The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 21:

Chapter 21:

Megumin - Heh. How's that! the strongest offensive magic skill in the world! <Explosion>! Bow before its might you plebs! Ah... My magic power... *THUD*

The green pasture now has a big crater, and Megumin after used her skill for some reason dropped down to the ground.

Issei who saw this keep twitching his face, while Kazuma is in awe, Aqua still clinging to Issei, Yunyun is clapping for her 'rival'.

Issei - "...You idiot, did you forgot what's the content of the Quest was? The owner of the pasture wanted us to get rid of the <White Wolf> because they are destroying his pasture. Now that the damage you have done is obviously bigger than the whole wolf pack, you think the owner will give out the rewards for this Quest?

Of course, he will sue us instead of paying us after what just happened... You get it now? And I can guess why you fell down after casting your magic. Because you put your whole skill points into <Explosion> alone, sure its might and power will be great and the casting time became shorter but the mana consumption will also be bigger... And considering your low level, even if you put your whole status points into your Mana its still won't be enough.

So after you cast 1 <Explosion> spell. You pretty much ran out of Mana and down for the count, am I right?"

They all first started trembling when they remembered the content of the Quest and started trembling even more after knowing they might get sued by the pasture owner.

But after hearing Issei analysis on Megumin skill they looked down at her direction and saw her body fiercely shaking and she even sweating buckets at this moment.

Then they all know what Issei just said is true after seeing her reaction...

Even Yunyun don't know what to say and just have a wry smile on her face because she can't do anything to assist her 'rival' on this.

Issei - ...*Sigh* I knew it was a mistake for taking you all in as a party member.


When they got back at the guild hall and submit their report to Luna.

They really got sued for 10 Million Eris. And each of the party members needs to pay 10 Million Eris not 10 Million Eris as a whole party but for each individual...

What Luna said why they got sued is pretty much the same just like what Issei said.

Because the damage they did are bigger than the whole wolf pack, and the pasture is pretty much destroyed that it becomes unusable.

Issei and Yunyun just stayed calm after hearing that. But Yunyun gave her 'rival' a concerned look because both her and Issei have lots of money from all the Quest they did.

And when Yunyun tried to pay for Megumin, Issei doesn't allow it because they reap what they sow.

So she can only relent because she doesn't want to go against her idol. Even her 'puppy' look doesn't work this time.

Kazuma, Aqua, and Megumin faces are pale as a white sheet of paper and they shivered all over after hearing the debt their in.

When they tried to ask help at Yunyun they received a deadly glare from Issei and they can only shut up.

They can't blame Megumin alone either because if Kazuma isn't just hiding the entire time then he could've stopped Megumin.

Aqua distracted Issei by hugging him like a vice grip.

So they can only accept their fate.

Just when they thought the situation cannot get any worst than this.

They heard Luna talk once more

Luna - Ummm... There's also someone who got injured by Megumin-san spell and she's waiting upstairs to meet with the one who cast that spell.

They all become startled after hearing that.

So they head towards the second floor of the guild.

And they arrived in front of a room where the one who got injured by Megumin spell.

Megumin - ...Is this really okay? That person got hit by <Explosion> magic, its already a miracle they are still alive. And even then they must be critically injured...

Kazuma - W-well don't worry so much! After all Aqua is an Arch-Priest so she could heal the injuries they got. Right, Aqua?

Aqua - E-eh? U-um! Yeah. Leave it to me! With my healing spell, she will be fine!

Issei - Well it's your own fault anyway so just hurry up and go inside. Just get this over with, It's not like things could get any worse than now anyway. At worst they will just sue you once more.

Megumin trembles once more knowing she might get into bigger debt.

Megumin - U-um suddenly my stomach is hur-


She got cut out because the door suddenly burst open and the one who opened the door just now went straight into Megumin and hold her hands while saying

??? - Thank you very much!

Is this the first word of a normal person who got injured by somebody else?

She is a tall, beautiful young woman, she gives the appearance of cool beauty. She is well-endowed and also has light blue eyes and straight, long blonde hair kept in a ponytail tied with a braid and red hair clips secured on both sides of her bangs. She is wearing clad in black, white, and yellow armor, with a metal shoulder plate on her left side, and a wing-like cloth perched upon her right shoulder.

But most of her body is covered in bandages at this time.

And her blushing beautiful face at this moment is filled with pure ecstasy and joy while also drooling a little bit.

What's on Issei's mind after seeing this newcomer is

Issei - ...Ended

He could tell right away this woman is also not normal.

There's no sane person will become happy and joyful after getting injured.

??? - Really! Thank you so much! I have never felt such a powerful attack, that is my first time felt a peak pleasant sensation that even made my entire consciousness starts to fly. Is that Explosion Magic? It's really good!

Her way of speaking made all of them move backward. Their face also grimacing after hearing her words.

??? - My name is Darkness! Also an adventurer. Pleased to meet you all! Then my purpose of wanting to meet you is because I want to enter your party! My class is a Crusader and I act as a Vanguard. And I have a very high defense parameter, so don't hesitate to use me as a meat shield! If anything DO use me as a meat shield to your heart content! So please let me join your party!

They didn't know how to respond to her words...

Issei just has this faraway look on his face while thinking 'Semiramis... Is this really the world where you want me to go? Do you really think this is a 'relaxing' place? This world which is filled with 'special' people...'

-At Semiramis domain-

Semiramis - Achoo!

Scathach - Hmm? Did you get a cold Semiramis?

Semiramis - No. That's impossible. Hm? I wonder if Ise is thinking of me right now? Ufufu~ did he miss me?

Scathach - Well indeed for him its been a while but for us here its just been a few days passed since we last meet him. And you girls need to keep up the pace! Don't be so slow!

Jeanne - Hai! Shishou!

Jalter - Cheh! Got it!

Scathach is supervising Jeanne and Jalter training for the upcoming rating-game because both she and Semiramis won't participate in the game because that would be overkill.

And even though Jeanne and Jalter are strong they still need more polishing to participate in the rating-game because the current them might get wiped early on.

At best their power level at this moment is on par with the Ultimate-class over there.

Scathach don't want her sisters-to-be will embarrass their husband on the rating-game because of their weakness, and even Semiramis agreed to her idea.

Semiramis - And. Did you like your new body. Dear Irene?

Irene - Um. This is indeed a nice body, and It will take me a little more time to get used to it. Don't worry, I will gain full control of my body soon for the upcoming rating-game. And I have to really thank you once more, Semi-nee.

Semiramis - Fufufu~ No need to thank me. Aren't we sisters? And I'm glad you like your new body.

Irene face got a little bit red after hearing her, she's indeed very happy with her new body because she knows that Issei will really like this body.

She touched the <Mark> on the middle of her chest while having an enamored look on her face.

Irene - Huhu. I can't wait to see you again. Partner...

Irene is a tall, voluptuous beautiful woman with thickly braided, bow-adorned, scarlet hair. Her two front braids have two golden ornaments near the upper sections.

For clothing, Irene dons a risque version of the typical witch's garb. Her black top has a diamond-shaped opening, exposing the middle of her breasts, which has a white heart mark that covered with Dragon's wing.

(Just google Irene Belserion and you will have her picture)

Irene - ...My beloved true soul mate... Ise...

-At Sona's place-

Sona and Tsubaki can be found in the room.

Sona is at the sofa kneading her forehead while Tsubaki just stands behind her while giving Sona a concerned look.

Sona - *Sigh* How stupid can you be, Rias... As your friend, I'm truly at loss for words.

Tsubaki - Sona-sama...

Sona - I'm fine Tsubaki... I just can't believe at what they all did... *Sigh* Don't let Saji know this because he might just blow up and make things more complicated than it is now.

Tsubaki - Hai. Sona-sama.

Saji is one of Issei's good friend, they can be called pawn buddies.

If Saji knows what's the cause of Issei disappearance then he might just go to Rias place and started shouting at them while asking how could they did that.

And if they knew the cause of Issei did all that is themselves then all hell will truly break loose...

Even now the Gods pantheon is wondering where the Sekiryuutei is. All they can say is he's training himself on somewhere unknown for the upcoming rating-game. (It is true though, they just didn't know it yet)

For now, they believed that excuse but if at the rating-game Issei doesn't show up then they truly don't know what to do anymore.

Some Gods such as God of Destruction Shiva think of Issei as his rival and brother, if he knew the reason why Issei disappear then he might kill Rias and the others for it. And of course, Sirzechs will not just stand by watching his sister going to get killed along with Akeno's father Baraqiel for that matter.

Then the peace treaty will be broken and war will descend once more into the world...

Issei has that BIG of an influence on the political situation of the 4 factions, so if he by chance never reappear then there won't be peace any longer.

Sona - ...Where are you Hyoudou-kun...

-Back at Issei-

After that meeting with Darkness he decided to disband the party for a while and went on to their respective set of motion.

Issei and Yunyun still together.

While Aqua/Kazuma/Megumin and the new addition to their party Darkness are together.

Issei and Yunyun went to do Quests like always and finally, Yunyun reached "B" rank just like Issei.

At one time Issei went to the cemetery and he sees a woman there, at first he observes what she's doing here then he saw she's purifying the lost souls.

She's a beautiful and well-endowed woman with fair skin and a curvaceous figure. She has brown eyes and straight brown hair reaching down to the front of her shoulders and further behind her back, slightly curling at the tips. Her fringe sometimes covers her right eye. She also possesses a single ahoge that arcs off the top of her head.

She wears a purple dress, with dark purple cloak/robe over it.

When she noticed Issei she got a little bit surprised that someone is watching her, but then she got attracted to his <Aura>.

Because she's a lich she is quite sensitive to the life forces around her, and the man before her has the biggest life force she has ever seen.

Issei still calmly gaze at her, and he knows she's not a human just from a glance. He can tell she's some kind of undead from her <Aura> alone, but this is the first time he saw an undead that has not lost their reasoning and she seems like a kind person.

She kept purifying the souls around this cemetery and not consuming them like others high leveled undead.

So they just kept gazing each other for a while.

Issei is the first to break their eye contact and when he tried to leave she called out to him

??? - W-wait...

Issei stopped and looked back but he doesn't say anything.

The woman panicked a little because she realized she called out to him for no particular reason just because by staying near him she feels comfortable. Like she's alive once more.

This is because of Issei <Life and Death Aura>. As time goes he started attracting Souls to him because they felt his aura are very comfortable.

But he never likes those souls gathers around him so he makes them pass on to the afterlife just like that ghost from the haunted mansion.

But if its an evil soul they will never get close to him because they are afraid of being destroyed or eaten by him.

Good souls search for salvation.

While Evil souls want to do evil things in the world of the living even after their death.

And if Issei saw those kinds of soul he usually destroys them if he had the chance.

??? - U-u-um. M-my name is Wiz!

Issei - ...

Issei still doesn't answer

Wiz - I-i-is it possible for me to know your name?

Issei - ...It's Issei Hyoudou

Wiz - A-are you a royalty?

In this world usually, the one who has a surname is only a royalty.

Issei said no to her question, then she felt a little bit relieved because usually the royalty she knows is a bit 'troublesome'.

Wiz - T-then Issei-san. I-is it okay if I call you that?

Issei - I don't mind...

Wiz - C-can I offer you some tea at my place? Ah! That is if you're okay with it, I'm not forcing you!

Wiz didn't know why, but she just wanted to stay longer with him. So she's kind of desperate when she sees him walk away.

Issei just gazes at her silently and she's feeling nervous he might decline her offer.

She really never feels this kind of thing before, she's a very meek woman so it's pretty surprising for her to do this kind of thing on the guy she just met.

But she just couldn't help it... His presence is so soothing and makes her heart warm even though she's already dead.

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