Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 219: Forgiveness 4

Chapter 219: Forgiveness 4

"Just die already!'' one after another, Lily's attack rained down on Lia as they jumped across the whole front area. Lia couldn't talk to Lily at all. All attempts were quickly shut off.

The only way for Lily to listen to Lia was when Lia managed to subdue Lily. Lia knew the death of Xavi would take a huge toll on Lily but she never thought it'd be to the point that Lily would want to kill her.

Lia has overestimated herself and underestimated Lily's killing intent. Despite them being friends, all that was thrown away. Lia didn't want to harm Lily so all she could do was to run.

"Lily please lis-"

"Shut your mouth! Shut it! I don't want to hear it! We all trusted you, yet everyone died apart from you! How is that fair? Why don't we both follow them?"

It hit Lia. Lily was ready to die. She wanted to kill Lia and then herself.

Xavi's death has affected Lily too much. She has not only lost Xavi but the whole A family has perished. Out of all the hidden families, the A and U family would probably never exist again.

The previous arrogant expression on Lily's face made way for pure despair and desperation. Lia knew very well how Lily felt. A large hopelessness engulfed her and the helplessness Lily felt not having been able to be there for Xavi ate her alive.

Yet Lily needed to direct her anger and hatred towards someone else or she was going to break down. In order to not destroy herself, Lily sought to put the blame on someone, the feeling of being useless overwhelmed her. And Lia was the perfect target.

Each time Lily's arm swung her sword at Lia, there was a light ripple in her eyes. Lily also didn't want to do this but what should she do with this rage and despair she felt?

Obviously, it was all Lia's fault!

If they've never met Lia If they never followed her. If! If! Lily also knew she couldn't blame it all n Lia but-

"Just disappear already!" Lily bit her lip as she attacked Lia with all her force but to her surprise, Lia didn't dodge.

"What are you-" it was too late to stop the momentum of her sword. Lily's eyes widened as the sharp blade tore a bloody wound across Lia's chest.

"No! Stop!" Yano instantly rushed towards Lia as Lily staggered backwards and the sword fell with a clang on the ground.

Lia's chest bled profusely but she made no pained expression nor a sound. Yano quickly held Lia in his arms and healed the wound with his power while he gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, "Why are you doing this?"

Yet Lia's clear eyes staring at him already told him the answer. Yano sighed and pulled the hood over Lia's exposed face again, "Don't move for a bit."

Lia complied as she watched Lily recover from the shock, "You deserved it! You could've just dodged but-"

Lily continued to mumble underneath her breath. Then she picked up the sword again yet didn't move from the spot.

A complicated look appeared in Lily's eyes as she saw Lia lying in the strange man's embrace. It was unknown what went through Lily's mind at that moment but Lia was sure that Lily wouldn't turn her back on Lia. They've been through so much and Lily was one of the first and longest people who have accompanied Lia.

But Lia's expectations slightly shook as Lily said, "You brought this on yourself. Don't count on me anymore."

Did Lily mean what Lia thought? If then Lia-

Lily turned around, her lonely back faced Lia as she walked into the mansion without another word.

"Lia" Yano quietly called for her attention.

He saw her trembling eyes before she pushed herself away him.

"Thank you," was the only thing Lia said before walking to the entrance. Once again Lia was acting cold towards him.

It was always when Lia's emotions were unstable or in a tumult. That way, Lia could distance herself from others and hoped to not get more hurt than she already was.

Yano hoped that Lia could be happy, that everything would go peacefully but nothing was easy. As Lia approached the servants with the tall black hats, they seemed to already know about her intentions.

"What about him?" one of the servants nodded at Yano.

"Can he also come in?"

"If you wish."

Lia was surprised but nodded, "Yano, come."

Yano's ears perked up seeing how Lia called for him in front of others, wanting him to accompany her.

"Coming!" with a smile Yano approached Lia while the servants just blankly stared at them.

"Follow us please."

The servants still treated Lia with politeness even though Lia could guess they probably didn't want to.

Once again Lia was led through the golden mansion but compared to the first two times, the atmosphere now was cold and bleak. It wasn't warm and welcoming nor were there sounds of children's laughter or screams. It was just quiet. A silence to mourn the dead ones.

Lia and Yano were brought to the dining room where Elder D sat. When the servants excused himself and Lia stepped into the room, Elder D stood up. He wore a warm smile and approached Lia but just like Susa's parents Elder D looked fatigued.

His dark eye circles and eye bags told the truth about this restless and torturing nights.

"Lia" Edler D gave Lia a long and heartfelt hug.

Lia couldn't say she anticipated Elder D acting this way but for some reason, Lia was convinced this hug was more for him than her.

"I'm glad, you're alive," another sentence that stabbed Lia in the heart.

As the parent who just lost his only child, he shouldn't be saying this. He should be acting more like Lily but he was holding everything in and tried to act mature, like a fatherly figure he could never be for Mika.

"Elder D I'm sorry," Lia spoke up as Elder D brought her to sit on the sofa.

"It's alright," Elder D poured Lia some tea before looking at Yano, "Lily, she Well-"

"I understand," Lia would've to talk to Lily separately.

"The children are still sleeping. They are coping with it however," Elder D also poured a drink for Yano and handed it to him.

"Thank you," Yano briefly bowed, "I'm-"

"Oldie's son I suppose," Elder D smiled, "It seems like the fight doesn't end here."

"Not after what happened, there's no way we can end it like this."

'We', Lia spoke of everyone that was involved.

"Ah my child don't blame yourself, Mika wouldn't want it."

"He also didn't want to join me at first but I forced him."

The cup Elder D held slightly shook.

Yes, it was in this very room, Lia has pestered Mika to join and help her telling him to do something good. In the end, the good she asked of him was to sacrifice his own life.

"Was Mika... is my son strong?" Elder D couldn't witness his son's growth nor his bond with his friends.

"Indeed. Not only his power but also his heart," everything that Elder D missed, failed to experience Mika's life, Lia told him.

From how Mika gradually opened up to him meticulously training his power, to finally enjoying bubble tea with all of his friends he cherished and who cherished him. While Lia recounted his story, various emotions flew past Elder D's face before only a sad smile lingered. Elder D took Lia's hand and sincerely said, "Thank you."

"No," Lia shook her head and tears split, "I should be thanking you and Mika."

"He'll always be with you in spirit."

Lia nodded, "Yes," then chocked out, "I'm sorry for creating such a mess outside your house when you're in this situation."

Elder D was silent for a second before answering, "No, it's alright. It is time for Veil to open up and get rid of the Ghost King's influence. I'm sorry but the D family won't be able to help you."

"You shouldn't worry about that," having Elder D still care about her was more than enough.

"But will you keep the children here?"

"Of course," Elder D weakly laughed, "Just as they need me, I need them too."

Elder D knew he couldn't fill the hole his son left but he still had to carry out the role of a father and this time he wouldn't fail.


"Go away," Lily's repressed voice sounded through the door.

"I'll wait outside," Yano thought it'd be best to leave Lia and Lily alone to sort things out.

"Lily I know no matter what I say or do-"

"Then why are you trying?"

Lily was right. Why was Lia even trying? Was it really to soothe the pain of the others or was it just to make herself feel better?

"I'm sorry," in the end this was the only thing Lia could say. A long period of silence came with neither of them moving away from the door.

Yet this way none of their feelings could be transported to the other. Some things still had to be said out loud.

Lily was the first to break the silence, "Lia, I'll never forgive you."

"Yes," this was Lia's answer.

Lily looked around the room she occupied in the D family's mansion before briefly closing her eyes, "But I'll never forgive any of the others either. Not even young master."

Lily couldn't forgive Min and the private army, Susa, Mika, Noel, Nana and Xavi too. Lily was the only one who wasn't properly informed about the prophecy Susa had.

Lily believed to know the content but then Xavi made her believe his version. That everything would be alright. But that was a lie she belatedly came to understand. She should've known that something was wrong when Xavi sent her away to do another mission.

Usually, Lily and Xavi never parted. Never. Ever. Lily should've always been there for the young master. So why did Xavi want to save her life but not his own?

If Lily had helped him, if Lily actually accepted getting powers from Lia, the outcome would have probably been completely different.

That was why Lily also couldn't forgive herself.

"I understand," Lia spoke up after Lily remained silent.

"But I just wanted to thank you, Lily, back then for helping me when I had no one and being with me on this journey even though- I hope I can help you too."

Lia's words made Lily laugh, "Help me? Help yourself because I don't want to be on your side anymore. Lia, this is where we part. Good luck with your goal."

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