The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 37:

Chapter 37:

Issei - Oh... much appreciated

Issei can only put Ramius down from his hold and begrudgingly look at Riche for co*ckblocking him once more with Ramius.

Riche who realized his gaze put a wry smile and sweated a little...

Ramius - No it's not! You were supposed to return to the capital, so why are you here?

Riche - Oh, um... Well, I did. But after I told the Knights what I knew, I had nothing to do, so I came over to visit.

Ramius - ...Is that true?

Riche - Yep, all true. The Knights are already scrambling all over the place.

Ramius - Hrrm...

Issei - *Sigh* Whatever the reason is at least she came to congratulate us...

Ramius - You're too nice, Ise... So what are you really after, Riche?

Riche - Oh wow, you saw right through me.

Ramius - I've known you long enough at this point.

Ramius shrugged, to which Riche shamelessly smiled. Issei's has a tick mark on his head hearing that...

Riche realized Issei's irritation so she knows she better not tease them anymore and tell them the real reason why she came here.

Riche - *G-Gohon* So actually, I came to give Issei an offer.

Issei - What?

Riche - So the thing is you know I'm a princess, because of that I've got the authority to personally appoint a Knight. So I want to offer you that since you want to become a Knight right?

Ramius - If you have a high enough status, like a marquess or greater, you're allowed to appoint them you see.

Riche - So wanna give it a try?

Issei - ...What's the catch?

Riche - Nothing. I've known your strength and your personality so I know you can easily pass the test. If I could I would have already promoted you myself but there are rules so I can't...

Ramius - Umu. Appointments by individuals are special cases but are not exempt from the rules. But indeed with Ise's talent, he can easily become a <Zero Knight> much less a normal Knight. He already defeated my brother you see... Even without breaking a sweat too at that.


Riche becomes wide-eyed knowing Issei able to defeat 1 of the strongest Zero Knight of Eden Kingdom.

She knows Issei is strong but not to this extent...

Issei - Hm? Yeah, I fought him because it's a test from him. He said if I wanted his approval on marrying Ramius I need to fight him, so I did.

Ramius - ...Well, it wasn't really a fight since Ise never launch an attack of his own towards Aniue... Ise only blocks all of Aniue attacks you see...

Riche becomes totally at loss for words... A guy she just met a few days ago already have a strength strong enough to easily defeat a <Zero Knight> without breaking a sweat at that too if she might add.

Knight is a prestigious position, so just becoming one does wonder for your personal record. But if nobles could just appoint unqualified family members, it'd harm the prestige of Knights as a whole.

Like it or not Issei need to take a test that only Soldiers can take to become a Knight.

Now she's really jealous Ramius to have such a perfect husband... Strong, handsome, caring, kind...

Riche - I-I see...

She can only wryly smile once more.

Ramius - Hm... But I'm under the impression the test is over though? Aniue told us stuff happened.

Riche - Yeah, about that. Nobody passed the test, did you know that?

Ramius - Really? I heard we were cutting down on Knights but was the test that difficult?

Riche - So Issei just needs to pass it, then nobody can complain he's not qualified at least. And I'm sure Acheval would vouch for his strength too if it comes to it no? The test should be very easy for Ise anyway.

Ramius - Hrrrm... It is true.

Riche - Anyway, here's a letter of recommendation for you. Take this to a bigshot from the Knights in the capital. Let's see... Barro should be good. Hand it to him, then he should oversee your test.

Issei - Barro? Is it that Barro Roan. The one that Acheval-nii said?

Ramius - Umu. Like my brother, he's one of our three Zero Knights.

Issei - Hmm, I see. Another <Zero Knight> huh...

Ramius - He's certainly skilled, and he's highly popular. Your test could be managed by no better person that I can think of.

Riche - Hmmm, well... Probably, I guess...

There's a reason why Riche feels unsure about Barro you see... But that's shall be revealed in the future. He's not a bad person if anything he's indeed a great person, but it's just that...

Issei - Fine. Then let's go, Ramius.

Ramius - What, already?! It's so sudden, I, but...

Riche - Oh my~ want Ise to yourself that much, Ramius?

Ramius - Wha?! Th-That's not true. I'm just surprised by the abruptness of it all.

Riche - Then get going. I'm tired, so I'll rest in this house for a bit if that's okay.

Issei - Just remember to lock the door.

Riche - Okay~

Ramius - Riche, just what are you planning?

Riche - Just think of it as a rich girl entertaining herself for now. Oh, you get to the capital by going around the mountains and heading straight west.

Ramius - I know that...

Riche - Well, just in case you forgot.

Ramius - My memory is not that bad you know... But fine, let's go Ise.

Issei - Ah.

Then Ramius headed outside first while Issei stays behind for a second.

Issei - Thank you, Riche.

Riche - Eh? Ah, no problem.

Issei - I know you're at your limit so go ahead take plenty of rest, you can use the bed if you want.

Riche - E-Eh... So you can tell huh...

Issei - Who do you think I am? I can tell miles away that you're exhausted right now. So go ahead and take a rest, you idiot.

Riche - Ehehehe~ Thank you for the offer. Then excuse me, I'm just gonna use the sofa.

Then she plopped on the sofa right away.

Issei - *Sigh* What a reckless princess... Then I'm going, take care of yourself. Got it?

Riche - Haiiii~ See you later.

Then with that Issei walk out to meet up with Ramius...

Riche - Haah... Guess I can't do this by myself. Ise... Hope you make it in time.

She's happy that Issei is concerned for her.

The conversation Riche overheard between Issei and Ramius ran through her head.

Riche - Someone by your side huh... Ise...

Riche whispered before she finally began to lightly snore.


During the way to the capital, Issei and Ramius came across a flower field, there's some weird Big eyeball like plant at the middle of the field though.

But they both ignored it and just enjoy the sceneries, by the cliff they saw a particularly white, shining flower.

It is a very beautiful flower.

Ramius - It's said if you're sent one of these flowers, you'll find happiness. It's also known for being Eden's National flower

Issei - Hmm. I see...

Issei felt like he has seen a flower like this before, if he's not wrong it looks like just the flower on Riche's hair.

Then Issei proceeded to pick it up and put it on Ramius's hair.

Ramius is surprised by Issei's sudden action.

Ramius - I-Ise?

Issei - Hmm. Beautiful...

Ramius - ?! U-Uuuuu... T-Thank you...

Issei smiled seeing her reaction and that flower truly fits her well, while Ramius face went deep red because of the shyness and happiness she felt right now.

Along the way, Ramius keep touching the flower on her head and Issei just smiled at that.

So after a while, they proceeded to head towards the capital.

They met an adventurer along the way.

Man - Oh, are you two newlyweds? There are lots of monsters around here, so be careful.

Ramius - N-Newlyweds?!

Man - Huh? Am I wrong?

Ramius - Eh, Oh, no. Sorry... I was just a bit touched... So even a crude woman like me can appear that way...

Issei - Crude... I think anyone would think you're cute, Ramius. Especially me... I've told you didn't I?

Ramius - U-Un... Thank you. I know you feel that way about me. But I'm sure nobody else does.

Issei - They are just blinds.

Ramius - Fufu. Make no mistake, it's not much of a concern to me. I'd be lying to say it never bothered me before, but it's fine now... Because even if it's just one person, I have you to tell me I'm cute, don't I?

Ramius smiled when he heard Issei's words but then her face went mellow right after, Issei who saw her smile felt like an arrow just went straight through his heart.

Issei - R-Ramius...

Ramius - Ise...

Their hearts raced as they stared at each other with moist eyes.

Man - (What a couple of lovebirds...)

The Man is happy seeing their interactions. They reminded him of his late wife...

After that Issei and Ramius were wandering the field when without warning. Their vision was clouded with white.

Ramius - Is this... Fog?

What shrouded them was fog so thick they couldn't see their own feet.

Issei - It was sunny just a second ago... This fog is unnatural...

Ramius - ...Th, Th-Th-Th-This is... Th-The Fog Labyrinth... Possibly.

Issei - Fog labyrinth?

Ramius - A mysterious phenomenon that occurs around the Kingdom of Eden.

Issei - So nobody knows what causes it?

Ramius - Right. Many randomly find themselves lost and pass out looking for the exit, I heard...

Issei - Hmm...

Issei looked back where they came from, but the path was already covered in the fog too.

His dragon's eye can't really help that much because this is not a normal fog.

Issei - All we can do is proceed carefully and search for the way out I guess...

Issei isn't too concerned because he could feel something at the center of this fog, and he can easily find it.

Ramius - Y-Yes... It would be best to hurry. U-Uh, also...

Issei - Hm?

Ramius - J-Just to make certain we don't get separated, I-I think we should hold hands...

Issei saw that Ramius acting a bit fidgety more than usual and her body is trembling a little bit, then he realized she must be afraid.

So he smiled at her and said

Issei - You can come closer if you're afraid, Ramius.

Ramius - I-I-I'm not afraid! I-It's just that...

Her eyes teared up because she got found out but then she felt Issei's hand on her head.

Issei - It's fine. I'll protect you.

Ramius who heard that finally relented...

Ramius - U-Un...

Then she comes closer to Issei side and holds his arm with both of her hands.


Issei felt something soft on his arm... 'Guh! I forgot about this...' Issei just took a deep breath to calm himself and then he started walking towards the center.

There's a bunch of Ghost monster along the way but they all died just from Issei's <Aura> alone whenever they tried to get close. (AN: The ghost monster is not exactly a ghost. It's kinda like ghost type pokemon)

Ramius still felt a bit scared along the way but not by that much anymore. She flinches every time there's a sudden ghastly voice in the distance, because of that she keeps holding Issei's arm even tighter every time that happens.

And Issei has to keep calm himself down because he can feel Ramius breast pressing against his arm whenever this happened...

After a while, they finally reached the center of the Labyrinth, and at the center of it. There's a ghost there...

??? - Ooh... Ooooo...

Ramius - I-Ise... I hear a crying sound.

Issei - Ah... It's from that ghost.

Ramius - G-G-Ghost?! W-Where!?

Issei - There.

Ramius is a bit pale hearing a ghost, but she steeled her self because she doesn't want to become Issei's burden.

Then she looked towards where Issei pointed and she could see a bit of shadowy figure...

So they slowly advanced at its direction.

It's a ghost girl, she has a short brown hair that reaches her neck with a white ribbon on her head, she wears what appears to be a white shirt and green sleeveless vest and a short brown skirt. Her eyes are green colored but it doesn't have any focus inside it because she's a ghost. They can't see its legs clearly because it's seen through and covered by what appears to be a white fog. (AN: /wiki/Tilt?file=Tilt-portrait.png Her picture in case you want to see.)

Ghost - Oooh... Hic, waaaah...

Ramius - Wh-What should we do? She's likely creating the labyrinth. Should we attack?

Issei - I don't feel any ill intent coming from her... So let's wait a bit.

Issei never felt a soul this attached to the world of the living, so he can't really make it pass on like he used to do on those souls he met before.

Ghost - ...Oooh, where... Where is it?

Issei - 'Is she looking for something?'

Ghost - I can't find it... Uhn, hic...

Issei - ...Are you searching for something?

Ramius - H-Hey! Don't just talk to her!

Issei - It's fine. She's harmless.

Ramius - B-But still...

Ghost - A flower... I'm searching for a flower...


Issei - A flower? What kind?

Ghost - I want to give it to... It's for making people happy... Where is it?

Issei and Ramius know what flower she's searching for...

Then the ghost noticed the flower on Ramius's head.

Ghost - Yes, that's it... I want that flower...

Ramius is a bit hesitant. Because this flower is given by Issei.

And Issei won't force her to hand over the flower to the ghost if she doesn't want to. He would rather destroy this ghost soul rather than forcing Ramius to give it to the ghost against her wish.

Issei - Sorry. But that flower is-

Just when Issei wanted to deny the ghost request Ramius cut his words

Ramius - No. It's fine Ise... It's just a flower anyway. If by giving her this flower enable her to pass on, then I don't see why not we shouldn't give it to her... After all, this is a flower that makes people happy. And I'm already happy just by having you by my side.

Ramius smiled at Issei lovingly and she takes the flower off from her hair...

Issei at first become surprised she would give it away because he knows she likes that flower very much, but after hearing the rest of her words he also smiled and stares at Ramius lovingly in return.

Issei - I see... If that's what you want then go ahead, I will find another flower for you later.

Ramius - Un.

Then Ramius looked towards the ghost and said

Ramius - O-Okay, you can have it.

Then she offers the flower to the ghost even though she's still a bit afraid...

Ghost - ...Are you sure?

Ramius silently nodded. The ghost girl was unsure of herself but timidly took it.

Ghost - Thank you... Now... I can be happy too...

Ramius - Ah...

The ghost girl vanished like a mirage, along with the rest of the Fog Labyrinth.

Next thing they knew, the surrounding mist cleared away. Issei and Ramius felt the calm Eden wind on their skin.

Ramius - That ghost seemed happy.

Issei - Um. And it's all thanks to you.

Ramius - I-I didn't do much...

Issei just smiled at her while she's acting bashful for being praised.

Where the Fog Labyrinth had been, there was in its place a beautiful expanse of sunny sky.

There's a bunch of caravan and people who were waiting for the fog to clear up on the other side, when they saw the fog cleared up they saw Issei and Ramius.

They thanked Issei and Ramius for clearing the fog so they are able to pass safely. Issei told them it's all thanks to Ramius, so they thanked her profusely and Ramius is a bit flustered because there's suddenly there are so many people thanking her at once.

Issei just smiled looking at her being all flustered like that at the sidelines.

After they are done thanking Ramius and Issei they rode off in their cow carriages and went on with their journey.

Ramius - I-I've never been thanked by so many people before... So I'm pretty embarrassed about it.

Issei - I see... But it feels nice right?

Ramius - U-Un...

Then they walked down the now fogless road to the capital.

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