The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 73: The Germa Clan (4)

Chapter 73: The Germa Clan (4)

Siren turned back into a sword as Neban grabbed them before they dropped to the ground. He pulled the weapon close to him as he stared the clan leaders down. 

Elora stood up from her throne as Lora stayed seated. Lora never looked away from the screens, giggling the whole time. 

A weapon appeared in the woman's hand as she pointed it towards Neban. "My twin will join the battle when she is ready. So, you will initially deal with me. Oh, and do know, your human abilities will not work on me." 

'I forgot that some people in the Germa Clan could null most abilities.' Siren offhandedly mentioned. 

Neban did not say anything about the information, even though he did have a lot to say.

He made the first move, rushing towards Elora. 

The woman simultaneously moved with him as their weapons clashed with each other. But, the woman's force caused Neban to get thrown back. He hit the wall, gripping it hard to keep him from falling. 

Elora laughed as she walked towards Neban. He straightened himself up as the woman swung her weapon when she was near him. 

Neban quickly picked Siren up to block the hit as the woman pushed him more into the wall. Elora moved forward, putting more force into the move. Siren was close to reaching his neck as Neban strained a bit to keep the weapon away. 

"Is this too much for you, human? Elora teased. 

Neban shook his head, "Never." He picked up his foot, using all his strength as he kicked the woman in her stomach. 

Elora stumbled back, giving them space as Neban used [Shadow Travel] to put him back towards the door. 

The woman held her stomach while leaning over a bit as she laughed. "Not bad, human, not bad." Then she appeared in front of Neban, slicing her weapon towards his chest. 

He dodged it, only for the woman to grab Siren from his hand and throw the weapon away. Neban used [Shadow String] to catch Siren in mid-air. But before he could pull them back, Elora grabbed his wrist. 

Siren was hanging in the air since Neban was still holding the string while Elora had a hold of his wrist. "Tsk. Tsk. I cannot let you do that." She told Neban. 

Elora picked up her sword, getting ready to stab Neban since she had him in her hold. But, Neban called out, "Siren, change." 

He made the strings disappear as Siren turned back into their human form. Siren quickly grabbed Elora's arm that held her weapon, pulling it back. 

Siren stopped the weapon from stabbing Neban as they held onto the arm. Elora tried to move it but could not. Neban smirked at her, "Feeling stuck?" 

The woman growled before yelling out, "Lora." 

During Elora's distraction of calling her twin, a blade appeared in Neban's hand as he stabbed the woman with it. The woman let him go, causing Siren to let her go simultaneously. 

Once Neban was on his feet, he used [Shadow Travel] to move a few feet away while turning his sore wrist. Siren appeared next to him. 

Elora growled instead of letting out a cry as she grabbed the blade in her, pulling it out. "Lora, get your ass over here." She called again. 

Lora finally looked away from the screens, seeing her twin pull out a blade from her stomach. The woman did not get angry as she turned towards Neban with glistening eyes. 

"Oh, this human seems better than the screens. He even managed to stab you, sis." Lora laughed. 

Siren turned back into a weapon as Neban held them in his hand. He did not move nor react as he waited for the monsters to make their first move. 

Elora glared at her sister as she dropped the blade to the ground, ignoring the blood on her hands. Her wound was beginning to heal. "I swear, Lora if you do not come down this instant, I will kill you myself." 

Lora rolled her eyes before appearing in front of her twin. The woman put her hands together before cracking them as she turned towards her sister, "I'm here, cranky pants." 

Elora looked like she wanted to say something, but Neban blocked them out. He told Siren to turn into a crossbow as he was getting tired of listening to the women fuss with each other. Initially, he was not going to make the first move, but he changed his mind. 

Once the weapon in his hand was a crossbow, he pointed towards the twins as he swiftly shot out arrows. 

The arrows flew towards the twins as they both stopped talking. Elora dodged them while Lora grabbed the ones coming towards her. She crushed them in her hand before dropping them to the ground. 

"Oh, you want to play that game," Lora spoke before shooting something out of her mouth. 

Neban saw needles soaring towards him as he dodged the first half by hitting the ground. He rolled before flipping himself up. Once the needles hit the floor and wall, Neban saw the area around them melting. 

He did not have time to react as he felt a second patch coming towards him. Siren turned back into a sword as Neban used them to block the needles by slicing the ones he can and hitting the others away. 

There was no break when Elora appeared in front of him after he finished taking care of the needles. She was aiming a punch towards his face. 

He tossed Siren to his other hand as he blocked the punch with his arm. Neban planted his feet to the ground as he felt his body moving back. As it kept him still, Neban ignored the stinging pain in his arm. It felt like the woman broke something. 

Elora smiled as she picked up her other hand. Neban leaned back, thinking she would go for another punch when Lora appeared behind him. She had a hatchet in her hand, happily swinging it towards his side. 

Neban blocked the hatchet from connecting with Siren. 

They stood still as Neban used his right arm to hold back a punch while his left one (that had Siren in it) blocked the weapon from connecting. 

"I want to chop him up so badly." Lora giggled before moving the hatchet away, twirling it, and swinging the weapon towards his head. 

Neban couched down, causing the weapon to meet the air, while Elora took the opportunity to try and knee him in the face. 

He grabbed her knee, pulling her down before letting go and rolling out the way. Due to Elora getting caught by surprise, she fell to the ground without stopping it. 

Her twin ignored her as she chased after Neban, widely swinging her weapon once he stood up. 

Neban moved left and right, dodging the weapon from the crazy monster erratically swinging it. He thought for a second about how to stop the woman when he came up with an idea. 

Lora was laughing the whole time as she tried to cut Neban with her weapon. As she took another step forward while he took another back, Neban quickly stabbed Siren into the woman's foot. 

He made sure to put enough strength to cause the woman to get stuck with the weapon holding her foot down. 

Lora could not move any further as she made frustrated growls when she tried to reach Neban. She threw her weapon to the ground, grabbing Siren's handle to pull the thing off when something wrapped around her throat. 

Neban pulled his whip out once the woman tried to take Siren out of her foot. He struck out, wrapping the weapon around the woman's neck. 

"Lora!" Elora called out as she quickly appeared near them. 

But it was too late as the skin around her twin's neck melted before hitting the bone. Lora's head hit the ground as her body was next. 

Elora looked at the body in disbelief before turning towards Neban with angry eyes. "You filthy fucking human!" 

She rushed towards him as he swung his whip towards her. Elora caught the weapon before pulling it out of his hand; she did not care that her skin was coming off. 

She threw it to the ground before a weapon appeared in her other hand as she went for Neban's head. 

Neban quickly pulled Siren out of Lora's foot as he leaned his head back from the swing. The weapon hit the air as it was already coming back, going for a second try. 

Neban caught Elora's weapon with his. The woman pulled back before hitting hard against Siren. Sparks flew as Neban's arms started to go numb. Even his feet were beginning to feel pain as he planted them to the ground. 

She viciously smiled as she saw a flash of pain crossing Neban's face. Elora pulled back once more, getting ready to go for another hard hit when Neban yelled out, "Siren." 

Siren transformed into their human form as Neban let them go. He used [Shadow Travel] to appear near the door as Siren took his place. 

Elora did not care for the switch as she was still bringing her weapon down. But, before it could connect, Siren swiftly shot out their arm, sticking it into Elora's stomach. 

They twisted the woman's insides, causing her arms to go slack as she coughed out blood. A few drops splattered on Siren's face as they licked it away. 

Neban was disgusted as he looked away, letting Siren do their thing. 

"Y-you-" Elora tried to speak, but Siren shushed her as they pulled out their hand. They did not take anything as they moved their locating by sticking their hand in Elora's chest. 

They ripped out the woman's heart before kicking her to the ground. 

Siren quickly sucked the heart dry before throwing it to the ground. They looked at the floor, staring at the dead bodies that still had blood in them as they licked their lips. 

Neban looked over, seeing Siren's expression before sighing. "Is this going to take long? Should I go sit down?" 

"It will only be a second," Siren spoke before dropping to the ground and picking up one of the twin's arms. They sunk their teeth into it, sucking out the blood.

Neban sighed once more before making his way to the screens. He could see that the monsters were watching the hunters and their people fight. 

Neban began to watch the screens as he sat down on the throne, waiting for Siren to finish. 

At the look of things, he did not need to help downstairs. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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