The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 34:

Chapter 34:

--In the afternoon-

Issei woke up feeling something soft weighing him down on his chest, he looks down towards his chest and found Ramius was snoring softly with a look of peace on her face, implying she was free of the <Adan's Blood> effects. His c*ck is not inside Ramius anymore, probably it slips off during his sleep.

Issei who saw her like that feels really happy, his gazes hold infinite care and gentleness towards her.

He remembered they went really wild last night, the bed is still full of their odor and bodily fluid.

So he cast a cleaning spell towards it and the bed is clean as new. He remembered most of his skills already.

But there's still that thin window paper holding him back to remember it all...

But Issei put that aside and focused on the sleeping beauty on his chest. He's really fond seeing her sleeping face, he gently pokes her cheek and sees her squirm around making cute faces. Then she sleeptalking in her sleep

Ramius - Mmmn... Ise... I love you...

Issei who heard that smiled gently and stroked her hair softly. Ramius face had a smile when he does that.

Then he saw a <Golden Ring> on his ring finger, there's a Roman number "I" on it.

Issei - 'So this is the ring of marriage "Mother Eve's blessing" huh...'

Then suddenly he heard Ramius talk

Ramius - <Mother Eve's blessing>.

Issei - Hmm. You're up? Good morning sleepy head. Well, it's afternoon already from the looks of it though.

Then Issei gives her a gentle smile then peck her head softly. Then he wraps his arms around Ramius soft body to hold her closer.

Ramius who feel what Issei did almost die from the happiness she felt right now.

Her face blushed and she averted her face down facing Issei's chest once more. She whispered

Ramius - Erm... U-Um... A-Afternoon...

Issei chuckled looking at her cute antics. Then he stroked her head once more.

Issei - So. We're truly married right now, huh?

Ramius who reminded of that have a blissful smile on her face and she looks toward her own <Golden Ring>.

Ramius - Yes, I have one too... Look.

She outstretched left hand had an identical ring like Issei but it has no Roman number on it.

Issei took her left hand with his own and entangled their hands together, then he kissed her left hand softly.

Issei - Indeed. You're my wife now...

Ramius blushed deeply once more with a blissful smile on her face still.

Ramius - Heheh... To think that one day I will be granted a ring. Until yesterday, I never even dreamed of it... I hope this isn't a dream...

Issei - It isn't... You're truly my wife, Ramius... I love you.

Then Issei hugs her tighter while their hands still entangled together.

Ramius - R-Really? Do you really feel that way?

She still feels a bit insecure

Issei chuckled and say with an evil grin "Of course silly... I couldn't be happier to have you as my wife. Or do you want me to "Prove" it to you once more, Hmm?" Then he gives Ramius butt a squish.

Ramius - Hyahn!? U-Uuuu... I-I'd love too, but my body can't handle it anymore after all the s-s*x we had last night...

Ramius gives a little yelp by Issei's sudden action and she blushed deeply once more.

Issei - Hmm... Is that so? Too bad.

Then he finally let go of Ramius's butt to Ramius's relief.

Ramius felt a bit wet after his action but she really can't do it anymore for now... She's still feeling a bit sore down there... She can't believe they've been going at it for 7 round straight last night, and she already forced herself to the max back then.

But it seems that's still nowhere near enough for Issei...

Ramius - Sorry... I was under the impression once men take care of their arousal, they have a shocking shift toward rational thought... Do you not regret it now? Was I really worth marrying?

Issei respond is just a spank towards Ramius butt


Ramius - Ah!


Ramius - Ah!

Just when Ramius thought he gonna spank her once more Issei suddenly just rub her butt gently. To be honest she was hoping he will spank her once more...

Ramius - Ahn...

Issei - That spanks is for not believing me. And the gentle stroke is my apologies for that 2 spanks... Ramius. I've told you that I'm happy to have you as my wife... If you keep denying it then that means you don't believe me-

Ramius hastily shouted towards that sentence

Ramius - No! I believe you! But-

Issei - No buts. I love you Ramius Dreissen. Do you think I would have s*x with just any women? No one can force me to do what I don't want to, not even the Gods themselves. Even if I have to become an Outlaw I won't submit to anyone.

Ramius who heard that become speechless. But she felt really touched by his words.

Issei - I swore on my life that I really do love you, Ramius. My vow back then is not a lie. I will love you with all my heart no matter what happens. So, do you still doubt me?

Issei looks straight on Ramius eyes while saying that, and Ramius can only see infinite love and gentleness on his eyes.

She shed tears of joy then proceeded to hug Issei tightly.

Ramius - Um... I'm sorry for my foolish questions. But don't become an Outlaw because I don't know what to do if you truly become one and disappear from my life...

Issei gently hugs Ramius back and says

Issei - I promise you. I won't ever leave you behind...

Ramius - Oh... Ise...

Issei - Ramius...

In the soft afternoon sunlight, they gazed at each other and brought their faces together.



Ramius - EEK!

Issei just sighed because he can feel the presence of Riche behind the door all this time but he just ignored her.

Riche - How's it going? Eye's adjusted to the sunlight yet?

Issei - So. Riche... What are you doing waiting behind the door all this time? You even follow me here yesterday.

Riche - I-I don't know what you're talking about. I-I just got here...

Riche's eyes started to swim around from the gaze Issei's giving her.

Issei - *Jiiiiii*

She forgot that Issei has strong detection capability so he clearly knows she was hiding behind the door after all this time.

Riche - F-Fine... I-I was worried about whether he'd actually sleep with you or not. So I followed him up till he went in your room...

Issei - So did you enjoy the show?


Ramius - ...Eh?

Issei - Heh.

Riche - Ah...


-After a bit of awkward silence-

Ramius - So you were worried Ise will do me or not... Does that mean you're the one who told Issei about Adan's Blood?

Riche - Ding ding ding Correct! T-The one who asked Issei to do you was me!

Ramius - ?!

Riche - But it's not really a request from me since he really do like you even before I ask him to have s*x with you, apparently...

Ramius - Hweeeeeh?! I-Is that true, Issei?

Issei - What? Don't believe me again?

Then Issei raised his hands

Ramius - E-Eh N-No I believe you!

Issei chuckled seeing her acting all nervous like that. So he pulls her into another hug.

Ramius - Eep!?

Issei - You silly girl.

Ramius - Aaaah...

She felt so happy right now that she could die...

Riche - *G-Gohon!* N-Now can you two can leave the flirting for later, please? Now, I'd like to discuss what to do next, if you wouldn't mind getting dressed. I don't know where to look at you two right now...

Ramius - O-Oh right!

Ramius hastily finds her scattered clothes but she felt a bit sore down there. So she slowed down a little bit...

Issei - *Sigh* Fine...

Issei calmly stands up from the bed to look for his clothes.

Riche who saw that blushed deeply because he saw his perfect body and especially his dragon rod down there...

Then Issei looks toward her and Riche noticed his gaze on her.

Riche - W-What?

Issei - ...Pervy Princess.

Riche - ?! I-I'M NOT A PERVERT!?

Then she huffed and turned around after saying that.

Issei chuckled seeing her reaction.

Then he and Ramius started wearing their clothes.

But Riche keeps stealing glances towards Issei's body though. And her face is still flushed a little.

Issei noticed her gaze but let her be. Besides, it feels good having a beautiful girl admiring his body.

He helped Ramius wears her clothes because she has a bit of trouble wearing them, she's still sore down there that's why...

Riche who saw Issei gently helped Ramius wear her clothes felt a bit jealous because of his caring act towards Ramius. She wished she switched place with Ramius right now... But she feels even more happy that Ramius finally found someone that truly loves her.

Riche - 'Good for you. Ramius'

She has a gentle smile while looking at them both...

-After they finish wearing their clothes-

Ramius - I never realized my target was hiding so close by. What a blunder...

Riche - Well. I'm used to being chased by you at this point.

In contrast to Ramius's frustration. Riche grinned like a child who had pulled off some form of mischief.

Ramius - But if you're showing yourself now. I take it you're willing to return to the castle-Err, your home?

Riche - It's fine, Ise already knows about my true identity.

Ramius - I-Is that so?

Riche - Un. Now then I discovered that The sparkle bombs from the Outlaw hideout, based on what evidence was left. Are numerous enough to blow up one whole city. This has to be reported to the Knights so they can come up with a countermeasure.

Issei - You think after they were brought into this country they were carried off somewhere else?

Riche - Right. Some Outlaws are wandering around the country with tons of destructive weapons.

Issei - ...

Ramius - Then let's hurry to the capital. I'll see you there.

Riche - I can get back by myself. More importantly, I think you have to get home.

Ramius - Hrm... That's true, but taking you back is my duty.

Issei - Hmm. Indeed, I need to introduce myself to my in-laws, don't I?

Ramius who heard that become bashful

Ramius - I-In laws... B-By the way Ise. Where are your parents?

Issei - Well. I lost my memory some time ago so I don't know if I had one or not.

Ramius & Riche - What?! You lose your memory?

Issei - Ah. But I'm starting to regain my memory bit by bit though so it's fine.

Ramius & Riche - I-I see...

Issei - Forget about that. So where's Ramius home again?

Riche - I-In Stallion. Ramius's father runs the town.

Issei - Hmm. I see, well Ramius do have a surname so I already guess she's a daughter of nobility somewhere.

Riche - U-Um you're right.

Ramius - But we're not a really rich family though. The Dreissen lineage had many Knights, so we've been given land based on the achievements of our ancestors. We have little interest in etiquette or formalities, so you're free to act casually.

Issei - Un. Got it, I don't really care about formalities myself anyway. But won't your dad will become mad at me for taking your virginity without his permission first?

Riche - Hmm. I think he was worried whether anyone would take Ramius at all, so he might actually cry tears of joy.

Issei - ...Seriously?

Ramius - Th-That's not true... Yeah, couldn't be... Probably. I think...

Issei - ...

Issei started wondering what Ramius's family is like...

Riche - Still if you waited too long to introduce yourself. You would lose their trust no?

Issei - Yeah. Makes sense.

Riche - I'll take the public cow carriage home, you two head to Stallion.

Ramius - Wait, But-

Riche - Oh yeah, and when I confirmed you two were married, I mailed Acheval to inform him. So he might be waiting in Stallion too.

Ramius - Wha?! M-My brother?!

Issei - Oh. One of the top 3 Zero Knight of the Eden Kingdom?

Riche - Um. Acheval Dreissen, the Zero Knight.

Ramius - Gh! I know how he is. If there's a chance to tease me, he'd even abandon his duty for it... Let's hurry, Ise! If we finish before he gets there, we can get away without seeing him!

Issei is speechless seeing her so desperate to avoid her brother...

Riche - Well... Ramius has issues with Acheval you see...

Ramius - He always says how I'm not fit to be a Knight, or that I'm not ladylike enough, or that I'm like a Ham Bambara (some kind of monster), all manner of hurtful things.

Riche - Better get going~ Acheval's getting closer as we speak!

Ramius - Ugh, Riche... You'll pay for this!

After Riche left with a smile and a wave, Ramius yelled and dashed out of the room.

Issei only kneads his forehead after seeing her like that. Well, that's what makes her cute though he thought.

Unknowingly Issei's habit of spoiling his wives started manifesting right at this moment... No matter what they'll do he will often think of it as cute...

Riche - Pass through Fort Baroroan to the north, and you'll be right next to Stallion in no time. Try not to get lost.

Issei - Got it.

Then Issei follows right after Ramius.

Issei and Ramius parted ways with Riche and headed towards Stallion.

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