The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 46:

Chapter 46:

Gurigura - Issei-nii, there's enemies!

Issei - Ah.

Riche - Again? There are monsters everywhere!

Gurigura - Are you tired, Riche-nee? You can ride on my back if you wanna.

Riche - Ugh, t-that's okay! Don't look away! Focus on the enemy!

Gurigura - Okay, I can do that!

Ramius - Just try us! We can take you on!

They have been fighting monsters ever since they arrive at the ruins. But this is what they need, more experience.

And Issei always keeps an eye on them in case something goes awry.

And they all know that so they feel safe knowing he got their back. It's complete trust with each other, even Gurigura trusted Issei that much to let him watch her back.

Tio who saw all that thought it must be Issei's certain charisma at work here. She thought how good will it be if he becomes the president instead of her and she can become his secretary...

After a while, they're finished killing the monsters.

Issei - Great job girls.

Ramius - Un. Having any issues, Gurigura? If you're finding it hard to move, I can slow down for you.

Gurigura - Nope, I'm fine. But you're pretty tough, Ramius-nee.

Ramius - Yes, I can block just about any attack.

Gurigura - ...

Ramius - What is it?

Gurigura - Yep, you must be tough cause your boobs are so big, maybe.

Ramius - THAT'S RIGHT!

Riche - Well, all that fat might help stop a fatal wound.

Gurigura - ...

Riche - Wh-What? Why are you ogling my chest now?

Gurigura - It would be fatal for us, so we need to be careful.

Riche - D-Don't pair us together! I could stop a mildly fatal attack.

Issei is speechless with their conversation, boobs can stop attacks? He knows boobs can give him power before but this is something else...

Gurigura - I-I'm sorry... Eheh.

Riche - Geez... Why are you laughing?

Gurigura - '...I dunno why. I'm nervous about this being my first time in a party, but I'm having lots of fun...' Oh! Hold on! Don't move, Tio-nee!

Tio - Huh? Is something the matter?

Gurigura stopped Tio, proceeded past her, and carefully scanned the ground.

Gurigura - I knew it. There are traps.

Gurigura pointed to a deep pitfall hidden by rubble.

Issei - Good job noticing that Gurigura.

Issei knew there's a trap because of his <Observation Haki>. He would be fine but not the others. So he thought he will see if Gurigura can spot this trap or not and she apparently can.

Gurigura - Eheh. I bet Issei-nii would already notice that before me so it's nothing much.

Issei doesn't deny her claim and just pat her head gently.

Gurigura - Ehehe~

Tio - A pitfall? That's strange. There's never been anything like that around here before.

Issei - Yeah, this is brand new. Those guys did it.

Then Issei pointed behind a building.

Mean Hanny - Haniho! Dang, they found it.

Crafty Hanny - And we bothered digging it so deep they couldn't get out, too!

Mean Hanny - I was looking forward to throwing rocks in and filling it with water and stuff!

Riche - You Hannies sicken me!

Crafty Hanny - Grrr, like you're one to talk, hoomans!

Mean Hanny - We'll throw you in the pitfall by force!

Their feelings hurt, the hannies all readied their weapons and attacked at once.

But they broke to pieces in no time.

Tio - Good work, everyone. This is the Outlaws camp.

When they neared the lines of tents making up the Outlaw hideout, its inhabitants all looked to the party at once.

Girl 1 - Oh, Tio! Tio's back!

Girl 2 - Welcome back, Tio!

It was all women or children who hardly looked as though they could fight instead of some thugs Outlaws.

Issei - Hmm. So this is the Outlaws camp the King send funds to.

Tio - Yes. This camp is for women who were assaulted and forced to become Outlaws against their will.

On a closer look, the women's fingers were adorned with black rings that faintly glowed.

Riche - Oh, so this is where the women who become Outlaws are brought.

Tio - Yes, the King of Eden offers a safe place to victims with nowhere else to turn.

Issei - Makes sense to put it in the ruins. Nobody would ever come here.

Chubby Woman - Are you King Louin's messengers?

Tio - She's the one who runs the camp. Issei, give it to her.

Issei - Sure.

Issei handed the bag of money he had received from Louin over to the woman.

Chubby Woman - Thanks. Now we won't have to worry about food for a while longer.

Issei - It was nothing...

??? - Oh! Is that you, Issei-san?!

Issei - Huh, Colpis?

Colpis - Ah, Lady Ramius...

Colpis was excited to see Issei again, but when she noticed Ramius behind him, her expression darkened.

Colpis - Lady Ramius... I-I'm sorry, I was so terrified... What I did was awful.

Ramius - Don't worry about it. It's in the past now.

Colpis - But... You saved my life, and I injected you with Adan's Blood...

Ramius - As I said, I really don't mind. Th-The results weren't so bad for me, so could say, uh...

Riche - You could say you were like Cupid!

Ramius - R-Riche?!

Issei - I was worried about what happened to you, but it looks like you're living somewhere safe.

Colpis - Yes. When I came to last time I feel bad for what I've done to Lady Ramius... And I can't trust Ginyu any longer either... So I decided to ask the Knights to bring me where the Outlaws are taken to redeem myself but here I am now... When I found out what this place is I'm pretty surprised but I decided to help the peoples here. I thought I was the unfortunate one but apparently, there's someone else more unfortunate than I am... Oh, are you delivering funds from the king?

Issei - Yeah.

Colpis - Thank you. We try to manage on our own, but being unable to make anything yourself is harsher than you can imagine.

Chubby Woman - Yeah, without any financial support, we can't even put food on our plates.

Issei - I see. So the King is helping you all.

Riche - Mhm, Father wouldn't do something like funding an Outlaws organization without a reason for it.

Issei - I know.

Ramius - I'm sure he ordered you not to talk so he could test how tight you could keep your lips.

Issei - But it seems he already knows that I can guess his intention by giving me that test from our conversation before. So he thought might as well make me do this job as a pretense for having me promoted. And I noticed how Eden's spies have been snooping on us just to make sure. Well since they don't have any ill intent towards us I just let them be.

Ramius - Ah. Indeed.

Riche - Un. I agree.

Issei - Sadly he couldn't give these girls a better place to live because of public insecurities towards Outlaws huh...

Chubby Woman - Can't ask for too much. Just for the fact that we're Outlaws means most people won't accept us.

Colpis - That's right, just having a place to live and money to live off of is much better than the alternative.

Tio - Palomides and I want to help women like this too, but we're only able to do so in secret.

Issei - I see... Well, I'll do something later on about this...

Issei thought of something he might be able to do for these girls later on.

Tio - For now, I'll go around and ask if anyone needs anything.

Tio began walking through the camp and talking to many of the women she passed.

Ramius - I get it, so Tio's arguing against the destruction of the ruins in order to protect this camp.

Issei - Ah. 'And Rochefort gonna use this against her and the King I bet...'

Colpis - She's very devoted to helping us. I believe her younger sister committed suicide after she was assaulted by Outlaws...

Riche - Her sister... That's very sad to hear.

Colpis - All I did was cry at first, but Tio consoled me and then I decided to help all of them here.

Issei - Yeah... I'm sure you'll be able to do anything you set your mind to, Colpis.

Colpis - Thank You!

Issei - Now excuse me, I need to talk with Tio.

Issei meets Tio and she knows why he came to her. So she leads Issei to a secluded area and they have a talk together.

She told Issei how Rochefort comes to her with an offer... She must betray Issei and his wives. If she successfully finishes her job then she will have Rochefort total support to become the new president. And he informs her of the plans where he will contact Dark Night Kitty to lead them to the water purification plant and poison them to death there while also eliminating Bors in the process.

So that means she will automatically become the President once the plans succeeded.

Tio - ...I'm sorry... But I had no other choice... If not then all these girls will be in danger...

Issei - ...Why are you seems so persistent protecting all these girls?

Tio - ...It's because of my sister... My sister becomes an Outlaw because she got assaulted by that scum! And she lost her life because of it...

Tilt was a young woman, presumably living in the Republic of Lancelot when she was raped by a married man, causing her to become an Outlaw herself under the rules of Mother Eve's blessing. As she had not become an Outlaw of her own free will, knights (presumably knights of Lancelot) took her away to resettle in the hidden Outlaw colony in the ruins of Arthur. This led her sister, Tio, to become a volunteer at the colony, but her support was not enough. Tilt never seemed to recover from her trauma, and one day fled the colony in hopes of finding a Happiness Flower from the Kingdom of Eden. She was killed by monsters on the road.

Tio - ...From that day onwards I swore to redeem myself by protecting all these girls in the camp... You can deal with me however you want but please don't let anything happen to these girls... I don't want the tragedy that happens to my sister happen again... Please...

Tio cries while begging Issei. And Issei who saw that was silent at first then he steps forward to hug Tio.

Issei - It's fine. I don't blame you. If you've done all that for your personal gains then sure I will judge you, but you did all this to protect those girls...And I'm here to help you... We all are here... So rely on us more... Right girls?

Riche and Ramius at some point are standing behind Issei and they both nodded at Issei's word. Tio cried even more seeing all that, and she hugs Issei back and put her face in his chest while crying silently because she doesn't want any of those girls to hear her cry.

She was so tired with all of these... She never really wanted to become a president if not for the incident with the ruins involved. She just wants to live a peaceful life with her sister but fate doesn't allow it.

After a while, she finished crying and becomes embarrassed for making Issei's clothes wet with her tears. She apologized once more...

After that, they come up with a plan to counter Rochefort's plan...

Gurigura is not with them because she's told to help the girls at the camp. After they're done coming up with a plan they meet up with Gurigura once more.


*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

Gurigura - Oh, it's my transmitter.

Gurigura noticed her transmitter ringing and frantically pulled it out of her pocket.

Gurigura - Hello, this is Gurigura. Huh?! Oh no... Yes, understood.

Riche - What is it? Did your master tell you something?

Gurigura - The president... Bors is ordering Outlaws to attack cities.

Riche - Yet another random development. That's kinda hard to believe.

Gurigura - According to Master, Bors is the one who's been hiring them, and they're hiding in the water purification plant.

Tio - I knew it. Bors is behind everything. The sudden increase in the number of Outlaws must be because Bors invited them here to help him get elected. Now that I'm catching up, he's panicking and having them attack cities so he can push for their eradication and get more votes on his side.

Riche - So what's your master want you to do?

Gurigura - He told me to do my part as a Knight and go beat evil, of course. So I'll be going after them.

Issei - Then we'll go too.

Gurigura - Huh? But it's got nothing to do with you.

Issei - Don't be like that. We're a team.

Gurigura - A team?

Issei - Um. Are you two okay with that?

Ramius - Of course, I couldn't send Gurigura off to the villain's hideout all by herself.

Riche - Either way, we've gotta see if those Outlaws are connected to <Snake Crest>.

Gurigura - Ramius-nee... and Riche-nee, too...

Issei - That'll mean leaving you behind, though, Tio.

Tio - No need to worry about me. Palomides should be here soon, so I'll return to Lancelot with him.

Issei - Ah. We'll see you later. And I hope you win the election.

Tio - Thank you. I promise I'll win, for the sake of protecting these girls.

Colpis - Issei-san, be careful!

Issei - Ah, I will. See you later.

To stop Bors's plan and Rochefort's to attack towns using the Outlaws, the party headed for the purification plant at Lake Guinevere.

-At Water Purification Plant-

Guard 1 - What might you be doing here? This is an important facility belonging to the Republic of Lancelot. No visiting allowed.

Guard 2 - Civilians aren't permitted to enter. Just authorized personnel or mercenaries like us who were hired through the guild.

Issei - Oh, sorry. We're just curious about something you see.

Riche - Um, I heard President Bors was visiting this plant. Do you know anything about that?

Guard 2 - Th-The president wouldn't come here without any prior notice.

Guard 1 - This is an important public facility, I'll have you know. Please don't make baseless claims like that.

Guard 2 - Are you not tourists? Do anything too shady and we'll have to call the Knights.

Issei - Oh, sorry about that.

Then Issei calmly grabbed one of the guard hands, and before they even realize it Issei already took off their gloves and there's a black ring on his hand.

Guard 1&2 - Wha-?!

After confirming his suspicion Issei punched both guards in the guts and make them faint. And the 2nd guard also has a black ring on his hand.

Ramius - A black ring... These aren't guards... They're Outlaws.

Gurigura - Master also said there's no regular staff at the facility.

Riche - I'd figure if they're even out here at the entrance. This whole place must be a hive of Outlaws.

Ramius - Makes the idea that he's ordering them to attack more believable.

Issei - Ah. Let's go catch Bors.

The party snuck into the water purification plant and proceeded through the dim hallway.

Along the way, they found a bunch of Outlaws and that confirm their suspicion even more. There's also traps scattered around but Gurigura found them all.

They saw the purifying machine which turns the sea water from Lake Guinevere into fresh water.

But something smells rotten which caught Issei's nose. And the sea water has a strange color, it's not colored blue but more like muddy green water.

Gurigura - Huh? What's this?

Ramius - You found something, Gurigura?

By hitting the wall with the claws of her glove, she found a small hole.

Riche - Maybe it's like a hidden safe, what's in there?

Issei - Looks like a report on the purifier.

"Began an investigation due to perceived abnormalities. We've found that the time required to purify water has risen higher than expected. The cause is unknown. It's possible the purifier is degrading. Any abnormalities in the purifier are a threat to the Republic of Lancelot. We will undertake further investigations.


The sea water is getting polluted. Why could that be?"

Riche - What could this be? Now I'm curious. Gurigura, is anything else in there?

Gurigura - Nope, doesn't look like it. If I find anything else, I'll tell you.

Riche - I'd like to check out the purifier a little more, but we need to do something about the president first.

Issei - Ah. Let's keep going.

The party left the loudly operating purifier behind and proceeded deeper into the plant.

They found a second purifier but it turns out to be a fake. It's hollow inside and appears to be only a painted wooden machine.

Gurigura - Hey, I found another hidden safe.

Gurigura removed the false part of the wall and took out a bundle of papers.

Issei - Another report?

"Lake Guinevere's pollution problem is becoming severe. The increased purification time is most likely a result of the polluted sea water. As a countermeasure, we'll build more purifiers. We've only prepared locations to set them up thus far. Unfortunately, even a technologically gifted race like the Poppins seem to need some time to get a full grasp of the purifiers workings. Based on our estimates, it will cost half of the national budget. But in heeding Lancelot's warning, our country has a budget saved up for just such an occasion such as this, so that shouldn't pose any problem. However, our investigations have found that the Witches of the Round Table who created the purifiers were in possession of knowledge beyond our own."

Riche - I see. One of the new purifiers must've been meant to go here. But the president must be hiding something... Perhaps it's a funds embezzlement.

Issei - Indeed... Gurigura, if you find anything else, tell us.

Gurigura - Okay, I'll do my best.

The party decided to proceed deeper into the facility.

They found another fake purifier along the way. A pamphlet was lying there on the dusty, seemingly long-untouched floor.

There's a picture of this place in it. It says the brand-new third purifier is operational.

Ramius - They must have set up these fakes just to take those pictures.

Riche - I wonder how much tax money was wasted on these pamphlets.

Gurigura - Hey, found another one.

Issei - Thanks. You're good at finding this stuff.

Gurigura - The Academy trained me to be. If I couldn't find hidden traps, I wouldn't get to eat, so that helped me learn fast.

Issei - ...I see.

Issei gently rubbed Gurigura on the head, then looked over the new report.

"Lake Guinevere has started to generate poison. Rot poison... One of the more powerful naturally-occurring ones. Further, we have also discovered the cause. The ocean is constantly stirred by currents, but no such current exists in the man-made Lake Guinevere. All that sea water sits in one spot under the warm sun until it gradually decays. This poison is the result of us tampering with nature. Without more purifiers, many will likely suffer from the poison. But we haven't gotten a positive response from the president. Government action is taking longer than it should."

Riche - ...So the poison gas is seriously coming from Lake Guinevere... Uh, I feel kinda dizzy.

Ramius - Hrm, so that wasn't my imagination. I've actually been feeling... ill.

Gurigura - Ah! This is poison! It's probably leaking in from somewhere.

Issei - Let's hurry, in the meanwhile here split this antidote between the 3 of you. We'll keep the other 3 antidotes just in case.

Gurigura - But what about you Issei-nii?

Issei - I'll be fine, poison doesn't work on me.

Gurigura - Oh, I see.

Then Ramius, Riche and Gurigura split the antidote between themselves. And they indeed feeling better already.

They found a room with a weird contraption. What appears to be used for transporting water. The smell's even worse in here.

Gurigura - Yep, found another hiding place.

Ramius - In the ceiling this time? We would've missed that if not for you, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Eheh!

Issei - Let's see...

"I've done what I could to prevent the poison gas from blowing into the cities, but my time is almost up. My investigation has even unraveled the history of this nation, but it was highly difficult with many of my documents disposed of. King Arthur rejected Lancelot for tampering with nature, likely because he foresaw this very phenomenon. Then why did Lancelot go against King Arthur's wishes and push the idea through anyway? Because even then, this country lacked water. Rather than think about the far future, they had to choose what would make life easiest then... But there is hope. Records show that King Arthur had the Witches of the Round Table develop a device that works on the poison gas. King Arthur... What a generous man he was. Lancelot acted against King Arthur, yet the latter still devoted himself to helping his old friend. Truly, he's worthy of being called a great hero. The device is... ct... ish..."

Issei - He must have started running out of ink at the end. I can't read this.

Riche - I do wonder what it said, but we're in a hurry. Can't loiter around here, or we'll inhale the gas.

Issei - Got it.

The party was curious about the odd device but decided to move on.

They found a third fake purifier but there are no hidden documents hidden near it. Just a delivery menu... Probably from the Outlaws.

A little further ahead they found a locked iron door. There's a note says "Storage room - No entry" on it.

Riche - Storage room? They've even got this heavy padlock on it. What could they possibly be storing?

Gurigura - Issei-nii, I can smell a little bit of poison gas past this door.

Issei - Ah. I can smell it too...

Ramius - Should we kick it down?

Riche - That'd be way too loud, and they'd find and surround us immediately. We'll be fine but Bors might escape.

Gurigura - Issei-nii, this lock's nothing I can't pick.

Issei - Oh? Could you do that, then?

Gurigura - Okay.

Gurigura took out a needle, stuck it in the lock, and started digging it around in what appeared to be a completely random manner.


Gurigura - There, open!

Issei - Good job, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Ehehe.

Riche - I'd heard rumors, but Rangers sure excel at picking locks.

Ramius - Hm, you could find all the hidden porn you wanted.

Issei - ...Why porn?

The party put their hands on the heavy door and carefully pushed it open.

Gurigura - Ugh, it stinks...

Issei - Ah...

The party held their breath as they slowly proceeded through the poison gas-filled room.

Ramius - Look at all these barrels... Were they planning a wine party?

Gurigura - Issei-nii, I smell poison gas leaking from all these barrels.

Issei - Yeah...

Ramius - So do all these barrels contain poison gas?

Riche - Cough, cough, Ise. We can't stay here too long or it'll be hazardous.

Issei - You guys can wait outside. I see something back there.

Riche - No it's fine we can hold it for another minute.

Issei - Just be sure to be careful...

They found a corpse surrounded by snack crumbs. He was probably slacking off here and ended up killed by the gas.

Gurigura - Oh, there's another hidden safe over there!

Issei - Gurigura?!

Before Issei could stop her, Gurigura went ahead and took the documents out of the safe, then came back.

Gurigura - Here you go.

Issei - ...Don't go off and do dangerous things like that. Don't you know we all worry about you?

Gurigura - ...You do?

Issei - Obviously.

Gurigura - ...Eheheh, thanks. But that's okay, I'm a teensy bit resistant to poison.

Riche - Huh? That's possible? Ise is one thing but you?

Gurigura - My teacher at the academy knew lots about poison. He trained us to raise our resistance and stuff.

Ramius - Resistance to poison... I've heard that training was so severe that many lost their lives to it, though.

Issei - ...Gurigura. When you're with us, never do anything so stupid.

Gurigura - Huh?... Okay.

Ramius - So, what does the document Gurigura put herself in danger to get say?

Issei - Um...

"This plant is dangerous. The poison has even affected me. I doubt I have much time to live. I heard they've circumvented fixing it by getting new staff who don't fear death, but they clearly couldn't be upstanding people. They may be Outl- Excuse me, nevermind that. Some of my investigation reports have disappeared. They must be disadvantageous to someone. I've hidden a few other reports in this plant. Now I pray they're found by someone who cares... My vision is foggy and I can barely move... It seems my time has come."

Issei - ...

Riche - This investigator guy risked his life to try and tell us this stuff...

Ramius - I don't know who he was, but may he rest in peace...


I wish I could have lived longer. I'm still only 145 years old..."

Issei - ...You lived long enough!

Riche - ...From the last part, I get the feeling he died of old age more than the poison.

Ramius - ...Well, either way, he helped us. Let's be thankful and move on.

The party put away the report and decided to head yet deeper into the plant.

Riche - Ne, Ise. Mind if I give you my theory?

Issei - I'd love to hear it, actually.

Riche - So it sounds like the Republic of Lancelot's poison gas is being naturally generated by the lake, meaning it's not like the Outlaws are spreading it around themselves... And the president used the funds that were saved for the plant for his own personal gain.

Issei - Then, to keep anyone from finding out, he set up fake purifiers in here and tricked everyone. But he'd only be able to do that as long as he's president.

Ramius - That'd be why Bors has to win the election no matter what.

Riche - So Bors hired Outlaws to terrorize the public in hopes it'd get them to vote for him. By proclaiming that the ruins of Arthur are the threat, he could declare a fake reconstruction project and use that to get the funds he needs for the plant.

Issei - But Tio's gotten more support than he was expecting.

Riche - So now he's going even further by using Outlaws to attack towns.

Ramius - What a farce. The public won't stand for this.

Issei - Well, I doubt even the president was able to hire Outlaws himself. He must know someone connected to them... Which is <Snake Crest>.

Riche - Ah...

Gurigura - We're almost to the plant's control room. Master said the president's in there.

Ramius - Alright, then let's arrest him fast. The fake purifiers are undeniable proof of his crimes.

Riche - Okay...'Heh, Rochefort's is making sure we go inside the room huh... Well, we already come up with a plan so it's fine.'

Gurigura - No evildoer can go unpunished. When I beat the president, everyone will know I'm an awesome Knight.

Issei - You're already an awesome Knight, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Eheh, thanks.

Ramius - We can talk later. I sense a powerful opponent past here.

Issei - Ah. Be careful, everyone.

The party proceeded to the control room where the president was.

Bors can be heard shouting at the thug Outlaws. Saying how useless they can be for not being able to attack the town right away. And he's wondering why all these poison barrels are inside this room.

Then he decided to attack <Pankarch> because that's where Tio's support is the highest.

Outlaw 1 - Boss, are we attacking <Pankarch> then?

Bors - That's right! Slaughter them! Women, children, everyone! Teach the worlds to fear Outlaws.

Outlaw 2 - Heh heh heh. Gotcha, Boss!

Bors - I'm not your boss. I'm the president!


Gurigura - We heard everything! President Bors, you're a criminal!

Bors - Wha?! Who are you people?!

Riche - Attack <Pankarch>? How can a president value people's lives so little?!

Bors - Gh... Attack? Wh-What are you talking about?

Gurigura - Don't try to make excuses. I recorded the whole conversation on my magic transmitter.

Riche - Wow, that's the latest model! Awesome. I wanted one of those.

Ramius - You just bought an expensive betabeta stone player, Riche.

Issei - ...This isn't the time, you two...

Bors - Gnnngh... How did you know I was here in the first place?

Gurigura - We don't need to answer to evil!

Bors - I see... Then let's see if I can't force it out of you. Your time to shine, Rangers!

At Bors's call, several men appeared out of nowhere.

Issei - Finally come out huh.

Ramius - I'd been sensing some unrestrained bloodlust. It must have been from them.

Gurigura - They were hiding above the ceiling... Only Rangers like me could do that.

But the men continued to rigidly stand, occasionally swaying back and forth as they watched the party.

Riche - They're kinda creepy.

Bors - I order you to kill them! If you want your Adan's Blood, then work for it!

The men reacted to the mention of Adan's Blood, drew their weapons, and laughed maniacally.

Issei - Adan's Blood addicts?

Ramius - Already in the late stages, it looks like. They can't live without Adan's Blood anymore.

Bors - Yes, I bought them from a certain academy. They were quite a bargain.

Gurigura - Huh?! People from the Academy? Why?

Bors - They were well-trained but unwanted, I believe. Plenty was left unsold at a discount price. Well, intelligent servants are hard to use, so I did have to destroy their minds with Adan's Blood as well.

Issei - ...

Bors - Now go attack them!

The mindless Rangers roared as they attacked. But they both instantly defeated by Issei with just one punch each, Issei destroyed their heart with his <Ougi> to keep their body intact.

Issei - May you rest in peace.

Then both Ranger's bodies dropped down on the ground lifelessly.

Bors - Wh-What?!

Gurigura - 'Issei-nii is really strong... If he was seriously fighting me back then. I would be at their situation right now. Defeated in one hit...'

Gurigura couldn't help become awed even more at the display of Issei's strength.

The defeat of his Rangers left Bors pale, but he still had the composure to insult them.

Riche - You disgust me.

Bors - Hah! I-I've got it... You've proven to be so talented that I'm willing to let you serve me! With my authority as the president. I can make you wealthy for the rest of your lives!

Ramius - That money isn't yours to use. It's the people of Lancelot's.

Bors - Gh, no government exists without some corruption! It's not just me, there was the last president and the one before him... They've all been corrupt! (AN: Just like in real life, right bois?)

Gurigura - That's enough of that. President Bors, for the sake of the people, I pass judgment upon you!

Bors - Wha? Judgment? Wait, are you... Kitty?! Wh-What is the meaning of this?!

Upon the realization that Gurigura was Dark Night Kitty, Bors frantically turned on his magic transmitter.

Bors - Hey, why's Kitty attacking me?! What's this about?! You betrayed me, Rochefort!

Issei sense a presence coming from behind then they closed the door to this room. Then he signaled Riche and Ramius to prepare the recording.

They both nodded and decided to play along.

*Bang!* *Slam!*

Issei - The door has been locked!

Riche - Gh, there's no use... It won't open! Looks like we're locked in!

Rochefort - So, you caught the president... Good work, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Master!

Riche - That voice... Rochefort! You're Gurigura's master?!

There's a voice coming out from Bors transmitter device.

Rochefort - Did you make some nice new friends?

Gurigura - Yeah, they said I could be their friend. Then we got to fight together.

Rochefort - The princess is driven solely by emotion, so I had a feeling she'd cooperate with you.

Riche - What are you plotting?

Rochefort - I have plans to obtain a country of my own, so I'm doing away with a meddlesome princess and some now useless pawns.

Gurigura - ...Huh? Useless? Master... What are you talking about?

Rochefort - Master? The idea that filthy waste like you ever served me makes my stomach churn.

Gurigura - But... But everyone was gonna like me now.

Rochefort - The students of the Academy are nothing but tools. There isn't a single person who would care about a mere object.

Issei and his wives who heard that almost lost control but they hold themselves in. But Issei already put Rochefort on his death list, he won't let him be arrested just like that.

Gurigura - But... The teacher told me if I tried hard, someone would need me... I'd find the place that I belong to...

Rochefort - Oh, you don't know anything, do you? Heheheh, this is rich... The man you call your teacher is the one who sold you all for his own gain.

Gurigura - That... That's, not true...


Gurigura was left in such shock that she fell with her hands to the floor, like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Gurigura - ...I was sold? It was all... a lie?

Riche - Gurigura, don't listen to him!

Riche shook her shoulders, but Gurigura just stared blankly at the floor.

Rochefort - Huhahahahahaha! Hilarious, just hilarious, Gurigura. You didn't come cheap, but you entertained me to the very end. That you were so dense as to not question me made you especially valuable. Adan's Blood isn't cheap either.

Gurigura - But... I, we... We trained at the Academy to be Knights so that we could protect people...

Rochefort - Even that's wrong. The Ranger Academy's true purpose was something else.

Riche - And what was that?!

Rochefort - It was a dumping ground for unwanted children orphanages couldn't afford to keep. You're essentially garbage. That's why nobody would have cared if the harsh training killed you.

Gurigura - I... We're... Garbage...

Ramius - Gh, I'd heard it was harsh, but I didn't realize they cared for humans life so little...

Riche - Gurigura, he's lying! Don't trust him!

Rochefort - Oh, it's very much the truth. That's why Louin put so much pressure on them that the Academy had to disappear from the public eye.

Riche - Father did?

Rochefort - As a result, many of the students were sold off. You can blame your dilemma on the father of the girl right next to you!

Ramius - What a brazen thing to say.

Gurigura - So... I was always...?

Rochefort - Your life has no purpose. The world doesn't need you.

Gurigura - ?!... Oh... So nobody wanted me at all...

Issei - SHUT UP!

Everyone's in the room startled by Issei sudden scream. And then they saw his eyes are glowing brightly and it turned into slits.

Issei - ...Just you wait, Rochefort. I'm coming for you.

His voice is so threatening just like it came from hell itself.

Rochefort honestly felt scared just by Issei sudden shout but he regained his confidence thinking he's already won.

Riche - Now we know just how rotten you are! You're not gonna get away with this!

Rochefort - H-Heh. Well, now, as feisty as ever. But the Kingdom of Eden will soon be mine as well.

Riche - Not even bothering to pretend you're not a traitor, huh?

Rochefort - The royal family's prestige will plummet shortly. With my domination of the Republic of Lancelot, I'll garner the support of the people and proudly take control of the country.

Bors - You backstabbeeeer! Lancelot is mine! What could you have done without me?! Have some humility, boy!

Rochefort - I can do anything, Bors... I already have a president set up to replace you... Don't I, Tio?

Tio - ...Yes.

Riche - Tio? Why are you with him?!

Tio - I'm sorry, but I have to win. That's why I sided with someone who could guarantee I would.

Rochefort - Leave everything to me. You'll be president soon... With Bors's death, it won't even be a contest.


Riche - Hyah! What?!

The lids of the countless barrels in the room were flung off by something, letting out eerie, purple smoke.

Ramius - This smell... Is this the poison from Lake Guinevere?!

Tio - Prime Minister Rochefort said he'd make me president and give the Outlaw girls comfortable lives. But you'd get in the way of that, so I 'recommended' you go to the purification plant.

Riche - How long have you been working with Rochefort? From the start?

Tio - It was when you went to the mountains. I encountered Prime Minister Rochefort and we discussed some things.

Riche - You're being used, just like Bors was!

Tio - But nobody else said they could get me to win! Supporting me doesn't mean anything! What I need is a victory!

Issei - 'She's a good actor... That's a politician for you I guess...'

Even Issei almost believed her act if they don't know about this beforehand.

Tio - I swore not to let another girl befall the same misfortune my sister did. This is the only way I can make up for it.

Ramius - That's a fine goal to have, but it's been twisted into something heartless.

Tio - Maybe so... After my sister died, I didn't even pray to Mother Eve anymore.

Bors - Gnnnaaaah! Stop, stop this nonsense! Nobody can replace me! The presidency, the presidency's all mine! Nobody else is worthy of... Guhah... Ugh, cough, cough! What's this?! C-Can't breathe... Gwaaah, ah... Aaah... Kuhah...


Ramius - Gh, don't move too much. It'll make the poison work faster.

Rochefort - Now, we'll need a story that makes you fall from grace, Princess. Let's say you worked with that foolish president to embezzle government funds.

Riche - You think my family would be shaken by that?

Rochefort - No need to worry. I have other means in store to get that started.

Riche - If it helps achieve your goals, you'd happily kill a man you worked with... I get it, you must be with <Snake Crest>.

Rochefort - Good job figuring it out.

Ramius - Prime Minister Rochefort's with <Snake Crest>?

Rochefort - So what? Now, I'm a busy man. Much as I'd like to watch your last moments, I simply can't. Allow me to bid you adieu.

Then he hung up.

Issei - Did you got all of it?

Riche - Yup, all of it.

Issei - Good now drink the antidotes.

Riche & Ramius - Got it.

Then the 2 of them drink the antidotes.

Ramius - ...Whew. Remarkably effective. I feel better already.

Issei - Here, you have some too, Gurigura.

Issei held the medicine out to Gurigura, but she just stayed on the ground and barely shook her head.

Gurigura - ...I don't need it.

Issei - ...Why?

Gurigura - I don't care... Cause I don't have any place to go anyway.

Issei - ...Gurigura.

Gurigura - Everyone else has a mom and dad, but I don't... And I even lost my place to sleep... I thought if I became a Knight and worked hard, somebody's gives me a place to belong... But nobody wanted me after all.

As though her little body had accumulated too much sadness to hold, tears poured from Gurigura's eyes.

Gurigura - I tried... Even when I was tired and aching and my hands were cut up and bruised, I tried... They said they were training me to withstand pain... So I forced myself not to cry... When my friends got hurt and died, I cried a little... But I thought if I kept trying... Eventually...

Issei - ...Enough, just take the medicine.

Gurigura - Issei-nii... I'm so tired... I'm gonna go where my mom and dad are now.

Issei - ?!

Issei put the medicine in his mouth, grabbed Gurigura's face, and made her face him then he kissed her.

Gurigura - Mgh... Mm, mmm... Ngh, ngggh... Mggh...!!!

Then he forced his tongue into her mouth and roughly pushed the medicine down her throat.

Gurigura - Mm... Ngh... Ggh... Gulp...

Issei - *Sigh* There you go...

Gurigura - Ah... Aaaah, what? I... I got smooched?! And your tongue went in my mouth...

Issei - Hah!


Gurigura - Ow!

Issei hit Gurigura head lightly.

Issei - Nobody needs you? Don't be stupid! I need you! Don't tell your friends to just let you die!

Gurigura - What? What? Hoe! It huwts Ise-nwi!

Issei pinched both of her cheeks and stretched it.

Riche - Yep, no friend of mine's allowed to die.

Ramius - If you want to do that, you'll have to take me down first.

Issei - Just pick your own place to belong. It can be anywhere you want it to be! And if you can't find one... You can come with us.

Issei finally let her cheeks go.

Gurigura - ...Are you sure? I can stay with you forever?

Riche - Of course you can.

Ramius - Don't ask the obvious.

Issei - Well, Gurigura? What do you think?

Gurigura - ...Okay!

Ramius - Alright, that's a good answer. You'll get more food and catnip than you can stomach, just you wait.

Riche - She's not a kitten...

Issei - Now that's settled, let's get out of here.

Riche - Good idea. The antidote might be working but we don't know for how long.

Gurigura - There's a vent over there. It's narrow, but I bet I can get through it.

Issei - No need just hold onto me.

Gurigura - Eh? Why?

Issei - Just trust me.

Riche - Yep, it's fine, Gurigura.

Ramius - Un. Agreed.

Gurigura - ...Ok.

Then all of them hold onto Issei's body.

Issei - Ready? Then here we go.

Then Issei teleported them all from the water plant. And the room becomes silent, only Bors and the Outlaws bodies are left inside the room...

They appeared outside the ruins.

Gurigura - Woah! Where are we?! Wait, that's the ruins!

Riche - Hehe, that's one of Ise secret skills you see.

Ramius - Fumu. He could teleport to places where he has been to before.

Gurigura - Wow... You're amazing, Ise-nii!

Issei chuckled at her and pat her head.

Gurigura - Ehehe~ I like it when you pat my head, Ise-nii.

Issei - Is that so? Then I'll be sure to pat you lots from now on.

Gurigura - Yay!

Riche - Alright you two, let's go inside the camp and wait for Tio and Rochefort to arrive.

Ramius - Um. Agreed. Aniue should already be checking his hideout at Lancelot. So if he missed him there then we can wait for Rochefort at the camp.

Riche - Yup, he should head towards the camp to get the so-called 'Evidence' to make the citizen hate Father.

Then they all head towards the Outlaws camp to wait for Rochefort to arrive with his goons squad.

-After a while-

Rochefort finally arrived just as planned.

Rochefort - Hoh, so this is the Outlaw women's hiding place?

Tio - Yes.

Girl 1 - Tio, welcome back!

Girl 2 - Huh? Who're all these men?

The girls who came out to greet Tio shrunk backward at the sight of the large group of men.

Tio - Many of the girls here are emotionally scarred. If possible, I'd like to ask that you not frighten them.

Rochefort - Yes, I know. I see, so they were assaulted by Outlaws and had the black rings forced onto them... Heh heh heh... Louin, you cur. I wondered where all that money went, and it turns out you were spending it on Outlaws...

Tio - Prime Minister Rochefort?

Rochefort - You're the perfect pawns for bringing down Louin. I'd be happy to make you my pets.

Tio - Pets? I don't care if you're joking, don't say that!

Rochefort - Heh, it's not a joke. I can assure you, go get your prize boys! Heh, with all this my plans will be perfect...

But after a while, he doesn't hear any sound from his troops.

Rochefort - Hm? Why are you guys suddenly went qui-


When he looked back what he saw almost made him shit his pants.

All of his troops are on the ground dead with their heads cut off. And he saw someone standing in front all of the dead bodies... It's Issei.

Issei - What took you so long?

Rochefort - Wh-What?! H-How?!

Issei - How what? How I survive? How I'm here in the first place? Why don't you try asking Tio there?

Rochefort - What do you-

Tio - Heh, how sad right, Prime Minister Rochefort. The traitorous scum got betrayed by his own 'pawns'.

Tio calmly standing beside Ramius and co.

Riche - What's wrong, Rochefort? Your plans failed?

Rochefort - Y-you slu-


Rochefort - GWAH!!!

Before he finishes his word he felt a strong impact on his face. And he lost all half of his teeth just from that 1 hit and he hit some building ruins on the way.


Issei - Be careful of your words now... That's my wife you're talking to.

Issei calmly standing at the place where Rochefort was standing before with his left hand stretched out. Apparently, he's the one who punched Rochefort.

Rochefort unsteadily got out of the ruins, half of his face is crushed and bleeding profusely.

Issei held back punching him just now if not then he would become a meat patty already. He doesn't want to let Rochefort dies so easily you see...

Rochefort - D-Do you know what you have just done?! I'm the Prime Minister of Eden! Even if you catch me barehanded so what?! You have no proof of me betraying the royal family! Who would believe something so absurd?!

Riche - Uh huh, then here's a quiz. Know what this is?

Riche took out a metal tube.

Rochefort - Th-That's the magic transmitter I gave Gurigura!

Riche - Yep, the latest model, so it's even got a recording function! And of course, I got everything you have said in it. I borrowed this from Gurigura before you see.

Gurigura - Oh! So that's why you want to borrow my transmitter back then, Riche-nee?

Riche - Yup~ And thanks to it we have all the evidence we need. Thank you, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Eheh, You're welcome!

Rochefort - Gnnnngh... You bas-


Rochefort - GWEH!!!

He flew once more...

Issei - I told you didn't I? Watch your words... And I said I'll be coming for you. (AN: Taken meme anyone? Liam Nelson lol!)

Issei is emitting a dense bloodlust that makes Rochefort suffocate and can't utter a single word back...

Then for at least 5 minutes, Issei makes Rochefort a punching bag. He broke his nose, legs, hands, ribs.

By the time he's done Rochefort is so unrecognizable that even his own mother won't be able to recognize him any longer.

He can't utter a single sound... He's still alive because Issei avoids hitting all his vitals, he's barely alive though...

And at some point, his eyepatch is gone and showed the crest of <Snake Crest> embedded in his left eye.

Gurigura - Uwaaah~ Ise-nii sure is scary when he's mad.

Riche - Indeed... Well not that I can blame him for being so mad. Well, that crest on his eye proved him a <Snake Crest> member.

Ramius - Um. It's obvious already at this point.

Issei - And... You two planning to come out or should I be the one who comes to you?

Issei suddenly looked towards a certain direction and said that.

??? - Heh... So scary...

Then out of thin air, there's Kuro and Shiro appeared.

Ramius - Kuro, Shiro?! 'I tried to get stronger, but it's only helped me see their power that much better.'

Riche - Gh?!

Gurigura - Who are they? They are very strong! 'But not as strong as Ise-nii though...'

Issei - Good timing... I was looking for a punching bag. This trash here is not enough you see.

Then Issei redirected his bloodlust towards them both.

Both of them who felt his bloodlust becomes frozen stiff. Their instinct telling them to get out of here right now! Or they're gonna be dead by the time he's done with them. Inside their armor, they are sweating profusely and they felt their heart beating so fast in fear... 'Truly a monster!' They both thought at the same time.

Shiro - ...We're just observer this time... And we come here to do just this you see...

Then he throws something that appears to be a dark light towards Rochefort. Issei just calmly looks at them because he wants to see what are they planning.

Rochefort body suddenly shined and he regenerates to a certain point for being able to talk.

Shiro - Is this the limit of your wish, Rochefort? Don't you want to be a King yourself?

Rochefort - ...Hahahahahah! I see it was so simple! I want to be a king! Yes, Louin was born into it, he didn't have to toil for the position at all! I deserve it more than he does! I'm merely jealous of him! I Envy him! My worthless human pride prevented me from even seeing that! I'm jealous of Louin for being born a King! Yes, in spite! Envy! Truly sinful! But that's who I am! I'll become King, even if I have to bring down Louin to do it!

Riche - What?! Something weird's going on with Rochefort!

Rochefort - Buhah, buhyahahah, gubuh!

With an insane laugh, Rochefort's body burst out of its clothes and swelled to a massive size.

Rochefort - Bubah, bubababah! Bubababababah!

Ramius - He's turning into a monster!

Shiro - Yes, well done, Rochefort. Now you're truly one with <Snake Crest>!

Then Rochefort turned into some monstrosity that looks like a combination of a slug and turtle. With a bunch of giant eyeball on its shell. (AN: His new form looks disgusting ~_~)

Rochefort - Gihahahahaha! Now you will all die! Behold my new form-


Before he even finished his words half of his body disappears. Just his tail and leg are left of him.

Issei - Then? Is that it?

Issei hand at this moment is covered in his <Haki>. He just instantly make most of Rochefort body disappear with just 1 punch it seems.

Shiro & Kuro - ?!

Shiro and Kuro felt their heartbeat stop seeing that. They don't even see when did Issei do all that, he just suddenly appear in front of Rochefort and the next thing they know most of Rochefort's body disappeared.

Even Riche and co are in awe seeing that.

Shiro and Kuro hastily teleported themselves out of there because they don't want to die just yet.

Issei - Hmph... They got away huh...'Until I can find who's their teleporter then I won't be able to find their hideout just yet it seems...'

Riche - ...That was anti-climatic...

Ramius - ...Ah.

Gurigura - Ah... Rochefort's corpse!

As though his life was utterly depleted, Rochefort's body disappeared.

Riche - What in the world happened there? A person turning into a monster?

Ramius - It probably had something to do with that black ball of light.

Riche - Well this sucks... He transformed into a monster and gone without a trace, so we've got nothing to investigate.

Ramius - The way Shiro and Kuro were so unfazed by their ally's dilemma was rather eerie.

Gurigura - Are they the <Snake Crest> people you talked about? They're kinda... Really gross.

Issei - ...

Riche - No point thinking about it now. Let's help the girls here calm down and get some rest.


Chubby Woman - Thanks. That could've been much worse if you hadn't come.

Colpis - Um. Thankfully Issei-san and his party are here.

Tio - Yes... I almost make a huge mistake if not for Issei. I'm sorry...

Issei - It's fine.

Tio - Your support was more than just words, but I was almost persuaded by falsehoods and ended up hurting those I wanted to protect. I'm not worthy of anyone's support.

Issei - That's not true. Everything you do is worthy of support.

Tio - Huh?

Issei - Look, the girls living here are smiling again. That's not something I could've helped them do. 'At least not yet.'

Colpis - That's right. It isn't your fault, Tio. It's that liar's fault, obviously.

Girl 1 - We're all fine, Miss Tio. Please feel better about yourself.

Girl 2 - Yes, in the end, nothing bad happened. So it's okay.

Tio - Oooh, thank you, everyone... Sorry... I'm sorry...

Tio shed tears hearing their words.

Chubby Woman - We appreciate that you wanted to save us, but seeing you about to cry over it is painful for us too.

Tio - Okay... From now on, I'll try to look after you with a smile.

Riche - The girls seem alright.

Issei - Ah. We stopped the worst case scenario after all.

Tio - Oh, um... I'm sorry for all the trouble I put you through.

Issei - It's no big deal.

Tio - Yes it is! I want to make up for it somehow. I'll do anything, so just ask!

Issei - Even if you told me that...

Riche and Ramius looked at each other and whispered among themselves. Gurigura is confused seeing them being sneaky like that.

Then Riche and Ramius stopped their discussion.

Riche - Well... How about you become Ise's wife?

Tio - EH?!

Issei - ...Oi.

Riche - Ise obviously will be promoted when he got back to Eden, so he will have 2 more free slots for a new wife. So it's perfect.

Ramius - Umu. We both can't defeat him on the bed you see, so we need more help.

Issei - ...

Issei is totally speechless hearing his wives words, he knows he got a huge libido but that doesn't mean they need to defeat him, don't they?

Tio - I-If he's okay with someone like me... I'm totally fine with it... Even glad to be honest...

Tio cheeks blushed while fantasizing her future lives as Issei's wife.

Riche - Then that's that!

All the women in the camp applause at Tio.

Chubby Woman - How nice it is to be young...

Issei just facepalmed with all this farce.

While Gurigura seems to be made up her mind about something too.

Thus, after having their fun the party returned to Lancelot. The day of the election was near.


Days after the party's return to the Republic of Lancelot, the presidential election was held.

Issei - So you really dropped out, huh?

Tio - Yes, I realized I'm lacking in far too many ways to actually become president. I'll need to learn everything all over again.

The voters were greatly perturbed by Tio dropping out, but between Bors's death and all his crimes coming to light, they had plenty else to worry about.

Tio - All the corruption around Bors and our previous presidents is a burden the voters will have to shoulder. All I wanted was to maintain the ruins of Arthur, so I don't know if I'm the one to lead the people through this.

Palomides - Dear me, I thought I'd finally get to retire.

Tio - I'm still planning to help. Let's do what we can, President Palomides.

Without the two strongest candidates, Palomides won in a huge landslide.

Issei - I didn't even realize you were running too, Palomides...

Palomides - Look, there's a poster of me up there with all the other candidates.

Issei - Hm? Oh, there is. You look kinda young in this picture, though.

Palomides - Been using it for decades.

Tio - We knew there was a possibility I'd be attacked, so we set up a way to keep fighting in case something happened.

Palomides - I argued for people who'd vote for me to vote for Tio, but the opposite ended up happening... Thinking about how we'll rebuild this country gives me a headache, but at least I can proudly report that the poison gas issue is solvable.

Issei - Yeah. Who could've guessed Good Doctor was created by King Arthur to restore the environment? (AN: Good Doctor is that giant squid monster at the lake.)

Riche - What's more surprising is that the 145-year-old man who left notes in the plant was alive and investigating this for so long...

Tio - Good Doctor has the ability to absorb poison and break it down into water and air, apparently.

Ramius - Ever since he escaped during the Arthur Tragedy, he's been growing in Lake Guinevere, from what it sounds like.

Tio - Yes, and it seems to need human body waste to reproduce, so as long as it keeps getting more, Lake Guinevere may be restored in a matter of years.

Palomides - It's all thanks to you folks help. The pus that was infesting our country has been done away with. We'll continue to provide secret support to the Outlaw women.

Riche - Thank you. I'm sure Father appreciates it.

Palomides - We greatly appreciate all the excellent Knights he sends to our aid as well. This incident has put our economy in a shaky state too, but, if you could tell your father this, I hope we can join hands with Eden and move forward together.

Riche - Okay, I will.

Palomides - So, Issei-kun...

Palomides turned to Issei, his expression making his intentions clear.

Palomides - You're aligned with the Kingdom of Eden, but you're effectively the personal Knight of Princess Riche, who married out of her royal rights, is that correct?

Issei - Indeed.

Palomides - Then moving to Lancelot and running in our elections shouldn't be a problem for you.

Issei - ...Huh?

Palomides - It's become clear that the office of our president is corrupt, and the people are in disarray. We need young, accomplished talent like you more than ever.

Riche - Are you stepping down?

Palomides - If I'm being perfectly honest, yes. A senator recently stepped down after findings of corruption, so I'm looking for an ideal candidate to take his place. I have no doubt you'd win his position. Then I can immediately appoint you as a minister.

Ramius - A minister... That's a pretty important-sounding job.

Riche - It is, in fact, important.

Palomides - And if you achieve enough as a minister, I'm sure the presidency will be within sight.

Gurigura - Ise-nii... as president?!

Tio - I approve! I know you could be a fine president, Issei.

Palomides - Hm, sounds like Tio agrees. Maybe working as his secretary wouldn't be a bad position for you.

Tio - Issei's secretary...

Tio fantasized about working alongside Issei and blushed deeply.

Palomides - What do you think? Interested in being the president of Lancelot?

Issei - I'm sorry, but I can't be president of Lancelot.

Palomides - I see... Sounds like you can't be bound by that office after all.

Tio - But if you were to be president...

Issei - Keep helping the Outlaw girls as you have been, Tio. We'll make sure nobody's forced to become an Outlaw again by stopping the people controlling the Outlaws- <Snake Crest>.

Tio - ...Alright.

After a moment's hesitation, Tio accepted what Issei said and quietly nodded.

Palomides - <Snake Crest>, though... I'd heard the rumors, but I never could have imagined that not only do they exist, but had a hold on our nation.

Riche - They remain an enigma, but we at least know how dangerous they are.

Tio - Good luck, everyone... I'll support you.

Issei - Thank you.

Tio and Palomides saw the party off as they began their journey back to the Kingdom of Eden.

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