The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1113 - 1113 Battle of the Academies [1]

1113 Battle of the Academies [1]

“Students of Dems academy, hear me, your director, your queen. I’m a descendant of the blood of the true Demonlord, Leviathan. Long have we watched as the fallen angels disrupt our realm, long have we watched, them and their ideals, their fascination with atonement. Enough is enough I say, hell is not a place for friends to be made, it is not a place where co-existence lives,” the beautifully dressed demoness moved openly, her gestures open and large – her stance rigid and mind focused. Dems Academy lined before her podium, the students – all of darker complexion and demonic features bit their tongues, ears perked and eyes focused upon a memorial, “-we did our duty – as King Lucifer said, our academies allied, we saw merit in learning their ways, we saw merit in seeing their mentality, learning and evolving. Alas, such mindful thoughts brought upon us the downfall of a legacy forged in terror and punishment. Our purpose is to make the fallen repent. Such has been the lives lived by our predecessors, our forefathers, and the founders. Weakness breeds weakness – like a plague, Lucifer’s Academy must repent. They must atone for slaughtering our younglings,” to which, she gave the floor to a beautifully ornate dame dressed in golden jewels.

“Students of Dems Academy, fellow teachers. Per the ancient laws of conquest – upon the death of a monarch, his domain is to be won by those who are most powerful. The new director of Lucifer’s Academy is no angel, he’s a mere mortal, a pseudo demon passing himself as the Devil. We needn’t stand idly – the day for revenge is nigh. Students, teachers, parents, those whom your precious was lost; as a representative of the Council of Demons, our cause is right.”

A hooded figure stepped to her side. The gestures it cast seemingly tantalized the crowd. Anticipation hung, “-students,” it spoke in an inordinate tone, “-my daughter, she was taken from me,” each word pulsed, the energy rocked the very foundation of the arena, “-Teresa L. Leviathan. My precious daughter. They took her hostage,” the weather thundered, “-war must be waged. Dems Academy, under my granddaughter’s leadership, declares war against Lucifer’s Academy.”

“The council of Demon stands behind Leviathan.”

A somber figure waited behind the speakers, “-Satan will aid in Leviathan’s conquest. They also took my daughter. Lucifer’s Academy will fall.”

Morale exploded across the masses. To fight on the right side, to have the backing of a strong influential name, a decisive battle.

“Cleopatra, Viatnah H. Leviathan, Henry Grant, and Zalem Odd,” they bowed before Leviathan, “-I appoint thee generals of our combined army.”

“Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator shall lead the Council’s forces.”

“Viatnah H. Leviathan, Director of Dems Academy, shall lead our students.”


“Henry Grant, gratefully take command of king Satan’s forces.”

“Zalem Odd,” spoke a viler personage, one of octopus-like origins, stuffed under a black cloak, spoke from seemingly nowhere, “-shall command King Leviathan’s forces.”

And thus, the battle was set – the speech, as was retold by Memphe’s informant, reached Igna’s ears a few days later. Cleopatra’s forces, the vanguard and scouting unit, had already made it past the great desert of Ong and crossed into the Valley of Geld. All and all, the forces moved linearly southwest. Upon crossing the Valley of Geld, the only obstacle in the way would be an open, steep slope where Luci and the others had forced the evacuation.

A grim reality faced the academy. An evacuation notice was issued – the bulk of the student body left via Skeptor’s well design transportation portal. Those left to defend were called to the arena. Igna stepped into the middle with a relaxed expression, ‘-class 3-1,3-2 and 3-3, I see year two and year ones,’ he approached the mic and paused – nervousness and uncertainty had grabbed their hearts, ‘-morale is low, it’s beyond low – there’s no way they’ll live to fight another day. Yui’s report should arrive in the next few minutes. Now’s the time to test my abilities as a leader,’ he tapped, a large feedback crackled and forced a few with heightened sensitivity to shield their ears, “-listen up, people – Lucifer’s Academy’s lost.”


“Are we giving up?”

“Is the director planning to surrender?”

“I’m relieved, only here because we’re Students, not academics. I wish I could run…” mean side-eyes crossed those who thought of defection.

Igna horned onto the pair, “-leaving is not exactly a sin. Listen up, students – take my words to heart and to mind. If you don’t want to fight, leave. There is no shame in taking the fall to stand once again. Honestly, I wouldn’t care to deal with this battle. A strategic retreat sounds great,” he smiled, the tension broke a little, “-years two and below, regardless of your combat prowess, this battle isn’t yours to fight. Third years,” the intent was clear and concise, first and second years left shortly after – in total, about forty-five students remained, “-as you see, those who remain are our only defense. Luci, Dementus, and Yu were kind to stay. The situation is dire. Dems Academy has issued their act of war, they want complete control over Ragno, therefore, they’ll forsake Lucifer’s Academy. We mainly teach fallen angels and demons who’ve inherited said blood. Compared to Dems, who focus their efforts on purebreds, it is a simple matter of discrimination. Angels and Demons are cursed to oppose each other. At best, we have fifty men ready to fight. I expect a complete loss – some, if not, all of you will die. Death won’t come easy, and if they’re coming with a great force – we won’t last a single minute. Tell me,” the voice intensified, “-are you daft enough to lay thy life in vain?”

Hesitation, regret, uncertainty – the words he spoke cut deep through the insecurities, “-ANYONE?” no answer, “-death will be painful, death will come slowly – you will see friends and yourself fall. The town’s devastation – everything built by you, the earlier generations, pouf, just like that, gone. Does it seem fair?” no answer, “-of course it’s not fair. Such is reality, one where the strong win and the weak lose.”

Arde rose his hand, “-why are they attacking us, director?”

“Because of me,” he smiled, “-thus the reason why I say, third years, you will not be fighting this war. Far as the battle is concerned, it is between me and them. I will not stand for objection nor will I entertain disorder. You will be killed if I hear complaints.

Luci, Ereena, Dementus, and Yu will remain here – their orders are to surrender the moment they enter the academy grounds. Whoever is ready to carry the burden of witnessing my battle, follow Elixia.”

“DIRECTOR!” Lilia shouted, “-can we not petition the opposing army for peace? We’ll give them what they want – isn’t that enough?”

“Lilia, such is the state of things. They won’t retreat even if I were to prostrate myself. Make your decision,” he turned, and a shadowy cloud emanated from his trench coat. To Elixia’s amazement – all of the students followed her into the director’s office. There, a similar-looking personage, “-director?” conjured a few spells.

“No, not the director,” Elixia returned, “-I present you, Vengeance. Our bodyguard,” she smiled, “-we’re headed into a battlefield, wouldn’t want to get killed willy-nilly,” the floor shook, *tss,*

“I’m floating?”

“Out of body experience,” said Vengeance, “-follow me,” he headed for the valley.

Arde kept reaching for Lilia, “-afraid of heights?” the class chuckled.

“Noo,” he shook his head, “-I’m not scared of heights. Only this sensation, it feels weird,” he swallowed hard, “-Vengeance, are we really safe?”

“Well, there are some souls who didn’t return to their previous bodies. Happens occasionally,” the deadpan expression, the serious delivery… “-WHAT?”

“Calm down,” said Elixia, tapping Vengeance’s head, “-he likes to make heavy jokes.”

The wind whistled – the rustling of Orenmir against his pants, the coldness of Tharis’ grip. Hair tied in a high ponytail, the smell of iron, “-nostalgia,” he removed the heavy coat, there, the outfit which had made the previous incarnation so intimidating, carried along the breeze. Claireville Academy’s uniform, ‘-I feel strangely at home in this outfit. I thought I’d never get to use it again…’ still marred by the life of past enemies and dragged underneath its weight of blood and curses.

“What’s with the outfit, master?”

“My battle attire,” he winked and casually left the academy grounds. Asmodeus, Mammon, Beelzebub, Vanesa, Lilith, and Elize dawned on their battle gear. Little did the students know about their Director and what kind of man he was, to them, he was but a whimsical man who’d make a few jokes and pester the faculty members – sadly, more often than not, kind smiles from the blood-soak hands of past fighters, a black curtail into their past, is forced open. There, unbeknownst to the aggressor, awakens a ruthless monster – on that day, many would come to find out why Igna was dubbed Death’s heir.

Geld valley’s forest whispers deafened, *-grant my power, bring thy queen her true form, seedling of the underworld, sprout into life and grow, for there is naught to be withheld; Partial Realm Expansion – Lilith’s Tree of Life,* she clapped, the mouth of the valley went dark. A massive tree grew over the landscape, it covered the forest and tower halfway up the mountain, its reach could be said to be a few kilometers from side to side, not to mention the circumference it covered. Below the foliage, at the crux where the trunk forked into limbs and branches, rose a wooden fortress.

“Cozy,” said Asmodeus, “-it comes furnished,” he smiled.

“I’ve done my part,” Lilith sat beside the fireplace, “-Vanesa, come here,” to which, the latter listened and rested on Lilith’s lap, “-you boys can handle the battle, right?” she turned towards Igna, “-how you like?”

“Better than I expected. We’ve blocked off their access and have a solid base of operation. Lilith, my queen, you sure are amazing.”

“Aw, flattery won’t get you private time,” she pouted, “-you’re a married man after all.”

“Could you not say it like it’s a bad thing,” he looked out onto the valley, ‘-her realm finds her root in the Shadow Realm, once I remove the limiters – they should unleash their true powers. Desperate times call for desperate measures,’ the interface flashed, ‘-there, intel from Yui.’

“Report on enemy troops. Current forces measure at twenty-thousand at two days’ pace. Vanguard of five-thousand led by Cleopatra’s eta, evening.”

‘Gives us a few hours to prepare. Killing Cleopatra will bring the wrath of Lixbin – he’s part of the Heavenly Convention. I rather not anger them at the moment. Winning our battle is paramount – taking the heads of generals won’t mean anything. We need to weaken their forces before a counterattack. How should I make use of Teresa?’ therein, an idea came to mind, *-Per the authority granted by the title of Watcher, may thy limiters be released,* flashes of light, “-listen up. Do not engage them in physical combat. Keep the battle far from the tree of creation – we lose the tree; we lose the battle,” a scroll manifested above his palm, “-Lilith, when the time is right, open the scroll. It’ll take a lot of mana to activate – tis a teleportation spell bound to Draebala. It’ll summon the army I have stationed. Use it only if we’re at the point of no return.”

*Souls of the dead, thee who’ve sworn to serve me in life and death, come to my side. Blood-Arts: Ghouls Requiem.*

The air seemed lighter, and a whiff of nausea grabbed their noses, “-what did you do, master?”

“I raised my reserve forces,” he smiled, “-Mammon, take this,” he threw a ring, “-take command of the undead forces. They’re strong, the leaders,” shadowy figures, no features nothing, a black humanoid mass rose in the middle, “-either control or automation, the choice is up to you.”

“Orders, majesty?”

“Spread out and prepare an ambush, target size, five thousand,” said Mammon, “-leave it to me.”

‘Igna sure likes to jest,’ Lilith pondered with her hand caressing Vanesa’s face, ‘-there’s no way they’ll make it past his forces. He can be quite melodramatic – downplaying the fact of our true might… if he truly wanted a decisive battle, he’d have called on the Shadow’s real might – the devourers of worlds.”

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