The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 47:

Chapter 47:


Along the way to Eden, Gurigura asked Issei.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, you're gonna get more wives?

Issei - ...Why do you ask?

Gurigura - Ehehe, just wondering.

Issei - ...Yeah, I probably will... There are some women who're waiting for my answer you see...

Gurigura - Huh, cool...

Riche - Well, even if he doesn't plan to get more wives me and Ramius would've forced him too anyway. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of his suitor in the future, so we're just glad to be his first and second wife you see.

Ramius - Fumu. Agreed, Ise is too outstanding for only having 2 wives. I even doubt the king will only let him have 2 wives.

Riche - And only 2 of us can't satisfy his libido in bed you see...

Ramius - Indeed...

Gurigura - Hee... Ise-nii sure is amazing, in a lot of ways.

Issei - ...What am I? A horny stallion or something?

Riche & Ramius - Yes. You're a horny dragon.

Issei - ...

Gurigura - Dragon?

Both of them answer at the same time which makes Issei face twitch a lot. Well, not like he can deny their claim though... Ever since he was human his libido is already very high. Now that he has become a dragon it's even more off the chart...

Gurigura is just confused by what they mean with Dragon though.

Issei - *Sigh* Let's just go back to Eden and report to the King...

The party officially parted with the great desert and lake nation, Lancelot, then headed back to Eden.

-At the throne room-

Louin - You completed your secret mission. A fine job you've done, too.

Issei - Thank you.

Having returned to the Kingdom of Eden, the party gave their report to the king.

Louin - I'd heard the details, but to think Rochefort was an agent of <Snake Crest>.

Acheval - He wasn't on great terms with you. Must've been a lotta pent up frustration.

Barro - Your willingness to consider even his opinions in try to do what's best for the people remained beyond his understanding to the end, it seems.

Acheval and Barro were present as well, but the former prime minister's spot was empty.

Louin - Were Rochefort not dealt with, it would likely have brought great harm not only to Eden but to Lancelot as well. For your outstanding work in stopping that, Issei Hyoudou. I will use my authority to grant you the rank of <Ten Knight>. And I'm also granting you a title of a Baron, but you won't be given a territory. You can think of it as an honorary title and doesn't need to rule any town or cities, but in the case of the Kingdom is in crisis, you're to be expected to protect the Kingdom. Do you accept? Of course, you will also have all the privileges of a normal Baron.

(AN: Guys I don't know much about nobility stuff so correct me if I'm wrong here. I'm not planning to make Issei rule a territory and just want to grant him a title here.)

Issei - I accept.

Riche - Obviously~.

Louin - Barro, the holy blade.

Barro - Yes, Your Majesty.

At King Louin's request, Barro held out a decorated sword with both hands.

Louin - Very good.

His ability to draw the sword from its scabbard without making a sound displayed Louin's vast combat experience.

Louin - Knight of the Kingdom of Eden, Issei Hyoudou. As a defender of our nation and the world, I bestow you with a more powerful blessing from Mother Eve.

The flat of the sword on his shoulder gave Issei the same feeling he had gotten when he was appointed as a Knight by Riche.

Louin - With my authority as the King of Eden, I appoint you as a <Ten Knight>.


A blue glow appeared, which was soon absorbed by Issei's body.

Barro - Congrats, you're a <Ten Knight> now. Basically, that means you can lead a platoon of ten Knights.

Gurigura - Congrats, Ise-nii!

Riche - Hehe, at this rate you're going I believe you will be able to reach <Zero Knight> rank in no time.

Issei - Um.

Louin - And remember you're basically a noble now. I trust no one is objecting my decision here?

There's no one said anything when Louin asked that.

Louin - Very well. With that said from this moment on, Hyoudou household is established in the Kingdom of Eden.

(AN: Is it called household? Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Issei - Thank you.

Issei gave the King a bow.

Everyone - Congrats!

Acheval - Gwahahaha! That's my lil bro right there!

Barro - Ah, I'm kinda envious of you now, Acheval. For having a brother-in-law such as Issei-kun.

Acheval - Hahahaha! Too bad you don't have a great sister as I do!

Ramius - ...Aniue, you're embarrassing me.

Although Ramius said that but her smug face betrayed her true feelings.

Riche just wryly smiled at their antics, and Gurigura's just smiling at Issei.

Riche - Geez...

Gurigura - Awesome, Ise-nii!

Louin - Hahaha... So, Riche... What do you plan to do now?

Riche - You don't mind if Ise keeps working with me on my journey, do you?

Barro - He is in a special position. We could just treat him like Kathryn.

Acheval - Yup. Looks like you're finding other helpful allies out there anyway, so there's no reason to make you work in Eden.

Acheval looked at Gurigura standing next to Issei and grinned.

Louin - Yes, I believe it's best if Issei can act freely. I order you to travel the world and independently collect info on <Snake Crest>... Let's go with that.

Issei - Understood.

Riche - But Lancelot didn't seem to have anything like a <Snake Crest> base. In fact, even the fact that the Black Knight ran away to Lancelot doesn't really tell us anything anymore.

Barro - I see... Because <Snake Crest> already has the power to eat its way into the core of a country's workings.

Acheval - If they can use entire countries to hid themselves, sniffing them out will be tough, I guess.

Louin - The rulers and representatives of each country haven't changed at the moment, but that doesn't mean <Snake Crest> can't have some control over them either way.

Riche - So I think we should figure out what they're planning and where their base is personally.

Issei - Agreed. I still have some grudges with them you see.

Ramius - To be honest, I pity them for gaining an enmity from you.

Riche - Ahaha... Indeed.

Gurigura - Yep!

The others just nodded. It must be their bad luck for having a monster like Issei as their enemy...

Louin - Very well. I'll send out orders to have you permitted to travel around the world.

Riche - Great, thanks, Father.

Louin - I'd give you a ship if possible, but there are none available at the moment. Forgive me.

Issei - Well, I don't really mind it to be honest.

Riche - We're working for Eden, so there's no reason not to accept what we're offered.

Louin - Instead, I'll give you the money for a ship. If you encounter a talented shipbuilder, have them make one for you.

Riche - Okay! We'll take it... But without a ship, the only place we can really go to is the Kingdom of El Quixote.

Acheval - El Quixote? In a world going through with disarmament, they're the only nation so militant that they're increasing their forces.

Barro - Many of the people there are like certain muscleheads among us, so do be careful.

Acheval - Muscleheads? Sounds like some trouble.

Ramius - Definitely, Aniue.

Riche - ...If they're all like this, I dunno if I can handle it.

Louin - The long journey must have been exhausting. I've prepared some delectable wine for you if you'd like to enjoy it at home.

Issei - Sounds good. Thank you.

Thus, with Issei's promotion to <Ten Knight> over with, they decided to go take a breather at home.

Issei - Alright, we're finally back home.

Riche - This'll be your house from now on, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Wow... Awesome! Do I really get to live inside? The garden would be enough for me.

Issei - Anyone who saw that would think we're abusing you, so no sleeping out there.

Gurigura - Okay!

Then they head inside the house.

Issei - This is your room. Use it however you want.

Gurigura - ...Seems big.

Issei - I think it's normal.

Gurigura - I'm gonna sleep here with all of you?

Riche - You can use it just for yourself. There's plenty of other rooms left over anyway, so don't feel bad about taking it.

Gurigura - Hrrm...

Like she was bothered by the size of the room, Gurigura paced around before plopping down in a corner.

Gurigura - This spot's good enough.

Riche - If you want to rest, do it in a bed.

Gurigura - Maybe above the ceiling, then...

Ramius - D-D-Don't... Th-There's some things stored up there.

Issei and Riche give Ramius a silent stare and she averted her face to avoid seeing their gaze, but they could see her face turned red...

Gurigura - Aaaw.

Issei - Well, you've got time to get used to it.

Issei lightly patted the distressed girl's head.

Riche - Well, let's celebrate Gurigura's first day here. I'm gonna help putting together a great dinner... By buying some tasty ingredients!

Ramius - Alright, I'll help too. I can carry the meat.

Issei - ...That's not even cooking...

Riche - I-It's not because I'm bad at cooking or anything, it's just that I'm busy, y'know.

Issei - ...I don't mind. I can cook anything you wanted, so you two can buy the ingredients.

Gurigura - I'll help, Ise-nii!

Issei - Alright, let's have some fun.

Thus, the family enjoyed the moment.


Issei - Hm... Did I fall asleep? I remember the King's wine was so good that I overdrank, but...

Issei for some reason can't resist the alcohol intoxication. Probably because Dragons are well known for loving wines or something?

Issei - Hmm?

Issei felt something strange on his immobile body and looked around in the darkness, when...

Issei - Ngh, mm, mmmph?!

A sudden kiss startled Issei. But he soon realized it was from Gurigura and relaxed.

Gurigura is sitting on top of Issei's body and kissing him while fully naked. And for some reason, he's naked too...

Issei - 'Wait... Why's Gurigura here?!'

Gurigura - Mmwah, mm, mmmwah...

In contrast to Issei's bewilderment, Gurigura was intently sucking his lips.

Issei pushed Gurigura shoulder a little to gain some distance from her kissing.

Issei - ...Gurigura, what are you doing?

Gurigura - What? Smooching of course?

Issei - ...Why?

Gurigura - Hmm... Should I say kissing instead?

Issei - No, what I'm asking is 'why'.

Gurigura - ...Cause you said to, Ise-nii.

Issei - Huh?

Gurigura - You said I should do what I wanna. So I thought about it a whooole lot.

Issei - ...And this is what you decided on?

Gurigura - Yep, I'm gonna be your wife.

Issei - ...That's a really serious conclusion to jump to. Why would you go with that?

Gurigura - Um, is it weird?

Issei - Yeah, it's weird. If you want to get married, it should be to someone you love.

Gurigura - Whuh? Then nothing's weird here. Cause I love you, Ise-nii.

Issei - ...Really?

Gurigura - Yep. Since you gave me bread, and you're a good person, and you're nice, strong, and cool.

Issei - Uuuh, I feel like that's not the 'getting married' kind of love...

Gurigura - ...Ise-nii, you don't wanna marry me?

Issei - Guh...

Gurigura made eyes like an abandoned puppy, silencing Issei.

Gurigura - Just being by your side makes me feel all warm and happy. So I wanna be with you forever. And to make that happen, I'll do anything... Is that bad?

Issei - Being by my side makes you happy, so you want to stay with me... *Sigh* Well, you indeed could call that love...

Gurigura - Eheh, then it is okay, right? Mm, mmmwah...

Gurigura innocently laughed and laid her lips on Issei's again.

Issei - Mgh... So just to be sure... You know what a wife does, don't you?

Gurigura - Yep, it means helping you and having lots of your kids!

Gurigura smiled and went in for some more kissing.

Gurigura - Mm, mmwah, mmmm...

Issei - 'Still, though... *Sigh* I guess it'll be fine... Gurigura's cute, and her ignorance about the world is kinda worrying. She could use someone to help her. Besides, the idea of leaving her for another guy pisses me off.'

Issei has a hidden Sis-con personality just like how he's used to treat Yunyun before, remember?

Issei savored the sensation of Gurigura's lips himself as he thought hard.

Issei - ...Alright.

Gurigura - Hmm?

Issei - I'll make you my wife.

Gurigura - Really? Yaaay. Now let's make tons of babies!

Gurigura was already hyped for reproduction.

Issei - 'She kind of reminds me of Kuroka...' Uh, hold on there...

Gurigura - Why? I'm your wife now, so let's make babies already.

Issei - Nah, I think it might be a little early for that...

Gurigura - Huh? But if I'm gonna be your wife, I have to do my duty of having sex and having kids.

Issei - ...Gurigura, sex isn't just about having kids.

Gurigura - Really?

Issei - Ah. It can just be about becoming closer and feeling good together.

Gurigura - Huh... Does sex feel that good?

Issei - Of course. Like, even just a kiss... Gurigura, stick your tongue out.

Gurigura - My tongue? Um, like this? Bweeeh...

Issei - That's good. Now...

Gurigura - Hwah, mm, mwah... Mmmph?!

Gurigura wasn't sure how to respond to Issei coiling his tongue with hers at first but soon licked his tongue back.

Gurigura - 'Mmm, what the? This smooch is totally different... His tongue's just moving in my mouth, but it makes me feel tingly...' Hwah, mmph, mmm... Mwah...

Gurigura blushed, but still escalated the kissing further.

Gurigura - Hwah... Ne, Ise-nii, that kiss made me heat up a lot. Why?

Issei - I think that's your girl parts reacting.

Gurigura - Really? Then what about you?

Issei - Ahaha... My boy parts are reacting too.

Issei's crotch is visibly hard.

Gurigura - Ise-nii... So I'm enough to make you turned on. I'm happy!

Issei - You're cute, so obviously.

Gurigura - Eheheh... Then get even more turned on. Mm, mmwah, mm... Hwah, mmm?!

The moment Issei's hand touched her budding chest, Gurigura moaned.

Gurigura - 'Hwah, what the? He just touched my chest and it made my head feel fuzzy...' Haah, ah... What are you doing? Not like touching my chest would be any fun...

Issei - It is fun. Besides, feels good for you too, right?

Gurigura - Yeah, it's really good... Oh, so this is sex that's just for feeling good.

Issei - Yep. Now let's feel good together.

Gurigura - Okay, yeah...

Issei softly shifted his hand down to Gurigura's lower body and just barely ran a finger over her moist pussy.

Gurigura - Mmm, a-are?

Issei - What's wrong?

Gurigura - My privates are all drippy now. Maybe I'm sick...

Issei - No, that's normal for any girl.

Gurigura - Really? Blood comes out about once a month, but it's never gotten wet like this before.

Issei - '...Is she like, a super beginner?!' Um... Gurigura, if you don't mind me asking, do you know how babies are made?

Gurigura - Grrr, I'm not that dumb. You put your penis in the place I pee from. Everyone knows that.

Issei - I-I see. That's a bit of a relief... Oh, and when you get wet, that's your body preparing you for sex. It doesn't mean you're sick.

Gurigura - Wow. Okay, Ise-nii, then make my crotch wetter. Mm, mmwah... Hwah, haah... Ah, Ise-nii, there... Good...

Issei grazed Gurigura's covered clit with a fingertip, instantly getting a moan out of her.

Issei - 'Hmmm...'

Based on the quantity of juices dripping from her crotch, Issei could tell she was ready. But he wasn't sure whether he should do any more to this innocent girl than he already had.

Gurigura - Haah, ah... I wanna feel good... With you, Onii-chan...

Hearing her words something snapped inside Issei's mind.

Issei - Gurigura... Okay, sure.

Issei then held Gurigura close and sat her down on his lap.

Gurigura - Wah...

Positioned such that her crotch was pushing against Issei's penis, Gurigura looked a bit shocked.

Gurigura - Your penis got even bigger than when I looked a minute ago.

Issei - Oh, yeah. It wants to feel good with you, so it got big.

Gurigura - I see. But...

Issei - What's wrong?

Gurigura - Hmmm... It's so big that I dunno if it'll fit...

She looked at the fully erect cock with uncertainty.

Issei - Are you scared?

Gurigura - Nope, no way. It's just... If it doesn't fit, I can't be your wife...

Issei - ...'Guess she thinks I have to get it inside to marry her...' That's not true. Either way, you're already my wife. Let's just try a little at a time. No need to force it.

Gurigura - Really? Thank goodness!

Issei - 'Hm, sounds like she feels better.'

Gurigura - But I still wanna feel good with you, so... I'll do the best I can.

Issei - I'm happy you feel that way, but. Just don't overdo it.

Gurigura - Eheheh, you're so nice, Ise-nii.

Gurigura smiled wide, guided the tip of Issei's penis to her moist slit, and slowly lowered her hips.


Gurigura - ...Ngh, mmm... Hwah...

The head of his cock pushed through her narrow opening and sank in.

Issei - 'Gh, Gurigura's really tight...'

Gurigura - Mm... Haah, ah, your thing's... inside... Mmm...

When the cock was halfway in, it was covered in juices and hymen blood.

Gurigura - ...Ngh, wah... Ghh?!

Suddenly, Gurigura winced and stopped moving.

Issei - ...Looks like it hurts. Are you okay? We can stop if you want.

Noticing Gurigura's pain, Issei held back his lust and tried to pull back his hips, but...

Gurigura - Mm, wait, Onii-chan... It's fine, just...

Issei - Huh?

Gurigura - Hoo, haah, hoo, haah...

Gurigura tried to get her breathing back in order by taking several deep breaths.

Gurigura - ...Mm. I didn't know sex made you bleed, so I was a little startled, but I'm fine now.

Issei - Are you sure you're okay?

Gurigura - Yep. I'm used to pain.

Issei - ...I see...

Imagining what Gurigura had gone through that she could say that with a smile made Issei's feeling heartache.

Gurigura - ...What's wrong, Ise-nii? Does sex with me feel bad?

Gurigura saw Issei looking sad and anxiously asked.

Issei - Not at all, it feels so good that I could ejaculate any second.

Issei hastily gives her a smile and pats her head.

Gurigura - Eheheh, that's good. Getting to come together like this makes me super happy too. Also... Your penis feels really warm and good .

Issei - You feel warm and good inside too.

Gurigura - Thanks. Ne, what should I do now?

Issei - Well, can you try moving up and down? You can start off slow.

Gurigura - Okay, I can do that.

Gurigura peppily responded, then did what Issei asked and awkwardly moved up and down, taking the cock even deeper inside.

*Slllsh* *Sloosh*

Gurigura - Mm, haah... Ah, mm... This feels... kinda... kinda weird...

An unfamiliar tingling sensation from her pussy made Gurigura yelp.

Gurigura - Haah... Ah, mm, mmm.... Hyaaah?!

The instant the cock hit the back of her pussy, Gurigura yelped loudly.

Gurigura - Oh geez, I... I made a weird sound... That's embarrassing...

Issei - It's okay. You can moan when it feels good. Besides, I want to hear it.

Gurigura - Haah, ah, mmm... Really?

Issei - Ah. What's it feel like, by the way?

Gurigura - Um, when your penis reached all the way inside me, I felt tingles deep inside and it felt really good.

Issei - Then we'll have to make you feel even better. I'll move this time.

Issei put his hands on Gurigura's hips and began to shake his own.

*Sllsh* *Slsh* *Slooosh*

Gurigura - Mm, haah, ah... Moving, your thing inside me, lots... Hwah, aaahn...

The already narrow hole constricted around Issei's cock with each thrust.

Issei - ...Tight, but it feels amazing.

Gurigura - Hwah, mmm... G-Good, your penis is scrubbing my insides... Wah, I feel awesome too...

Gurigura's little body began to quiver.

Gurigura - Mn, nnah, good, awesome, hwah... My insides are rubbing your penis...

Issei - ...!

Gurigura's tight pussy contracted, squeezing Issei's cock the most it had so far.

In an effort to fight back, Issei accelerated his hips.

*Sloosh* *Sllsh* *Slsh*

Their genitals sent a mixture of juices and hymen blood spraying around.

Gurigura - Ngh, gh... Mmm?!

For an instant, Gurigura's body shuddered.

Gurigura - Hwaaah, O-Onii-chan, something's happening, something, ngh... Aaah!

*Pak!* *Pak!* *Pak!*

Gurigura - Ah, mind going blank... Mm. Nnaaah!

Gurigura felt her very first orgasm coming and shrieked.

Issei - Kgh... Me too!

Issei experienced a dull tingling in his hips, telling him he was close to the edge as well.

Issei - Gonna let it out soon, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Mm, haaah, ah... Let what out?

Issei - What? The stuff that comes from a guy when he feels good.

Gurigura - Oh, mm, then I must be making you feel good! Okay then, let it out lots!

Issei - Ah. I'll do just that.

Issei wrapped his arms around Gurigura and gave her a strong hug, then thrust hard against her womb's entrance.

*PAK!* *PAK!* *PAK!*

Gurigura - Hwaaaah, ah, mm... Haaahn...

Issei - Guh... Coming!

*Gush* *Gush* *Gush*

Gurigura - Wah... H-Hot... Hot stuff's squirting inside me... Ngggh...

The sensation of tons of semen spreading through the depths of her pussy made Gurigura murmur with a look of ecstasy on her face.

After a while, Issei finished his ejaculation and his penis slipped out of Gurigura's pussy, but his semen flowed out like a flood when he does that.

Gurigura - Haah, hah, haah... Ne, Ise-nii...

Issei - Hmm?

Gurigura - How was I? Was I good at sex?

Issei - Ah. That felt really great, Gurigura...

Issei responded with a gentle smile, getting Gurigura to smile too.

Gurigura - Eheheh!

Issei chuckled once more and said "Haah... I never came that much in one go before...".

Gurigura - Did I do good enough to be your wife?

Issei - Yeah. You get a gold star.

Gurigura - Yaaay!

Gurigura innocently grinned. But when she looked at Issei's crotch, she was stunned.

Issei - What's wrong?

Gurigura - ...It's still big.

Issei - Well...

Gurigura - I got it, you wanna do more with me, don't you?

Gurigura said with delight and tried to get Issei's cock inside her again.

Issei - Uh, wait. I don't want to make you do more.

Gurigura - I wanna do it, so I'm totally fine. Besides... That part at the end felt awesome... Eheheh... And... I wanna feel good with you even more...

Gurigura blushed with shame and hung her head down as she whispered.

Issei - '...Gurigura's making the face of a woman...' Okay, Gurigura... No man could say no after being asked like that.

Gurigura - Yeah, let's do it!

Issei - Alright, here we go, Gurigura.

As requested, Issei thrust his still erect cock back into her.

*Slsh* *Slssh*

Gurigura - Mmm?! Gh, ahn... Good, Onii-chan, keep that up... Hwah, aaahn...

*PAK!* *PAK!* *PAK!*

They keep doing it all night and their moaning sounds can be heard all around the house.

You must be wondering where is Ramius and Riche are at the moment right? Apparently, they are already down for the count because when Issei got drunk he becomes a total sex beast and does both of them wildly.

Ramius who was able to for 7 round straight with him can only last 3 round because of how wild he was. And Riche down for the count at only 2 round... They both are inside their respective room because Gurigura carried them both after they fainted on the couch at the living room back then.

Even now their body is still twitching once in a while, and they have an ahegao face while they were sleeping.

Riche had it the worst because she finally gets her retribution for messing around with Issei during Gurigura capturing... She can't move a single muscle after they are done... And she knows she won't be able to move a single muscle on the next day.

Thankfully Issei fell asleep right after he's done with them and for some reason, Gurigura isn't targeted by him during the whole ordeal. Perhaps it's his instinct as a sis-con, who knows...

And Gurigura can stand for 5 round with Issei the whole night even more compared to Riche usually. Probably because her body was trained since she was little.


Issei - Is it Morning already?

Issei was filled with energy and he feels pleasant after woking up.

Issei - Hm?

He noticed he couldn't move his arm and looked at it to find Gurigura holding on tight and lightly snoring.

Issei chuckled seeing that and said, "For a Ranger, you sure are a sleepy head... Well, not that I can blame you for that though after what we have done the whole night...". Issei rubbed her head gently.

Gurigura - Ngh... Mm, mmm... Onii-chan?

When Issei stroked her soft hair she woke up a little bit.

Issei - Oh, I'm sorry for waking you up. You can go back to sleep if you want.

Gurigura - It's okay. I kinda like that we woke up together.

Issei - Is that so?

Gurigura - Un!

Issei - Well, both Ramius and Riche should be up by now... Now that I mention it, where are both of them?

Gurigura - You don't remember, Ise-nii?

Issei - Remember what?

Gurigura - Last night when you got drunk you had sex with both of them so wildly that they both fainted when you're done.

Issei - ...Eh? Really?

Gurigura - Yup. I carried them both to their bedroom and you too after that.

Issei - ...So that's why I don't remember anything last night after I woke up...

That also explains why he felt sticky and naked when he woke up last night. Well, nothing he can do about it he guesses.

Issei - Well, you can go to sleep again if you want, Gurigura. I'm gonna take a quick shower then start preparing breakfast for everyone... Well, it might be afternoon already though.

Gurigura - Ah, let's take a bath together Ise-nii!

Issei - Errr, I rather not. I don't want to overexert your body you see...

Gurigura - What do you mean? Aahh... Wow, Ise-nii. Your penis is still hard after all that? Amazing...

Issei - Yeah... What can I say... I have high libido you see...

Gurigura - Mhm, just like Riche-nee and Ramius-nee said.

Issei - ...Ah. Then just go back to bed, I will wake you up once I'm done preparing the food.

Gurigura - Okay!

Then Issei gave Gurigura a kiss on her forehead and went to the bathroom.

Gurigura - Ehehe~.

She looked at her ring finger and saw a <Gold Ring> on it. She grinned happily seeing that, then she went back to sleep for a quick nap.

And Issei who's in the bathroom saw that his ring Romanian number changed from "II" into "III". And he can feel some power flowing inside of him. He's starting to comprehend the <Chaos> element a little bit easier after that...

-(Chaos Element comprehension progress - 10%)-


After a while, Issei finished preparing the food.

Ramius and Gurigura are already up smelling the food Issei prepared while Riche is still nowhere to be seen.

Issei - Where's Riche?

Ramius - Now that you mention it...

Gurigura - Riche-nee said she can't move.

Issei - ...Oh. Then let her get some more sleep. I will bring the food to her room later on.

Issei knows fully well why Riche's down for the count. So he just told them to let her be.

After they finished their lunch Issei bring a serving for Riche to her room.

She's on the bed with her face down on the pillow and Issei who saw that can only smile wryly and feeling sorry for what he has done.

Then for the entire day, he took care of Riche in bed.

To be honest, Riche could move around already to a certain extent but she's faking it to be taken care of by Issei. Issei knows that too but he decided to spoil her fully for today.

-The next day-

Riche - Ahem, um... Good morning, everyone.

Ramius - Morning.

Gurigura - Morning, Riche-nee.

Ramius - Is your body feeling alright now?

Riche - Y-Yeah.

Riche tried to glare at Issei for that but he's just calmly sipping his coffee without minding her glare at him.

After that, they had a proper breakfast together. They talk about Gurigura becoming Issei's new wife and stuff like that. Ramius keep asking the detail about their sex and Riche asking if she's hurt anywhere.

Issei felt speechless hearing their discussion, he's not some mindless sex beast, okay? Well... Maybe a little...

Then they discuss their next set of action.

Issei - So we're going to the Kingdom of El Quixote next right? Then we should pass by Kath's house on the way there.

Riche - Yeah, considering that we've got no boat, we'll just have to cross over the mountains.

Issei - Then we should thank her for the antidote.

Ramius - She stays inside so much that she's probably out of shape. Maybe we can get her some barbells.

Issei - I don't think she would appreciate that... But, she must have already figured out the incident at Lancelot since she prepared all those antidotes.

Riche - I think she must've figured both the cause of the poison and that the Outlaws hideout was at some national facility.

Issei - She sure is smart.

*BOOOOM!* *Rrrrrrr!*

Issei - Hm?

Riche - What was that?! An earthquake?

Hearing a far off explosion and feeling the earth shake, the party ran outside.

Ramius - Hm... Seems like somewhere far away, there was a huge explosion... Look at that.

Gurigura - Whoa~ I can even see the smoke from here.

By squinting, strangely-shaped smoke was visible way off in the distance.

Issei - ...Why is it shaped like a skull?

Riche - ...I only know one inventor who might produce smoke like that.

Issei - ...That does look like it's coming from the mountain Kath lives on...


Issei and his wives finished their travel preparations and gathered in the living room.

Riche - Make sure you don't forget anything. Remember to turn off all the magic appliances, too.

Gurigura - I did!

Ramius - The Kingdom of El Quixote's a jungle region. As long as you rub on some insect repellant, you won't need to worry about bug bites.

Riche - Here, Gurigura, I'll help you get it where you can't reach. Turn your back toward me.

Gurigura - Uhyaaah, th-that tickles!

Riche - C'mon, don't move. You're a girl, you don't want bug bites leaving marks on your skin.

Gurigura - But it's so ticklish...

Riche held Gurigura still and spread the insect repellant on her.

Issei - 'They're like sisters...'

Ramius - Ise...

Issei - Hmm?

Ramius - I-I'd like someone to rub it on me too. Particularly in the areas where my skin is exposed, if you could.

Issei can only wryly smile at her request but decided to grant it anyway.

Issei - Fine.

Riche - Hold it right there! You can't be getting aroused before we leave.

Ramius - But I show a lot of skin, so it needs to be spread on properly.

Riche - ...Gurigura, you do it.

Gurigura - Okay. Rubrubrub~

Ramius - I-I asked Ise... Hyaaaah... Mm, ahaaaah...

Gurigura - There, it's all spread on nice.

Ramius - N-Not bad. You're surprisingly good with your hands.

Riche - Alright, time to stop being stupid. If everyone's ready, let's go.

Gurigura - Getting to El Quixote means we need to cross the mountains.

Issei - Near where Kath's lives.

Riche - Yep, a little past there and you'll reach the Kingdom of El Quixote.

Issei - Then let's stop by Kath's house and thank her first.

The party set off for the Kingdom of El Quixote by first heading to Kath's house in the mountains.

Near the house of Kathryn.

Issei - I Wonder if she's home.

Riche - She's a shut-in, so obviously she is.

Issei - Right...

Riche - The problem is, how do we get her to come to the door.

Gurigura - Should I set up a trap?

Issei - No, she's not a rodent.

Ramius - Be at east. I ordered this physical enhancement machine known as the 'Muscle Walker' as a gift. She'll be out here for it in no time.

Ramius lowered a bizarre training machine off her back and proudly smiled.

Riche - I doubt anyone but you or your brother would come running for that.

Ramius - What? I heard most girls like muscles, though.

Issei - ...I don't think that means their muscles. It means muscles on guys.

Riche - Well, if it comes to it. We can just kick down her flimsy door and thank her by force.

Ramius - I see. We'd be giving her what she deserves.

Gurigura - Then I'll sneak in through the window and incapacitate the target.

Issei - ...Oi.

Issei is speechless with their plans for getting Kathryn.

Then they arrived at Kathryn's house... Well, what's left of it anyway because her house is totally destroyed. And for some reason only her door entrance is intact...

Issei - ...Well, that confirms where the explosion came from.

Riche - Yeah...

Ramius - I wonder if she's planning to renovate her house?

Gurigura - I don't think that's it, Ramius-nee.

??? - Who are you people?! What are you doing here?!

Issei - Hm?

While Issei's party was stunned by the sight of the destroyed hut, a man in armor and what appeared to be his subordinates jumped out from behind some cover.

Riche - And who are they? Knights that became bandits? Based on their equipment, they look strong.

Ramius - Could they have done this to Kathryn's hut?

Issei - No, I think it's not them. I don't feel any evil aura coming from them.

??? - No answer? Then we'll have to make you.

Issei - Wait.

??? - What? You're planning to talk now?

Issei - We're from the Kingdom of Eden and we're friends of the owner of this hut.

??? - ...Where's the proof?

Issei - Riche.

Riche - Okay.

Then Riche shows the permit given by King Louin to them and explained how they are Kathryn's friends, they confirmed that the permit is real but they still need more proof.

??? - Well, it seems real but we're still not convinced with just this... Can you show us your hands just in case you're Outlaws?

Then Issei and his wives showed them their hands and only golden ring can be found on their hands.

??? - I see. I do apologize for our rudeness. Not only are you Kathryn's acquaintances, but you're the princess of Eden and her cohorts?

Riche - Yes. And who are you, exactly? You don't exactly seem like someone Kath would associate with.

??? - We are Knights of El Quixote. Today, we came to try and convince Kathryn to work as a Tactician for our nation.

Issei - A tactician for El Quixote?

??? - Indeed, but when I arrived, this is what I found. Then you arrived, so I jumped to conclusions and assumed you were the perpetrators. My deepest apologies!

The man recognized his own error and solemnly bowed.

Riche - That's okay. If not for Ise's warning then we might think of you as the perpetrators too. So it's all good.

??? - I see. Oops, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Pancho Quixote, general of El Quixote's Knights.

Riche - Quixote? Are you royalty?

Pancho - I hate to shame them by association, but yes. The royal family has a long history of jumping to conclusions.

Riche - Um, if you're royalty, you ought to compose yourself better.

Pancho - It is disgraceful, yes. Gwahahahah!

Pancho laughed off the scolding from the younger princess.

Issei - Do you have any idea how Kath's house ended up this way?

Ramius - Hm? Ise, there's a piece of paper stuck to the debris.

"Kinda messed up an experiment. Staying at a friend's place for now. Amuzon, please hold onto my orders."

Issei - ...

Riche - Haah, we got worried for nothing.

Pancho - If she's safe, then that's what matters. We'll come again some other time. You said you wanted to see the King, I believe. To apologize, I'll set up a meeting for you. Come to the capital of El Quixote.

Issei - Then thank you for your help.

Pancho - No problem.

The Knights of El Quixote said farewell to the party and began descending the mountain.

Issei - What a straightforward guy.

Ramius - El Quixote is a nation of warriors, so expect to see more people like him. They're even still expanding their military.

Issei - Are the monsters in El Quixote so strong that they need extra Knights?

Ramius - The monsters are certainly a threat, but there's unique reason El Quixote always recruits Knights.

Gurigura - The Monster Burrow, right?

Issei - Monster Burrow?

Ramius - It's a cave from which monsters are endlessly spawned, apparently.

Issei - Hmm, I see.

Ramius - Pancho, his name was? If it's the old me in a one on one fight, I doubt I could have taken him back then. But the current me can beat him now. And that's all thanks to you, Ise.

Issei just smiled gently at her.

Issei started training Ramius whenever they have some free times and it does wonders on her part. Issei tried teaching her <Armament Haki> and <Observation Haki> but she still needs some training to be able to do it sadly.

Riche also got some insights on his spells usage, he can do some new magic after Issei give her some tips.

Gurigura is new so she still doesn't have time to be trained by Issei but he thought he will give her training just like how he trained Ramius before.

Issei - So what should we do? I wanted to thank her for helping us, but where's this 'friend's house'?

Riche - ...Wait, she has friends?

Ramius - Hrrm, now that you mention it, I don't know. I've never seen her speak to anyone besides us.

Gurigura - I think she went to El Quixote.

Riche - Oh, how do you know that?

Gurigura - It's easy to tell if you look at the ground. You can see a slightly small-statured woman's footprints going toward El Quixote.

Issei - Great job noticing that, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Ehehe... It's nothing.

Ramius - Then we should go to El Quixote too. If we're lucky, maybe we'll see her there.

Issei - Ah. Agreed.

Then they all headed towards the Kingdom of El Quixote.

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