Spring Winds

Chapter 88: Betrayal of a Beloved (1)

Chapter 88: Betrayal of a Beloved (1)

"Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"Haha, Brother Gong, it's been some time since we've last met!"

"Haha, yes, yes! And the last time I saw you, you were a single dog!

Now look at you, married and already a child on the way! Congratulations, old friend!"

"Thank you, thank you, haha! Hey, why not, for old time's sake we open up a bottle of wine? I recently got this bottle of osmanthus wine, and I think it will be to your tastes."

"Haha, you know me too well!"

Under the full moon of this festive night, many gathered to reunite with loved ones during this special occasion of the year. Everywhere one looked, red lanterns and firecrackers decorated the door of every resident and household. One could barely resist the temptation to smile as the music from restaurants and teahouses drifted onto the streets with the accompaniment of children's laughter rang through the air.

As fat fluffy snowflakes floated down from the sky, the humble cottage sat in silence with only the crackle of charcoals as its music.

"Sister Qu!

Look at the lanterns, aren't they beautiful?" The small maidservant excitedly pointed out as the gleaming yellow lanterns slowly drifted through the air like dying embers in the night.

"Emm, very much so, A-Tong." Fei Fu Qu gave a soft smile at the young girl's excitement. However, it was swiftly followed by a bloody coughing fit.

Like plum blossoms on fresh snow, the bloody droplets of her cough spattered onto her white handkerchief.

"Sister Qu!" Rushing over to the older girl's side, A-Tong held back her sniffles as she tried to soothe the ill Fei Fu Qu. "I should close the windows! The cold must be too much for you!

You still haven't fully recovered."

"No, no," Fei Fu Qu tried to reassure the worried girl between her coughing fits; however, she could barely get a few words out. "It's, cough! Fine, I- cough!

I" taking in a deep and steady breath, she tried to breathe in slowly as not to induce another bout of coughs "I'm fine. I just have some hot tea and some more charcoal on the burner, that's all.

My body is still adjusting to new medication, that's all."

"Em!" A-Tong nodded, not completely sold on Fei Fu Qu's words. However, as her servant, she didn't question her master's words. "I'll bring some medicinal soup for your cough too!

Just wait right here!"

After tossing in a few more charcoal pieces into the burner's waning flame, A-Tong fussed over Fei Fu Qu as she draped a heavy quilt over her legs and tucked in the edges, making sure it was secured tightly.

Before she left, A-Tong was about to close the window; however, Fei Fu Qu stopped her from doing so. "Please leave the window open.

I want to see the lanterns just a little bit longer."

"O-oh, alright, Sister Qu." Leaving the window open, A-Tong quietly slipped out, leaving Fei Fu Qu alone with her thoughts and memories.

'Hah, my first New Year on my own,' she laughed at herself. Although she felt regret leaving behind her family, she knew that her fate would only worsen with time if she stayed.

And that would only be another hurdle between her and her Xiao Ran.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Clutching her chest, each breath she took was a struggle. However, even though she was in pain, she could feel a drop of qi in her dantian grow within her like a raindrop turned puddle.

Slowly growing day by day.

It was only a matter of time before her power would slowly return.

"Hah, the price of being too hasty." Thankfully for her, Zhu Na Ran had not acquired too many injuries, which allowed her to recover slowly. "At least that b*tch seems to be keeping Xiao Ran out of harm's way."

As much as she resented Ye Lian Hua, she knew that at her current state that she wouldn't be able to do much against her for the time being.

But then again, Fei Fu Qu wasn't one to quit when things become difficult.

Opening up her palm, the little red jade pendant grew warm from her touch, and a small indent began to form from the place where she rubbed her thumb on.

Although the New Year season brought her great joy in the past, now it only reminded her of her beloved's betrayal.

Sighing, Fei Fu Xu watched the firefly-like lanterns floating upwards to the heavens before becoming out of sight.

Like a flickering candle in the wind, one moment it is shining bright and warm; but as soon as you take your eyes off of it, it's gone.

"For someone so kind, you sure are cruel, Xiao Ran."

Two years ago

"Xiao Ran, where are you going this time?

As I recall, you have calligraphy lessons today."

"Heh, hehe," scratching her head, Zhu Na Ran straddled the top of the manor wall as she attempted to, yet again, sneak out of the house to play. "I'm just getting a bit of fresh air, Second Sister!

I'll be back before dinner!" However, before Zhu Na Ran could hop over the wall, she was already prepared for the young girl's predictable movements.

"Gentle Lace." Shooting out of Fei Fu Qu's sleeve, a thin string flew towards Zhu Na Ran before wrapping itself around her wrist. "Hold on, Xiao Ran.

This sister wants to discuss something with you."

"Ehhh?" Zhu Na Ran pouted at her as she looked between Fei Fu Qu and the freedom that laid on the other side of the wall.

"Can't we save this for later, Second Sister?"


Xiao Ran."

"Fine, fine." Hoping down from the wall, Zhu Na Ran begrudgingly dragged her feet over to her.

"Aiyah" lightly flicking Zhu Na Ran's forehead, she sighed "Is it really that terrible to talk with your second sister, hmm?"

"Noo." Zhu Na Ran shook her head and rubbed her forehead. "It's just that I wanted to go out and play."

"Play with whom?"

"Play with Little Fox, of course. I still need to catch them!"

"Aiyah." Little Fox this, Little Fox that. She was really tempted to see who or what it was that took up all of her Xiao Ran's thoughts and time. "If you need help catching this Little Fox, this sister can help."

"Hmph, I almost have it! Second Sister doesn't need to help me."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Ehmm!" Zhu Na Ran nodded, looking quite pleased with herself. "Last time I managed to pin down Little Fox! Even though it was just for a second, I still managed to do it!"

"Emm, impressive. Why don't you tell me all about this over some tea?"



"Is it good?" Smiling, Fei Fu Qu watched as Zhu Na Ran munched on some Nian Gao[1] with a blissful expression on her face.

"Emm! Very good!" Zhu Na Ran nodded as she munched more on the steamed sweet cake with little sounds of pleasure and happiness in each bite.

'Haha, this girl has quite a good appetite.'

She supposed that was a good thing, though. To think that the little girl that she picked up in the woods all those years ago would grow to be this big already. It was quite a bizarre feeling.

"Xiao Ran, you will be coming of age next year. So, you must already have someone in your heart, don't you?"

"Hmm." Gulping down her food, Zhu Na Ran shook her head.

Smiling at Zhu Na Ran's answer, Fei Fu Qu continued. "Then

How about after you grow up, you marry me? Okay?"



"Haha, then it's settled!"

After eating the rest of her snacks, Zhu Na Ran got up and ran off to her room. "Second Sister, I'll head back first to change for dinner!"

"Alright, but don't run. You'll trip."

"I won't!"

Stepping out from the shadows, Fei Fu Xi called out to her, a scowl of disapproval and abhorred on her face. "Second Sister.

Just now, what did you mean by what you told Xiao Ran?

She's still so young; you can't just joke around with her about things like love yet."

"..." Refilling her cup of tea, Fei Fu Qu blew on the billowing steam before taking a sip. "I'm not joking.

And if she doesn't understand it, then I'll just have to teach her."

"Teach her?" Slamming her hand down on the fragile tea table, the dainty plates and teacups trembled under the force of Fei Fu Xi's hand. "You're saying that these kinds of things can be taught?!

This is our sister you're talking about!

I'm not just going to stand by and watch you do this!"

"Why shouldn't I teach her about that too?" Unfazed by her older sister's outrage, Fei Fu Qu calmly wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Was there anything in the past that Xiao Ran hasn't learned from me?

From the very moment she stepped into our household, she's been under my care."

"Why are you so serious about this? Are you really going to marry her?"

Standing up, Fei Fu Qu brushed the fallen snow and plum blossoms from her clothes. "Eldest Sister, I'm the one who brought Xiao Ran into the Fei Family."


But that was before!

She's now a part of our family; she's not the same as back then!"

"Sigh." Turning away, Fei Fu Qu began to walk away from her older sister. "Eldest Sister, let's talk about this another time.

I don't wish to fight with you.

I'm heading back."

"..." Fei Fu Xi glared at Fei Fu Qu's back as she slowly departed. "Second Sister, both mother, and father are aware of the special treatment you give Xiao Ran.

They won't let you off the hook so easily.

There's plenty of fish in the sea, so just give up on her."

"..." Looking back, Fei Fu Qu returned the glare to her older sister. "Sorry, I won't."

[1] Nian Gao - also Niangao, a sweet rice cake, is a popular dessert eaten during Chinese New Year. It was originally used as an offering in ritual ceremonies before it gradually became a Spring Festival food. Since Nian Gao's pronunciation sounds like 'year high,' which symbolizes a higher income, a higher position, the growth of children, and generally the promise of a better year, it is considered good luck to eat it during the Chinese New Year period.

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