The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1112 - 1112 "I gambled,"

1112 “I gambled,”

“An overwhelming victory,” Igna entered the arena to a resounding echo of nothing. Fear, anger, envy, jealousy – the primal emotions, the lust for revenge, the whole academy cried tears, pure influence and power for the princes. “-Everybody loses,” Mammon clapped, “-house is closed.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” he addressed the crowd for the first time, “-I sense murderous intent. You, in seat 605, you’re rusticated for a week, the one next to him, 604, rusticated for not stopping your friend. As for the little one with a concealed weapon, the head of the disciplinary council shall decide thine fate,” he went and grabbed Vanesa’s wrist, raising it up to the admiration of fake lighting, “-to the winner goes the spoils. And today, Vanesa, the Aedric Mistress of Plague and Disease, has proven her worth,” he looked at Asmodeus, the prince broadened his smile and said, “-no worries, director, we will pay your winnings out later.” Healers arrived – Teresa’s darkened skin, necrotic to some aspect, emitted a purple taint, her pupils barely reacted. Most of the spotlights dimmed, and the focus turned upon Igna once again, “-with today’s event, I’ve spurred the wheels of change. Hear me o’ thee who’ve lost wealth, pride, and dignity. It is never too late to start again. Especially here, at the Academy. The calling is education – wisdom. Learn from today’s event – the sharper amongst you were wise not to bet on the outcome, conservativism aided the less bold; do not mistake luck for skill,” he lowered the microphone and left with Vanesa.

School hours neared completion. Arde reluctantly approached the director’s office, “-excuse me, where might I find the director?” he pushed the ajar door, “-anyone here?”

“Director’s in the infirmary,” Elixia returned, her focus glued upon a holographic display, “-something you need?” she turned and lowered her glasses, “-Arde of class 3-2.”

“No, no…” *click,* ‘-the aura behind her words. The director isn’t messing around.’

White, dull, and minimalism, accessible to the Academics, ‘-the infirmary,’ read an outside sign, ‘-General Studies doesn’t have anything this fancy. Even when the rooms are in our school building, they say it’s for them and never allow our students to tend to their needs. We barely make it from professor Luci’s treatment. If not for him – I swear, I’d be a few classmates short,” a soft green hue reflected in the hallway. Arde hurried the pace and glanced inward, the door was left ajar – thus, he pushed and took the invitation. The director towered over Teresa. Emmie, Dementus, Skeptor, and Yu surrounded the lady, ‘-crap-‘

“Arde, don’t stand behind the curtains.”

‘How did he figure me-‘

“Why are you here, you little-”


“Not a word, Skeptor,” interjected Igna, “-is this about my earlier invitation.”

“Yes, director.”

“Then, tell me,” he rose a single gaze, “-prove to me your ideals are worth being spoken before of them.”

The heads of department watched with much intrigue. The nature of how he prefaced the boy, and how the nervousness on Arde’s otherwise strong expression, added a touch of intrigue. ‘Asking me to speak before them… they count among the strongest beings at the academy. We’re talking about nobles and heroes from the warring days. How could I speak in that situation?’ a curtain of uncertainty drew, and the weight of the task fastened his chest into a fast rhythm, ‘-the more I breathe, the less I-‘ he gulped, ‘-I can’t see.’

“Wake up,” Igna snapped, *cough,* ‘-he’s nervous, I guess they’re normal students. Here I was getting my hopes up.’



“Why, tell me why Vanesa came across as weak. She’s strong, why doesn’t she use her strength-”

He controlled his mana waves and gently healed Teresa’s wounds. The heads turned at Igna with greater interest, especially Emmie and Skeptor, ‘-tell us, director, why did I fail?’

“Sometimes, my dear Arde, it is better to be a fool or to act clueless. Do you know the paradox of Esmia?”


“Ancient text speaks of Esmia, a warrior born to an unknown tribe at the dawn of the magical age. He was the first to utilize mana and the first to challenge so in his weapon. The man was strong, very strong – an army on his own by what the records say. The more he killed, the greater he grew. After countless battles and wars, after having strained his ability to the tipping point – the enemy assaulted his family. He was left disabled whilst the invaders ravaged the corpses of his loved ones right in front of him. Granted, the battles he led gave his people better lives and a better chance at survival. It came to be, they depended on him. You can surmise where the tale heads. It is said, the thinker, Jyanto, deliberated the cause of Esmia’s downfall, he figured that, if only Esmia had kept a single ace in the hole, or used the support of those alongside him – his family would yet live. It is a cautionary tale. Vanesa, like my other kids, is strong, and far superior to any students around this academy. They’ve fought wars in realms you can only dream of seeing. Why do they hide their abilities?” he looked at Arde, “-for peace and tranquility.”

“Such a morose reason,” sighed Skeptor, “-if they have power, they should use it for their gains.”

“Tranquility can only be enjoyed when one has been through cacophony. Like dull mind experiencing color for a first, the beauty of things taken for granted has been a plague over mankind since the dawn of the industrial revolution.”

“Mankind, tell me, Director, who are you truly?”

“Former King of Hidros,” he smiled.

“The fabled king,” Dementus dropped to his knees, “-lord Lucifer used to speak of a man who’d foil his plans. We never had the chance of the full story – I thought the director was an opportunist who stole our previous lord’s symbol.”

“No, you’re quite right, Dementus. I am an opportunist,” he rose his left hand and showed the fallen king’s symbol, “-the power belief is yet another ability. Anyway,” he looked at Arde, “-you’ve seen my daughter in action. She’s the only one I can say has taken my knowledge and teaching to heart. Vanesa’s all I represent as a teacher and parent.”

“Director,” Arde lowered his head, “-on behalf of class 3-2, I gratefully accept your teaching. Please, train us so that we may one day face the battle head-on.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear,” he clapped, Teresa’s healing ended, “-for now, trust in Dementus and Yu’s teachings. They’re most fit to lead the class – and no more overtraining.”

Everyone rose, and the last bell rang, “-Emmie and Skeptor, care to stay for a bit?” part of the crowd exited, “-Arde, shut the door on the way out.”

A growing tenseness grabbed Skeptor’s heart. Emmie’s short stature and single horn upon her forehead told of her type – ogress, “-something amiss, director?”

He caressed Teresa’s forehead and flicked, the girl sprang to life, “-where am I?” she shot upward and met Igna’s palm, “-don’t sit so eagerly. You’ll blackout.”

‘Tired,’ her head fell back onto the pillows, “-I feel so heavy, what have you done?”

“Healing takes a toll on the body, princess.”

“Could you please not use my title so sarcastically… I know, I lost, okay?”

“Good girl, sleep off the fatigue,” he went around and leaned against the side rail, “-tell me, Teresa, did someone put you up to the fight?”

Skeptor, spurred by a discrete elbow from Emmie, “-Director, why is it so important we stay?”

“Far as I’m concerned, the Design department has nothing to do with battle.”

“Well, I wanted to cross-examine a few things before the day concludes.”

“Director, it was your idea to put Teresa through those tests and interviews. Why wouldn’t she be accepted normally?”

“The lass is a princess and member of the royal Leviathan family. I had to get proper notice-” in that instant, the fog-of-war which plagued his thoughts disappeared, ‘-it’s clear. I never received a notice, and neither did Skeptor, he was blowing smoke,’ he horned onto Emmie, “-I see, you’re the ringmaster.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“You were never really Emmie Hens,” *-Mana-Control: Disruption,* flesh and blood melted, falling in heavy goo upon the sterile floor, “-Memphe.”

“Impressive, director,” the noble lady curtsied, “-please do not fret. Emmie Hens’ hold up entertaining guests in town.”

“How long?”

“Start of the battle” she smiled; “-Emmie Hens is working for Dems academy. Director, the rightful heir to the throne belongs to, I don’t care anymore. Director, I apologize for the schemes, I had to push forward my agenda for the sake of the Academy. You guessed right, as we speak, forces from Dems Academy, reinforced by the Council of Demons, are on their way. I was tipped by an informant – I took it upon myself to foil their plans from within. I was too late; Emmie Hens had already sowed for Teresa’s acceptance. Like always, the vice-director couldn’t shake Emmie’s hold over him. Therefore, I sought it best for Teresa to return… turned out for naught, the lass’s thickheaded. The next best thing was to trust in you, Director, I gambled that you might have had a plan just in case. So, before the battle began, in the brief few minutes I got with her, after sending Emmie on a wild errand, I planted the idea for Teresa to challenge thy throne on behalf of her father.”

“-and it led us here.”

“Would have been easier to throw her out, sadly, the faculty’s all under a gag order from Skeptor.”

“I know nothing of this, Director. I was only in to accept a request from Emmie. This noble lady deceived us and placed the princess in dear harm. I dare say, she’s the instigator behind our current predicament. To the gallows I say!”

“Shut the fuck up,” he lit a cigarette, “-Asmodeus.”

“You called, master?”

“Summon the juries, get ready for battle.”


He looked at Skeptor, ‘-would be simple to kill him. I don’t have time to deal with the repercussion from nobles – his ties reach to the council of demons – I’ll need those connections further down the line, “-Vice-director – a battle approaches. Do what you do best.”

“That’ll be?”

“Take your students and hide. You saved them the last time, yes? I expect the same.”

“What about the townspeople?”

“Not like you to care for commoners. Do what you need – if there are any casualties or deaths, the blame will lay square on thy shoulders.”

“Director,” he rubbed his hands, “-reward for my efforts?”

“What do you want?”

“The items taken by your children, return to my students.”



“No, I’ll gladly hand over my portion of the gains. The rest is between you and Mammon to negotiate. Once again, Skeptor, I’m overlooking the blatant act of treason,” he puffed into the professor’s visage, “-next time it’ll be, as you said, to the gallows. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir!”

“Memphe, whose side are you on?”


“Just what I wanted to hear. Coordinate with the ground team. I’ll leave the evacuation in your hands. Ereena and Luci will join as reinforcement – will that suffice?”


*Message,* using Yui’s reach, Igna connected to the academy’s intercoms, “-good afternoon students. I have bad news – we’ll be under attack from Dems academy. Those willing to fight – head to the arena, those unwilling, head to the library. Fighting is mandatory for Combat Class and General Studies. You know what you signed for – do not dilly-dally, the academy’s future is in thy hands,” rumbles soon followed.

*Puff,* “-not going to fight?”

“Teresa. What will you do?”

“From what I heard; I was played for a fool. Father used me as a reason to attack and invade Ragno. What do you know, demons are heartless.”

“Right, they are,” he snuffed the cigarette, “-too bad for them, you belong to me,” he teleported right in front and grabbed her chin, “-Teresa L. Leviathan, won’t you satiate thy thirst for revenge?” the allure grabbed her heart and swayed her emotions, *smooch,* she kissed his forehead, “-per the contract, I belong to you, body and soul, do as thee please, master.”

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