmosphere, starting with the soldiers in the capital.

Soldiers running around became a common sight, as did those frequently offering prayers.

The forges worked tirelessly, and the stables started to fill the bellies of the horses.

Sensing these changes, strange feelings arose within me.

I wondered if the end was truly near.

This war had completely transformed my life.

Had it not been for this war, my life would have been much different.

Could it really be that we were about to witness its end so abruptly?

My throat kept drying up.

With the final battle approaching, an unpleasant anxiety wrapped around me, fearing the loss of many comrades.

At the same time, my heart couldnt settle, thinking of the many farewells I would face after the war.

Watching a running soldier, I asked Gale.

It seemed like he knew something.

Are we preparing to march?


Gale remained silent for a moment, as if reluctant to speak, but then he nodded and replied.

Yes. Felix has requested soldiers from all over the country. Were preparing quietly for a decisive strike.


His words left me with a heavy sigh.

It was indeed a silent preparation in every sense of the word.

Behind this tranquil scene lay the anticipation of a fierce war.

It was like the calm before a storm.

It was hard to believe that the end of the war was approaching.

Gale looked at me.

...Soon, Ill be sending you back to the side of the Red Flames Group. Youve spent enough time in the capital.


There will likely be intense battles waiting for the Red Flames Group as well. In such a high-profile situation, we cant afford to step back.


I heard that Adam Hyung would be awarded a title for his merits in the war.

As Gale said, we were now in a situation where we couldnt withdraw from the war.

Especially when considering the peace that would come after this final battle.

It was a definite opportunity for us, who were seeking a way out.

Yet, I wondered.

...If Adam Hyung becomes a noble, will we still need the alliances with Blackwood and Celebrien?


Perhaps having allies is a good thing after all.

I touched the sword at my waist.

I tried to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

With the end of this war, numerous farewells would also come to an end.

We wouldnt suddenly lose more comrades, nor would we need to gasp in that anxiety anymore.

I was truly tired of being a mercenary.

I wanted to settle in a peaceful place and live a tranquil daily life.

-Boowooo! Boowooo!

Just then, the sound of a horn rang out.

It was the call to assemble the soldiers.

Gale looked at me at the sound.

I looked back at him.

Numerous soldiers began to gather at the sound.

I felt that the end was near.


The training ground, endlessly crowded with soldiers captains, was graced by the presence of the king.

Dressed in armor and sword, he had the appearance of a general ready to lead into battle.

Knights were by his side.

From the outskirts of the training ground, I watched the kings figure.

Just like the call of the horn had summoned them, the Head hunter unit, along with Ner and Arwin, was by my side.

The king walked out with a solemn expression and, surveying the atmosphere, opened his mouth.

...The hero is aiming to bring an end to the war.

At his words, all the captains began to murmur.

They had heard the rumors, but hearing it directly from the king seemed to surprise them.

...I too believe we must see this to the end. Our kingdom is reaching its limits. Many noble families have been destroyed, and many more are on the brink. There are even noble families seeking aid by offering their family members as compensation.

At these words, Ner and Arwin flinched.

I didnt look in their direction.

Ive heard of people starting to eat grass roots, tree bark, even the corpses of demonic beasts out of sheer desperation.

The king continued to speak, his voice echoing through the tense and sinking atmosphere.

We tried to kill the Demon Kings right hand and exterminate the Demons one by one, but we may not have much time left. The hero has said that the perfect moment may never come.

The king took a deep breath, his voice growing louder.

So, this might indeed be our last chance. Our last opportunity to protect our beloved families, our clans, and our kin. The moment to end the war and embrace peaceful times is upon us. Its a choice that lies in our hands. Of course, its frightening to think that one might die in this final battle. That once this moment passes...peace might come.

The king, who had maintained a brief silence, then clenched his teeth.

But...think only of the living, and do not fear the farewells.

My eyes turned to the king.

He exuded an aura I had never seen before, his eyes ablaze with intensity.

A unique rage of the dragonian began to emanate from within him.


The king drew his sword and pointed it forward.

This is also a moment for vengeance. Its time to unleash our fury on the demons and monsters who have tormented our kingdom for seven years.

His words made me reflect on all the people I had lost until now.

You all know too well. Because of these demons...! How many farewells weve had to endure, how many precious ones weve lost....!

The king was not wrong.

We had experienced far too many farewells.

Too many void and painful separations.

Whether the king had stirred the hearts of the soldiers or not, cries and shouts erupted from all around.


Thats right!

My parents were also taken by these monsters...!

The king continued amidst the uproar.

If you are afraid, then let it turn to anger! This may be our last chance! Do not regret not having taken revenge after the war is over! We shall cut off the Demon Lords breath!

The dragonian soldiers began to spit short flames from their mouths.

The hero has protected us until now! Every member of the hero party has supported us! Now its our turn to be courageous!

Seeing such a response, the king shouted for the last time.


In sync with those words, a knight beside him shouted out.

All troops! Prepare to deploy!

At that command, everyone dispersed.

Ner, who was beside me, gently wrapped her arm around mine and looked up at me, her eyes filled with confusion.

...The end of the war?


Did you know about this, Berg?

Looking down at Ner, I replied.

...I only found out recently.


Perhaps realizing that the atmosphere was different than usual, fear started to appear in her eyes.

Then you too, might...


A voice echoed across the training ground.

From a distance, the king was looking at me.

I untangled Ners arm from mine and approached the king, with Gale following close by.

With an unusual tone, he said to me.

Its time to return to the Red Flames Group.

I nodded.

And this is an order for the Red Flames Group... and an opportunity for you. I would like you to convey this to Adam. Its alright if you choose not to follow, but... make sure to choose wisely.

His words sounded like both a suggestion and a warning.

I remained silent.

The decision wasnt mine to make. I planned to follow only Adam Hyungs orders.

...But I already knew that Adam Hyung would follow the kings command.

Adam Hyung had run the mercenary group through numerous dangers, and there had never been a time when such a clear reward was offered.

The king said.

Lead the mercenary group to Barta.

At that, I looked up at the king.

Barta was my homeland.

It was where I spent my childhood, where I met Adam Hyung... and shared memories with Sien.

The king spoke to me as I waited for an explanation.

Theres information that the Demon Lords right-hand was spotted there. They will likely launch an attack on Barta village soon.

...You mean to subdue them?

The king shook his head.

How I wish that were possible. But the likelihood is slim. Even the hero party has not been able to capture them thus far.


...Once the hero party begins their assault on the Demon Lord, his right-hand will start to return to save him. I want the Red Flames Group to block that path and delay them as much as possible.


At those words, I blinked.

Even a cursory listen made it clear that it was a perilous mission.

Was it meant that all the dangers were to be borne by our Red Flames Group alone?

Was there no other force to share the burden with?

If the Demon Lords right-hand reaches the Demon Lord, its safe to say the war is lost. The hero party wont have the strength to face them both simultaneously. You understand how critical this mission is, right?

I couldnt hold back and asked.

...Is there no support?

There will be soldiers from the city of Barta to assist. Thats all we can hope for. The remaining forces will head towards the Demon Lord. To begin with, the kingdom doesnt have many fighting forces left.

...What about other mercenary groups?

Request help if you can. We will provide support too. But...


...Do you think mercenaries would want to join this dangerous fight?

I couldnt counter that.

As a mercenary myself, I knew.

It was difficult to expect support from other mercenary groups.

Mercenary groups always weigh the reward against the risk.

But this times enemy was not just a boss monster, but intelligent demons. They were a new enemy, yet the stories of their danger were countless.

Some even said that if one was not chosen by a god, they couldnt kill them.

Mercenary groups were that capricious, and thats why nobles were reluctant to rely on them, and perhaps why Adam Hyung had started looking for a way out.

While I pondered, the king said.

Berg. Its time to return.


...I wish you good fortune.


It took time to travel from the Jackson estate to the capital, but from the capital to Stockpin, two days were enough.

With Arwins help, I sent a letter to Adam Hyung, and then focused entirely on returning to Stockpin.

Gale followed us as well.

With four heroes already on the Demon Lords battlefield, the Demon Lords right hand joining the fight implied his willingness to battle alongside us.

I was grateful for his company.

During our ride, the usual laughter from the Head Hunter unit was absent.

It seemed like everyone was aware of what was coming.

I, too, felt a different atmosphere than usual.

The fear of losing someone again soon started to grow within me.

Even after setting up camp, the mood remained unchanged.

It was as if the peaceful days spent in the capital had become a dream, leaving a solemn atmosphere among all the members.

It could perhaps be described as an appropriate level of tension.

Not a hopeless ambiance as if being led to slaughter, but rather a sharpening of readiness required on the battlefield.

Before it was time to sleep, I gathered the Head Hunter unit.

By tomorrow, we would be joining forces with the Red Flames Group.

There would surely be time for discussion later, but it felt like now was the right moment.

I handed each member a cup of alcohol and then spoke to them.

....This is it.

Ner and Arwin watched me from behind as I spoke.

...Lets all survive. Of course, this is considering Adam Hyung decides to follow the kings command.

Baran responded by tilting his cup, following my words.

...Whatever you choose, Ill follow you to the end, Vice-Captain.

Shawn also spoke up.

Vice-Captain, have a child after the war.

Laughter briefly swept through us.

I smiled wryly at his words.

Jackson responded.

Vice-Captain, when the war breaks out, please avoid doing anything too risky.

Burns concluded.

As always, everything will turn out fine. I trust the Captain and Vice-Captain.

I nodded and drank from my cup.


In the tense atmosphere, night came quickly.

Berg, wishing for the usual atmosphere, smiled unchanged at Ner and Arwin as he greeted them.

Ner couldnt say anything to Berg.

She was barely keeping up with the confusing current situation.

The final war had come upon them overnight.

Berg seemed to have anticipated it, but Ner had not.

She wanted to say something, but couldnt easily utter the words, fearing the potential problems they might bring.

She wanted to tell Berg not to go.

To suggest that he skip this last fight.

But Berg was not that kind of person.

He was not one to shirk his responsibilities and hide.

Perhaps that was why she felt even more anxious.

If something were to happen to Berg in the war...


Just the thought made her breath quicken.

...Whats wrong?

Berg, sitting on the bed, asked Ner with concern, noticing her struggle to breathe.

Fortunately, it was her turn to share a bed with Berg that night.

He offered her a smile in an attempt to ease her anxiety.

But even that smile couldnt settle Ners restless heart.


Ner shook her head and swallowed her words.

Berg watched her for a moment, then stripped off his clothes, extinguished the candle, and lay down on the bed.

Following suit, Ner also lay down, instinctively clinging to his arm and wrapping her tail around his thigh.

For the past several days, this had been their usual resting posture.

But tonight, Ner held onto him a little tighter than usual.

Feeling his presence more intensely beside her.

She couldnt close her eyes.

Seeing Berg, so strong and alive next to her.

Berg chuckled softly and whispered.

...Im glad youre worried, though.


Ner felt a twinge of resentment at his words.

She retorted in a slightly annoyed tone.

...Of course, Im worried.



Berg was the first choice she had made entirely on her own, disregarding her grandmothers admonitions and the prophecies that had supported her. Berg was her choice, even if it meant discarding everything else.

How could she not feel anxious about him heading into a dangerous battle?

Thinking this might be her chance, Ner ventured to speak.

...What if you dont go...


......Would that be so bad?

At her words, Berg turned to look at her in the darkness.

Ners kind could see clearly even in pitch darkness.

Bergs expression shifted rapidly, reflecting his inner turmoil.

He seemed to be wrestling with a tumult of conflicting emotions.

Ill come back, he said.

Ner wanted to believe him, but the unease persisted.

Her expression didnt relax as it had before.



Seeing her face, Berg reached out his hand as if he too found the moment challenging.

His hand touched her cheek, just like the day before.

A lengthy exchange of gazes ensued.



Then, Berg sat up.

His hand rested on the other side of Ner.

Before long, Berg was propping himself up with one arm, looking down at Ner.


Amid her anxiety, Ners heart started racing with a new, trembling sensation.

Blinking continuously, she was taken aback by Bergs unusual demeanor.


Berg continued to wear a pained expression.

Hidden in the shadows, he revealed expressions she hadnt seen before.


Soon after, Berg leaned down and pressed his lips against Ners neck.


Even in such a situation, a tingling sensation spread through her body as if it were melting.

It was a pleasure beyond her ability to cope.

And with that bliss came a deeper fixation on their current predicament.

Trembling, Ner managed to place a hand between them with difficulty.

...Why now...?

Ner whispered to Berg, choking back tears.

His actions felt like those of someone preparing for the end.

Berg stopped at the sound of her sobbing.

...Dont go, Berg.

She whispered with her eyes closed.

She no longer had the strength to face him.

...You know it cant be helped.

Berg replied.

...Dont go.

Ner repeated.

...Ill come back.

Berg could only offer that promise in return.

Up until now, Berg had always kept his promises, no matter what.

Even if it meant hiding or concealing the truth, he had never failed to uphold his word.

Ner wanted to be reassured by his promise to return, but she couldnt bear even the slightest risk.

She simply wished he wouldnt go to the battlefield.


Bergs hand gently swept across Ners waist.

His roaming touch eventually reached her tail.

Even as Ner shuddered, her mind was too preoccupied to focus solely on him.

The fear that this might be their last moment together kept shaking her.

Unable to overcome this anxiety, Ner made a promise to Berg.

...When you return, lets do it.


...When you return...lets do it...okay?

For Ner, it was the greatest act of courage she had ever shown.

Maybe, just maybe, this promise would make him more cautious on the battlefield.

It could have some influence, however small.

Ner then reached out her hands, tenderly holding Bergs cheeks.

However, Berg maintained a strangely prolonged silence.

Ner barely opened her eyes in response to his lack of reaction, noticing that the pain on his face had not eased.

He whispered something inaudible.



After a long silence, Berg finally smiled.

It was a smile that seemed to hide much pain.

Then, Berg removed his hands from her body, tenderly caressed her cheek, and gently lay back down.

Alright. Ill come back.

He said.

He then sighed deeply and closed his eyes.

The next day, they arrived at Stockpin.

The End of The Chapter

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