The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 35:

Chapter 35:

-During the way towards <Stallion>-

They found out Colpis decided to went with the Knights and headed off somewhere, she broke the engagement between her and Ginyu. Yarase headed to the capital to take the Knight test.

Along the way to <Stallion> Ramius keep gazing at her hand. Or her ring, more specifically.

Issei who's seeing her become intrigued.

Issei - What's wrong?

Ramius - Nothing... Well... We are married now, but it was all so sudden that it doesn't feel real... I can't believe I finally get married after all this time, and I married the man I truly love too at that...

Issei - Well you better start believing it now because I won't let you go no matter what.

Issei pulled Ramius waist towards him and give her a soft kiss on the lips.

Ramius - Hwah?! U-Un...

Issei then let go of her waist and took her hand with his own.

Ramius - W-What're you?

Issei - Hmm? I'm holding your hand of course.

Ramius - Y-You mean you want to do a th-thumb wrestling?

Issei - No, you silly. I mean I'm holding your hand just like a couple would do.

Ramius - O-Oh... Sorry, it's just that I never held hands with the opposite gender before so... I'm kinda nervous...

Issei chuckled and said, "It seems I'm gonna be your first for everything huh?"

Ramius who heard that become really bashful and her face went red.

Issei - Well. Let's go.

Ramius - U-Un...

But along the way, she's being very nervous having Issei holding her hands.

She kept thinking stuff like 'Aaaah, I-I'm holding hands with Ise... A-Are my palms sweaty? He has masculine hands... They're bigger than mine... Well I-I am nervous, but... More than that... I could almost die from happiness!'

Ramius - I-I'm a bit embarrassed, or maybe. Um... Tense...

Issei - Well we've done more embarrassing things together so holding hands should be nothing no?

Ramius - U-Um... Y-You're right. This should be nothing compared to what we have done already...

Even though she said that but she's still very nervous inside...

Then they walk together while holding hands, every monster or outlaws who tried ambushing them along the way all got killed with just Issei's <Aura>. They all died because of heart attack even before they showed themselves in front of Issei and Ramius.

So Ramius never realized there was a bunch of Monster or Outlaws trying to ambush them along the way. Issei won't let his sweet time together with his wife be ruined by some trash who can't read the mood.

At some point, Ramius started thinking if she should call Issei something different. Such as: "Honey", "Darling", etc. 'Waaaaaaah, I-I can't! I'd be too ashamed to even fight! It needs to be something not too embarrassing, yet strong enough to express our relationship!'

Issei who saw that she's thinking about something so seriously while being red-faced is just silently watching her because he thinks she's acting very cute right now.

Ramius finally realized his gaze and asked: "W-What's wrong?"

Issei - Nothing. It's just that you're really cute.

He said with a smile

Ramius - H-Hwah?! C-Cute you say... T-Thank you, Dear...

Issei who heard that froze and Ramius is confused why he suddenly stopped then she tried looking at his face.

Ramius - D-Dear?

Issei hurriedly averted his face because he doesn't want Ramius to see his face right now because his face blushed because of the way she called him. Then he told Ramius don't call him that because he's too embarrassed being called that by her.

Ramius is confused at first why he's embarrassed in the first place, then Issei said what would she feels if he calls her with the same nickname too. Then she realizes it is indeed embarrassing.

For some time after that Ramius hardly said a word, the same goes with Issei...

They keep sightseeing along the way, Issei saw a Giant Crab taking a nest on a destroyed city along the way.

Ramius said that's a <Mega Monster> called <Giant Doraku> and that town is destroyed by it in the past. (AN: I can't exactly remember the history why it destroyed the town in the first place so I'll just make things up but it should be pretty close with the original history)

The reason is that the citizen of that town keeps eating crab all the time hence it retaliated by destroying the city. But no casualties because they evacuated the town in time.

Issei asked Ramius if he's allowed to kill it, and she says <Mega Monsters> are very strong so it's not wise to challenge it alone, besides they're not that aggressive unless provoked. So the Knights never bother them either, they already have their hand full on handling the normal Monster and Outlaws so they don't have time to care for it at the moment.

Even for a <Zero Knight>, they are a bother to take down. There's no bounty for killing them either anyway. So Issei just ignored the <Giant Doraku> for now.

After a while, they arrived at <Fortress Baroroan>

Issei - Hmm. So this is the fortress.

Ramius - In order to challenge the powerful monsters in this territory, Marquess Baro Roan risked his life to construct this fortress. Thanks to his efforts, the strong monsters were driven away, letting people live here relatively peaceful, or so the stories say.

It's a pretty old building. It has some history here and there, so there have been many tourists as of late.

There's some tourist who turned his back to the river and threw a coin behind him.

Issei - Hm? What is he doing?

Ramius - ...Making a wish

Issei - ...Huh? This whole river's a wishing fountain or something?

Issei's is confused now...

Ramius - ...I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to look smart, I don't actually know anything...

Ramius looked horribly depressed after that.

Issei who saw that stroke her head gently while saying "It's fine, I'm grateful at your effort alone, Ramius" and she instantly cheered up after hearing that.

Then they went pass the Fortress after that...

After a while, they finally see the <Stallion> town.

Ramius - <Stallion> is up ahead. And that villa over the lake there is my family's second house. My brother owns it at the moment, but I've never seen him use it.

Issei - Hmm? Won't it be destroyed by monsters if they build it there?

Ramius - Don't worry about that. Much like adventurer camp sets, the house has a monster-repelling barrier.

Issei - I see.

Then they enter the <Stallion> town...

Issei's impression as he entered <Stallion> was that the houses were even more packed together than in <Abel> town.

The streets clearly had more people, and judging by appearance, they are ranged from farmers and merchants to artisans and adventurers.

Issei and Ramius head towards the Dreissen residence right away after arriving at the city.

Along the way, Ramius is confused about why Issei is wearing his hood all the time. And when he told her the reason why she is a bit confused at first but then realized that it is indeed true.

If the handsome face of Issei is out in the open then they would've keep being stared by people especially the girls, so Ramius approve of it.

Then they reached Ramius's home.

Ramius - Look, that's the house where I was born and raised.

It's a particularly large residence that stood out from the others, it's pretty normal considering that this is the Mayor's residence though.

Ramius - At this hour, Father should still be home. Let's get the introductions out of the way. We better hurry before Acheval arrive.

Then Ramius dragged Issei by the arm into the house.

Ramius - Father! Where are you?!

??? - Dad ran outta detergent or something, so he ran out to do some shopping.

Ramius - *Sigh* An errand like that could be left to a maid. Father's obsession with cleanliness can be troubling sometimes...

??? - What do you expect? His job's more or less an honorary one, so he's got a lotta time on his hands.

Ramius - W-WAIT, ANIUE?! (AN: Aniue = Big brother)

In front of them stands Acheval Dreissen, Ramius's big brother.

He's a very tall guy with a macho build, he has a scar on his left eye. his face is quite average but very manly, he has short white hair and his skin is quite tanned. Unlike Ramius who wears all black outfit, Acheval wears almost all white with a red cape on his back and his left shoulder pad is black. He carries 2 giant white greatswords on his back, he wears a metal white boots. /wiki/Acheval_Dreissen?file=Acheval-full.png this is his image in case you want to see it)

Issei - 'Hmm... So this is Ramius brother. One of the <Zero Knight>, well he's indeed quite strong... There's something wrong with him though... I can't quite tell what it is but there's something's off about him...'

Issei can feel something off with Acheval but he can't tell exactly what, he will only know why later in the future...

While Issei's inspecting Acheval, Acheval also doing the same.

Acheval thoughts after seeing Issei are 'Oy, oy... Seriously? I can't feel this guy strength at all... It's like he's just a harmless bystander. But that's not it, I could tell if someone weak or not just from a glance usually... But I can't tell his strength at all, damn... Either he's hiding his power with some technique or he's just that strong... I never felt anything like this before...'

Acheval back unknowingly drenched with sweats a little. So he tried to make a conversation

Acheval - Oy. What's that on your hand.

He looked towards their interlocked hands or more specifically their ring.

Ramius gasped from his sudden bloodlust.

While Issei doesn't looks like he feels anything.

Acheval - 'Heh. Even that isn't enough to make him flinch huh?'

He emits his bloodlust towards them especially Issei.

Acheval - I'm asking you what that ring is! Hey, did you do it?! Did you already do the nasty?!

Ramius - Hah?

Issei - ...

Acheval - It's too late... There's a criminal in our family, How am I supposed to face Mom in heaven now?!


Ramius's brother fell to his knees, where his seeping bloodlust dissipated.

Ramius - ...Ise, this dolt is my brother, Acheval, a holder of the title <Zero Knight>.

Issei is at a loss for words after seeing him like that...

Ramius - I don't have a clue why he's acting like this either, but we ran into him, so we'll have to put up with it... Aniue, could you get up and start introducing yourself?

Acheval ignored her words and look towards Issei

Acheval - H-how can I apologize to you for what she did? I'll pay reparations of course. So please forgive us!

Ramius - Oy... What kind of introduction is that?

Acheval - It's not, it's an apology! This is my heartfelt groveling, you moron!


Acheval - No way anyone would marry you! Meaning you must've assaulted him. **** can't lead to real love, that's delusional!

Ramius - Don't treat me like a deviant! This is why I didn't want to see you! A-Anyway, Ise and I... W-Wanted each other...

Acheval - Whaaaaaaat?! Hey, man. Is she serious?!

Issei - ...Yeah

Acheval - This is a woman who can wrestle a monster. You're telling me you wanted to do her?

Issei - She's incredibly cute, so yeah.

Acheval - Cute... Who thought you'd ever find a man who'd call you that?

He looks toward Ramius while saying that

Ramius is feeling bashful hearing Issei's word but she responds to Acheval words anyway

Ramius - Aniue, Ise's actually a very strong fighter. He's not a normal man.

Acheval thought 'No sh*t. He might even be stronger than me...' but he acts clueless, "You can fight?"

Issei - Ah.

Ramius - I can vouch for his strength, Issei says he wants to become a Knight.

Acheval - A prospective Knight, huh? You picked a bad time for that.

Issei - Something's wrong?

Acheval - Oh, well... Thing is, we're cutting down on the number of Knights.

Issei - Why?

Acheval - Sh*t happened.

Ramius - There's a small opening. But I'm sure Issei can do it, pretty easily too...

Acheval - Hmmm... Well, just perfect then, Ramius. Quit being a Knight.

Ramius - Wha-?!

Acheval - You're not cut out for it. Just let him do the Knight stuff and work on being a wife instead.

Ramius - But helping the weak is my-

Acheval - You just charge in there alone and mess up so much that they call you the Loner Knight, and you think you can argue with me?

Ramius - Well...

Issei just calmly looks towards them but he knows that Acheval is saying all that to protect Ramius. There's no ill intention towards her from Acheval. But he still won't let anyone bad mouth his wife no matter what so he said

Issei - I think Ramius is a Perfect Knight.

Ramius - Ise?

Issei - Sure she can be shortsighted sometimes, but boldly running off to help someone in need sounds pretty Knightly to me. And besides, as her husband, I will always be there for her to prevent anything bad happening to her.

Acheval - Hoh...

Issei - And of course, she's really cute. So she makes a great wife too.

Issei gazed at Ramius with a smile as he said everything with conviction

Acheval is very happy, to be honest, that his beloved sister finally found someone who truly loves her, he was just testing Issei just now.

Acheval - Keh, love is blind as they say. She got those tough muscles. Let her quit and she'll get a bit more feminine.

Issei - She's already perfect the way she is.

Acheval - Unless she trains for being a wife, she won't even be able to clean anything. Dad still cleans her room to this day.

Issei - We're all good at different things.

Acheval - She's secretly a huge perv.

Issei - Already know it and I've been there too at some point.

Acheval - This is a girl whose dad found her hidden porn stash while cleaning and left it on her desk, are you really, honestly okay with her?

Ramius who was over the cloud hearing Issei's word suddenly snap out of it and screamed


The mention of porn sent Ramius running like the wind out of the room, upon which. The sound of someone frantically tidying up came from somewhere in the house.

In the room, there's only Issei and Acheval left.

Issei - ...

Acheval - ...

They just stare at each other in then Acheval broke the silence

Acheval - ...Your name's Issei? Seems you're serious.

Issei - I am.

Acheval - Haaaaaah, well. Knew this day would come eventually...

Suddenly, Acheval's attitude softened and he scratched his head as he sighed.

Acheval - I say some harsh stuff, but y'know, I am still her brother. I know she tries hard and she's got talent, but... Well, it's just...

Issei - You're worried about her fighting monsters and outlaws, so you wanted her to quit. Right?

Acheval - Ack...

Acheval looked away, affirming that what Issei had said was correct.

Acheval - Gahhhhhh, dammit! You're right! I want her to be a normal girl, so I never give her advice for being a Knight. I just say things to try and push her away from it... SINCE I'M A SISCON!!!

Issei - ...

Issei feels like Acheval reminded him of a certain red-haired girl but he just ignores it for now

Acheval - But because of you, all my teasing and belittling is for nothing now.

Issei - You should think about what you say, or I think she'll just hate you...

Acheval - You don't get it. When she's in a murderous rage... Her face is ultra cute.

Issei - ...Well, for me no matter what she's always cute. So I can relate with you on that a little bit.

Acheval - Gahahahaha! I know you'll get it! But... As her brother, I've gotta see if you're good enough for Ramius. If you're the kinda guy who'd make her cry. I don't care if she hates me for life... I'll end you!

Issei - Same here. If I don't know you're just worried about her as a brother just now and heard you badmouthing about her like that earlier... I would've killed you already!

Then Issei emits a little bloodlust of his own.

Acheval who receive his bloodlust sweating buckets and internally he's screaming 'W-What a monster!? Even his bloodlust alone is this strong?!' But he just keeps up a brave front.

Thankfully Issei took back his bloodlust soon after that.

Acheval - R-Right. Then I'm giving you a test.

Ramius - W-Wait, Aniue... Haaah, haaah... What's this test about?

Ramius came back out of breath and for some reason, she's covered in dust.

Acheval - Quiet, you! This is between me and Issei!

Ramius - Isn't this about me becoming his wife, though?

Acheval - So with that said. Issei, fight me! Now, if you want to be my brother, overcome this trial!

Issei - Sure.

Ramius - H-Huh?! Why would you fight Issei? Aniue! And isn't this about accepting our marriage?!

Issei - He will automatically accept our marriage after I fight him, Ramius... Isn't that right, brother-in-law?

Acheval - Ah! Indeed!

Ramius - This test isn't even necessary! Let's introduce you to Father and leave.

Acheval - Oh right. Dad found your hiding place above the ceiling, so no use hiding porn there.


Ramius ran out of the room once more but come back being even more dust-covered soon after...

Then they all head outside the city to an open field to start the fight between Issei and Acheval.

Ramius - Did you two really has to do this?

Acheval - Of course! It's a man stuff, isn't that right. Issei?

Issei - Ah.

Ramius - *Sigh* Got it. But try not to hurt each other.

Acheval - Don't worry about it.

Then Issei and Acheval stare at each other.

Acheval - You ready, Issei?

Issei - Anytime.

Acheval - Then here I go!

Then Acheval draws his 2 greatswords and dashed towards Issei with quick speed given the weight of his weapons. But in Issei's eyes, it's still slow.

When Acheval arrived in front of Issei he feints an attack but Issei doesn't fall for it. And his slash just went pass in front of Issei's face.

Acheval thought 'Heh, he's not gonna fall for it huh? Then how about this!'

Then he slashed downwards with both of his greatswords towards Issei.

Ramius - Be careful!

Ramius is worried about Issei because she knows how strong Acheval is, even though she knows that Issei is also strong she still couldn't help become worried.

Then Issei draws his sword and calmly block Acheval's attack.


Acheval and Ramius surprised that Issei blocks his attack so easily like that. But Acheval then keeps repeatedly attack Issei from any direction with all his strength for at least 10 minutes.

Acheval - HAAAAAA!


The sound of their sword clashes keeps resounding in the open field. Ramius who's watching them becomes amazed.

She's amazed by Issei's power once more, for the last 10 minutes of Acheval full attack he still doesn't move a single inch from his spot. 'Just how strong are you. Ise?' She feels proud that her husband is even stronger than her brother, who known to be 1 of the strongest Knight of the Eden Kingdom.

But she also felt a little sad that she might be a burden for Issei, so she promised herself to not let it come to that. She will become even stronger so she can stand by the side of her husband proudly.

And her wish shall come true in the future. Even though she won't be as strong as Issei, but she will not be his burden.

Acheval also felt amazed by Issei's power, he couldn't believe their difference is this big. But he's happy that finally, someone can satisfy his craving desire for a great battle so he's still going at it for another 20 minutes.

After a while, Acheval dropped to his knee and he's wheezing for air because he's so tired from all the attack he launched towards Issei.

Issei still calmly standing there without any sign of fatigue on his face. He doesn't even break a single sweat after all this time.

Ramius is numb after seeing their 'Battle'. She couldn't really call it a battle because Issei never launch an attack of his own after all this time and he just calmly block every single one of Acheval's attack.

If Issei really attacked Acheval then this 'Battle' would've ended a long time ago...

Issei - So? Did I pass the test? Brother-in-law?

Acheval who heard that can only give a bitter smile and says "Ah! You passed with flying colors. Glad to have you as Ramius's husband. Issei!"

Then Issei smiled hearing that "Then, thank you for your approval. Acheval-nii"

Ramius becomes happy hearing that and she jumped straight into Issei's embrace with a joyful smile on her face.

Issei calmly caught her and embraced her back.

Acheval who's seeing them is smiling from the bottom of his heart 'Heh... There's always someone better than you out there huh...' Then he lay down on the ground because he's really tired right now.

Something inside him feels peaceful after all this time...

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