The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 36:

Chapter 36:

After a while, Acheval gets up and called Issei to head back towards Dreissen residence.

Then they head back towards <Stallion> together. Along the way, Acheval asked why he wears his hood all the time.

Issei told him the reason, but Acheval doubts it at first.

Then Issei show him his face

Acheval - ...Um. Wear your hood back, bro... If not then Ramius here will get tons of competitor. And she will lose you for sure.

Ramius - What are you saying? Aniue!

Acheval - Well can you blame me? Look at Issei's face, even I as a guy has to admit he's very handsome. Even more handsome than Barro Roan...

Ramius - Uuuuu... I know. But still...

Then Issei took hold of Ramius hand, Ramius who felt that stiffen a little and she look towards Issei.

Ramius - Ise?

Issei - Don't worry, no matter what happens I won't leave you. I told you didn't I?

Issei gives Ramius a calm smile to soothe her feelings.

Ramius - U-Un!

Ramius then cheered up right after.

After a while, they reached Dreissen's residence.

Acheval - Oy. Lil bro, catch!

Acheval tossed something towards Issei, and when Issei catch it he found out that it's a key.

Issei - Hm. A Key?

Acheval - Yeah, for the house outside <Stallion> the one near the lake. It's the Dreissen family's second estate.

Ramius - Didn't you inherit that?

Acheval - I've got a house in the capital, so it's no good to me. You two use it.

Issei got a little taken aback but he regains his composure right away and says

Issei - I will pay for it.

Acheval - No need. We're family after all.

Ramius - Alright, we'll cherish it. Our deceased mother received it from the king. If it's going unused now, we might as well.

Issei - ...*Sigh* Fine... Thank you, Acheval-nii.

Acheval - Ah! Don't sweat it! Oh right, Dad must be home already. Probably humming to himself while cleaning the bath right now.

Ramius - I swear, what lord does his own chores? I'll go get him, Ise. Just wait here.

Acheval - Anyhow, I'm busy. So I need to get back to the capital about now.

Issei - Oh. Got it, take care. And thank you for the house once more.

Acheval - Heh, no problem. Lemme just say one thing.

As if they were close buddies, Acheval put a hand on Issei's shoulder.

Acheval - Ramius is in your hands. You better not toss her aside.

Issei - I won't toss her aside even if I die.

Acheval grinned widely at that.

Acheval - Ah! I'll leave her to you. Lil Bro!

Issei - Um.

Then Acheval left <Stallion> after that.

After a while, Ramius comes back with a middle-aged man, presumably her Dad.

He's a peaceful-looking man in the early end of advanced age.

He's unlike Ramius or Acheval at all, meaning he doesn't look like a fighter.

He has a short bob cut white hair, average face, and he wears what appears to be an apron for man. Like a cleaner outfit, he doesn't look like a Lord of a town at all. (AN: /wiki/Tank_Dreissen?file=Tank-face.png just a minor character, he doesn't even have a full body image so I just made up his clothes)

He introduced himself "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm the lord of Stallion, Tank Dreissen."

Issei who saw him look a bit surprised because Ramius's dad is way different than what he imagined.

Tank - Hahaha, you look surprised that I don't look like a sterner man.

Issei - My apologies.

Tank - It's fine. I married in from another family, so the Dreissen family temperament was inherited by my late wife.

Ramius - But Father, you need to be a bit more assertive or the Dreissens will be looked down upon.

Tank - Hah hah hah, you're harsh, Ramius. Now, Issei was it? I believe you wanted to talk to me.

Issei - Oh, right. Please let me have your daughter's hand in marriage.

Issei bowed his head a bit because he needs to pay respect to Ramius's Father. After all, he's gonna be his dad too.

Tank - ...Hm. Raise your head, Issei-kun.

Then Issei lifted his head and look towards Tank.

Tank - I believe you know, but Ramius is a Knight. She's clearly unlike what you might call a normal person, and lives in a different world from most. Do you accept that?

Issei - I accept. Besides, I'll be a Knight too soon enough.

Tank - She's so unrefined that she can't even clean her own room, is that really okay?

Issei - Yes.

'Hmmm, I feel like I've heard this before...' Issei couldn't help but feeling a Deja Vu after hearing Tank's question.

Tank - She's a woman, yet she has porn- Guh, ugh...

Ramius put her father in a Nelson hold, preventing him from speaking

Ramius - Father. Say no more. Please...

Issei is speechless seeing them like that, no wonder he felt a Deja Vu before... It's the same thing what Acheval said to him a few hours ago...


After Ramius released him, her father determined Issei's intentions, then immediately approved their relationship.

Tank - A-Acheval told me about the second house, I've already done all the paperwork, so you're free to have a look when you wish.

Issei - A-Ah. T-Thank you...

Issei couldn't help become flabbergasted because...

Issei thought 'I can't believe Riche was actually right. He actually cried and thanked me...'

Tank - The house is already furnished, but if you need anything more, feel free to tell me.

Issei - Thank you, but it will be more than enough as it is, I can add more on my own in case I need one.

Tank - Hah hah hah. What a good man. Don't be shy child. After all, we're family now.

Issei - Um. Then, thank you... Father.

Tank, who heard Issei called him 'Father' couldn't help tear up once more and he started thanking Issei once more for marrying Ramius.

Issei can only twitch his face and give a forced smile at that...

Ramius - We-We'll go check the house right now, then. Come, this is no time to sit around and sip tea.

Ramius become embarrassed seeing their interaction so she dragged Issei by his hand and head outside the residence.

At the entrance, Tank smiled while waving his handkerchief towards them like a mom seeing their children off... He even still has some tears in his eyes...

Ramius - It's located right south of Stallion, so it's a convenient location for shopping as well.

Issei couldn't help smile wryly at Ramius action, Ramius hurried Issei to their new home

Issei - No need to rush, the house isn't going anywhere...

But she just ignores Issei because she wants to get out of here quickly out of embarrassment she felt...

-After a while-

Ramius brought Issei to the outskirts of <Stallion> and pointed to a large house near the lake they saw before.

Ramius - This is the Dreissen's second house. Starting today, it's our new home.

Issei - Hmm. So this is gonna be our new house...

Ramius - ...Yes, you could call it... Our l-love nest.

Issei who heard that went wide-eyed for a little then he smirked towards Ramius.

Ramius who saw that become a little bashful

Ramius - W-What?

Issei - Nothing...

Ramius felt a bit fidgety seeing his smirk. Like she just accidentally awaken a sleeping dragon out of its slumber...

Ramius - T-Then the head of the house should be the first to unlock it. Go on, Ise...

Issei - Ah. Got it.

But Issei couldn't fit in the key because he never used this kind of key before.

Issei - Hm? This key doesn't seem to work.

Ramius - It's a magic key. You just put it in and Will the door to open.

*Click* Then the door opened.

Issei - Hm. I see...

Ramius - Magic keys work only for the owner of the house, their family, and the royalty they've pledged loyalty to.

Issei - Royalty? Ah... So that means it's like a statement towards Royalty, such as the king that he's welcome at any time?

Ramius - Correct. I'm a Knight and you're still a soldier so we can't defy the king.

Issei - Hmm... But that seems like it defeats the purpose of a key, don't you think?

Issei doesn't really care if its the king or not, as long he doesn't bother him then he wouldn't care. But if the king somehow pisses him off though... Heh.

Ramius - I wouldn't be too worried. It's purely about the idea. No royalty would actually enter our house.

Issei - 'I feel like someone would do just that soon...'

Ramius - ...For the most part, at least. Anyway, enough about royalty. The door already opened so let's go inside.

Issei - Sure.

When they opened the door, they found an old-fashioned, but artful entrance awaiting them. Ramius main house was more fancy and eastern-influenced, but this house seems more moderate but still very comfortable. To be honest Issei prefers this kind of house rather than the fancy's one.

While Issei went inside to check the house. Ramius uneasily stayed put at the door.

Issei saw her like that and asked "Ramius? What's wrong? Not coming in?"

Ramius fidgety said "I-I've heard that when newlyweds first enter their house, the husband carries the wife in. I-I won't make you do it if you don't want to though...

Issei just smiled at that and went towards her, then he picked her up bridal style.

Ramius - Ah...

Issei - Satisfied?

Issei asked with a gentle smile on his face

Ramius - U-Um...

Then he brings Ramius inside the house while still carrying her...

Then they saw the furnitures in the house, it's all very expensive looking and also very beautiful. It seems Ramius's father really give his all decorating this house.

Issei - Hmm. It's quite big.

Ramius who's still in his hands responds with "I-Is it? I think it's relatively normal."

Issei - Hmm. For you maybe it is indeed normal, but for common people, this is a very big house.

Ramius - Hm, I do think it's average for the houses in this area though... How's your house looks like? The one on the <Fresh Fish Island>.

Issei - Hmmm I live in a twin girl house... Their house is a common wooden house nothing too fancy about it, but I find it comfortable.

Ramius - I-I see... So you live with the twin girls?

Issei - Yeah. They are my fiance too, they treated me when I was injured you see... I don't remember how I get there myself.

Ramius - O-Oh right you said you lost your memory... Y-You said they are your fiance?

Issei - Yeah. I fell in love with them after the time we spent together, they keep taking care of me until I'm fully healed... Well, their names are Kyou and Kinou.

Ramius - I-I see... So the reason you want to become a Knight is to marry them both?

Issei - Well yeah...

Ramius - ...They must be quite the amazing girls, aren't they?

Ramius went silent because of Issei's word, she's afraid he will abandon her when he married that twin. But then he remembered his promise for her, so she shakes off her uneasiness right away.

Issei - Indeed but they are quite weird you see... They told me to become the highest rank of Knights and find new wives along the way you see... At first, I was skeptical thinking I might not find new girls that I could love... But then I was proved wrong.

Issei looked towards Ramius with a smile and Ramius heart thumped loudly because of his gaze. His gazes which always filled with gentleness and love towards her always makes her melt with happiness inside...

There was a painting of a woman in splendorous armor who looked identical to Ramius.

Issei knows that's not Ramius because they have different bearings and most of all her chest is a bit smaller than Ramius's.

Ramius - That painting is a painting of my mother. I didn't realize it was left here. I'll have it sent to Father later.

Issei - You look very alike to your mother.

Ramius - The similarities end there. As a person and a Knight, she was by far the greater woman.

Issei - Don't belittle yourself, Ramius. You're perfect just the way you are. I'm sure you can become even greater than your mom someday. Trust me, I will make it happen.

Ramius - U-Um I believe you...

Issei smiled then asked once more

Issei - So your mom is also a Knight huh. You do mention she gets this house as a reward for her service right?

Ramius - Yes, albeit a woman, Mother was the heir to the Dreissen family, and carried out her role as a Knight. Working her way up to the position of <Zero Knight>

Issei - Hmm. I see she become a <Zero Knight> huh...

Ramius - And you could say I wanted to be a Knight because of my mother too... Her defense of the weak and tireless fighting on the front lines gave me the deepest respect for her.

Issei - So you followed in her footsteps.

Ramius - Yes, I wanted to help the weak and make a peaceful world, much like my mother did. But compared to my brother, I'm easily worked up and frequently shortsighted, I believe... Thinking about it now, the people of Abel's desire to keep their distance from me is understandable.

Issei - They are just idiots, and you did your duty as a Knight just fine.

Ramius - But I realized when I met you that's not enough.

Issei - Hm?

Ramius - I want to protect the weak, but that's the objective. The ultimate ideal, so to speak.

Issei - Then?

Ramius - First, I have to get stronger. To do that, I needed someone who'd support me at my side. The first person I should protect is you, the one who stands with me... Even though you're stronger than me and doesn't need my protection but I still want to help and fight with you, even a little...

Issei - Ramius... Ah. I will leave my back to you. I will count on you for that... And I'm glad I can fight with you too.

Ramius - Un!

Ramius is overjoyed to have Issei's trust in her. Her face smiled joyfully.

Then Issei leaned his head towards Ramius and give her lips a kiss.

Ramius went wide-eyed at first then she reciprocates his kiss soon after...

In the as of yet unfamiliar house. Issei and Ramius learned a bit about each other.

Ramius - U-Um Ise... Come the day you work your way up to the ranks, I, um... Don't object to you having more wives... B-But... Uh, well...

Issei knows what she wants to say so he hugs her tighter in his embrace and said with a smile

Issei - Don't worry. Even if I have more wives I will never forget nor leave you behind, I promised you didn't I?

Ramius - U-Un... Err, in any case... Until you do move up the ranks and have more wives... May I have you to myself?

Ramius asked with her head down and her eyes turned up at Issei. (She's giving Issei the 'puppy' look)

Issei who saw that thought 'C-Cute... Damn it Ramius, you just had to do that...'

Issei felt his libido acting up again after seeing her acting like that and he reflexively holds Ramius tighter in his embrace and just when he's about to kiss her again...

Issei - Ramius...

Ramius - A-Ah... Ise...


There's someone opened the door of their house loudly. And Issei knows well who did it...

Riche - Yahoooo! Huh, so this is your house. Unexpectedly cozy.

Issei - *Sigh*...'She just keeps popping out whenever things gonna get good...'

Ramius - RICHE?!

Riche - Ping Pong~ Correct! Sorry to barge in here, but I got the feeling it would get even harder to make my appearance if I kept waiting. Here, a bouquet to congratulate the move and your marriage.

Issei - Oh... much appreciated

Issei can only put Ramius down from his hold and begrudgingly look at Riche for co*ckblocking him once more with Ramius.

Riche who realized his gaze put a wry smile and sweated a little...

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